Not a single Trumper here has read a word of the Mueller report.

Waiting for the movie ...

The Russia narrative was proven to be a hoax just as man made climate change is a HOAX. Nice try. Hillary LOST. Get over it.

It was not a hoax !

To paraphrase the opening of the report : “Russia totally fucked with our election !”

How'd that "collusion" work out, sploogy?

{In evaluating whether evidence about collective action of multiple individuals constituted
a crime, we applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of ?collusion.? In so doing,
the Office recognized that the word collud[e] was used in communications with the Acting
Attorney General confirming certain aspects of the investigation?s scope and that the term has
frequently been invoked in public reporting about the investigation. But collusion is not a specific
offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal
criminal law.

You truly are one dumb pile of shit.
The conclusion :

Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment , we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.
Cutting through the bullshit this statement says: I couldn't find anything bad that Trump did but I'm still butthurt for my buddy Jim and am using this pussy way of trying to make Trump pay for being mean to my friend.

That clear it up for you little man?
It doesn't matter, they will follow this guy off a cliff. Anyone who is still a proud Trump supporter only cares about two things: Worshiping the king of the republicans and liberal tears.
It doesn't matter, they will follow this guy off a cliff. Anyone who is still a proud Trump supporter only cares about two things: Worshiping the king of the republicans and liberal tears.
Liberal tears are just a bonus.
When the FISA hammer comes down they will strike out like a crack-head released too soon from a strait-jacket.

Have the Louisville Slugger ready.
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

There are ONLY TWO REASONS why the Trump ass kissers won't read the actual report....

1. They can't read or comprehend what they read since they're morons.......OR

2. They're afraid to learn the truth and would rather rely on Barr's and Hannity's interpretation so that they won't get indigestion......

Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?


Have you ever considered the possibility, no matter how microscopic, that maybe, kind of sorta . . . you're the one who's brain has been washed? Why not go ahead and take it off the spin cycle? We'll meet you outside the dryer . . .
It doesn't matter, they will follow this guy off a cliff. Anyone who is still a proud Trump supporter only cares about two things: Worshiping the king of the republicans and liberal tears.
Liberal tears are just a bonus.

You're all idiots.
You've spent three years being taken in by an obvious hoax and you're calling other people idiots? Check that mirror little liberal.
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

Why would I? I know upfront that Mueller is a piece of shit. And I know he found ZERO evidence of any conclusion or obstruction, indicting no one on either charge.

It isn't the job of the DOJ to "exonerate" anyone. President Trump , like anyone else is entitled to the UNQUESTIONED presumption of innocence.

Not a single individual has been charged, and the matter is concluded
I read it. I downloaded it and read it. Mueller was trying to thread the needle. Gently explain to democrats that there was no collusion or conspiracy. There was no obstruction. Or at the very least no evidence of obstruction sufficent to present for indictment. And do all of this without causing a total meltdown among democrats. After all if Mueller had bluntly told the truth Pelosi and company would be calling him a stooge and demanding his resignation or impeachment.
I have better shit to do with my time. All I need to know is they’ll be no further indictments

Enjoy your ignorance. Typical trumpet .

None of you TDS sufferers have read a word of it either, so you’re all ignorant on the matter and all blowing smoke up each other’s asses
The conclusion :

Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment , we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.
I assume you have a point when re-posting this paragraph that everyone actually has read...

Not everyone . Roko said so himself .
So is that a no? you did not have a point?
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

Why would I? I know upfront that Mueller is a piece of shit. And I know he found ZERO evidence of any conclusion or obstruction, indicting no one on either charge.

It isn't the job of the DOJ to "exonerate" anyone. President Trump , like anyone else is entitled to the UNQUESTIONED presumption of innocence.

Not a single individual has been charged, and the matter is concluded

Here's all of the charges from Mueller's Russia probe

Mueller's 22-month investigation, however, netted indictments against 34 people and three entities on nearly 200 separate criminal charges.


Not a single individual has been charged?

Wow; you really are a complete fucking dumb ass. You must be a Trump supporter; it's obvious.
I have a job and a life outside of politics so allow me to give you the readers digest version of the Mueller Report there was no collusion with Russia by Trump or any member of his campiagn. On obstruction of justice Trump might have come close to it he might have gone right up to the line on it but he did not cross it Mueller did not charge him with it he punted to the AG the AG and Deputy AG looked at what Mueller had and did not charge Trump with obstruction. Collusion and obstruction were the main focus of the Mueller investigation and on both fronts no charges were filed it's over the end.
I read it. I downloaded it and read it. Mueller was trying to thread the needle. Gently explain to democrats that there was no collusion or conspiracy. There was no obstruction. Or at the very least no evidence of obstruction sufficent to present for indictment. And do all of this without causing a total meltdown among democrats. After all if Mueller had bluntly told the truth Pelosi and company would be calling him a stooge and demanding his resignation or impeachment.

This obsessive behavior evinced by the American Left on a uniform and grand scale is identical to that of the Soviet Communists. Public paranoia. Refusal to face the written or otherwise visual truth staring them in the face. Denial of facts, truth and the laws of physics and human biology. What could be worse? They no longer feel a need to hide their fervor and mania nor mask their intolerance for all Americans' freedom and their own attempted putsch.
Its painfully obvious from all the stupid shit they say .

Hey, no one is asking to read the whole 400 page thing. How about the 18 page summary from the man himself . Perhaps you can have some elementary students read it to you !

Really . Fed up . Who’s read the thing ?

Why would I? I know upfront that Mueller is a piece of shit. And I know he found ZERO evidence of any conclusion or obstruction, indicting no one on either charge.

It isn't the job of the DOJ to "exonerate" anyone. President Trump , like anyone else is entitled to the UNQUESTIONED presumption of innocence.

Not a single individual has been charged, and the matter is concluded

Here's all of the charges from Mueller's Russia probe

Mueller's 22-month investigation, however, netted indictments against 34 people and three entities on nearly 200 separate criminal charges.


Not a single individual has been charged?

Wow; you really are a complete fucking dumb ass. You must be a Trump supporter; it's obvious.

No individual has been charged with either Collusion or Obstruction.

People were charged with other items that have nothing to do with the President.

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