Norway's Problem with Anti-Semitism

Coyote seems to think that the Muslims all over Europe are acting so peacefully toward the others who are living there. She should really be reading what many Europeans are saying.

Muslims in Norway now demand a separate state, Greece will soon see similar! | Mindweapons in Ragnarok

SallFly...perhaps you need to check your sources before posting. Mindweapons in Ragnarok? Really now?

It's a bit difficult to find an actual legitimate source on this subject (must be interference from the Mind Weapons) ...

The claim: Muslims in Norway now demand a separate state...

The reality: The Norwegian news portal VG Nett is reporting that a Muslim terrorist group, Ansar al-Sunna’, is threatening that if a section of the nation's capitol isn't transformed into a sharia-complaint Muslim nation, an attack rivaling 9/11 will be launched upon the Scandinavian nation.

That's right - a terrorist group, not "Muslims" as in the general public or even Muslims in Norway. Ansar al-Sunna is an Iraqi Salafist insurgent group.

In searching through Google for more info on this gem from SallFly, I noted it was also reported in StormFront. SallFly must feel pretty good that she shares views with her brethren in StormFront :clap2:

So are they Christians or Jews then that are making the threats. Now if it was a Jewish group you would be screaming about the JOOOOOS planning a blood bath wouldn't you. But seeing as it is the much more violent muslims then you want it covering up.
Ever heard the expression RACIST NAZI JEW HATER

Never mind accuracy, never mind looking at facts or history - you can't address facts - so what's your strategy - let's DEFLECT with kindergarten ad-homs :lol: :lol: :lol::clap2:
Even though Muslims are not a majority, they make trouble far beyond their numbers.
Anyone who isn't aware of the acute problems adopted by the Muslims in Norway should just do a quick Google search "Norway and Muslims" and all their doubts will promptly be made clear.

Google makes no differentiation between accurate and inaccurate reports and sites...just saying.

True but then it is up to the person using google to decide if they go with a biased site or an unbiased site. Your choice is a very BIASED site

Wikipedia's demographics of Norway? Seriously? :cuckoo:
Even though Muslims are not a majority, they make trouble far beyond their numbers.
Anyone who isn't aware of the acute problems adopted by the Muslims in Norway should just do a quick Google search "Norway and Muslims" and all their doubts will promptly be made clear.

The Norway-Muslim-Rape epidemic has already been thoroughly debunked...

Hardly as the site used is pro islam so will manipulate the figures to defend its POV. But here are the figures from a pro Norwegian site that shows the true extent of rape in Norway

Islam in Europe: Norway, Rape and Muslims - A Study

The 'top' immigrant rapists were Iraqis, Somalis and Pakistanis. These groups are also the top immigrant groups from Muslim countries in Norway.

Total Oslo Population
% of city population
% of rapists

20,036 3.63%

8,878 1.61%

5,818 1.05%



I'm basing this on a city population of 551,832 and the Norway Statistics chart (2007 data).

According to this chart, the percentage of rapists among Pakistanis, Norway's largest immigrant group, is about their percentage in the population. However, by Somalis their rape percentage is 3.5 times their percentage in the population, and by Iraqis it's 10.39 times as high.

Did you even read your link?

From it:

I find it hard to draw conclusions from this study due to lack of data. Additionally, I am neither a statistician nor a criminologist, and I think those are necessary qualifications when studying statistical criminal data. My main conclusions, though, are:
(1) There is no correlation country-wide between immigrants and rapes
(2) Northern Norway is overrepresented in rape statistics (up to twice the national average)
(3) Norway is much safer than Iceland
(4) In Oslo, ethnic Norwegians are underrepresented, both among rapists and rape victims
(5) In Oslo, asylum seekers are overrepresented among rapists
(6) In Oslo, immigrant women are much more likely to be victims of rape
I don't think people close their eyes.

I think that they have made their minds up - long ago - what side they are on. That is easy to see.


Another reality check:

Demographics in Norway

83.6% Christian
(of which 79% is Lutheran)

2.1% Islam

That's your "invasion".

Yes as anyone living in Europe will tell you the official figures are unreliable, and the number of illegals will treble or quadruple the population.
Take the UK that had only 1.2 million muslims in its population right up until 2008, then overnight it rose to 5 million. The reason was the demise of the neo Marxist socialist Government, so the last census was counted correctly and the figures printed.
The muslims have a formula for working out when it is time to start a take over. While the numbers are low they keep quiet and say nothing, as soon as they get to 3% of the population they start becoming political and putting up for local elections. At 5% they become activists and start demanding changes in the law in their favour. 7% and they become aggressive and violent with many turning to terrorism and threats to create muslim ghettos. At 10% they judge the time is right to declare war and start the take over process, first they attack the schools to remove 2 or 3 generations of future fighters. Then they attack the women so that the next generations will not be born and finally they take over and put everyone to the sword when they refuse to convert to islam.
For good examples of this look at the former Yugoslavia, Darfur, Ethiopia, Philipines and Lebanon were this is ongoing at the moment.

The stats are similar in the CIA World Factbook as well, I suspect they are pretty accurate. The rest your talk is little more than conspiracy style hate-mongering along the lines of "The Protocals of Zion". What's your source for this? Philipines...I bet you didn't realize that the Muslims were there before the Catholics, by a considerable period of time? They certainly aren't some new "immigrant" group demanding special rights.

Yugoslavia - Serbs slaughtering Muslims, lots of ethnic groups, lots of ancient Balkan grudges in a country that was held together only by autocratic dictator - there's a lot of history you are overlooking if you want to use Yugoslavia as an example. Not to mention a complete white-washing of the genocidal tendancies of the "Christian" Serbs not to mention, overfall, a considerable amount of history where Muslims have coexisted peaceably in excess of 5%, with other religions.
SallFly...perhaps you need to check your sources before posting. Mindweapons in Ragnarok? Really now?

It's a bit difficult to find an actual legitimate source on this subject (must be interference from the Mind Weapons) ...

The claim: Muslims in Norway now demand a separate state...

The reality: The Norwegian news portal VG Nett is reporting that a Muslim terrorist group, Ansar al-Sunna’, is threatening that if a section of the nation's capitol isn't transformed into a sharia-complaint Muslim nation, an attack rivaling 9/11 will be launched upon the Scandinavian nation.

That's right - a terrorist group, not "Muslims" as in the general public or even Muslims in Norway. Ansar al-Sunna is an Iraqi Salafist insurgent group.

In searching through Google for more info on this gem from SallFly, I noted it was also reported in StormFront. SallFly must feel pretty good that she shares views with her brethren in StormFront :clap2:

So are they Christians or Jews then that are making the threats. Now if it was a Jewish group you would be screaming about the JOOOOOS planning a blood bath wouldn't you. But seeing as it is the much more violent muslims then you want it covering up.
Ever heard the expression RACIST NAZI JEW HATER

Never mind accuracy, never mind looking at facts or history - you can't address facts - so what's your strategy - let's DEFLECT with kindergarten ad-homs :lol: :lol: :lol::clap2:

But I do address the facts like islam teaches muslims to be violent, then commands them to murder, steal and rape. Finally it commands them to work towards world domination and convert the worlds population by the sword. While we have a non Islamic West the muslims are cowed into inaction, let them get the bomb and they will start using it against their enemies. That means anyone they perceive as having wronged islam, and the word perceived is the one they use themselves.
The Norway-Muslim-Rape epidemic has already been thoroughly debunked...

Hardly as the site used is pro islam so will manipulate the figures to defend its POV. But here are the figures from a pro Norwegian site that shows the true extent of rape in Norway

Islam in Europe: Norway, Rape and Muslims - A Study

The 'top' immigrant rapists were Iraqis, Somalis and Pakistanis. These groups are also the top immigrant groups from Muslim countries in Norway.

Total Oslo Population
% of city population
% of rapists

20,036 3.63%

8,878 1.61%

5,818 1.05%



I'm basing this on a city population of 551,832 and the Norway Statistics chart (2007 data).

According to this chart, the percentage of rapists among Pakistanis, Norway's largest immigrant group, is about their percentage in the population. However, by Somalis their rape percentage is 3.5 times their percentage in the population, and by Iraqis it's 10.39 times as high.

Did you even read your link?

From it:

I find it hard to draw conclusions from this study due to lack of data. Additionally, I am neither a statistician nor a criminologist, and I think those are necessary qualifications when studying statistical criminal data. My main conclusions, though, are:
(1) There is no correlation country-wide between immigrants and rapes
(2) Northern Norway is overrepresented in rape statistics (up to twice the national average)
(3) Norway is much safer than Iceland
(4) In Oslo, ethnic Norwegians are underrepresented, both among rapists and rape victims
(5) In Oslo, asylum seekers are overrepresented among rapists
(6) In Oslo, immigrant women are much more likely to be victims of rape

How about points 2, 4, 5 and 6 that tell another story, that of there being a correlation between immigrant population centres and increasing rapes. And that muslim migrants are responsible for over 26% of the countries rapes, not bad from a 2.6% population. Showing that LOONWATCH are manipulating the figures to suit some Islamic agenda..........

Another reality check:

Demographics in Norway

83.6% Christian
(of which 79% is Lutheran)

2.1% Islam

That's your "invasion".

Yes as anyone living in Europe will tell you the official figures are unreliable, and the number of illegals will treble or quadruple the population.
Take the UK that had only 1.2 million muslims in its population right up until 2008, then overnight it rose to 5 million. The reason was the demise of the neo Marxist socialist Government, so the last census was counted correctly and the figures printed.
The muslims have a formula for working out when it is time to start a take over. While the numbers are low they keep quiet and say nothing, as soon as they get to 3% of the population they start becoming political and putting up for local elections. At 5% they become activists and start demanding changes in the law in their favour. 7% and they become aggressive and violent with many turning to terrorism and threats to create muslim ghettos. At 10% they judge the time is right to declare war and start the take over process, first they attack the schools to remove 2 or 3 generations of future fighters. Then they attack the women so that the next generations will not be born and finally they take over and put everyone to the sword when they refuse to convert to islam.
For good examples of this look at the former Yugoslavia, Darfur, Ethiopia, Philipines and Lebanon were this is ongoing at the moment.

The stats are similar in the CIA World Factbook as well, I suspect they are pretty accurate. The rest your talk is little more than conspiracy style hate-mongering along the lines of "The Protocals of Zion". What's your source for this? Philipines...I bet you didn't realize that the Muslims were there before the Catholics, by a considerable period of time? They certainly aren't some new "immigrant" group demanding special rights.

Yugoslavia - Serbs slaughtering Muslims, lots of ethnic groups, lots of ancient Balkan grudges in a country that was held together only by autocratic dictator - there's a lot of history you are overlooking if you want to use Yugoslavia as an example. Not to mention a complete white-washing of the genocidal tendancies of the "Christian" Serbs not to mention, overfall, a considerable amount of history where Muslims have coexisted peaceably in excess of 5%, with other religions.

Wrong if you bother to do a search you will find the muslim agenda and how it is worked out. How the mosques become barracks and weapons dumps were children are taught to kill.
So you don't believe that your country went to the help of the wrong side when it bombed the Christians fighting for their very existence. When Islamic terrorists migrated to Yugoslavia to swell the numbers and went on a killing spree. Do you want the oictures of the muslim atrocities posting were women were raped as their throats were slit, or unborn babies were ripped from their mothers bodies. Is it any wonder after witnessing the aftermath of a muslim blood bath that the Serbs exacted revenge.
Hardly as the site used is pro islam so will manipulate the figures to defend its POV. But here are the figures from a pro Norwegian site that shows the true extent of rape in Norway

Islam in Europe: Norway, Rape and Muslims - A Study

The 'top' immigrant rapists were Iraqis, Somalis and Pakistanis. These groups are also the top immigrant groups from Muslim countries in Norway.

Total Oslo Population
% of city population
% of rapists

20,036 3.63%

8,878 1.61%

5,818 1.05%



I'm basing this on a city population of 551,832 and the Norway Statistics chart (2007 data).

According to this chart, the percentage of rapists among Pakistanis, Norway's largest immigrant group, is about their percentage in the population. However, by Somalis their rape percentage is 3.5 times their percentage in the population, and by Iraqis it's 10.39 times as high.

Did you even read your link?

From it:

I find it hard to draw conclusions from this study due to lack of data. Additionally, I am neither a statistician nor a criminologist, and I think those are necessary qualifications when studying statistical criminal data. My main conclusions, though, are:
(1) There is no correlation country-wide between immigrants and rapes
(2) Northern Norway is overrepresented in rape statistics (up to twice the national average)
(3) Norway is much safer than Iceland
(4) In Oslo, ethnic Norwegians are underrepresented, both among rapists and rape victims
(5) In Oslo, asylum seekers are overrepresented among rapists
(6) In Oslo, immigrant women are much more likely to be victims of rape

How about points 2, 4, 5 and 6 that tell another story, that of there being a correlation between immigrant population centres and increasing rapes. And that muslim migrants are responsible for over 26% of the countries rapes, not bad from a 2.6% population. Showing that LOONWATCH are manipulating the figures to suit some Islamic agenda..........

I don't think it's Loonwatch that is doing the manipulating here.

The 26% is not 26% of the entire country's rapes. It's only Oslo - one city.

In addition, you yourself pointed out the following:
According to this chart, the percentage of rapists among Pakistanis, Norway's largest immigrant group, is about their percentage in the population. However, by Somalis their rape percentage is 3.5 times their percentage in the population, and by Iraqis it's 10.39 times as high

So here, according to your figures, the largest Muslim immigrant group has rape statistics that are not out of proportion to their population while Iraqi and Somali's are over represented. How is that a Muslim rape epidemic? You think some other factors might be at play in Oslo? Your author seems think so.

Your source also noted that the highest rates of rape occured in the northern jurisdictions, areas with the smallest number of immigrant population.

Going back to Oslo only, he notes he notes this about the fictional sexual crime wave:

As can be seen in the charts above, the overall number of sexual crimes actually went down in Norway in 2000, and their ratio to the population stayed constant. If Oslo was going through a sexual crime wave, this would have to mean a serious drop in sexual crimes elsewhere in the country. A drop which would also have to be explained, since while rape rates dropped in Oslo after 2000, sexual crime went up over the country.

And, again - most of this data pertains to Oslo only - hence the importance of his FIRST point in his conclusions that you seem to want to ignore.
Coyote seems to think that the Muslims all over Europe are acting so peacefully toward the others who are living there. She should really be reading what many Europeans are saying.

Muslims in Norway now demand a separate state, Greece will soon see similar! | Mindweapons in Ragnarok

SallFly...perhaps you need to check your sources before posting. Mindweapons in Ragnarok? Really now?

It's a bit difficult to find an actual legitimate source on this subject (must be interference from the Mind Weapons) ...

The claim: Muslims in Norway now demand a separate state...

The reality: The Norwegian news portal VG Nett is reporting that a Muslim terrorist group, Ansar al-Sunna’, is threatening that if a section of the nation's capitol isn't transformed into a sharia-complaint Muslim nation, an attack rivaling 9/11 will be launched upon the Scandinavian nation.

That's right - a terrorist group, not "Muslims" as in the general public or even Muslims in Norway. Ansar al-Sunna is an Iraqi Salafist insurgent group.

In searching through Google for more info on this gem from SallFly, I noted it was also reported in StormFront. SallFly must feel pretty good that she shares views with her brethren in StormFront :clap2:

Poor Coyote, she will never admit thawt the Muslims are acting up in Europe. I can just imagine if she would have seen that Paki Brit saying White women are just pieces of meat. Coyote would have shook her head and told him :You're right." As an aside, even though I don't check my sources when I Google, I noticed that Coyote has no problem when people post from Arab propaganda sites. Then she is very silent about this. I was once on a message board where many English people were posting. They could tell Coyote a thing or two about what is happening in Great Britain with regard to the Muslims, but Coyote would tell them they were all liars and that Muslims would never do such things.

You have some strange ideas SallFly, but I seriously doubt you can read my mind :lol:

Isn't it time for you to confer with your colleagues at Stormfront? You share so many of the same sentiments and sources ;)

In the meantime keep on pretending that an Iraqi insurgent terrorist group is the same as the entire Norwegian Muslim community :D
SallFly...perhaps you need to check your sources before posting. Mindweapons in Ragnarok? Really now?

It's a bit difficult to find an actual legitimate source on this subject (must be interference from the Mind Weapons) ...

The claim: Muslims in Norway now demand a separate state...

The reality: The Norwegian news portal VG Nett is reporting that a Muslim terrorist group, Ansar al-Sunna’, is threatening that if a section of the nation's capitol isn't transformed into a sharia-complaint Muslim nation, an attack rivaling 9/11 will be launched upon the Scandinavian nation.

That's right - a terrorist group, not "Muslims" as in the general public or even Muslims in Norway. Ansar al-Sunna is an Iraqi Salafist insurgent group.

In searching through Google for more info on this gem from SallFly, I noted it was also reported in StormFront. SallFly must feel pretty good that she shares views with her brethren in StormFront :clap2:

Poor Coyote, she will never admit thawt the Muslims are acting up in Europe. I can just imagine if she would have seen that Paki Brit saying White women are just pieces of meat. Coyote would have shook her head and told him :You're right." As an aside, even though I don't check my sources when I Google, I noticed that Coyote has no problem when people post from Arab propaganda sites. Then she is very silent about this. I was once on a message board where many English people were posting. They could tell Coyote a thing or two about what is happening in Great Britain with regard to the Muslims, but Coyote would tell them they were all liars and that Muslims would never do such things.

You have some strange ideas SallFly, but I seriously doubt you can read my mind :lol:

Isn't it time for you to confer with your colleagues at Stormfront? You share so many of the same sentiments and sources ;)

In the meantime keep on pretending that an Iraqi insurgent terrorist group is the same as the entire Norwegian Muslim community :D

Isn't it time you confer with your colleagues at your local Mosque? So sad, the Europeans realize what is happening to their countries with regard to Muslim immigration, but Coyote's colleagues tell her not to mention anything like that. By the way, the Hindus and Sikhs in England are saying that the newspapers shouldn't report crimes as committed by Asians, and they should use Pakistanis instead because the public mistakes the different groups when only Asian is used to describe the criminal.
Poor Coyote, she will never admit thawt the Muslims are acting up in Europe. I can just imagine if she would have seen that Paki Brit saying White women are just pieces of meat. Coyote would have shook her head and told him :You're right." As an aside, even though I don't check my sources when I Google, I noticed that Coyote has no problem when people post from Arab propaganda sites. Then she is very silent about this. I was once on a message board where many English people were posting. They could tell Coyote a thing or two about what is happening in Great Britain with regard to the Muslims, but Coyote would tell them they were all liars and that Muslims would never do such things.

You have some strange ideas SallFly, but I seriously doubt you can read my mind :lol:

Isn't it time for you to confer with your colleagues at Stormfront? You share so many of the same sentiments and sources ;)

In the meantime keep on pretending that an Iraqi insurgent terrorist group is the same as the entire Norwegian Muslim community :D

Isn't it time you confer with your colleagues at your local Mosque? So sad, the Europeans realize what is happening to their countries with regard to Muslim immigration, but Coyote's colleagues tell her not to mention anything like that. By the way, the Hindus and Sikhs in England are saying that the newspapers shouldn't report crimes as committed by Asians, and they should use Pakistanis instead because the public mistakes the different groups when only Asian is used to describe the criminal.

roman polanski and woody allen aren't muslims, and they aren't asians either.
You have some strange ideas SallFly, but I seriously doubt you can read my mind :lol:

Isn't it time for you to confer with your colleagues at Stormfront? You share so many of the same sentiments and sources ;)

In the meantime keep on pretending that an Iraqi insurgent terrorist group is the same as the entire Norwegian Muslim community :D

Isn't it time you confer with your colleagues at your local Mosque? So sad, the Europeans realize what is happening to their countries with regard to Muslim immigration, but Coyote's colleagues tell her not to mention anything like that. By the way, the Hindus and Sikhs in England are saying that the newspapers shouldn't report crimes as committed by Asians, and they should use Pakistanis instead because the public mistakes the different groups when only Asian is used to describe the criminal.

roman polanski and woody allen aren't muslims, and they aren't asians either.

Phony "Cajun" wouldn't admit either that the European prisons are full of Muslim rapists. However, it makes him feed good to pull up two Jews. Hmm, I wonder how many Irish rapists there are right here in the U.S. Since you are for Gay rights, I would suggest that you contact your Muslim friends in the area and tell them to leave the Gays alone.


[ame=]Muslim tries to burn down Seattle's iconic gay night club Neighbours in a hate crime - YouTube[/ame]
Isn't it time you confer with your colleagues at your local Mosque? So sad, the Europeans realize what is happening to their countries with regard to Muslim immigration, but Coyote's colleagues tell her not to mention anything like that. By the way, the Hindus and Sikhs in England are saying that the newspapers shouldn't report crimes as committed by Asians, and they should use Pakistanis instead because the public mistakes the different groups when only Asian is used to describe the criminal.

roman polanski and woody allen aren't muslims, and they aren't asians either.

Phony "Cajun" wouldn't admit either that the European prisons are full of Muslim rapists. However, it makes him feed good to pull up two Jews. Hmm, I wonder how many Irish rapists there are right here in the U.S. Since you are for Gay rights, I would suggest that you contact your Muslim friends in the area and tell them to leave the Gays alone.


[ame=]Muslim tries to burn down Seattle's iconic gay night club Neighbours in a hate crime - YouTube[/ame]

i am not a cajun and i explained that in my introduction. it involved a fight between some army buddies and some marines with some zydeco music playing on the CD player or something as we were pounding on each other and people just started calling me cajun joe in the stockade. i mean, i don't thinki you are a hossfly. i just think that is your nickname. coyote probably really isn't a coyote either.

i have no idea where you got the idea that i am for gay rights. i am for equal rights and i suppose that includes the rights of gay people but also ignorant bigots like you.

i have no intention of traveling to seattle and seeking out muslims to chastise them because a muslim allegedly started a fire in a gay club.

about the only part you got right was that i am of irish descent, which accounts for what, between 25% and 49% of americans?

i can pull up more jews if you want. it seems sort of silly. i mean, 90% of all the child molestations commited in the USA are done by jews but only a few are ever prosecuted because they flee to israel and the israeli government won't extradite them.
roman polanski and woody allen aren't muslims, and they aren't asians either.

Phony "Cajun" wouldn't admit either that the European prisons are full of Muslim rapists. However, it makes him feed good to pull up two Jews. Hmm, I wonder how many Irish rapists there are right here in the U.S. Since you are for Gay rights, I would suggest that you contact your Muslim friends in the area and tell them to leave the Gays alone.


[ame=]Muslim tries to burn down Seattle's iconic gay night club Neighbours in a hate crime - YouTube[/ame]

i am not a cajun and i explained that in my introduction. it involved a fight between some army buddies and some marines with some zydeco music playing on the CD player or something as we were pounding on each other and people just started calling me cajun joe in the stockade. i mean, i don't thinki you are a hossfly. i just think that is your nickname. coyote probably really isn't a coyote either.

i have no idea where you got the idea that i am for gay rights. i am for equal rights and i suppose that includes the rights of gay people but also ignorant bigots like you.

i have no intention of traveling to seattle and seeking out muslims to chastise them because a muslim allegedly started a fire in a gay club.

about the only part you got right was that i am of irish descent, which accounts for what, between 25% and 49% of americans?

i can pull up more jews if you want. it seems sort of silly. i mean, 90% of all the child molestations commited in the USA are done by jews but only a few are ever prosecuted because they flee to israel and the israeli government won't extradite them.

Yes, your various Introductions are works of art. You really should be writing fiction. Those throw-away Email addresses are a great boon for some posters. However, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. I am not the only one here who thinks this is a duck.
Phony "Cajun" wouldn't admit either that the European prisons are full of Muslim rapists. However, it makes him feed good to pull up two Jews. Hmm, I wonder how many Irish rapists there are right here in the U.S. Since you are for Gay rights, I would suggest that you contact your Muslim friends in the area and tell them to leave the Gays alone.


Muslim tries to burn down Seattle's iconic gay night club Neighbours in a hate crime - YouTube

i am not a cajun and i explained that in my introduction. it involved a fight between some army buddies and some marines with some zydeco music playing on the CD player or something as we were pounding on each other and people just started calling me cajun joe in the stockade. i mean, i don't thinki you are a hossfly. i just think that is your nickname. coyote probably really isn't a coyote either.

i have no idea where you got the idea that i am for gay rights. i am for equal rights and i suppose that includes the rights of gay people but also ignorant bigots like you.

i have no intention of traveling to seattle and seeking out muslims to chastise them because a muslim allegedly started a fire in a gay club.

about the only part you got right was that i am of irish descent, which accounts for what, between 25% and 49% of americans?

i can pull up more jews if you want. it seems sort of silly. i mean, 90% of all the child molestations commited in the USA are done by jews but only a few are ever prosecuted because they flee to israel and the israeli government won't extradite them.

Yes, your various Introductions are works of art. You really should be writing fiction. Those throw-away Email addresses are a great boon for some posters. However, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. I am not the only one here who thinks this is a duck.

patrickcaturday and a couple of posters that have asked not to be mentioned have warned me about you and those others who think every new poster is a duck. actually, from what i have heard, i am flattered to be compared to the original duck, although i am not sure i deserve such acclaim.

don't you think it is a bit counterproductive, to go on this duck hunt. what is wrong with you. do you actually think that there is only one person in the world who finds you to be a petty, little backbiter and gossip. frankly, i do not care a bit to indulge you in your ridiculous fantasies. call me what you want. having watched sunni man, i am learning how to deal with you and those like you.

carry on and quack quack if that in some way warms your frigid disposition and cools and moistens those torrid flashes you seem to be having.
i am not a cajun and i explained that in my introduction. it involved a fight between some army buddies and some marines with some zydeco music playing on the CD player or something as we were pounding on each other and people just started calling me cajun joe in the stockade. i mean, i don't thinki you are a hossfly. i just think that is your nickname. coyote probably really isn't a coyote either.

i have no idea where you got the idea that i am for gay rights. i am for equal rights and i suppose that includes the rights of gay people but also ignorant bigots like you.

i have no intention of traveling to seattle and seeking out muslims to chastise them because a muslim allegedly started a fire in a gay club.

about the only part you got right was that i am of irish descent, which accounts for what, between 25% and 49% of americans?

i can pull up more jews if you want. it seems sort of silly. i mean, 90% of all the child molestations commited in the USA are done by jews but only a few are ever prosecuted because they flee to israel and the israeli government won't extradite them.

Yes, your various Introductions are works of art. You really should be writing fiction. Those throw-away Email addresses are a great boon for some posters. However, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. I am not the only one here who thinks this is a duck.

patrickcaturday and a couple of posters that have asked not to be mentioned have warned me about you and those others who think every new poster is a duck. actually, from what i have heard, i am flattered to be compared to the original duck, although i am not sure i deserve such acclaim.

don't you think it is a bit counterproductive, to go on this duck hunt. what is wrong with you. do you actually think that there is only one person in the world who finds you to be a petty, little backbiter and gossip. frankly, i do not care a bit to indulge you in your ridiculous fantasies. call me what you want. having watched sunni man, i am learning how to deal with you and those like you.

carry on and quack quack if that in some way warms your frigid disposition and cools and moistens those torrid flashes you seem to be having.

Come on!!! Whom do you think you are kidding? You and Patrick have been sticking up for each other for a long, long time that it is almost like a Laurel and Hardy act. However, it is amusing to see how you think you are fooling anyone.

Yessiree, those throw-away Emails address are a very good thing for some posters who come badk with such fairy-tale Introductions.
Yes, your various Introductions are works of art. You really should be writing fiction. Those throw-away Email addresses are a great boon for some posters. However, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. I am not the only one here who thinks this is a duck.

patrickcaturday and a couple of posters that have asked not to be mentioned have warned me about you and those others who think every new poster is a duck. actually, from what i have heard, i am flattered to be compared to the original duck, although i am not sure i deserve such acclaim.

don't you think it is a bit counterproductive, to go on this duck hunt. what is wrong with you. do you actually think that there is only one person in the world who finds you to be a petty, little backbiter and gossip. frankly, i do not care a bit to indulge you in your ridiculous fantasies. call me what you want. having watched sunni man, i am learning how to deal with you and those like you.

carry on and quack quack if that in some way warms your frigid disposition and cools and moistens those torrid flashes you seem to be having.

Come on!!! Whom do you think you are kidding? You and Patrick have been sticking up for each other for a long, long time that it is almost like a Laurel and Hardy act. However, it is amusing to see how you think you are fooling anyone.

Yessiree, those throw-away Emails address are a very good thing for some posters who come badk with such fairy-tale Introductions.

i am not a cajun and i explained that in my introduction. it involved a fight between some army buddies and some marines with some zydeco music playing on the CD player or something as we were pounding on each other and people just started calling me cajun joe in the stockade. i mean, i don't thinki you are a hossfly. i just think that is your nickname. coyote probably really isn't a coyote either.

i have no idea where you got the idea that i am for gay rights. i am for equal rights and i suppose that includes the rights of gay people but also ignorant bigots like you.

i have no intention of traveling to seattle and seeking out muslims to chastise them because a muslim allegedly started a fire in a gay club.

about the only part you got right was that i am of irish descent, which accounts for what, between 25% and 49% of americans?

i can pull up more jews if you want. it seems sort of silly. i mean, 90% of all the child molestations commited in the USA are done by jews but only a few are ever prosecuted because they flee to israel and the israeli government won't extradite them.

Yes, your various Introductions are works of art. You really should be writing fiction. Those throw-away Email addresses are a great boon for some posters. However, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. I am not the only one here who thinks this is a duck.

patrickcaturday and a couple of posters that have asked not to be mentioned have warned me about you and those others who think every new poster is a duck. actually, from what i have heard, i am flattered to be compared to the original duck, although i am not sure i deserve such acclaim.

don't you think it is a bit counterproductive, to go on this duck hunt. what is wrong with you. do you actually think that there is only one person in the world who finds you to be a petty, little backbiter and gossip. frankly, i do not care a bit to indulge you in your ridiculous fantasies. call me what you want. having watched sunni man, i am learning how to deal with you and those like you.

carry on and quack quack if that in some way warms your frigid disposition and cools and moistens those torrid flashes you seem to be having.

Please don't let these people chase you off they have already gotten rid of a whole lot of good posters. The problem here is that you remind them of another poster who no longer posts here, he always used to tied them in knots and the only way they could deal with that was to insult him and do there best to drive them off the board so like I said don't let them chase them you off !!!
patrickcaturday and a couple of posters that have asked not to be mentioned have warned me about you and those others who think every new poster is a duck. actually, from what i have heard, i am flattered to be compared to the original duck, although i am not sure i deserve such acclaim.

don't you think it is a bit counterproductive, to go on this duck hunt. what is wrong with you. do you actually think that there is only one person in the world who finds you to be a petty, little backbiter and gossip. frankly, i do not care a bit to indulge you in your ridiculous fantasies. call me what you want. having watched sunni man, i am learning how to deal with you and those like you.

carry on and quack quack if that in some way warms your frigid disposition and cools and moistens those torrid flashes you seem to be having.

Please don't let these people chase you off they have already gotten rid of a whole lot of good posters. The problem here is that you remind them of another poster who no longer posts here, he always used to tied them in knots and the only way they could deal with that was to insult him and do there best to drive them off the board so like I said don't let them chase them you off !!!

Now which one could that good friend Patrick be playing with his chum -- Laurel or Hardy?
I wonder if Patrick can name some of these good posters he is mentioning that were gotten rid of. Offhand, I really can't think of any at the moment.

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