Norway's Problem with Anti-Semitism

Nor are they in Europe, but if they were they would be arrested and charged with no chance of a plea bargain

i would be perfectly content to confine these conversations to the topic at hand (the topic of the thread title) but i am not uncomfortable responding to those, such as yourself and sal-fly, who habitually stray off topic.

you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but that does not surprise me in the slightest, having read some of your absolutely ridiculous posts. this one is an excellent example. first of all, europe isn't a state, it is a continent...uh duh. it is comprised of a number of states and the laws differ from country to country.

polanski is in europe having fled to there to avoid sentencing and avoid compliance with his plea bargain. france and switzerland have reused to extradite him to the U,S,

I think Phoenall is more versed idn what is going on in Europe with his living in Great Britain. The same problems which Great Britain is experiencing are duplicated in many European countries. Meanwhile, Mr. Seattle is a funny guy on one hand, and on the other hand, he refuses to see what is going on in Europe.

Asian immigrant's disgust at European anti-Semitism - The Commentator

anybody who says europe would arrest and charge a person is just stiupd. it would be like saying africa would arrest and charge a person or asia or south america would. laws vary rom country to country and almost all the continents, europe included, are comprised of different countries. europe has about 50 countries.

yowsuh. kosher england swings like a pendulum do...

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man jailed after raping ultra-Orthodox Jewish girl in London

Girl claims father gang-raped her | The Jewish Chronicle

torah taught, talmud approved.

and by all means, let's forget about the women and children victims of these crimes. that doesn't really work whn we are playing tit for tat now, does it. we treat them like meat the way everyone else does, to legitimize our hatred.

right, valley sally. howz life with the pickers and kickers in the san joaquin, babe.
Last edited:
I am looking at facts. it is you that does not like the facts being produced.

I'm sticking to facts.

I don't think I ever have. When something is done by an extremist group - and I'll use settlers as an example, where there are elements that venerate Goldstein's atrocities - I make a point of saying it is not part of mainstream Israeli society. Frankly, you can take the "jooooooos did it" narrative and stuff it.

People are individuals - whether they are Muslims or Jews or you or I. And they both have their share of extremists.

The fact is, the poster claimed they were Norwegian Muslims - as a group. They weren't. They were an Iraqi Salafist extremist group not even based in Norway - do your own words: fringe extremist group - ring any bells here? Or do you only apply that to non-Muslims:doubt: your own words: fringe extremist group - ring any bells here?

What you have here is a tiny group, about as representative of their religion as groups like the Westboro Baptists - threatening their fellows. It's like 60 people out of a city of 1.5 million.

This particular protest was led by Anjem Choudary, - a generally ackowledged extremist. His demonstrations and marches in support of Sharia see the support of 15 to 60 people at best. Just to give you a sense of proportion - London's Muslim population was around 607,000 as of the 2001 census.

From the first two lines of the article:

A RADICAL Muslim group sparked outrage last night as it launched a massive campaign to impose sharia law on Britain.

The fanatical group Islam4UK has *announced plans to hold a potentially *incendiary rally in London later this month.
Further on in your article:

The group was also attacked by Tory MP Philip Davies who said: “This march is clearly a deliberate and provocative attempt to incite racial tension and disrupt community cohesion.

A spokesman for the Islamic Society of Britain said: “99.999 per cent of Muslims despise these people. This only serves to fuel racial *tensions.”​

And....guess who's the front man for "Islam4UK"? It's our familiar whacko Choudrey who does not seem to garner much support from the British Muslim Community.

There's a follow up as well, of a counter Islamic demonstration planned for that same date that you must have overlooked:

It might be important to note also, that according to this 2007 Gallup study, London's Muslim population is well assimilated and indeed, more tolerant than their Christian compatriots:

London Muslims were actually less likely than the general public to say they would prefer to live in a neighborhood made up mostly of people who share their religious or ethnic background (25% vs. 35%). What’s more, they were slightly less likely to say they would not want a Christian as a neighbor (8%) than the British public overall was to say the same about a Muslim neighbor (15%). Significantly, London Muslims were 10 times as likely to express positive views as negative views of Christians, while the public is roughly as likely to express positive as negative views of Muslims.

This one is little more than a biased opinion piece:

Fiction: 10,000 Muslims Demand Google Enforce Sharia . . . in London

Fact: Muslims protest 'age of mockery' as thousands descend on Google HQ

According to the original article:
A protest by 10,000 Muslims outside the offices of Google in London today is just the first in an orchestrated attempt to force the company to remove an anti-Islamic film from website YouTube in Britain.

Thousands had travelled from as far afield as Glasgow to take part in the demonstration, ahead of a planned million-strong march in Hyde Park in coming weeks.

... One of the speakers, Sheikh Faiz Al-Aqtab Siddiqui, told The Daily Telegraph: "Terrorism is not just people who kill human bodies, but who kill human feelings as well. The makers of this film have terrorised 1.6 billion people.

"Organisations like Google are key players and have to take responsibility for civility. You can't just say it doesn't matter that it's freedom of speech. It's anarchy."

Sheikh Siddiqui, a barrister from Nuneaton, said he wanted to form a coalition with the Church of England, Catholics, Jewish groups, Trade Unions and even Conservatives to encourage their ranks to join his "campaign for civility".

"We want everyone in society to recognise these people are wrecking our fragile global society. We want the Church, the Synod, Jewish groups and establishment figures involved," he said.​

Imagine that! A peaceful demonstration to let Google know how some of their customers feel about a film have what. How...wrong....hey what?

What's wrong with that?:doubt:
Protest anti-Catholic Hate Speech of AOL/Huffington Post?s Larry Doyle | RedState
Hungarian Jews protest naming Budapest street after anti-Semite | The Times of Israel

Here is another fact that shows just how arrogant the muslims are, and this time it is a Peer of the realm.

Cranmer: Lord Ahmed threatens Parliament into submission

Lord Ahmed raised hell. It is reported that he ‘threatened to mobilise 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr Wilders from entering the House and threatened to take the colleague who was organising the event to court’.

Lord Ahmed Suspended After Offering '£10m Bounty For Capture Of Obama And Bush'

A Labour peer has been suspended from the party after he was reported to have put a bounty out on the heads of President Obama and President George W. Bush.

According to Pakistan's Express Tribune, Lord Nazir Ahmed was reacting to the US decision to offer a $10m reward for Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the founder of the islamist terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Lord Ahmed Suspended From Labour Over 'Jewish Conspiracy' Comments

According to The Times, the peer told a Pakistani TV network that the he was treated harshly due to his visits to Gaza.

"My case became more critical because I went to Gaza to support Palestinians. My Jewish friends who own newspapers and TV channels opposed this." he is reported to have said.

The paper also reports Lord Ahmed said the judge, Mr Justice Wilkie, had risen to his position in the judiciary as he had helped out a "Jewish colleague" of Tony Blair.

Always play the Jew card, because so many people believe it

You did not address a single point I made. I will not waste time again, going through yet another list of articles and discussing them - it's an utter waste of my time because there is no discussion here :evil:
Nor are they in Europe, but if they were they would be arrested and charged with no chance of a plea bargain

i would be perfectly content to confine these conversations to the topic at hand (the topic of the thread title) but i am not uncomfortable responding to those, such as yourself and sal-fly, who habitually stray off topic.

you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but that does not surprise me in the slightest, having read some of your absolutely ridiculous posts. this one is an excellent example. first of all, europe isn't a state, it is a continent...uh duh. it is comprised of a number of states and the laws differ from country to country.

polanski is in europe having fled to there to avoid sentencing and avoid compliance with his plea bargain. france and switzerland have reused to extradite him to the U,S,

I wonder why America is suddenly so out of favour with other countries, it couldn't be your president by any chance could it ?
Or your high handed manner of demanding that others do as they are told by the biggest bully in the school.
Many see America mirrored in the Simpsons cartoons, a dysfunctional and semi literate family

i dunno. i think most of the world respects us and believes we eventually do the right thing, as we have in the past.

about the only place we are out of step with the rest of the world is that we support israel. we seem to have a glaring hypocrisy and a disconnect between our action and our principles in foreign affairs, in that we mollycoddle israel for the sake of american jews and evangelical christians.

but as we gain more catholic immigrants from the south and mid-eastern and asian immigrants of all faiths, they will embrace american ideals and form voting blocs and things willl change. it already is.

given your vague grasp of facts though, i really have to question exactly what you mean by "many". it seems that could be anywhere from three all the way up to a dozen or so. oh wait. you don't mean people, you mean countries. are you aware yet, that there are more than seven countries in the world? europe, asia, south america, north america, antartica, australia and africa are continents. you have figured that out by now, haven't you?
i would be perfectly content to confine these conversations to the topic at hand (the topic of the thread title) but i am not uncomfortable responding to those, such as yourself and sal-fly, who habitually stray off topic.

you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but that does not surprise me in the slightest, having read some of your absolutely ridiculous posts. this one is an excellent example. first of all, europe isn't a state, it is a continent...uh duh. it is comprised of a number of states and the laws differ from country to country.

polanski is in europe having fled to there to avoid sentencing and avoid compliance with his plea bargain. france and switzerland have reused to extradite him to the U,S,

I think Phoenall is more versed idn what is going on in Europe with his living in Great Britain. The same problems which Great Britain is experiencing are duplicated in many European countries. Meanwhile, Mr. Seattle is a funny guy on one hand, and on the other hand, he refuses to see what is going on in Europe.

Asian immigrant's disgust at European anti-Semitism - The Commentator

anybody who says europe would arrest and charge a person is just stiupd. it would be like saying africa would arrest and charge a person or asia or south america would. laws vary rom country to country and almost all the continents, europe included, are comprised of different countries. europe has about 50 countries.

yowsuh. kosher england swings like a pendulum do...

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man jailed after raping ultra-Orthodox Jewish girl in London

Girl claims father gang-raped her | The Jewish Chronicle

torah taught, talmud approved.

and by all means, let's forget about the women and children victims of these crimes. that doesn't really work whn we are playing tit for tat now, does it. we treat them like meat the way everyone else does, to legitimize our hatred.

right, valley sally. howz life with the pickers and kickers in the san joaquin, babe.

You really are a stupid man, Mr. Seattle. There has been so much crime in Gr. Britain, including rapes, by Muslim men, and you conveniently close your eyes to it while Phoenall, who does live in Great Britain keeps abreast of the news in that location. There are rathers who rape their own daughters who are Muslims and Christians too, so for you to try and show it is a "Talmud" thing is just plain ridiculous. Maybe I should pull up the article where a Muslim father raped his own daughter, got her pregnant, and then ripped her open to perform an abortion? Would that make you happy. Is anyone saying the priests sexually abusing young people is Vatican-approved? Happy to say that I live in the big city of Los Angeles. You can have your Seattle weather. However, I must say once again -- those throw-away E-mail addresses are really great for some posters. My goodness, by using this method, people can come back again and again with some new phony introduction. However, eventually they are a dead giveaway as to who they are.
I think Phoenall is more versed idn what is going on in Europe with his living in Great Britain. The same problems which Great Britain is experiencing are duplicated in many European countries. Meanwhile, Mr. Seattle is a funny guy on one hand, and on the other hand, he refuses to see what is going on in Europe.

Asian immigrant's disgust at European anti-Semitism - The Commentator

anybody who says europe would arrest and charge a person is just stiupd. it would be like saying africa would arrest and charge a person or asia or south america would. laws vary rom country to country and almost all the continents, europe included, are comprised of different countries. europe has about 50 countries.

yowsuh. kosher england swings like a pendulum do...

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man jailed after raping ultra-Orthodox Jewish girl in London

Girl claims father gang-raped her | The Jewish Chronicle

torah taught, talmud approved.

and by all means, let's forget about the women and children victims of these crimes. that doesn't really work whn we are playing tit for tat now, does it. we treat them like meat the way everyone else does, to legitimize our hatred.

right, valley sally. howz life with the pickers and kickers in the san joaquin, babe.

You really are a stupid man, Mr. Seattle. There has been so much crime in Gr. Britain, including rapes, by Muslim men, and you conveniently close your eyes to it while Phoenall, who does live in Great Britain keeps abreast of the news in that location. There are rathers who rape their own daughters who are Muslims and Christians too, so for you to try and show it is a "Talmud" thing is just plain ridiculous. Maybe I should pull up the article where a Muslim father raped his own daughter, got her pregnant, and then ripped her open to perform an abortion? Would that make you happy. Is anyone saying the priests sexually abusing young people is Vatican-approved? Happy to say that I live in the big city of Los Angeles. You can have your Seattle weather. However, I must say once again -- those throw-away E-mail addresses are really great for some posters. My goodness, by using this method, people can come back again and again with some new phony introduction. However, eventually they are a dead giveaway as to who they are.


and your point is?
anybody who says europe would arrest and charge a person is just stiupd. it would be like saying africa would arrest and charge a person or asia or south america would. laws vary rom country to country and almost all the continents, europe included, are comprised of different countries. europe has about 50 countries.

yowsuh. kosher england swings like a pendulum do...

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man jailed after raping ultra-Orthodox Jewish girl in London

Girl claims father gang-raped her | The Jewish Chronicle

torah taught, talmud approved.

and by all means, let's forget about the women and children victims of these crimes. that doesn't really work whn we are playing tit for tat now, does it. we treat them like meat the way everyone else does, to legitimize our hatred.

right, valley sally. howz life with the pickers and kickers in the san joaquin, babe.

You really are a stupid man, Mr. Seattle. There has been so much crime in Gr. Britain, including rapes, by Muslim men, and you conveniently close your eyes to it while Phoenall, who does live in Great Britain keeps abreast of the news in that location. There are rathers who rape their own daughters who are Muslims and Christians too, so for you to try and show it is a "Talmud" thing is just plain ridiculous. Maybe I should pull up the article where a Muslim father raped his own daughter, got her pregnant, and then ripped her open to perform an abortion? Would that make you happy. Is anyone saying the priests sexually abusing young people is Vatican-approved? Happy to say that I live in the big city of Los Angeles. You can have your Seattle weather. However, I must say once again -- those throw-away E-mail addresses are really great for some posters. My goodness, by using this method, people can come back again and again with some new phony introduction. However, eventually they are a dead giveaway as to who they are.


and your point is?

Wonder what Mr. Seattle is trying to pull here? Is he denying that there is incest and sexual abuse in every group under the sun? Maybe Mr. Seattle can make up a good tale to tell us now since he is a great storyteller. Then again, maybe Mr. Seattle doesn't like the mention of throwaway E-mail addresses which are so convenient for some posters.
You really are a stupid man, Mr. Seattle. There has been so much crime in Gr. Britain, including rapes, by Muslim men, and you conveniently close your eyes to it while Phoenall, who does live in Great Britain keeps abreast of the news in that location. There are rathers who rape their own daughters who are Muslims and Christians too, so for you to try and show it is a "Talmud" thing is just plain ridiculous. Maybe I should pull up the article where a Muslim father raped his own daughter, got her pregnant, and then ripped her open to perform an abortion? Would that make you happy. Is anyone saying the priests sexually abusing young people is Vatican-approved? Happy to say that I live in the big city of Los Angeles. You can have your Seattle weather. However, I must say once again -- those throw-away E-mail addresses are really great for some posters. My goodness, by using this method, people can come back again and again with some new phony introduction. However, eventually they are a dead giveaway as to who they are.


and your point is?

Wonder what Mr. Seattle is trying to pull here? Is he denying that there is incest and sexual abuse in every group under the sun? Maybe Mr. Seattle can make up a good tale to tell us now since he is a great storyteller. Then again, maybe Mr. Seattle doesn't like the mention of throwaway E-mail addresses which are so convenient for some posters.

so? do you even have any point. you seem to know a guy in seattle who you want to elaborate on some e-mail addresses and tell you stories.

why do you think your obsessions interest me?
You really are a stupid man, Mr. Seattle. There has been so much crime in Gr. Britain, including rapes, by Muslim men, and you conveniently close your eyes to it while Phoenall, who does live in Great Britain keeps abreast of the news in that location. There are rathers who rape their own daughters who are Muslims and Christians too, so for you to try and show it is a "Talmud" thing is just plain ridiculous. Maybe I should pull up the article where a Muslim father raped his own daughter, got her pregnant, and then ripped her open to perform an abortion? Would that make you happy. Is anyone saying the priests sexually abusing young people is Vatican-approved? Happy to say that I live in the big city of Los Angeles. You can have your Seattle weather. However, I must say once again -- those throw-away E-mail addresses are really great for some posters. My goodness, by using this method, people can come back again and again with some new phony introduction. However, eventually they are a dead giveaway as to who they are.


and your point is?

Wonder what Mr. Seattle is trying to pull here? Is he denying that there is incest and sexual abuse in every group under the sun? Maybe Mr. Seattle can make up a good tale to tell us now since he is a great storyteller. Then again, maybe Mr. Seattle doesn't like the mention of throwaway E-mail addresses which are so convenient for some posters.

I used to live in Seattle. Are you talking about me for some reason?
Please continue. I'm interested
Wonder what Mr. Seattle is trying to pull here? Is he denying that there is incest and sexual abuse in every group under the sun? Maybe Mr. Seattle can make up a good tale to tell us now since he is a great storyteller. Then again, maybe Mr. Seattle doesn't like the mention of throwaway E-mail addresses which are so convenient for some posters.

I used to live in Seattle. Are you talking about me for some reason?
Please continue. I'm interested

Oh look who showed up -- Mr. Seattle's bestest friend. Maybe now we'll have the Laurel and Hardy act. So tell us, Patrick, have you any news to share with us on this Europe forum? Lots going on in Europe, and surely you must have an article or two which you found while reading the Internet.
roman polanski and woody allen aren't muslims, and they aren't asians either.

Nor are they in Europe, but if they were they would be arrested and charged with no chance of a plea bargain

i would be perfectly content to confine these conversations to the topic at hand (the topic of the thread title) but i am not uncomfortable responding to those, such as yourself and sal-fly, who habitually stray off topic.

you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but that does not surprise me in the slightest, having read some of your absolutely ridiculous posts. this one is an
excellent example. first of all, europe isn't a state, it is a continent...uh duh. it is comprised of a number of states and the laws differ from country to country.

polanski is in europe having fled to there to avoid sentencing and avoid compliance with his plea bargain. france and switzerland have reused to extradite him to the U,S,

Another islamonazi who resorts to abuse and insults when they cant offer an answer to the argument. It is your people that go of topic to deflect away from the truth and reality, so don't complain when your deflections are also destroyed with truth and reality.

Europe is a federation of nations of which mine is a member, so I know more about its laws and rules than you ever would. It has a legal device known as a European Warrant that means a person can be tried in Greece for a crime committed in Britain.
I also know that since Obama took over America's standing has declined and is no longer viewed as a "friendly nation", and that he has tarnished for ever the reputation of the USA
i would be perfectly content to confine these conversations to the topic at hand (the topic of the thread title) but i am not uncomfortable responding to those, such as yourself and sal-fly, who habitually stray off topic.

you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but that does not surprise me in the slightest, having read some of your absolutely ridiculous posts. this one is an excellent example. first of all, europe isn't a state, it is a continent...uh duh. it is comprised of a number of states and the laws differ from country to country.

polanski is in europe having fled to there to avoid sentencing and avoid compliance with his plea bargain. france and switzerland have reused to extradite him to the U,S,

I think Phoenall is more versed idn what is going on in Europe with his living in Great Britain. The same problems which Great Britain is experiencing are duplicated in many European countries. Meanwhile, Mr. Seattle is a funny guy on one hand, and on the other hand, he refuses to see what is going on in Europe.

Asian immigrant's disgust at European anti-Semitism - The Commentator

anybody who says europe would arrest and charge a person is just stiupd. it would be like saying africa would arrest and charge a person or asia or south america would. laws vary rom country to country and almost all the continents, europe included, are comprised of different countries. europe has about 50 countries.

yowsuh. kosher england swings like a pendulum do...

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man jailed after raping ultra-Orthodox Jewish girl in London

Girl claims father gang-raped her | The Jewish Chronicle

torah taught, talmud approved.

and by all means, let's forget about the women and children victims of these crimes. that doesn't really work whn we are playing tit for tat now, does it. we treat them like meat the way everyone else does, to legitimize our hatred.

right, valley sally. howz life with the pickers and kickers in the san joaquin, babe.

European Warrant which has been invoked by Britain and has led to our police being sent to Portugal to make arrests in the case of a missing girl. You might have heard of her she is called Madeline Mcann, and was the centre of an abduction some years back.
Now that would be like Orange county police going to the Hawaii to arrest a drug dealer from Florida, you aren't that good at law enforcement yet are you.
I'm sticking to facts.

I don't think I ever have. When something is done by an extremist group - and I'll use settlers as an example, where there are elements that venerate Goldstein's atrocities - I make a point of saying it is not part of mainstream Israeli society. Frankly, you can take the "jooooooos did it" narrative and stuff it.

People are individuals - whether they are Muslims or Jews or you or I. And they both have their share of extremists.

The fact is, the poster claimed they were Norwegian Muslims - as a group. They weren't. They were an Iraqi Salafist extremist group not even based in Norway - do your own words: fringe extremist group - ring any bells here? Or do you only apply that to non-Muslims:doubt: your own words: fringe extremist group - ring any bells here?

What you have here is a tiny group, about as representative of their religion as groups like the Westboro Baptists - threatening their fellows. It's like 60 people out of a city of 1.5 million.

This particular protest was led by Anjem Choudary, - a generally ackowledged extremist. His demonstrations and marches in support of Sharia see the support of 15 to 60 people at best. Just to give you a sense of proportion - London's Muslim population was around 607,000 as of the 2001 census.

From the first two lines of the article:

A RADICAL Muslim group sparked outrage last night as it launched a massive campaign to impose sharia law on Britain.

The fanatical group Islam4UK has *announced plans to hold a potentially *incendiary rally in London later this month.
Further on in your article:

The group was also attacked by Tory MP Philip Davies who said: “This march is clearly a deliberate and provocative attempt to incite racial tension and disrupt community cohesion.

A spokesman for the Islamic Society of Britain said: “99.999 per cent of Muslims despise these people. This only serves to fuel racial *tensions.”​

And....guess who's the front man for "Islam4UK"? It's our familiar whacko Choudrey who does not seem to garner much support from the British Muslim Community.

There's a follow up as well, of a counter Islamic demonstration planned for that same date that you must have overlooked:

It might be important to note also, that according to this 2007 Gallup study, London's Muslim population is well assimilated and indeed, more tolerant than their Christian compatriots:

London Muslims were actually less likely than the general public to say they would prefer to live in a neighborhood made up mostly of people who share their religious or ethnic background (25% vs. 35%). What’s more, they were slightly less likely to say they would not want a Christian as a neighbor (8%) than the British public overall was to say the same about a Muslim neighbor (15%). Significantly, London Muslims were 10 times as likely to express positive views as negative views of Christians, while the public is roughly as likely to express positive as negative views of Muslims.

This one is little more than a biased opinion piece:

Fiction: 10,000 Muslims Demand Google Enforce Sharia . . . in London

Fact: Muslims protest 'age of mockery' as thousands descend on Google HQ

According to the original article:
A protest by 10,000 Muslims outside the offices of Google in London today is just the first in an orchestrated attempt to force the company to remove an anti-Islamic film from website YouTube in Britain.

Thousands had travelled from as far afield as Glasgow to take part in the demonstration, ahead of a planned million-strong march in Hyde Park in coming weeks.

... One of the speakers, Sheikh Faiz Al-Aqtab Siddiqui, told The Daily Telegraph: "Terrorism is not just people who kill human bodies, but who kill human feelings as well. The makers of this film have terrorised 1.6 billion people.

"Organisations like Google are key players and have to take responsibility for civility. You can't just say it doesn't matter that it's freedom of speech. It's anarchy."

Sheikh Siddiqui, a barrister from Nuneaton, said he wanted to form a coalition with the Church of England, Catholics, Jewish groups, Trade Unions and even Conservatives to encourage their ranks to join his "campaign for civility".

"We want everyone in society to recognise these people are wrecking our fragile global society. We want the Church, the Synod, Jewish groups and establishment figures involved," he said.​

Imagine that! A peaceful demonstration to let Google know how some of their customers feel about a film have what. How...wrong....hey what?

What's wrong with that?:doubt:
Protest anti-Catholic Hate Speech of AOL/Huffington Post?s Larry Doyle | RedState
Hungarian Jews protest naming Budapest street after anti-Semite | The Times of Israel

Here is another fact that shows just how arrogant the muslims are, and this time it is a Peer of the realm.

Cranmer: Lord Ahmed threatens Parliament into submission

Lord Ahmed raised hell. It is reported that he ‘threatened to mobilise 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr Wilders from entering the House and threatened to take the colleague who was organising the event to court’.

Lord Ahmed Suspended After Offering '£10m Bounty For Capture Of Obama And Bush'

A Labour peer has been suspended from the party after he was reported to have put a bounty out on the heads of President Obama and President George W. Bush.

According to Pakistan's Express Tribune, Lord Nazir Ahmed was reacting to the US decision to offer a $10m reward for Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the founder of the islamist terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Lord Ahmed Suspended From Labour Over 'Jewish Conspiracy' Comments

According to The Times, the peer told a Pakistani TV network that the he was treated harshly due to his visits to Gaza.

"My case became more critical because I went to Gaza to support Palestinians. My Jewish friends who own newspapers and TV channels opposed this." he is reported to have said.

The paper also reports Lord Ahmed said the judge, Mr Justice Wilkie, had risen to his position in the judiciary as he had helped out a "Jewish colleague" of Tony Blair.

Always play the Jew card, because so many people believe it

You did not address a single point I made. I will not waste time again, going through yet another list of articles and discussing them - it's an utter waste of my time because there is no discussion here :evil:

Maybe because you never made a point, just dismissed the facts out of hand. It does not matter that fat andy is a known Islamic trouble causer, he is supported by many mosques in Britian because of his views. No comment on the muslim peer who used threats of violence to stop a legitimate film from being shown. The people of the UK wanted him arresting, tried for treason, divested of his peerage and then deported. They also want every muslim criminal deporting when they are found guilty, with their passport stamped with their crime.
i would be perfectly content to confine these conversations to the topic at hand (the topic of the thread title) but i am not uncomfortable responding to those, such as yourself and sal-fly, who habitually stray off topic.

you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but that does not surprise me in the slightest, having read some of your absolutely ridiculous posts. this one is an excellent example. first of all, europe isn't a state, it is a continent...uh duh. it is comprised of a number of states and the laws differ from country to country.

polanski is in europe having fled to there to avoid sentencing and avoid compliance with his plea bargain. france and switzerland have reused to extradite him to the U,S,

I wonder why America is suddenly so out of favour with other countries, it couldn't be your president by any chance could it ?
Or your high handed manner of demanding that others do as they are told by the biggest bully in the school.
Many see America mirrored in the Simpsons cartoons, a dysfunctional and semi literate family

i dunno. i think most of the world respects us and believes we eventually do the right thing, as we have in the past.

about the only place we are out of step with the rest of the world is that we support israel. we seem to have a glaring hypocrisy and a disconnect between our action and our principles in foreign affairs, in that we mollycoddle israel for the sake of american jews and evangelical christians.

but as we gain more catholic immigrants from the south and mid-eastern and asian immigrants of all faiths, they will embrace american ideals and form voting blocs and things willl change. it already is.

given your vague grasp of facts though, i really have to question exactly what you mean by "many". it seems that could be anywhere from three all the way up to a dozen or so. oh wait. you don't mean people, you mean countries. are you aware yet, that there are more than seven countries in the world? europe, asia, south america, north america, antartica, australia and africa are continents. you have figured that out by now, haven't you?

All of civilised Europe for starters, the far east and antipodean nations. They see your president grovelling in the dirt to 3rd world leaders and cringe at his overt show of support for Islamic dictators. The only nations that are courting the USA happen to be the Islamic ones, and they want one thing US support when they attack Israel.
anybody who says europe would arrest and charge a person is just stiupd. it would be like saying africa would arrest and charge a person or asia or south america would. laws vary rom country to country and almost all the continents, europe included, are comprised of different countries. europe has about 50 countries.

yowsuh. kosher england swings like a pendulum do...

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man jailed after raping ultra-Orthodox Jewish girl in London

Girl claims father gang-raped her | The Jewish Chronicle

torah taught, talmud approved.

and by all means, let's forget about the women and children victims of these crimes. that doesn't really work whn we are playing tit for tat now, does it. we treat them like meat the way everyone else does, to legitimize our hatred.

right, valley sally. howz life with the pickers and kickers in the san joaquin, babe.

You really are a stupid man, Mr. Seattle. There has been so much crime in Gr. Britain, including rapes, by Muslim men, and you conveniently close your eyes to it while Phoenall, who does live in Great Britain keeps abreast of the news in that location. There are rathers who rape their own daughters who are Muslims and Christians too, so for you to try and show it is a "Talmud" thing is just plain ridiculous. Maybe I should pull up the article where a Muslim father raped his own daughter, got her pregnant, and then ripped her open to perform an abortion? Would that make you happy. Is anyone saying the priests sexually abusing young people is Vatican-approved? Happy to say that I live in the big city of Los Angeles. You can have your Seattle weather. However, I must say once again -- those throw-away E-mail addresses are really great for some posters. My goodness, by using this method, people can come back again and again with some new phony introduction. However, eventually they are a dead giveaway as to who they are.


and your point is?

That you are a TROLL and SPAMMER and if you lived in any Euro nation you would be looking at arrest for your racist incitement to violence
Nor are they in Europe, but if they were they would be arrested and charged with no chance of a plea bargain

i would be perfectly content to confine these conversations to the topic at hand (the topic of the thread title) but i am not uncomfortable responding to those, such as yourself and sal-fly, who habitually stray off topic.

you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, but that does not surprise me in the slightest, having read some of your absolutely ridiculous posts. this one is an
excellent example. first of all, europe isn't a state, it is a continent...uh duh. it is comprised of a number of states and the laws differ from country to country.

polanski is in europe having fled to there to avoid sentencing and avoid compliance with his plea bargain. france and switzerland have reused to extradite him to the U,S,

Another islamonazi who resorts to abuse and insults when they cant offer an answer to the argument. It is your people that go of topic to deflect away from the truth and reality, so don't complain when your deflections are also destroyed with truth and reality.

Europe is a federation of nations of which mine is a member, so I know more about its laws and rules than you ever would. It has a legal device known as a European Warrant that means a person can be tried in Greece for a crime committed in Britain.
I also know that since Obama took over America's standing has declined and is no longer viewed as a "friendly nation", and that he has tarnished for ever the reputation of the USA

no. you are stupid and judeonazi who speaks out of both sides of his mouth and lies a jew.

you are so stupid, you don't even realize your own contradictions and ridiculous redundancies based upon your own ignorant statement.

europe is not a federation of nations and the fact that you had to say that your state is a member should have been a dead give away to your ignorance. europe is not a federation of states. the european union is a federation of some european states. there are almost as many european people who are in states that do not belong to the european union as there are people in the United States of America.

as for the "european warrant", or "european arrest warrant" as it is properly called, again a brilliant display of ignorance on your part, but i do admire your consistancy. all the european arrest warrant does is, between agreeing parties and members of the eu, allow for criminals to be extradited to the country where a crime was committed and be tried in that country. they are not tried in the country where they are arrested unless, of course, the arresting country is the same country where the law was violated. i have no intention whatsoever to explain further oddities,, peculiarities, stipulations and/or conditions in the proceedings praciiced within the parameters of the european arrest warrant with some stupid, arrogant, brit jew who doesn't know shit from shinola.
I think Phoenall is more versed idn what is going on in Europe with his living in Great Britain. The same problems which Great Britain is experiencing are duplicated in many European countries. Meanwhile, Mr. Seattle is a funny guy on one hand, and on the other hand, he refuses to see what is going on in Europe.

Asian immigrant's disgust at European anti-Semitism - The Commentator

anybody who says europe would arrest and charge a person is just stiupd. it would be like saying africa would arrest and charge a person or asia or south america would. laws vary rom country to country and almost all the continents, europe included, are comprised of different countries. europe has about 50 countries.

yowsuh. kosher england swings like a pendulum do...

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish man jailed after raping ultra-Orthodox Jewish girl in London

Girl claims father gang-raped her | The Jewish Chronicle

torah taught, talmud approved.

and by all means, let's forget about the women and children victims of these crimes. that doesn't really work whn we are playing tit for tat now, does it. we treat them like meat the way everyone else does, to legitimize our hatred.

right, valley sally. howz life with the pickers and kickers in the san joaquin, babe.

European Warrant which has been invoked by Britain and has led to our police being sent to Portugal to make arrests in the case of a missing girl. You might have heard of her she is called Madeline Mcann, and was the centre of an abduction some years back.
Now that would be like Orange county police going to the Hawaii to arrest a drug dealer from Florida, you aren't that good at law enforcement yet are you.

i am good enough at law to be aware that europe did not arrest madeleine mccannn, portugal did and that north america in your scenario did not arrest the alleged dealer, nor would the orange county police travel to hawaii to arrest a drug dealer who had committed a criminal offense in florida.

the only thing you got right is that i am not good at law enforcement, but that is because i am not a member of any law enforcement agencies. duhhhh.

and jesus h. christ on a crutch, i hope you aren't either with your magnificent flights of fantasy. christ, you would probably turn regular peeps into ODCs for working on the jewish sabbath or some other such silliness.

only the perviest of the perves would toss forth a litany of alleged horrible incidents and describe the horrors of the last incident. which the men accused were exonerated of any crime, as being "THE BEST'.

your choice of words certainly betrays your intent, which is to demonize all muslims with your lies, distortuons, and propaganda.

charlene downes, by the way, had been found to be sexually abused by the men in her family and pimped out by her mother from about 10 y.o. on. and no asians were found guilty of anything.

you are a fucking, lying, lowest of the low life worms who abuses the memories of these unfortunate victims in death as much as whoever abused them in life. you rape their memories with your lies and your hate. justice involves blaming the right person for the deed, not fear mongering and casting lurid accusations just because someone isn't of the same, lily white race as you are.

shall we discuss "the butcher's apron" flown over many brutalized peoples by his or her majesty's own, your boys. you still treat all those who are not like you as "kafirs".

you sick little man.
I'm sticking to facts.

I don't think I ever have. When something is done by an extremist group - and I'll use settlers as an example, where there are elements that venerate Goldstein's atrocities - I make a point of saying it is not part of mainstream Israeli society. Frankly, you can take the "jooooooos did it" narrative and stuff it.

People are individuals - whether they are Muslims or Jews or you or I. And they both have their share of extremists.

The fact is, the poster claimed they were Norwegian Muslims - as a group. They weren't. They were an Iraqi Salafist extremist group not even based in Norway - do your own words: fringe extremist group - ring any bells here? Or do you only apply that to non-Muslims:doubt: your own words: fringe extremist group - ring any bells here?

What you have here is a tiny group, about as representative of their religion as groups like the Westboro Baptists - threatening their fellows. It's like 60 people out of a city of 1.5 million.

This particular protest was led by Anjem Choudary, - a generally ackowledged extremist. His demonstrations and marches in support of Sharia see the support of 15 to 60 people at best. Just to give you a sense of proportion - London's Muslim population was around 607,000 as of the 2001 census.

From the first two lines of the article:

A RADICAL Muslim group sparked outrage last night as it launched a massive campaign to impose sharia law on Britain.

The fanatical group Islam4UK has *announced plans to hold a potentially *incendiary rally in London later this month.
Further on in your article:

The group was also attacked by Tory MP Philip Davies who said: “This march is clearly a deliberate and provocative attempt to incite racial tension and disrupt community cohesion.

A spokesman for the Islamic Society of Britain said: “99.999 per cent of Muslims despise these people. This only serves to fuel racial *tensions.”​

And....guess who's the front man for "Islam4UK"? It's our familiar whacko Choudrey who does not seem to garner much support from the British Muslim Community.

There's a follow up as well, of a counter Islamic demonstration planned for that same date that you must have overlooked:

It might be important to note also, that according to this 2007 Gallup study, London's Muslim population is well assimilated and indeed, more tolerant than their Christian compatriots:

London Muslims were actually less likely than the general public to say they would prefer to live in a neighborhood made up mostly of people who share their religious or ethnic background (25% vs. 35%). What’s more, they were slightly less likely to say they would not want a Christian as a neighbor (8%) than the British public overall was to say the same about a Muslim neighbor (15%). Significantly, London Muslims were 10 times as likely to express positive views as negative views of Christians, while the public is roughly as likely to express positive as negative views of Muslims.

This one is little more than a biased opinion piece:

Fiction: 10,000 Muslims Demand Google Enforce Sharia . . . in London

Fact: Muslims protest 'age of mockery' as thousands descend on Google HQ

According to the original article:
A protest by 10,000 Muslims outside the offices of Google in London today is just the first in an orchestrated attempt to force the company to remove an anti-Islamic film from website YouTube in Britain.

Thousands had travelled from as far afield as Glasgow to take part in the demonstration, ahead of a planned million-strong march in Hyde Park in coming weeks.

... One of the speakers, Sheikh Faiz Al-Aqtab Siddiqui, told The Daily Telegraph: "Terrorism is not just people who kill human bodies, but who kill human feelings as well. The makers of this film have terrorised 1.6 billion people.

"Organisations like Google are key players and have to take responsibility for civility. You can't just say it doesn't matter that it's freedom of speech. It's anarchy."

Sheikh Siddiqui, a barrister from Nuneaton, said he wanted to form a coalition with the Church of England, Catholics, Jewish groups, Trade Unions and even Conservatives to encourage their ranks to join his "campaign for civility".

"We want everyone in society to recognise these people are wrecking our fragile global society. We want the Church, the Synod, Jewish groups and establishment figures involved," he said.​

Imagine that! A peaceful demonstration to let Google know how some of their customers feel about a film have what. How...wrong....hey what?

What's wrong with that?:doubt:
Protest anti-Catholic Hate Speech of AOL/Huffington Post?s Larry Doyle | RedState
Hungarian Jews protest naming Budapest street after anti-Semite | The Times of Israel

Here is another fact that shows just how arrogant the muslims are, and this time it is a Peer of the realm.

Cranmer: Lord Ahmed threatens Parliament into submission

Lord Ahmed raised hell. It is reported that he ‘threatened to mobilise 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr Wilders from entering the House and threatened to take the colleague who was organising the event to court’.

Lord Ahmed Suspended After Offering '£10m Bounty For Capture Of Obama And Bush'

A Labour peer has been suspended from the party after he was reported to have put a bounty out on the heads of President Obama and President George W. Bush.

According to Pakistan's Express Tribune, Lord Nazir Ahmed was reacting to the US decision to offer a $10m reward for Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the founder of the islamist terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Lord Ahmed Suspended From Labour Over 'Jewish Conspiracy' Comments

According to The Times, the peer told a Pakistani TV network that the he was treated harshly due to his visits to Gaza.

"My case became more critical because I went to Gaza to support Palestinians. My Jewish friends who own newspapers and TV channels opposed this." he is reported to have said.

The paper also reports Lord Ahmed said the judge, Mr Justice Wilkie, had risen to his position in the judiciary as he had helped out a "Jewish colleague" of Tony Blair.

Always play the Jew card, because so many people believe it

You did not address a single point I made. I will not waste time again, going through yet another list of articles and discussing them - it's an utter waste of my time because there is no discussion here :evil:

you certainly are one of the most patient and generous posters i've seen.
Here is another fact that shows just how arrogant the muslims are, and this time it is a Peer of the realm.

Cranmer: Lord Ahmed threatens Parliament into submission

Lord Ahmed raised hell. It is reported that he ‘threatened to mobilise 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr Wilders from entering the House and threatened to take the colleague who was organising the event to court’.

Lord Ahmed Suspended After Offering '£10m Bounty For Capture Of Obama And Bush'

A Labour peer has been suspended from the party after he was reported to have put a bounty out on the heads of President Obama and President George W. Bush.

According to Pakistan's Express Tribune, Lord Nazir Ahmed was reacting to the US decision to offer a $10m reward for Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the founder of the islamist terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Lord Ahmed Suspended From Labour Over 'Jewish Conspiracy' Comments

According to The Times, the peer told a Pakistani TV network that the he was treated harshly due to his visits to Gaza.

"My case became more critical because I went to Gaza to support Palestinians. My Jewish friends who own newspapers and TV channels opposed this." he is reported to have said.

The paper also reports Lord Ahmed said the judge, Mr Justice Wilkie, had risen to his position in the judiciary as he had helped out a "Jewish colleague" of Tony Blair.

Always play the Jew card, because so many people believe it

You did not address a single point I made. I will not waste time again, going through yet another list of articles and discussing them - it's an utter waste of my time because there is no discussion here :evil:

you certainly are one of the most patient and generous posters i've seen.

Hardly as she asked a question which was answered and then asked the question again. When she did not get the answer she wanted she threw a hissy fit.

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