Northern England's reaction to Maggie Thatcher's death.

She was despised by the people who wanted to get paid for doing nothing. Much like the American left wants to get paid for doing nothing.

Getting paid for doing nothing?

You mean like Romney.
try what? your political beliefs are aligned with hitler.

don't like it, change your world view nazi.
Yurt, go dress up in your SS uniform and "heil" to your Hitler photo in the shrine

And there it is, folks, the difference between English white trash and US white trash. If there was ever any doubt which nation has the superior education system, it is now removed.

Well done, northern England.

My first reaction on hearing the filthy bitch had died was to wonder if she had enough mind left to feel any pain. Is there somewhere one can send contributions so the rational English can party hearty?
And there it is, folks, the difference between English white trash and US white trash. If there was ever any doubt which nation has the superior education system, it is now removed.
The term "white trash" is really only appropriate for the United States, not for Britain. The appropriate term for Britain is "the lower classes".

The poor in Britain and the United States differ considerably in their sociology.
The lower classes in Britain have been exploited much more harshly than they have in the USA, because the poor had many fewer possiblilities to escape, and their rich oppressors knew that quite well, and took full advantage of it.

In Britain, class restrictions and webs of law and regulation were sufficient to keep the poor in subjection; violence, other than judicial violence, was relatively unimportant. Until recently, brainwashing was not that important; the lower classes were left pretty much free to think what they liked, since any opinions they had were unimportant, and essentially would not change society.

In the United States, from the beginning, the lower classes were controlled very much by violence, and by brainwashing -- especially by emotional manipulation. The evidence of both can be seen quite clearly on the pages of this forum.

American "white trash" are kept deliberately at a low level of education and culture; they are subjected to intense brainwashing, and they are trained to perpetrate violence, and to accept passively violence being done to them. The American lower classes are imprisoned by many social forces in a system of "group-think" that Stalin, and Hitler and Mao could only have marvelled at, and envied, but could never have obtained.

The lower classes in Britain have had a notoriously poor educational system. However, they have a tradition of thinking for themselves, and even of being "cheeky" -- if they can get away with it. (as just now, about Thatcher). If you can imagine the United States' Gulag Prison System being filled with "jail-house lawyers," that might give some impression of the lower classes in Britain.

The British lower classes have a long tradition of getting what they want (if possible) by indirection, by sneakiness, by cunning, by manipulating "The System," and by a vast set of social skills whose sophistication Americans could only marvel at -- if they could understand them.
And there it is, folks, the difference between English white trash and US white trash. If there was ever any doubt which nation has the superior education system, it is now removed.

[socio-theory snipped to cut to the chase]

The lower classes in Britain have ... a tradition of thinking for themselves...

The British lower classes have a long tradition of getting what they want (if possible) by indirection, by sneakiness, by cunning, by manipulating "The System," and by a vast set of social skills whose sophistication Americans could only marvel at -- if they could understand them.

Well written and every word of it fits into generally accepted social theory.

Still, watched enough "Are you being served" and "Keeping up appearences" with Brit associates to form my own opinion based on their descriptions of life in Jolly Old, which is that white trash is a state of mind. Reagan and Thatcher were as much white trash as my moonshining Appalachian ancestors.

White trash are people who worship people with money WITHOUT the slightest clue how to get it without finding it with a metal detector, hitting the lottery - or more realistically, blowing somebody for money (see, Nixon, Reagan, the Clintons). The difference between my ancestors and the Reagans and Thatchers of the world is my ancestors would die first. The difference between my ancestors and white trash is they embraced unions and understood that money, commerce and corporations MUST be regulated for safety and to ensure stockholders and labor share in profits.
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Ted Kenndy Helped people and you people ddi nothing but TRASH him with lies for days after he died.

Why is it you always insist on respect yet are NEVER willing to give any yourself?

Ted Kennedy was a vile, despicable turd and a murderer. He should have spent his last 40+ years rotting in a cell instead of pickling in Scotch.
I wonder how many of those 'celebrating' were older than, say 10, when she was Prime Minister?

Most of them you wannabe somebody. Most of them. The thing you might want to do is get in touch with the idea that your world view is filtered through parastism that prevents your ever being promoted to the status of white trash.
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Why does the "American" Left hate people who stood up to and defeated Soviet Communism?
Thatcher saved Britain's sorry 1970s ass. She was elected because the unions were too strong and people tired of subsidizing shiftless and non-productive workers in a dizzying array of failing businesses. If it wasn't for Thatcher, Britain would essentially Greece today. As a Greek citizen, I wish Greece had had a Thatcher.
Didn't know you were from Greece. Hania, Crete is one of my favorite places on earth (and I've gotten around). Beautiful, with great cafes and scenery. Especially at the beach. ;)

When you are sitting in a bar in a building that is 400 years older than the United States, it gives you perspective on the world.
I've spent a lot of time in Crete. I love the cities of Chania and Rethimno, but Heraklio really sucks. The most beautiful part is the south-east coast with largely unspoiled beautiful beaches intersected by dazzling canyons. I have an Aunt that live in the high mountains near Agia Galini. By far my favorite island.

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