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NORWAY massacre HOAX: EVERYBODY can prove that 74 out of 77 "victims" never existed

Apr 6, 2009
NORWAY massacre HOAX: EVERYBODY can prove that 74 out of 77 "victims" never existed

Illuminati photoshop 74 pictures, where the "victims" from small towns are conveniently specified only a few months after the theater was staged and in foreign media ...
Norway shooting victims: the 77 dead in pictures - Telegraph
... but as always, the bigger the LIE the easier it is to expose.

To confirm this, all you have to do is to apply the Laws of End Time Reductionism (1). In this case:
1. take the first names of the list:
Torjus Jakobsen Blattmann, 17 from Kristiansand
Anne Lise Holter, 51, from Vaale
Aleksander Aas Eriksen, 16, from Meraaker
Aasta Sofie Helland Dahl, 16, from Sortland
Anders Kristiansen, 18, from Bardu
Hanne Ekroll Loevile, 30, from Oslo
Fredrik Lund Schjetne, 18, from Eldsvoll
Tina Iversen Sukuvara, 18, from Vadsoe
Carina Borgund, 18, from Oslo
Elisabeth Tronnes Lie, 16, from Halden
Mona Abdinur, 18, from Oslo

2. take the smallest villages referred in the previous list:
Vaale 2,408
Meraaker 1,861
Bardu 757

3. Go to these villages, show the photo and ask if that "person" is known.

4. After the previous step, you will not no longer have to check if that "person" was indeed "buried" in her/his small town, Norway.

The REAL Story
There were only TWO real burials: the undesirable stepbrother of princess Mette Merrit (2) and the funeral that opened everywhere the prime news of illuminati media around the world: the fuberal of the Iraqi girl (3).
Some norwegian media alledgdly reported another 8 "funerals". All of them were fake funerals and in 7 cases the "dead" never existed.
Only for 1 out of those 7 "funerals" did the illuminati bother to have someone step on stage to play the role of "parents", more precisely the "father" of "Marianne Sandvik, 16", seen from the distance required to let him remain a fuzzy character. (4)
The exception among those 8 funerals is the "funeral" of Kosovo girl Lejla, a real person (5) who was given another identity in her native Kosovo. (6)
The illuminati did not even bother using the same trick with other "victims". In other words: none of the other norwegian "victims" is a real person who was given a new identity.
So 74 out of these 77 never existed.
The real story was published only hours after it was staged (7), as expected from the Laws of End Times Reductionism.
Now you know why the "coverage" of the "trial" shows about a dozen members of the "families" of the "victims" smiling at each other behind a transparent wall, while the audio goes "a court packed with relatives".

(1) Laws of End Times - End Times Reductionism
nothing escapes them, including the illuminati scripts.
From 911 "planes" to Oslo "victims" to megamillions and euromillions jackpot "winners"
End Times Reductionism - Google Search
Reductionism in End Times - KEY to conspiracies. In fact nothing escapes its Laws.

(2) The main reason to murder the stepbrother of the princess was not even because he was an indesirable but to have his death announced immediately after the theater was staged and have Norway and the world watch the tears of the royal family. What better way to convince (not only) the norwegians that there were indeed victims?

(3) The first funeral ... was also the last
NORWAY massacre funeral - Google Search

(4) 7 Fake Funerals of 7 "people" who never existed ...
Only one time there is an actor playng the "parents" role, in this case the "father" role ...
"Funeral" of "Marianne Sandvik, 16".
Gråtkvalt Gro tok farvel med Marianne (16) - VG Nett om Terrorangrepet 22. juli - Ofrene

... while in these the illuminati did not even bother with an actor for that role:
"Funeral" of "Monica Iselin Didriksen, 18".
Chris Medina sang i Monicas (18) begravelse - TV 2 Nyhetene

"Funeral" of "Espen Jørgensen, 17".
– Vi vil huske han som en helt - Nordland - NRK Nyheter

"Funeral of "Sharidyn Svebakk-Bøhn, 14".
Hedret med hvit begravelse - Buskerud - NRK Nyheter

"Funeral" of "Håkon Ødegaard 17 and Lene Maria Bergum 19".
Håkon og Lene Maria hedret i dag - NRK Trøndelag - NRK Nyheter

"Funeral of "Monica "Mother Utøya" Bøsei"
«Hun hadde omsorg nok til alle» | ringblad.no

(5) Fake Funeral of 1 person who was given a new identity
Other than the two real funerals, the third and last person to show emotion about the loss was a norwegiam girl who knew the Kosovo girl Lejla.
"Funeral" of Lejla Selaci, 17.
«Engelen» Lejla (17) begravet i dag - Østfold - NRK Nyheter

(6) Kosovo where almost every albanian participated in the 1999 hoax directed by the illuminati of the "genocide of poor albanians by the evil serbs". Kosovo the area that has been the headquarters of the Academy of the merenaries of the illuminati army (known as "peacekeepers", NATO, etc) ever since Summer 1999.

(7) The words of Last Prophet, hours after the hoax
NORWAY massacre: there were no "victims". All staged. All camp "survivors" part of it
QUANTIFICATION of the BESTIALIZATION PROCESS: 911/Norway "victims" and light years

From page 5 of
NORWAY massacre HOAX: *EVERYBODY* can prove that 75 out of 77 "victims" never existed
NORWAY massacre HOAX: *EVERYBODY* can prove that 75 out of 77 "victims" never existed

74 "people" and 3 real people out of Norway's population of about 5 million in Utoya 2011 ...
upscaled (thanks to the almost total reduction of the audience to human cattle)
... from 263 "crew" and "passengers" out of USA's population of over 280 million in 2001, in 4 ghost flights in 911 . (1)

"Crew" + "passengers" - real people =
(11+81-1) + (6+58) + (7+56) + (7+38-1) = 263

All passengers virtual people except for 2 real people:
- Barbara Olson (murdered September 10) who, unlike her husband "Ted" Olson was NOT an illuminati actress;
- Todd Beamer, who, unlike his wife Lisa Beamer, was an illuminati actor.
911 for dummies basic facts
9/11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts, by Matt M
#1 ever since 2005
911 for dummies basic facts - Google Search

Now, if you got the Famous Final Laws, the Laws of End TIme Reductionism (google it), it will e easy to upscale stellar parallax the same way as the "victims", from the day it was "observed" the first time to 1948, the day the Midle Atlantic Ridge was "observed" the first time.
Hint: replace USA/norway population with arcsecs and passengers/victims with light years.
Illuminati classics: impersonations:
Two main categories:
1. Same actor plays n identities.
2. - multiple actors (real or virtual) used for the same identity

Goals include:
- mock the audience,
- destroy logical reasoning, starting with having people accept that two different people are the same (useful for another illuminati classic, using impersonators, mostly used to replace murdered enemies).
- discredit those exposing it, because it's seemingly too far fetched.

Impersonation Milestones: "same actor on different roles" already set for ever
Mocking human cattle by using the same actor with a different make-up in another role can no longer be pushed further: same actor playing Obama and Osama in most videos is a milestone that can't be surpassed, it will stand for ever.
Note: this type of impersonations includes a reduced form, based only in suggestion, or in other words using only fake photos or footage.
An example iwith a"shooter": a photo of Glenn Beck was used as baseline to create with photoshop pure virtual "shooter" "Jared Lee Loughner" in the pure virtual Arizona "shootings"
Talk of this last subtype:

posted by Last Prophet Matt, 25 July 2011
Shooter Breivik and norwegian policeman set milestne for "different faces for same role" type of impersonations, of the suggestion subtype
Norwegian policeman assigned to press conference used to impersonate (only as photo) Oslo "shooter Breivik" with the third different face.
25 July 2011, press conference with three norwegian policemen.
Besides reducing the number of "victims" of the island "shooting" from 90 to 68, the illuminati set a milestone in the impersonation type of jokes.
the three policemen ...

Anders Behring Breivik role:
- the first face shows the younger guy, photoshopped using as base line the CIA agent Julien Assange, who plays the role of freedom fighter in the Wikileaks theater;
- the second face is used for posing with the guns and with the free mason clothes.
update February 2012 as the actor playing Anders Behring Breivik on "trial". steps first time on stage: now it's clear that the second face is photoshopped using this actor.

Mocking the audience with the same type of joke in another episode of the same series:
In the Batman "shooting" script the judge is also the cop - contrast with Oslo Utoya
In the Batman "shooting" script the judge is also the cop - contrast with Oslo Utoya - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

All US shooting sprees since Colorado Jan 2011 are not only staged by the illuminazi but also FAKE blood, ALL ACTORS.
All you need to never more waste a second with these fake news:
Sandy Hook, Newtown elementary school HAD ZERO NOT 800 students as announced the day the hoax was staged (days later reduced t0 600) -
ANYONE can test it for himself in LESS THAN ONE DAY
Reductionism in End Times - KEY to conspiracies. In fact nothing escapes its Laws.: Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax - Zero Students - FULL STORY exposed worldwide first by Last Prophet Matt

Illuminati Actors: Impersonations: Breivik by policeman, Norway milestone 2011

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