Norway's Problem with Anti-Semitism

Naturally a good musulman like you wouldn't see it as a problem. However, how long do you think Norway is going to put up with your fellow musulmen? After all, 90 percent of the violent rapes in Norway are cammitted by musulmen. In general, I don't think the Norwegians are too happy with musulmen in their midst.



Seriously you genuinely believe what you are saying here?

Gil Ronen's Fabricated Statistics About Oslo Rapists Being All Muslim |

Either you are stating this to push Sunni's buttons


You genuinely believe it.

Which is it?

Do you believe the words of that HATE SITE you have used or the official government figures that show the true extent of the problem. Take it from someone who lives with this sort of thing every day if it wasn't true we would not have over 500 muslim men arrested for child rape alone. The muslims would not be looked on with hatred and fear by all the women in those places that have high numbers. They think they can demand that white women do as they want like in their own countries.

You need to learn what a "HATE SITE" is - it's a site that promotes hate speech.

Hate speech is, outside the law, communication that vilifies a person or a group based on discrimination against that person or group....

Southern Poverty Law Center keeps a good record of hate sites, this isn't one of them.

A "hate site" is not a hate site soley because it refutes your claims.

While Loonwatch is clearly a site with it's own bias, it fails to to meet the critera of being a "hate site". Nice try though.

Second, given what you stated - you clearly did not read the link.

The report shows that for all types of rape, except assault rape, European perpetrators are in the majority, and they are mostly Norwegian. Assault rapes covers only five identified unique person. These have all a foreign origin. The number is however, so low that it does not provide a basis for drawing conclusions with regard to country of origin. Two of them were very young (under 18) and two had severe psychiatric diagnoses and cannot be regarded as representative of their ethnic culture.

What's the best way of generating HATE? Accuse a group of raping another groups women and violating their children.

Where did the claim come from that most rapes in Norway are caused by Muslim men originate? This "90%"? Pam Geller and Robert Spencer. Where did that lovely duo get their information? They were simply repeating a false claim that originated with Pat Condell, of the of the English Defense League (EDL). Geller and Spencer were pretty cozy with the EDL until they became increasingly anti-semitic as well as anti-muslim.

From the link:
The claim that "all rapists in Oslo are immigrants" is based exclusively on the figures for "assault rape", i.e. rape aggravated by physical violence, a category that included only 6 of the 152 cases and 5 of the 131 identified individuals. All of those 5 individuals were indeed of African, Middle Eastern or Asian origin. However, the police report adds that in other cases of assault rape, where the individual responsible was not identified and the police relied on the description provided by the victim, "8 of the perpetrators were African / dark-skinned appearance, 5 were Western / light / Nordic and 4 had an Asian appearance". Which falls some way short of substantiating the claim that all perpetrators of aggravated rape in Oslo are of non-western origin, never mind the assertion that "Muslim immigrants" are responsible for all rapes in the city.

The police report also points out that "it must be stressed that the strong over-representation of people from minority backgrounds for several types of rape can not be interpreted as meaning that foreign culture is a causal explanation of rape" and that "the statistical difference in criminal behaviour between ethnic groups disappears when controlling for socio-economic conditions". It concludes: "Gross generalisations that have given the impression that the rapists are only foreigners – and largely Muslim – prove inadequate and erroneous."

In other words, on the basis of their detailed factual analysis the Norwegian police draw exactly the opposite conclusion about rape in Oslo from that promoted in Pat Condell's latest anti-Muslim video rant. But then, when have facts ever been of any concern to racist bigots like Condell?
I fail to see why this is a problem? ... :cool:

Naturally a good musulman like you wouldn't see it as a problem. However, how long do you think Norway is going to put up with your fellow musulmen? After all, 90 percent of the violent rapes in Norway are cammitted by musulmen. In general, I don't think the Norwegians are too happy with musulmen in their midst.

[ame=]NORWAY'S MUSLIM PROBLEM - YouTube[/ame]


Seriously you genuinely believe what you are saying here?

Gil Ronen's Fabricated Statistics About Oslo Rapists Being All Muslim |

Either you are stating this to push Sunni's buttons


You genuinely believe it.

Which is it?

Why, Coyote, I thought you were smart enough to Google what the Muslim men are doing across Europe. Perhaps you, with all your "brilliance," can go over there and counsel them to behave themselves. Take Sunni Man with you for protection.

And, seriously, Coyote, perhaps you can tell them beheadings and stonings are a no no.

Norwegian Muslims Call for Beheadings and a Muslim State
Naturally a good musulman like you wouldn't see it as a problem. However, how long do you think Norway is going to put up with your fellow musulmen? After all, 90 percent of the violent rapes in Norway are cammitted by musulmen. In general, I don't think the Norwegians are too happy with musulmen in their midst.
Is anyone happy about Muslims in their midst?

"happy" is a strange word to use. i mean, i have no problem being around muslims and enjoy their company, the ones i know, but i don't normally have people fill out a resume where they list a religious preference before i keep company with them. i think if the radio city rockettes were all muslims, i would be quite happy in their midst, ot them in mine.

you sound like a bigot to me if you think people should be judged based solely upon their religion..

And you sound just like another poster who supposedly came from Texas (by way of Seattle).
Anti-semitism has a LONG history in Norway that precedes Muslim immigration. Typical of some to blame it on that however - the irony being that there are those who declaim anti-semitism with self rightous anti-islamic sentiments.

History of anti-semitism in Norway
Norway's Problem with Anti-Semitism | Standpoint

Norway also has a problem with rising anti-Islamic movements: Norway Attacks Reveal Growing Violent, Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Europe | Democracy Now! as evident by the recent horrific mass shooting of children.

Perhaps the problem isn't Islam in Norway - it's Norway.
Anti-semitism has a LONG history in Norway that precedes Muslim immigration. Typical of some to blame it on that however - the irony being that there are those who declaim anti-semitism with self rightous anti-islamic sentiments.

History of anti-semitism in Norway
Norway's Problem with Anti-Semitism | Standpoint

Norway also has a problem with rising anti-Islamic movements: Norway Attacks Reveal Growing Violent, Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Europe | Democracy Now! as evident by the recent horrific mass shooting of children.

Perhaps the problem isn't Islam in Norway - it's Norway.

Naturally Coyote would never ever consider that there is more anti-Semitism in Europe because of the Muslim emigration into Europe. Perhaps she can research this topic, and then brave Coyote (with Sunni Man accompanying her of course) can even hop over to Europe and even go into those Muslim no-go areas and ask her newfound friends what they think of the Jews. Then she can interview the Jews living in the various countries and ask them what they have experienced.
Anti-semitism has a LONG history in Norway that precedes Muslim immigration. Typical of some to blame it on that however - the irony being that there are those who declaim anti-semitism with self rightous anti-islamic sentiments.

History of anti-semitism in Norway
Norway's Problem with Anti-Semitism | Standpoint

Norway also has a problem with rising anti-Islamic movements: Norway Attacks Reveal Growing Violent, Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Europe | Democracy Now! as evident by the recent horrific mass shooting of children.

Perhaps the problem isn't Islam in Norway - it's Norway.

Naturally Coyote would never ever consider that there is more anti-Semitism in Europe because of the Muslim emigration into Europe. Perhaps she can research this topic, and then brave Coyote (with Sunni Man accompanying her of course) can even hop over to Europe and even go into those Muslim no-go areas and ask her newfound friends what they think of the Jews. Then she can interview the Jews living in the various countries and ask them what they have experienced.

Naturally, Sally and Toast can't be bothered to look into the facts regarding anti-semitism in Norway (and for that matter Sweden) - can they?

Why it's so much simpler to blame it all on the Muslims as usual, isn't it, instead of looking at the larger picture?

Are facts really so scary to the two of you? Or is it just that you hate Muslims in the same way Holston hates Jews?
Naturally a good musulman like you wouldn't see it as a problem. However, how long do you think Norway is going to put up with your fellow musulmen? After all, 90 percent of the violent rapes in Norway are cammitted by musulmen. In general, I don't think the Norwegians are too happy with musulmen in their midst.



Seriously you genuinely believe what you are saying here?

Gil Ronen's Fabricated Statistics About Oslo Rapists Being All Muslim |

Either you are stating this to push Sunni's buttons


You genuinely believe it.

Which is it?

Why, Coyote, I thought you were smart enough to Google what the Muslim men are doing across Europe. Perhaps you, with all your "brilliance," can go over there and counsel them to behave themselves. Take Sunni Man with you for protection.

And, seriously, Coyote, perhaps you can tell them beheadings and stonings are a no no.

Norwegian Muslims Call for Beheadings and a Muslim State

Sally, you aren't a stupid woman. Perhaps you are just a troll. It would behoove you to fact check some of those items.
Anti-semitism has been a part of Norway culture for centuries.

But the Islam haters here act like the newly immigrated muslims recently introduced it to Norway.

Go figure......... :cool:
Let's not let facts get in the way of a group hate-fest, after all - let's end anti-semitism by promoting anti-islam :cuckoo:

I can't quite figure out the logic in this but I'm sure Sally and the rest of her kindergarten crew have all the answers.

In the meantime, let's look at Norway.’s-new-government-crack-down-on-anti-semitism/

Earlier this month, conservative candidates in Norway won landslide elections, deposing the Labour party majority that has ruled for nearly a decade. Many are hopeful that the new government will address social intolerance in Norway, including the rampant anti-Semitism affecting a population of nearly 2,000 Jews.

But Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld, an author who has written extensively on the prejudices facing Norway’s Jewish community, is skeptical that Norwegians will be able to forget their prejudices. He uses the phrase “part-time anti-Semitism” to describe common attitudes and to highlight the general public’s susceptibility to bias.

“In its origins, Lutheranism promoted Jew hatred,” Gerstenfeld tells, recalling Norway’s long history of intolerance. “Norway was the last country in Europe to admit Jews in the mid-19th century.”

At the heart of the new conservative coalition stands Erna Solberg, nicknamed “Iron Erna.” Elected Sept. 9, she will succeed Jens Stoltenberg and will be Norway’s second female prime minister.

Gerstenfeld argues that many discriminatory instincts and old-world anti-Semitic beliefs about Jews still influence perspectives on the modern Jewish community. He cites a study commissioned by the Oslo Municipality in 2011 that found that one third of the Jewish children there are harassed physically or verbally at least two or three times a month, and that 38 percent of Norwegians believe that Israel is a Nazi state.

“I have never heard of such figures before in Western Europe,” Gerstenfeld says.

Anders Behring Breivik’s infamous 2011 terrorist attack confirmed the worst regarding intolerance in Norwegian society. Following the mass shooting at a Worker’s Youth League camp that left 69 people dead, the facility was discovered to house vicious anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda. Teenagers participating in the program prior to the attack were routinely subjected to an indoctrinating hate campaign.

Biased reporting on Israel has created a poisoned atmosphere in which outrageous political cartoons depicting Jews as Nazis circulate, and boycotts of Israel are common. “It is widely known that the Norwegian media has been heavily subsidized by the Labour government,” Norwegian author Hanne Nabintu Herland tells

Herland also confirms the failure of the ousted Labour government to confront the problem of the anti-Semitic indoctrination of youths. “Nothing has been done to de-radicalize the Labour party’s youth groups in the aftermath of Breivik,” she says. “Here in Norway, no one has reacted much to that. As far as I know, only one Norwegian, a prominent, internationally acclaimed ship owner and billionaire, Dan Odfjell, wrote an article where he spoke about the problem, but he was heavily attacked for ‘slandering our youth groups with horrible words.’”

Thirty survivors who had been indoctrinated with hatred at the camp Breivik attacked became Labour candidates in the recent election.

The current influx of Muslim immigrants to Norway fuels additional anti-Israel sentiment. “Jews suffer in two ways,” Gerstanfeld says. “Some Muslims commit extreme anti-Semitic acts, and there are actions in society against circumcision. The Center Party, a smaller party in the defeated government, is in favor of prohibiting circumcision. The circumcision issue was only raised because of the Muslim presence.”

Rest of article available at the link.

So while the Muslim immigration adds fuel to the fire - the issue of anti-semitism is long standing and deep seated in Norway and, seems to go hand in hand with anti-muslim sentiments as witnessed by what they found in Breivik's home after the mass shooting which was directed at Muslim immigration.

If you look at it beyond a simplistic "it's the muslim's fault" perspective - it presents a very chilling and xenophobic picture of Norway.

I'll admit, I wasn't aware of that aspect of Norway.
Norway is an occupied country, and this time by Muslims.

This of course influences an anti semitic agenda for political purposes, which Norwegians are quite happy to carry out as it agrees with their normal bias.
Anti-semitism has a LONG history in Norway that precedes Muslim immigration. Typical of some to blame it on that however - the irony being that there are those who declaim anti-semitism with self rightous anti-islamic sentiments.

History of anti-semitism in Norway
Norway's Problem with Anti-Semitism | Standpoint

Norway also has a problem with rising anti-Islamic movements: Norway Attacks Reveal Growing Violent, Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Europe | Democracy Now! as evident by the recent horrific mass shooting of children.

Perhaps the problem isn't Islam in Norway - it's Norway.

Naturally Coyote would never ever consider that there is more anti-Semitism in Europe because of the Muslim emigration into Europe. Perhaps she can research this topic, and then brave Coyote (with Sunni Man accompanying her of course) can even hop over to Europe and even go into those Muslim no-go areas and ask her newfound friends what they think of the Jews. Then she can interview the Jews living in the various countries and ask them what they have experienced.

Naturally, Sally and Toast can't be bothered to look into the facts regarding anti-semitism in Norway (and for that matter Sweden) - can they?

Why it's so much simpler to blame it all on the Muslims as usual, isn't it, instead of looking at the larger picture?

Are facts really so scary to the two of you? Or is it just that you hate Muslims in the same way Holston hates Jews?

Perhaps it would be scary if Coyote really knew what was going on in Europe with regard to her newfound friends. I have read enough to know what is happening not only to the Jews in Europe, but also to the Christians as well. Perhaps Coyote should ask some Europeans to tell her what is happening unless she really doesn't want to know which is a good possibility.

Seriously you genuinely believe what you are saying here?

Gil Ronen's Fabricated Statistics About Oslo Rapists Being All Muslim |

Either you are stating this to push Sunni's buttons


You genuinely believe it.

Which is it?

Why, Coyote, I thought you were smart enough to Google what the Muslim men are doing across Europe. Perhaps you, with all your "brilliance," can go over there and counsel them to behave themselves. Take Sunni Man with you for protection.

And, seriously, Coyote, perhaps you can tell them beheadings and stonings are a no no.

Norwegian Muslims Call for Beheadings and a Muslim State

Sally, you aren't a stupid woman. Perhaps you are just a troll. It would behoove you to fact check some of those items.

This is rich!!! Coyote calling me a troll when her pal Sunni Man really fits the definition of a troll. Thanks for the laugh, Coyote.
Norwegian Volunteers in the German Wehrmacht in WWII

During World War II a great number of volunteers from Norway served within the ranks of the German Wehrmacht. Prior to 1940, there were few such volunteers, but after the invasion, their numbers increased dramatically totaling around 50,000 by wars end. Nowhere did Norwegians serve in greater numbers than in the ranks of the Waffen-SS, but equal mention should also be made of those who served in the Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe, Heer and in the various auxiliary forces such as Organization Todt and even the Reichsarbeitdients.

Norwegian Volunteers in the German Wehrmacht in WWII
Norway is an occupied country, and this time by Muslims.

This of course influences an anti semitic agenda for political purposes, which Norwegians are quite happy to carry out as it agrees with their normal bias.

There are those posting here who find it more convenient to close their eyes to what is actually going on in Europe.
Norway is an occupied country, and this time by Muslims.

This of course influences an anti semitic agenda for political purposes, which Norwegians are quite happy to carry out as it agrees with their normal bias.

There are those posting here who find it more convenient to close their eyes to what is actually going on in Europe.

I don't think people close their eyes.

I think that they have made their minds up - long ago - what side they are on. That is easy to see.
Naturally Coyote would never ever consider that there is more anti-Semitism in Europe because of the Muslim emigration into Europe. Perhaps she can research this topic, and then brave Coyote (with Sunni Man accompanying her of course) can even hop over to Europe and even go into those Muslim no-go areas and ask her newfound friends what they think of the Jews. Then she can interview the Jews living in the various countries and ask them what they have experienced.

Naturally, Sally and Toast can't be bothered to look into the facts regarding anti-semitism in Norway (and for that matter Sweden) - can they?

Why it's so much simpler to blame it all on the Muslims as usual, isn't it, instead of looking at the larger picture?

Are facts really so scary to the two of you? Or is it just that you hate Muslims in the same way Holston hates Jews?

Perhaps it would be scary if Coyote really knew what was going on in Europe with regard to her newfound friends. I have read enough to know what is happening not only to the Jews in Europe, but also to the Christians as well. Perhaps Coyote should ask some Europeans to tell her what is happening unless she really doesn't want to know which is a good possibility.

Silly SalFly just can't stop herself from trolling :cuckoo:
Norwegian Volunteers in the German Wehrmacht in WWII

During World War II a great number of volunteers from Norway served within the ranks of the German Wehrmacht. Prior to 1940, there were few such volunteers, but after the invasion, their numbers increased dramatically totaling around 50,000 by wars end. Nowhere did Norwegians serve in greater numbers than in the ranks of the Waffen-SS, but equal mention should also be made of those who served in the Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe, Heer and in the various auxiliary forces such as Organization Todt and even the Reichsarbeitdients.

Norwegian Volunteers in the German Wehrmacht in WWII

I'll admit - I was not that aware of Norway's history in WW2 until reading about this.
Norway is an occupied country, and this time by Muslims.

This of course influences an anti semitic agenda for political purposes, which Norwegians are quite happy to carry out as it agrees with their normal bias.

There are those posting here who find it more convenient to close their eyes to what is actually going on in Europe.

I don't think people close their eyes.

I think that they have made their minds up - long ago - what side they are on. That is easy to see.


Another reality check:

Demographics in Norway

83.6% Christian
(of which 79% is Lutheran)

2.1% Islam

That's your "invasion".
Norwegian Volunteers in the German Wehrmacht in WWII

During World War II a great number of volunteers from Norway served within the ranks of the German Wehrmacht. Prior to 1940, there were few such volunteers, but after the invasion, their numbers increased dramatically totaling around 50,000 by wars end. Nowhere did Norwegians serve in greater numbers than in the ranks of the Waffen-SS, but equal mention should also be made of those who served in the Kriegsmarine, Luftwaffe, Heer and in the various auxiliary forces such as Organization Todt and even the Reichsarbeitdients.

Norwegian Volunteers in the German Wehrmacht in WWII

I'll admit - I was not that aware of Norway's history in WW2 until reading about this.
An estimated 350,000 to 500,000 volunteers from Danish, Belgian, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and Holland, fought in the German army for Hitler; mainly in the Waffen SS.

An interesting side note is that during the final battle for Berlin against the Russians.

5,000 of the last standing SS in the city were soldiers from these various countries.

They all fought to the death because they had no country to return to and faced certain execution for being SS if captured. .. :cool:

Here is a good breakdown of the numbers: Waffen-SS foreign volunteers and conscripts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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