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Norway fund blacklists Israeli firms with settlement ties

Palestinians: 1519

Palestinians: 91

Remember These Children 2000 Memorial

My heart breaks reading the stories of the 1519 children Israel has killed in Palestine.

That is why we have BDS , to stop you Zionists from killing children and to stop other crimes of Occupation.

My heart broke when I saw the evidence of ethnic cleasing of innocent Christians in Cairo. The Muslim Brotherhood lackies burned dozens of churches in less than a weak, threatened to kill the followers of Jesus, and they are still threatening them.

I don't recall Sherri posting one single thing about that.

Wondering why that is.

Might be a good idea for their terrorist arab parents to stop using their children as human shields, huh?

you do not understand the ECONOMY---of jihado sluts -----every time a a jihado
parent throws one of his kids under a bomb----he gains a SHAHID REWARD---
but the umma loses a potential infant throat slitter or ass upon which to tie a bomb
for the purpose of killing jewish babies for the GLORY OF ISA-ALAAAAA ------
as to the christians of cairo-----what use are they? they do not do the bomb
ass thing that jihado sluts so treasure

Reading comprehension lesson 1

Lipush refers to Sunniman as a Kuffar and then she says " Hang the Kufaaaaaar. " Comon toastman the message is pretty clear for anyone who can think !!!

I think you are a little confused here, Patrick. Since Sunni Man has converted, all of us non-believers are Kuffars. In fact, since he now belongs to the Sunni sect. even the Shia are kuffars to him. I think Lipush was just being sarcastic because she knows that many Muslims want to kill the kuffars, even if they are Muslims of different sects whose religious beliefs differ slightly from theirs. Surely you must be keeping up with the news to see what happens among the different sects.

i have been looking around at the different forums and it shocked me when i saw the post. "kafir" or kuffar is a derogatory term and its meaning has extended beyond its original meaning and was widely used in south africa by the white majority.

this section of the board is vicious but when i read that post, i couldn't believe it. i assume this lipush is jewish. what a thoroughly vicious person to say such a thing and it is even more disgusting to defend it.

and is this hossfly person jewish as well, telling a vet to kill himself?

thank you, patrickcaaturday.
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Reading comprehension lesson 1

Lipush refers to Sunniman as a Kuffar and then she says " Hang the Kufaaaaaar. " Comon toastman the message is pretty clear for anyone who can think !!!

I think you are a little confused here, Patrick. Since Sunni Man has converted, all of us non-believers are Kuffars. In fact, since he now belongs to the Sunni sect. even the Shia are kuffars to him. I think Lipush was just being sarcastic because she knows that many Muslims want to kill the kuffars, even if they are Muslims of different sects whose religious beliefs differ slightly from theirs. Surely you must be keeping up with the news to see what happens among the different sects.

i have been looking around at the different forums and it shocked me when i saw the post. "kafir" or kuffar is a derogatory term and its meaning has extended beyond its original meaning and was widely used in south africa by the white majority.

this section o the board is vicious but when i read that post, i couldn't believe it. i assume this lipush is jewish. what a thoroughly vicious person to say such a thing and it is even more disgusting to defend it.

and is this hossfly person jewish as well, telling a vet to kill himself?

thank you, patrickcaaturday.
No, no, no. Hossfly was joking and the two tater pickers got their backs up. Say, that's quite a brogue you got there, "Cajun".
Reading comprehension lesson 1

Lipush refers to Sunniman as a Kuffar and then she says " Hang the Kufaaaaaar. " Comon toastman the message is pretty clear for anyone who can think !!!

I think you are a little confused here, Patrick. Since Sunni Man has converted, all of us non-believers are Kuffars. In fact, since he now belongs to the Sunni sect. even the Shia are kuffars to him. I think Lipush was just being sarcastic because she knows that many Muslims want to kill the kuffars, even if they are Muslims of different sects whose religious beliefs differ slightly from theirs. Surely you must be keeping up with the news to see what happens among the different sects.

i have been looking around at the different forums and it shocked me when i saw the post. "kafir" or kuffar is a derogatory term and its meaning has extended beyond its original meaning and was widely used in south africa by the white majority.

this section o the board is vicious but when i read that post, i couldn't believe it. i assume this lipush is jewish. what a thoroughly vicious person to say such a thing and it is even more disgusting to defend it.

and is this hossfly person jewish as well, telling a vet to kill himself?

thank you, patrickcaaturday.

I will help you Caturday-------because YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW-----as a
blarney man. The term "KAFFIR"-----is derived from the semitic language
root KFR-----which is the three letter root for "COVER" In arabic----a KUFI is
the little round hat muslims wear------and KIPPA ----is another word for
Yarmulke in Hebrew KAFFIR -----is actually a reference to "COVER" also---it
refers to a person who "CONCEALS THE TRUTH" ----in this case the "truth" being
the "truth" of ISLAAAAAAAM Interestingly enough----concealers of truth can be
called "KOFFER" in hebrew was well-------it is simply not a word commonly used.

The south african use of "KAFFIR"----is-----something like an epiphenomenon of
no importance

Muslims use the word KAFFIR as a kind of derogatory for non muslims or any
muslim group they do not like-------the word TAKFIR----refers to an ACTION rendering
anything or anyone a muslim wishes to "DE-MUSLIMIZE" ---thus an EDICT (or fartwah)
of TAKFIR-----renders a muslim or a group thereof----NON MUSLIMS (and legally
liable to rape and throat slitting) IN 1971-----the islamic clerics of West Pakistan---
issued FARTWASH of "TAKFIR" upon all the people of east pakistan---rendering
all the girls legal targets of rape. You need not thank me or pay tuition---this time
Reading comprehension lesson 1

Lipush refers to Sunniman as a Kuffar and then she says " Hang the Kufaaaaaar. " Comon toastman the message is pretty clear for anyone who can think !!!

I think you are a little confused here, Patrick. Since Sunni Man has converted, all of us non-believers are Kuffars. In fact, since he now belongs to the Sunni sect. even the Shia are kuffars to him. I think Lipush was just being sarcastic because she knows that many Muslims want to kill the kuffars, even if they are Muslims of different sects whose religious beliefs differ slightly from theirs. Surely you must be keeping up with the news to see what happens among the different sects.

i have been looking around at the different forums and it shocked me when i saw the post. "kafir" or kuffar is a derogatory term and its meaning has extended beyond its original meaning and was widely used in south africa by the white majority.

this section o the board is vicious but when i read that post, i couldn't believe it. i assume this lipush is jewish. what a thoroughly vicious person to say such a thing and it is even more disgusting to defend it.

and is this hossfly person jewish as well, telling a vet to kill himself?

thank you, patrickcaaturday.

Oh, hi there. While you were "looking around" these forums, I happened to be reading an article today about people returning stuff to stores, and one remark reminded me of you, which is:

"But anyone with multiple throwaway email accounts can take advantage of such promotions more than once."

Aren't these multiple throwaway email account great when someone wants to show up again and again?
Goyim means people or nation, plural. It is used at times to refers to other people.
It is not good or bad, just not those that follow jewish laws, rather those who follow the noahide laws.
It's a derogatory term when jews use it.

Much like the word 'negro' to blacks when white people say it. .. :cool:

Only in your derogatory mind.
It is a neutral word.
Sometimes it is used jokingly or sarcastically, but the word itself is not derogatory
It's kinda simple.........

Jew = Chosen person

Goy = not Chosen person.

Am I wrong?? ... :cool:

Of course your assumption is wrong. For one thing the way I read it is that the Jews were chosen to follow 613 commandments or some number like that and the others had to only follow ten. Plus, according to many Muslim posters over the years, they feel they have been "Chosen" by Allah.
........................^^^ LOL......that is some comical stuff Silly-Sally . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Get Over Yourself
Of course your assumption is wrong. For one thing the way I read it is that the Jews were chosen to follow 613 commandments or some number like that and the others had to only follow ten. Plus, according to many Muslim posters over the years, they feel they have been "Chosen" by Allah.
........................^^^ LOL......that is some comical stuff Silly-Sally . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Get Over Yourself

I think Mr. Cuckoo needs a psychiatrist.
I don't know your source, it can very well be your own.

'Goy' is a biblical term, which means "foreign kingdom".

exactly. it is kinda like when jews become ofended by the word "****". all it is is recognizing the fact that they are not christians and chose to mark their immigration papers with a circle, or "kikel" in hebrew, instead of the "X", which resembled the offensive cross to them.

it is the same with the term "heeb" which is really just an abbreviated form of "hebrew" and is really no different than "pali" or "paki".

so no worries, right lipush?

i mean, i have never heard the term "goy" used in any other way than that of an arrogant **** using it in a condescending way towards the goyim but that is probably just coincidence.

oy vey, lipush. don't let that sunni man bother you. he has just a goyishe kop who doesn't understand g-d's chosen people and how you treat us goyim with the dignity we deserve.

"******" just means black, right?
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I think you are a little confused here, Patrick. Since Sunni Man has converted, all of us non-believers are Kuffars. In fact, since he now belongs to the Sunni sect. even the Shia are kuffars to him. I think Lipush was just being sarcastic because she knows that many Muslims want to kill the kuffars, even if they are Muslims of different sects whose religious beliefs differ slightly from theirs. Surely you must be keeping up with the news to see what happens among the different sects.

i have been looking around at the different forums and it shocked me when i saw the post. "kafir" or kuffar is a derogatory term and its meaning has extended beyond its original meaning and was widely used in south africa by the white majority.

this section o the board is vicious but when i read that post, i couldn't believe it. i assume this lipush is jewish. what a thoroughly vicious person to say such a thing and it is even more disgusting to defend it.

and is this hossfly person jewish as well, telling a vet to kill himself?

thank you, patrickcaaturday.
No, no, no. Hossfly was joking and the two tater pickers got their backs up. Say, that's quite a brogue you got there, "Cajun".

i don't think the suicide rate among vets is something to joke about. do you also joke about vets in wheelchairs?
I don't know your source, it can very well be your own.

'Goy' is a biblical term, which means "foreign kingdom".

exactloy. it is kinda like when jews become ofended by the word "****". all it is is recognizing the fact that they are not christians and chose to mark their immigration papers with a circle, or "kikel" in hebrew, instead of the "X", which resembled the offensive cross to them.

it is the same with the term "heeb" which is really just an abbreviated form of "hebrew" and is really no different than "pali" or "paki".

so no worries, right lipush?

i mean, i have never heard the term "goy" used in any other way than that of an arrogant **** using it in a condescending way towards the goyim but that is probably just coincidence.

oy vey, lipush. don't let that sunni man bother you. he has just a goyishe kop who doesn't understand g-d's chosen people and how you treat us goyim with the dignity we deserve.

"******" just means black, right?

Oh, hi there. While you were "looking around" these forums, I happened to be reading an article today about people returning stuff to stores, and one remark reminded me of you, which is:

"But anyone with multiple throwaway email accounts can take advantage of such promotions more than once."

Aren't these multiple throwaway email account great when someone wants to show up again and again?

what does your coupon clipping and attemps to cheat businesses to save a measly penny or two have to do with anything?
What's your point Silly-Sally? . :cuckoo:

'Kufir' is just the arabic word for non believer.

Christians refer to a non believer as 'Lost'.

Jews call non jews 'Goyim'.

I fail to see the problem?? ... :cool:

Goyim means people or nation, plural. It is used at times to refers to other people.
It is not good or bad, just not those that follow jewish laws, rather those who follow the noahide laws.
It's a derogatory term when jews use it.

Much like the word 'negro' to blacks when white people say it. .. :cool:

That is not true - and you are a liar if you continue to claim so. The word 'goy' has no negative meaning: it is the word translated as 'nation' in this Torah verse:

"Nation shall not lift up sword against nation: neither shall they learn war any more"

Sunni, you lose credibility by complaining that others are unfair in their representation of Islam *while you persist in misrepresenting Judaism*
Seems as though poor l'il "newby" there has a very thin skin......

patrickcaturday warned me about people like you in this forum, how all of ya are so freaked that you think everyone is someone else or some such silliness. someone sure put the fear of the lord into ya if i have your knees shakin'.

i have a pretty thick skin actually. i just think people should actually support our troops instead of giving them lip service and then suggesting they kill themselves, or making fun of them when they come home wounded and disabled. i have friends still serving and some that haven't come home whole. maybe if you, hossfly, or whoever actually knew people who served you would take it seriously and not some petty little differences deter from our obligation to those serving our country.
Goyim means people or nation, plural. It is used at times to refers to other people.
It is not good or bad, just not those that follow jewish laws, rather those who follow the noahide laws.
It's a derogatory term when jews use it.

Much like the word 'negro' to blacks when white people say it. .. :cool:

That is not true - and you are a liar if you continue to claim so. The word 'goy' has no negative meaning: it is the word translated as 'nation' in this Torah verse:

"Nation shall not lift up sword against nation: neither shall they learn war any more"

Sunni, you lose credibility by complaining that others are unfair in their representation of Islam *while you persist in misrepresenting Judaism*

those goyim are nothing but liars.

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