Nostradamus (Vessel): Machiavellian Fiction


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism capitalism-yarn inspired by the film Sphere.

Signing off,


"First report on the commercial space-vessel Nostradamus, commissioned by NASA to explore the outer-limits of the solar system in the year 2050. The crew of the Nostradamus is comprised of Eric Beck, Dane Thompson, Charles Patel, Sylvia Miles, and Dawn Totti. This report is being prepared by me, wing-commander and operations-consultant Dawn Totti. We've scoured the outer-edges of the solar system and believe we've made contact with some kind of alien intelligence. Its motion behavior on our radar systems indicate that it is a dragon-like creature (reddish in color) and moves like a serpent and very fast."


"Second report of the exploratory mission of the NASA vessel Nostradamus submitted (again) by wing-commander and operations-consultant Dawn Totti. The dragon has invaded our ship and has exterminated two members of our crew, Eric Beck and Sylvia Miles, leaving only me and first-officer Mr. Dane Thompson to deal with this malicious beast. The dragon seems to be intent on creating fear and panic but it does not seem to express any explicit desire to create mayhem without reason. Rather, it seems geared to send us human space-explorers a message --- that humanity is simply not welcome in these outer-reaches of the solar system."


"Final report of the NASA vessel Nostradamus submitted again by me, Dawn Totti. Dane Thompson has been killed by the dragon, burned to death by its fire. It spared me, however, to engage with me in a philosophical 'discussion' regarding humanity's ambitious intentions in this outer-edge of the solar system. The dragon was expressive about warning human beings from leaving planet Earth and seemed to believe it was some kind of 'guardian' of space ambitions. I guessed that it was some kind of 'doctoring anti-capitalist fanatic' type 'nihilist,' so I entreated its wish to 'debate' with me. I jotted down the gist of the discussion for this report, which I'm carrying back to me on Nostradamus to Earth. I am humbled by this mission (there's really nothing more to say).

DRAGON: Humanity is not welcome...
DAWN: Are you angry at our 'exploratory ambitions'?
DRAGON: I am alarmed at your species' reach in the universe.
DAWN: Given that we are a relatively 'young' species?
DRAGON: Precisely. You are the product of capitalism flowery, Dawn.
DAWN: I don't understand...
DRAGON: Capitalism is an economic system, yes, but also a 'theology.'
DAWN: I still don't understand...
DRAGON: You were sent here on Nostradamus in search of discovery, yes?
DAWN: Yes, of course.
DRAGON: Well, discovery is what you found, but your species is immature.
DAWN: What is the 'discovery' you wish to relay?
DRAGON: I did not kill your ship-mates without reason; you are my witness.
DAWN: Why?
DRAGON: I find you...sensitively intelligent (and relatively objectively critical).
DAWN: Thanks.
DRAGON: Capitalism is violence, Dawn, and Nostradamus is an ego-craft.
DAWN: Are you suggesting that Nostradamus is an 'omen' of harm?
DRAGON: Yes. Capitalism had made your species rather oblivious to humility.
DAWN: Why would space-exploration bring forth harm?
DRAGON: Daydreaming about immortality is like evolutionary arson.
DAWN: I will return to Earth and tell my government that you warned us about immaturity!"



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