Not a single dem has died from the Chinese virus from this forum

Yet they tell us we’re being over run
Yet the same ones are back here day after day the same ones posting the same nonsense, “we’re all going to die.”
Rather an odd paradox from the death cult
How do you KNOW none have died from the virus? Do you have proof of this?
Yet they tell us we’re being over run
Yet the same ones are back here day after day the same ones posting the same nonsense, “we’re all going to die.”
Rather an odd paradox from the death cult
Don't actually remember anyone saying we were all going to die. Some places sound over run. Many places are not, but are cautious about being over run.
I don't remember if any Reps on the forum have died, although I do remember poster talking of relatives that died, although I didn't take note of their political affiliation, as no matter what it was, it was of no importance against the loss.
Possible if you are spending a few hours on the board every day, it is keeping you from being out and coming into contact with the virus.
I do know the traffic was murder in Jackson TN, (as bad as Christmas) today and Lowes and Home Depot were packed, mostly wearing masks as I was when inside the stores, but I didn't see anyone dressing down someone who wasn't.
Hope it gets back closer to normal where you are if the government officials responsible for public health and public safety there think it is time. :cool:
Yet they tell us we’re being over run
Yet the same ones are back here day after day the same ones posting the same nonsense, “we’re all going to die.”
Rather an odd paradox from the death cult
In fairness, there's one democrat here who runs 30 different sock accounts on any given day. Media Matters calls her "Agitprops RBG" On the rare occasion when she's under the weather, Progressive posting at USMB tumbles 90%
Yet they tell us we’re being over run
Yet the same ones are back here day after day the same ones posting the same nonsense, “we’re all going to die.”
Rather an odd paradox from the death cult
1) there aren't many Democrats in this conservative cesspool of a message board.
2) You don't know who has or hasn't died.
...I had it .....I coughed a few times in the morning and my ear hurt a little
...I had it .....I coughed a few times in the morning and my ear hurt a little
Glad your better. Hope you didn't pass it on, as most pass it to only 1 or 2. Not something where you want to be an over achiever.

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