Not a single Trumper here has read a word of the Mueller report.

Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

Did Obama or Nancy read Obama care before they signed it ????


You liberals are so easy to make fun of on here


Did you read the the ACA before bitching about it?

We are talking about a report vs a complicated dry statute . Really, have you ever read one of these big laws ?
You know dmn well that most people do not understand lawyer talk when complicated. It is designed that way. Being screwed over by what the Progs did with the ACA was about as authoritarian as you can get. It was Venezuelan in scope. Like a 5 year Soviet plan with the elitists eating and drinking the most expensive food and beverages with the decline expanding all around as they plan the nation's next five years for the peasants who are struggling. We don't care about the Mueller report. And it is obvious the Progs have learned nothing. With the GOPe being what we though they are since Trump's election.
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

There are ONLY TWO REASONS why the Trump ass kissers won't read the actual report....

1. They can't read or comprehend what they read since they're morons.......OR

2. They're afraid to learn the truth and would rather rely on Barr's and Hannity's interpretation so that they won't get indigestion......


3) If there was anything in it worth a fuck, the media jackals and the congressional democrat clown car would have been all over the shit two weeks ago.

Game over...You lose, Corky.
I read it. I downloaded it and read it. Mueller was trying to thread the needle. Gently explain to democrats that there was no collusion or conspiracy. There was no obstruction. Or at the very least no evidence of obstruction sufficent to present for indictment. And do all of this without causing a total meltdown among democrats. After all if Mueller had bluntly told the truth Pelosi and company would be calling him a stooge and demanding his resignation or impeachment.

Muller did the ONE thing that guarantees confusion, division and ample meltdown. He failed to come to a conclusion.
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

There are ONLY TWO REASONS why the Trump ass kissers won't read the actual report....

1. They can't read or comprehend what they read since they're morons.......OR

2. They're afraid to learn the truth and would rather rely on Barr's and Hannity's interpretation so that they won't get indigestion......

There are ONLY TWO REASONS why the TDS sufferers won't read the actual report....

1. They can't read or comprehend what they read since they're morons.......OR

2. They're so colossally afraid to learn the truth that all their hopes and dreams with Muller taking care of Trump for them are a farce......

See, others can make asinine, broad brush conclusions about motivations they know absolutely jack shit about.
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

Why would I? I know upfront that Mueller is a piece of shit. And I know he found ZERO evidence of any conclusion or obstruction, indicting no one on either charge.

It isn't the job of the DOJ to "exonerate" anyone. President Trump , like anyone else is entitled to the UNQUESTIONED presumption of innocence.

Not a single individual has been charged, and the matter is concluded

Here's all of the charges from Mueller's Russia probe

Mueller's 22-month investigation, however, netted indictments against 34 people and three entities on nearly 200 separate criminal charges.


Not a single individual has been charged?

Wow; you really are a complete fucking dumb ass. You must be a Trump supporter; it's obvious.
None of those indictments had anything to do with Trump or Russia. Several were process crimes arising out of the questioning itself. As it turns out the democrat weaponized FBI tried to set George Papadopoulos up with an agent to make a crime that never existed.

The badly needed investigation is into the Russian hoax.
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

Not a single Democrat has read the report that Barr released to twelve members of Congress.

Two Reps have read that report. Wonder why no Dems have???

Its the report they all wanted to see.
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

Not a single Democrat has read the report that Barr released to twelve members of Congress.

Two Reps have read that report. Wonder why no Dems have???

Its the report they all wanted to see.

Its not a wonder at all.

The purpose of the demand that the un-redacted report be released isn't because they want to know what's in it. Its because they want to demagogue the damn thing. They know, just like we do,that El Trumpo is as innocent as a newborn babe and the Mueller probe was a witch hunt.

But they definitely feel that this phony baloney issue is better for them than the actual issues. Running against Trump's policies of Trumponomics and Pax Trumpiana, Prosperity and Peace might not end up well for them according to their political calculus.

Its probably a smart move of their part- most Americans were "educated" in the Failed Government Schools run by big labor
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?
Well look its the moron again .
Heres what is funny moron barr offered to allow 12 congressmen 6 from each side read the complete unedited report guess what moron only republicans did not one democrat took him up on the offer.
Guess its harder to lie and jump to conclusions like you did when your stupid and dont know rhe truth
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

Broad brushed. The weapon of the Fascist Leftists. Next you’ll call them deplorables. You’re an idiot.
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?
Well look its the moron again .
Heres what is funny moron barr offered to allow 12 congressmen 6 from each side read the complete unedited report guess what moron only republicans did not one democrat took him up on the offer.
Guess its harder to lie and jump to conclusions like you did when your stupid and dont know rhe truth

If a leading Democrat DID go into the room and read the Mueller report, when they came out they would either have to continue to lie about it or admit that the President is as innocent as a newborn babe.

The latter would be out of the question for partisan reasons- the phony collusion issue is all the Democrat Party has, running against Peace and Prosperity is a non-starter in their view.

The former is a possibility, except for the fact that Barr and the Republicans would know they are lying and would find a way to point it out.
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?
I suspect it’s because many simply never developed that ability to read.

We know that many Republicans believe college is bad for America.

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?
I suspect it’s because many simply never developed that ability to read.

We know that many Republicans believe college is bad for America.

GOP Opposes Critical Thinking
O look its another moron perhaps this moron can explain when barr offered to let 12 people 6 democrat and 6 republicans read the unedited mueller report only republicans did I guess acording to your logic means they are like you morons who have no clue what they are talking about and unable to read. God your a stupid bastard
The conclusion :

Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment , we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

Hey shit for fucking brains. His job as the Special Prosecutor was to investigate and bring charges. If he was a City attorney or a DA and investigated
a potential crime...The guy he was investigating would either stand trial after being charged or would walk free if no charges were made.

Mueller did not find any ultimate conclusions about the President.

Therefore...The results of the game will be placed in the record books as..."No Collusion, No Obstruction."
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?
I've been reading it. Clearly much of the evidence comes from media leaks. It also reads like some jackass lawyer's opinions that worked for Hillary.... which is what it was written by.
The news today is that the Trump unemployment rate is 3.6%, a tiny fraction of what it was under Obama. The media has to keep a lid on this outstanding news, and talking about phony collusion is an alternative.

Dead air really isn't a viable option. Doesn't play well on the radio
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

Oh yes they have read it.
Including me.
How about the Dems who refuse to read it in the committee hearings.
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

We read the important parts. Either way shouldn't you be whining about why democrats in congress haven't read the report?


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