Norway deporting scum in record numbers

Norway made policy changes that streamlined deportations for Nigerians and Afghans. Illegal aliens from these countries are considered especially high risk for committing crimes.

Good for them. Governments primary responsibility is to protect their citizenry.

Different situation.

Norway does not have a significant percentage of its population that wants to see their country pay for its various transgressions and brought down a few notches on the world stage so they feel less guilty.

So, apples and oranges there.

Good for Norway. Maybe their will be a part of the west remaining by 2100 with this move! ;) Most of the rest of it is heading towards very bad times.

Different situation.

Norway does not have a significant percentage of its population that wants to see their country pay for its various transgressions and brought down a few notches on the world stage so they feel less guilty.

So, apples and oranges there.


It kills me that you have convinced yourself of such nonsense; the idea that one is a victim based upon their race, nationality, or religion and entitled to live different standards in 2015.

Different situation.

Norway does not have a significant percentage of its population that wants to see their country pay for its various transgressions and brought down a few notches on the world stage so they feel less guilty.

So, apples and oranges there.


It kills me that you have convinced yourself of such nonsense; the idea that one is a victim based upon their race, nationality, or religion and entitled to live different standards in 2015.


Different situation.

Norway does not have a significant percentage of its population that wants to see their country pay for its various transgressions and brought down a few notches on the world stage so they feel less guilty.

So, apples and oranges there.


It kills me that you have convinced yourself of such nonsense; the idea that one is a victim based upon their race, nationality, or religion and entitled to live different standards in 2015.
He is talking about White Guilt.

Different situation.

Norway does not have a significant percentage of its population that wants to see their country pay for its various transgressions and brought down a few notches on the world stage so they feel less guilty.

So, apples and oranges there.


It kills me that you have convinced yourself of such nonsense; the idea that one is a victim based upon their race, nationality, or religion and entitled to live different standards in 2015.


Isn't it beautiful?!

The losers with whom you wish to commiserate ....just don't understand what you are trying to say. You agree with them.....and they attack you.

Perhaps you should rethink your approach. Give them a little obvious bigotry. They'll dig you. All this nuanced hatred and victimhood just doesn't hit home.


SOrry bout that,

1. We need a *Progress Party here too.
2. And why do they pay them to leave they should just send them back with a sack lunch.

SOrry bout that,

1. We need a *Progress Party here too.
2. And why do they pay them to leave they should just send them back with a sack lunch.

Eh the Progress party isn't radical enough...maybe Jobbik in Hungary is good..
SOrry bout that,

1. We need a *Progress Party here too.
2. And why do they pay them to leave they should just send them back with a sack lunch.

Eh the Progress party isn't radical enough...maybe Jobbik in Hungary is good..

We need strength of commitment and the will to live, that way we will remove the fear of terrorism and violence from our lives. Stop thinking of our guilt over matters we had no control over and start thinking of safeguards for our families and fellow human beings. Deport all illegal immigrants as soon as they are caught, then deport all foreign criminals when they are caught. Send the message out you get one chance and that is all, abuse that chance and you will be forcibly removed and DNA taken. Try to re enter the country and you face being killed as an invader.
America isn't a "nation of immigrants", it's a "nation of citizens".

Big difference there.

The average 4th grade educated Mexican, Central American or South American isn't "yearning to breath free" they're yearning to get big gubmint check.

They LOVE 12 year old girls too.
Why are migrants in the Arctic, on bikes? Path leads to Europe
Posted: 7:44 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015


Many of the arrivals, Hansen said, seemed to have little idea where they were exactly and had brought no warm clothes. But, encouraged by a flurry of reports on social media about how well Norway treats refugees, they rushed through Russia to reach Europe's northernmost frontier. It is not snowing here yet, but temperatures have already dipped close to freezing.

"The next stop is the North Pole," Hansen said of the town's remoteness.

Some of them, including Arslanuk, are Russian-speaking Syrians who were already living in Russia and see the border with Norway as a path to a better life at a time when Syrian citizenship generally confers refugee status in Europe. Others, having heard of the new route into Europe, are traveling through Russia to the border rather than taking the more established but riskier paths.

A 21-year-old Syrian woman who gave only her first name, Dana, said her father, mother and brother had made it to Germany this summer through the Balkans and had sent horrific reports of their journey to Greece from Turkey. The Arctic, she decided, was easier.

Word of the Norwegian route has spread so far and fast via social media that some Syrian refugees in Lebanon are trying to get visas to Russia in hopes of getting to this Arctic border post, according to migrants with friends and family in Lebanon.

For those who make it, the oddity of the route continues to the very end. A Russian ban on pedestrian traffic across the border at Storskog, and Norwegian threats to prosecute motorists who give rides to people without visas, mean that migrants, even young children and the infirm, have to use bicycles to complete the last few dozen yards of an exodus that in some cases began thousands of miles away.

Once in Russia, it costs migrants only a few hundred dollars to secure transportation to the border and a bicycle, far less than the more than $1,500 that Turkish smugglers often charge to ferry migrants across the Aegean Sea to Greece.

The bicycle-borne flow into Norway underscores not only the dogged determination of migrants but also Russia's curious role in helping to drain the population from Syria, a country that President Vladimir Putin views as a vital ally and whose leader, Bashar Assad, he is helping with bombing raids against the opposition.

"Putin loves Assad and Assad loves Putin, but neither of them like Syrians," Arslanuk said, adding that he had nothing but disgust for both the government in Damascus and its armed opponents. Refugees say guards on the Russian side of the border sometimes ask Syrians why they do not return home and support Assad, but they then wave them on down a narrow road toward Norway and inform their Norwegian colleagues by telephone that another group without visas is about to arrive.

"They call us 'blacks' and just want us to leave," said Valid Jumaleizu, 35, a Syrian who worked for a time in Russia sewing clothes but could not earn enough to support his family in Aleppo and decided Europe offered better prospects.


Why are migrants in the Arctic, on bikes? Path leads to Europe

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