Not a Budget!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
The hooplah about the Senate passing a “budget” is just another way to mask the inaction of Dingy Harry and the Democrat-controlled Senate! It is a Continuing Appropriation Resolution for 2014 and here is where you can read the monstrosity @
and here's another link Bill Summary & Status - 113th Congress (2013 - 2014) - H.J.RES.59 - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

The only thing I can't find is what porkbarrel stuff has been jammed into this resolution.

And here's a list of the Senators who voted against it! Remember them when they next come up for re-election!!! Senate Passes Bipartisan Budget Deal ? Here Are the 36 Republicans Who Voted Against It |
Granny says dats more o' dem politicians spendin' more money dan we gots...
GO FIGURE: Fed budget bill comes to $3M per word
January 17, 2014 - WASHINGTON (AP) — Talk about words more costly than gold.
The giant federal budget bill that Congress passed late Thursday will cost taxpayers nearly $3 million per word, or if you want to really think big, almost $700 million per page.

The bill authorizes $1.1 trillion in spending. It is 1,582 pages long. An Internet word counting program said it has 370,445 words, numbers and symbols. So simple math comes up with $2.9 million per word average and $695 million per page average, though different parts of the budget package spend more than others sections.

By comparison, there are only 4,543 words in the U.S. Constitution, before amendments, and 1,458 words in the Declaration of Independence.

Taxpayers for Common Sense, a Washington spending watchdog, figured that senators spent slightly more than 69 hours before passing the bill, giving them just under two minutes per page to read it. And this story is only 162 words. At $2.9 million per word that comes to $470 million. A bargain.

GO FIGURE: Fed budget bill comes to $3M per word | CNS News

See also:

Who Read 1,582-Page $1.1T Spending Bill? Congressman: 'Nobody Did'
January 16, 2014 - -- When asked whether he read the 1,528-page, $1.1 trillion government spending bill before he voted for it yesterday, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) said, “Nobody did!”
On Capitol Hill on Thursday, asked Blumenauer: “The omnibus bill yesterday, it was 1,582 pages, did you have a chance to read all the pages before voting on it?” Blumenauer laughed and said: “Nobody did!” “Nobody did?” said the reporter. “Nope,” said Blumenauer.

In an e-mail to, Blumenauer's communications director, Patrick Malone, said: "A reminder that the Republicans complained and complained about not having time to read bills when the Dems were in charge and then keep dropping bombs like this on us." The $1.1 trillion bill will fund the federal government for the rest of fiscal year 2014, which ends on Sept. 30, 2014.

Sixty-four Republicans and three Democrats voted against the legislation. The final vote was 359-67. The legislation was opposed by conservative groups and conservative members of Congress. The bill increases federal spending by $44.8 billion this year over the spending level previously set by Congress.


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