Northern CA County Votes to Secede, Create New State Called Jefferson

Just because I don't list anything doesn't mean shit. I doubt most of you are real much less are actually from where you say you are from.

nice dance.....what piss ass State are you residing in?....that better?.....
Probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

From what I've read Northern Cali is pretty conservative and I'll bet they could run their county in the black.

Same in Northern NY State. Pretty conservative bunch there as well. Wonder if they ever think of seceding from New York State??
Isn't it strange how some states or people in those states what to secede from the union right up to the point where they experience a natural disaster of some sort. Then, suddenly, all you hear from that state are cries to the federal government asking for aid. Nothing kills cries for secession faster than ___?___ (Pick one: massive fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, or other natural disaster).

All the emotional talk of how cool it would be to secede comes to a crashing halt once the financial reality sets in..... Even Republicans love them government dollars although you'll never hear them admit it.... even when they're begging for them:

Oklahoma?s Senators Opposed 2011 FEMA Funds, Sandy Aid - Bloomberg

Why We Can't Forget That Oklahoma's Senators Voted Against Sandy Relief - Alexander Abad-Santos - The Atlantic Wire

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