Northern CA County Votes to Secede, Create New State Called Jefferson

The California legislature will not allow them to form their own state so none of this matters.

Exactly right about the California legislature, however its the third state now, east coast, west coast and a middle state to try this now and is a blip on the thermometer of American disgust with the status quo.
we should simply give all the Tea Baggers their own country.

and let that be that.
Northern California desperately needs the tax revenue of central and southern Cali.

same with Northern NY.

neither could survive if independent.

But you must not deny these idiots their fantasy. It's all they have. Especially after the last 24 hours and Adolf Cruz's talk-fest, camera-hogging, newspaper-headline-grabbing act for his trained seals.

Give Texas to the Tea Baggers.

Evacuate out all Moderates and Liberals.

Exile all Tea Baggers to Texas.

this is the solution.
Northern California desperately needs the tax revenue of central and southern Cali.

same with Northern NY.

neither could survive if independent.

But you must not deny these idiots their fantasy. It's all they have. Especially after the last 24 hours and Adolf Cruz's talk-fest, camera-hogging, newspaper-headline-grabbing act for his trained seals.

He spoke with a dog whistle that reached a lot of ears.
Congress was supposed to vote on the state of Jefferson the day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and it was to be made up of No Cal and So. Oregon. As a citizen of So. Oregon I'm all for it. It's long overdue.
Congress was supposed to vote on the state of Jefferson the day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and it was to be made up of No Cal and So. Oregon. As a citizen of So. Oregon I'm all for it. It's long overdue.

have all the counties had a referendum to decide if they want secession?
Your right about that now but back in the day nobody asked the Govt for anything and is sure as hell wasn't volunteered.

If your house burned down or you built on a flood plain and a flood carried the house away you took care of it yourself.

You didn't get tax dollars. Your neighbors and friends helped you out.
Claudette, prior to making your nonsensical statement you would be wise to do a bit of research. The following is from a pdf file found on Google: "During the period from 1803 to 1950, Congress passed 128 separate laws dealing with disaster relief. Because there was no comprehensive legislation covering disaster relief, Congress had to pass a separate law to provide Federal funds for each major disaster that occurred. The system was a cumbersome one." The title of the article was "THE ROLE OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN DISASTER ASSISTANCE." Bottom line, tax dollars were spent to help citizens of this country who had a disaster visited on them.
Also, you might want to consider the Preamble of the Constitution: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." What do you suppose it means to "promote the general welfare?" Doesn't this kind of suggest that the government is supposed to be concerned with helping it's citizens? I am pretty sure that is what our founding fathers had in mind or they would not have put it into the Constitution.
They can take the rest of that pyscho state with them. And you feel free to go along troll. Then we can carpet bomb the lot of you.

coming from somebody to embarrassed to list what State he is from...gotcha...

Never said any such thing.


never said you said anything dumbass.....i said for a guy who likes to say something about another are too embarrassed to list your State up by your post who "failed"?....
I've been considering moving up to Redding/Klamath Falls/Alturas area. Maybe I need to consider harder because I like the idea of it becoming it's own state. Too bad it will never happen. :(
Probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

From what I've read Northern Cali is pretty conservative and I'll bet they could run their county in the black.

Same in Northern NY State. Pretty conservative bunch there as well. Wonder if they ever think of seceding from New York State??

What part of Northern New York State are you referring to? I'm willing to bet that the tax revenues from Downstate New York help support the infrastructure, etc. in Upstate New York.
Just because I don't list anything doesn't mean shit. I doubt most of you are real much less are actually from where you say you are from.
Your right about that now but back in the day nobody asked the Govt for anything and is sure as hell wasn't volunteered.

If your house burned down or you built on a flood plain and a flood carried the house away you took care of it yourself.

You didn't get tax dollars. Your neighbors and friends helped you out.
Claudette, prior to making your nonsensical statement you would be wise to do a bit of research. The following is from a pdf file found on Google: "During the period from 1803 to 1950, Congress passed 128 separate laws dealing with disaster relief. Because there was no comprehensive legislation covering disaster relief, Congress had to pass a separate law to provide Federal funds for each major disaster that occurred. The system was a cumbersome one." The title of the article was "THE ROLE OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN DISASTER ASSISTANCE." Bottom line, tax dollars were spent to help citizens of this country who had a disaster visited on them.
Also, you might want to consider the Preamble of the Constitution: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." What do you suppose it means to "promote the general welfare?" Doesn't this kind of suggest that the government is supposed to be concerned with helping it's citizens? I am pretty sure that is what our founding fathers had in mind or they would not have put it into the Constitution.

Did a little research on it and your right. Disaster Relief has been out there for around 200 years. However, I would be willing to bet that the FF never intended the Govt, i.e. taxpayers, to fund peoples lives for them. I'm also pretty sure that they never intended one group, i.e. taxpayers, to support another.

"Promote" the General Welfare. Not provide it.

To be honest I never knew that disaster relief was being done that long ago. Neither my family nor anyone I know has ever used Disaster Relief. If something happened and assistance was needed then family and friends assisted.

Thanks for the info although they weren't talking about seceeding from the Union. Just the State of Cali.

Oh and we can do without the "nonsensical" dig. Guess you've never made a wrong statement in your life. How lucky for you.
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Probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

From what I've read Northern Cali is pretty conservative and I'll bet they could run their county in the black.

Same in Northern NY State. Pretty conservative bunch there as well. Wonder if they ever think of seceding from New York State??

What part of Northern New York State are you referring to? I'm willing to bet that the tax revenues from Downstate New York help support the infrastructure, etc. in Upstate New York.

In answer to your question I have a friend from Northern New York. Potsdam. He was the one who advised me there were a lot of conservatives in Northern New York. I have no reason to disbelieve him.

Politics of Upstate New York - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Northern CA County Votes to Secede, Create New State Called Jefferson

Activist Post: NorCal County Votes to Secede, Create New State "Jefferson"

they tried it in colorado and and as soon as the flooding started here, so did this talk of seceding stop ... whats with these republicans in the northern part of the states anyway ... they lose their fight and they want to change the rules... wait a minute ... isn't that what republicans are trying to do with obama care
People should be able to form their own states to elect the government they want.


Without any limitations whatever?

So that means that my neighbors and I can form a new state from including only our own homes?

Sweet!~ I can probably get elected to the Senate then!

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