Northern England's reaction to Maggie Thatcher's death.

Thatcher saved Britain's sorry 1970s ass. She was elected because the unions were too strong and people tired of subsidizing shiftless and non-productive workers in a dizzying array of failing businesses. If it wasn't for Thatcher, Britain would essentially Greece today. As a Greek citizen, I wish Greece had had a Thatcher.
Didn't know you were from Greece. Hania, Crete is one of my favorite places on earth (and I've gotten around). Beautiful, with great cafes and scenery. Especially at the beach. ;)

When you are sitting in a bar in a building that is 400 years older than the United States, it gives you perspective on the world.
Without Thatcher, GB would have collapsed ahead of Greece and Spain, that's why the Left hates her
...if it hadn't been for Thatcher, these same Left-wing gadflies might well be rotting in a Soviet prison camp somewhere east of the Urals. That sounds like an exaggeration....
And it is an exaggeration.
I will cellebrate cheneys death.

When evil leaves the world the world should be joyful.
I sympathize with you.

I don't know if I will celebrate the deaths of Bush and Cheney, but it will come as a relief to have two such evil people no longer in the world.

I heard on the radio that people in London were dancing in the street, and singing "The Wicked Witch is Dead."

With that much hate, I suspect there must be at least a little fire behind the smoke.
Hmmm, I wonder why since Maggie was pro-choice, anti-gun, and pro-socialized health care.

I heard on the radio that people in London were dancing in the street, and singing "The Wicked Witch is Dead."

With that much hate, I suspect there must be at least a little fire behind the smoke.
Oh, there's fire and smoke alright. It's from the dregs of British society. It is indeed a country steeped in class and with that are the truly classless. We have our Truthmatters types too I suppose.
Yes, TM is the class and you, Meathead, the classless.

Grow up, you sniveling child.
Thatcher was much further to the left of you, Frank, and she supported pro-choice and socialized health care and opposed pro-gun legislation.

She and RR would have nothing to do with your types politically.

Now go genuflect to your Nazi banner.
I did, Frank! Sitting there in front of TV, my eyes all of sudden overflowed at the wonderful sight.

Never did I think in my lifetime that such a wonderful thing would happen, and believe me I was proud of America and proud of RR's continued resistance to the USSR.

Thank you for reminding me of it!
jake told me he is aligned with hitler's ideas for the world

i was shocked
Yes, TM is the class and you, Meathead, the classless.

Grow up, you sniveling child.
I'm sorry, I forgot to add you. It would have helped illustrate the special kind of sleaze I was trying to describe.

Indeed, you are the mold on society. Thatcher and Reagan would have nothing to do with your extremism today.

That's the truth! I kinda wonder what types of clever snark the two of them would come up with when describing their distaste for today's Rightwinger. They would have had a few zingers for sure.
I wonder how many of those 'celebrating' were older than, say 10, when she was Prime Minister?

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