Not Another Assault Car Killing!

Father intentionally crashes into restaurant, killing daughter: Police

A father allegedly sat his family near the front door of a restaurant in North Carolina on Sunday, then promptly left, got in his car and plowed full speed into them on purpose, according to police and eyewitnesses. Two people were killed in the crash, police said.

Roger Self, 62, has been charged with two counts of murder over the alleged incident in which his daughter, Katelyn, and another person sitting at the table were killed, the Gaston County Sheriff's Office said.

Katelyn Self was a deputy with the Gaston County Sheriff's Office. She was off-duty at the time of the crash."

Why isn't anyone blaming the car?

If we only had common sense speed control, limiting cars to no more than 20 mph, this stuff ends, right?
We have common sense laws for automobiles. There are speed limits, licensing requirements, competency tests, insurance requirements and age restrictions.

Maybe that's why scenarios such as the one you outlined here are relatively rare.

Perhaps we should use these same common sense regulations on guns in order to make mass shootings rarer.

And wow, those common sense laws prevented this from happening!

Good thing we had common sense car laws, or he might have really hurt someone.

Yo, lefty.... the point is, yeah we do have those laws, and it didn't stop anything.

The solution isn't more laws. The solution is enforcement of the laws we have. If people are not afraid of getting put to death for murder... breaking a few car laws... or breaking a few gun laws... isn't going to stop them.

Just like this guy wasn't thinking "oh I better not run my family over, because that would violate a automobile law"..... similarly no one willing to shoot people is going to think "oh I better not go on a killing spree because that would violate a gun law".
Maybe you have realized that laws are not enacted to prevent anything. Laws are enacted to punish crimes.

By your logic, laws are useless and should be abolished.

By the way, the kid in Texas was a law abiding citizen right up to the point he began pulling a trigger.

You idiots allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.
Father intentionally crashes into restaurant, killing daughter: Police

A father allegedly sat his family near the front door of a restaurant in North Carolina on Sunday, then promptly left, got in his car and plowed full speed into them on purpose, according to police and eyewitnesses. Two people were killed in the crash, police said.

Roger Self, 62, has been charged with two counts of murder over the alleged incident in which his daughter, Katelyn, and another person sitting at the table were killed, the Gaston County Sheriff's Office said.

Katelyn Self was a deputy with the Gaston County Sheriff's Office. She was off-duty at the time of the crash."

Why isn't anyone blaming the car?

If we only had common sense speed control, limiting cars to no more than 20 mph, this stuff ends, right?
We have common sense laws for automobiles. There are speed limits, licensing requirements, competency tests, insurance requirements and age restrictions.

Maybe that's why scenarios such as the one you outlined here are relatively rare.

Perhaps we should use these same common sense regulations on guns in order to make mass shootings rarer.

And wow, those common sense laws prevented this from happening!

Good thing we had common sense car laws, or he might have really hurt someone.

Yo, lefty.... the point is, yeah we do have those laws, and it didn't stop anything.

The solution isn't more laws. The solution is enforcement of the laws we have. If people are not afraid of getting put to death for murder... breaking a few car laws... or breaking a few gun laws... isn't going to stop them.

Just like this guy wasn't thinking "oh I better not run my family over, because that would violate a automobile law"..... similarly no one willing to shoot people is going to think "oh I better not go on a killing spree because that would violate a gun law".
Maybe you have realized that laws are not enacted to prevent anything. Laws are enacted to punish crimes.

By your logic, laws are useless and should be abolished.

By the way, the kid in Texas was a law abiding citizen right up to the point he began pulling a trigger.

You idiots allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

The ridiculous laws are the ones that take away the protection of the law abiding weak and encourages the evil strong.

That's likely why the rape statistics in England and Australia are skyrocketing.
Father intentionally crashes into restaurant, killing daughter: Police

A father allegedly sat his family near the front door of a restaurant in North Carolina on Sunday, then promptly left, got in his car and plowed full speed into them on purpose, according to police and eyewitnesses. Two people were killed in the crash, police said.

Roger Self, 62, has been charged with two counts of murder over the alleged incident in which his daughter, Katelyn, and another person sitting at the table were killed, the Gaston County Sheriff's Office said.

Katelyn Self was a deputy with the Gaston County Sheriff's Office. She was off-duty at the time of the crash."

Why isn't anyone blaming the car?

If we only had common sense speed control, limiting cars to no more than 20 mph, this stuff ends, right?
We have common sense laws for automobiles. There are speed limits, licensing requirements, competency tests, insurance requirements and age restrictions.

Maybe that's why scenarios such as the one you outlined here are relatively rare.

Perhaps we should use these same common sense regulations on guns in order to make mass shootings rarer.

And wow, those common sense laws prevented this from happening!

Good thing we had common sense car laws, or he might have really hurt someone.

Yo, lefty.... the point is, yeah we do have those laws, and it didn't stop anything.

The solution isn't more laws. The solution is enforcement of the laws we have. If people are not afraid of getting put to death for murder... breaking a few car laws... or breaking a few gun laws... isn't going to stop them.

Just like this guy wasn't thinking "oh I better not run my family over, because that would violate a automobile law"..... similarly no one willing to shoot people is going to think "oh I better not go on a killing spree because that would violate a gun law".
Maybe you have realized that laws are not enacted to prevent anything. Laws are enacted to punish crimes.

By your logic, laws are useless and should be abolished.

By the way, the kid in Texas was a law abiding citizen right up to the point he began pulling a trigger.

You idiots allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

Yeah, so was the guy who drove his car over his family, was a law abiding citizen right up to the point they were under his car.

And yes, I agree. All laws that are useless, should be abolished. They don't fix anything.

Your laws have not worked. We have hundreds of gun laws and gun regulations. They haven't fixed a single thing. Do away with them.

You want to fix crime? Kill criminals. When every single murderer is fried, a lot fewer people will become murderers.
Father intentionally crashes into restaurant, killing daughter: Police

A father allegedly sat his family near the front door of a restaurant in North Carolina on Sunday, then promptly left, got in his car and plowed full speed into them on purpose, according to police and eyewitnesses. Two people were killed in the crash, police said.

Roger Self, 62, has been charged with two counts of murder over the alleged incident in which his daughter, Katelyn, and another person sitting at the table were killed, the Gaston County Sheriff's Office said.

Katelyn Self was a deputy with the Gaston County Sheriff's Office. She was off-duty at the time of the crash."

Why isn't anyone blaming the car?

If we only had common sense speed control, limiting cars to no more than 20 mph, this stuff ends, right?
We have common sense laws for automobiles. There are speed limits, licensing requirements, competency tests, insurance requirements and age restrictions.

Maybe that's why scenarios such as the one you outlined here are relatively rare.

Perhaps we should use these same common sense regulations on guns in order to make mass shootings rarer.

And wow, those common sense laws prevented this from happening!

Good thing we had common sense car laws, or he might have really hurt someone.

Yo, lefty.... the point is, yeah we do have those laws, and it didn't stop anything.

The solution isn't more laws. The solution is enforcement of the laws we have. If people are not afraid of getting put to death for murder... breaking a few car laws... or breaking a few gun laws... isn't going to stop them.

Just like this guy wasn't thinking "oh I better not run my family over, because that would violate a automobile law"..... similarly no one willing to shoot people is going to think "oh I better not go on a killing spree because that would violate a gun law".
Maybe you have realized that laws are not enacted to prevent anything. Laws are enacted to punish crimes.

By your logic, laws are useless and should be abolished.

By the way, the kid in Texas was a law abiding citizen right up to the point he began pulling a trigger.

You idiots allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

The ridiculous laws are the ones that take away the protection of the law abiding weak and encourages the evil strong.

That's likely why the rape statistics in England and Australia are skyrocketing.
Let's work on the safety of American school kids before we wring our hands about England and Australia.

In the meantime, please explain how not having an AR-15 deprives you of your right to defend yourself? Are there no other weapons to serve that purpose?
Father intentionally crashes into restaurant, killing daughter: Police

A father allegedly sat his family near the front door of a restaurant in North Carolina on Sunday, then promptly left, got in his car and plowed full speed into them on purpose, according to police and eyewitnesses. Two people were killed in the crash, police said.

Roger Self, 62, has been charged with two counts of murder over the alleged incident in which his daughter, Katelyn, and another person sitting at the table were killed, the Gaston County Sheriff's Office said.

Katelyn Self was a deputy with the Gaston County Sheriff's Office. She was off-duty at the time of the crash."

Why isn't anyone blaming the car?

If we only had common sense speed control, limiting cars to no more than 20 mph, this stuff ends, right?
We have common sense laws for automobiles. There are speed limits, licensing requirements, competency tests, insurance requirements and age restrictions.

Maybe that's why scenarios such as the one you outlined here are relatively rare.

Perhaps we should use these same common sense regulations on guns in order to make mass shootings rarer.

And wow, those common sense laws prevented this from happening!

Good thing we had common sense car laws, or he might have really hurt someone.

Yo, lefty.... the point is, yeah we do have those laws, and it didn't stop anything.

The solution isn't more laws. The solution is enforcement of the laws we have. If people are not afraid of getting put to death for murder... breaking a few car laws... or breaking a few gun laws... isn't going to stop them.

Just like this guy wasn't thinking "oh I better not run my family over, because that would violate a automobile law"..... similarly no one willing to shoot people is going to think "oh I better not go on a killing spree because that would violate a gun law".
Maybe you have realized that laws are not enacted to prevent anything. Laws are enacted to punish crimes.

By your logic, laws are useless and should be abolished.

By the way, the kid in Texas was a law abiding citizen right up to the point he began pulling a trigger.

You idiots allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

Yeah, so was the guy who drove his car over his family, was a law abiding citizen right up to the point they were under his car.

And yes, I agree. All laws that are useless, should be abolished. They don't fix anything.

Your laws have not worked. We have hundreds of gun laws and gun regulations. They haven't fixed a single thing. Do away with them.

You want to fix crime? Kill criminals. When every single murderer is fried, a lot fewer people will become murderers.
You can't kill criminals without laws. In fact, they wouldn't be criminals if there were no laws.

For more fun facts about the criminal justice system, I suggest you start paying attention in your third period Civics class.
Father intentionally crashes into restaurant, killing daughter: Police

A father allegedly sat his family near the front door of a restaurant in North Carolina on Sunday, then promptly left, got in his car and plowed full speed into them on purpose, according to police and eyewitnesses. Two people were killed in the crash, police said.

Roger Self, 62, has been charged with two counts of murder over the alleged incident in which his daughter, Katelyn, and another person sitting at the table were killed, the Gaston County Sheriff's Office said.

Katelyn Self was a deputy with the Gaston County Sheriff's Office. She was off-duty at the time of the crash."

Why isn't anyone blaming the car?

If we only had common sense speed control, limiting cars to no more than 20 mph, this stuff ends, right?
We have common sense laws for automobiles. There are speed limits, licensing requirements, competency tests, insurance requirements and age restrictions.

Maybe that's why scenarios such as the one you outlined here are relatively rare.

Perhaps we should use these same common sense regulations on guns in order to make mass shootings rarer.

And wow, those common sense laws prevented this from happening!

Good thing we had common sense car laws, or he might have really hurt someone.

Yo, lefty.... the point is, yeah we do have those laws, and it didn't stop anything.

The solution isn't more laws. The solution is enforcement of the laws we have. If people are not afraid of getting put to death for murder... breaking a few car laws... or breaking a few gun laws... isn't going to stop them.

Just like this guy wasn't thinking "oh I better not run my family over, because that would violate a automobile law"..... similarly no one willing to shoot people is going to think "oh I better not go on a killing spree because that would violate a gun law".
Maybe you have realized that laws are not enacted to prevent anything. Laws are enacted to punish crimes.

By your logic, laws are useless and should be abolished.

By the way, the kid in Texas was a law abiding citizen right up to the point he began pulling a trigger.

You idiots allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

The ridiculous laws are the ones that take away the protection of the law abiding weak and encourages the evil strong.

That's likely why the rape statistics in England and Australia are skyrocketing.
Let's work on the safety of American school kids before we wring our hands about England and Australia.

In the meantime, please explain how not having an AR-15 deprives you of your right to defend yourself? Are there no other weapons to serve that purpose?

Let's have them prove their gun laws make crime go away first, before we start citing gun laws in England and Australia as a model to follow.

In the mean time...... The right of the people to bare arms.... SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

What part of that, do you not understand? Which of those super long difficult words, do you need me to post links to for?

The right is to bare arms. Period. Doesn't matter what other weapon serves any purpose. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Not hard words here.
Wait, it obviously doesn't work with cars. The death rate by trained, licensed and regulated cars are higher than those that own a gun.

Wrong - I can actually only find one mass murder by motor vehicle in the US - 2017 in NYC.
New York City terror attack: What we know so far

Can't find ANY mass killings at US schools by this method.

But 22 school shootings already this year - one a week:
2018 school shootings: A list of incidents that resulted in casualties - CNN

So which is the school murder weapon of choice?
Father intentionally crashes into restaurant, killing daughter: Police

A father allegedly sat his family near the front door of a restaurant in North Carolina on Sunday, then promptly left, got in his car and plowed full speed into them on purpose, according to police and eyewitnesses. Two people were killed in the crash, police said.

Roger Self, 62, has been charged with two counts of murder over the alleged incident in which his daughter, Katelyn, and another person sitting at the table were killed, the Gaston County Sheriff's Office said.

Katelyn Self was a deputy with the Gaston County Sheriff's Office. She was off-duty at the time of the crash."

Why isn't anyone blaming the car?

If we only had common sense speed control, limiting cars to no more than 20 mph, this stuff ends, right?
So Christina alive? Or was this an offspring?


She was possessed by an evil spirit

But you're CRAZY in the Melon.

Some clear facts for you.

Father intentionally crashes into restaurant, killing daughter: Police

A father allegedly sat his family near the front door of a restaurant in North Carolina on Sunday, then promptly left, got in his car and plowed full speed into them on purpose, according to police and eyewitnesses. Two people were killed in the crash, police said.

Roger Self, 62, has been charged with two counts of murder over the alleged incident in which his daughter, Katelyn, and another person sitting at the table were killed, the Gaston County Sheriff's Office said.

Katelyn Self was a deputy with the Gaston County Sheriff's Office. She was off-duty at the time of the crash."

Why isn't anyone blaming the car?

If we only had common sense speed control, limiting cars to no more than 20 mph, this stuff ends, right?
We have common sense laws for automobiles. There are speed limits, licensing requirements, competency tests, insurance requirements and age restrictions.

Maybe that's why scenarios such as the one you outlined here are relatively rare.

Perhaps we should use these same common sense regulations on guns in order to make mass shootings rarer.

And wow, those common sense laws prevented this from happening!

Good thing we had common sense car laws, or he might have really hurt someone.

Yo, lefty.... the point is, yeah we do have those laws, and it didn't stop anything.

The solution isn't more laws. The solution is enforcement of the laws we have. If people are not afraid of getting put to death for murder... breaking a few car laws... or breaking a few gun laws... isn't going to stop them.

Just like this guy wasn't thinking "oh I better not run my family over, because that would violate a automobile law"..... similarly no one willing to shoot people is going to think "oh I better not go on a killing spree because that would violate a gun law".
Maybe you have realized that laws are not enacted to prevent anything. Laws are enacted to punish crimes.

By your logic, laws are useless and should be abolished.

By the way, the kid in Texas was a law abiding citizen right up to the point he began pulling a trigger.

You idiots allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

Yeah, so was the guy who drove his car over his family, was a law abiding citizen right up to the point they were under his car.

And yes, I agree. All laws that are useless, should be abolished. They don't fix anything.

Your laws have not worked. We have hundreds of gun laws and gun regulations. They haven't fixed a single thing. Do away with them.

You want to fix crime? Kill criminals. When every single murderer is fried, a lot fewer people will become murderers.
You can't kill criminals without laws. In fact, they wouldn't be criminals if there were no laws.

For more fun facts about the criminal justice system, I suggest you start paying attention in your third period Civics class.

Ugh..... another one of these people......

The law is to protect the rights of the people. The injustice is murder. Injustice isn't me having a gun. My gun hasn't harmed anyone, or denied anyone their rights.

Gun laws do not protect the rights of the people. Murder laws do.

Do gun laws do anything? No. What is the wrong action we are trying to prevent? Murder. Gun laws do not stop murder. Removing gun laws, does not make murder legal.

Doesn't do anything.

We need to enforce the law against murder. Let's put those murderers in a noose, and hang them.

Guns laws do not do anything of value, because the only people who obey gun laws, are the people who obey murder laws. If I'm not willing to obey a murder law, I'll have no problem breaking a gun law.
Wait, it obviously doesn't work with cars. The death rate by trained, licensed and regulated cars are higher than those that own a gun.

Wrong - I can actually only find one mass murder by motor vehicle in the US - 2017 in NYC.
New York City terror attack: What we know so far

Can't find ANY mass killings at US schools by this method.

But 22 school shootings already this year - one a week:
2018 school shootings: A list of incidents that resulted in casualties - CNN

So which is the school murder weapon of choice?

Still doesn't matter. If you ban the weapon, they'll just get the weapon illegally. In fact, most guns committed in crimes are not acquired through legal channels already.

You want to stop shootings? Let people defend themselves.
Father intentionally crashes into restaurant, killing daughter: Police

A father allegedly sat his family near the front door of a restaurant in North Carolina on Sunday, then promptly left, got in his car and plowed full speed into them on purpose, according to police and eyewitnesses. Two people were killed in the crash, police said.

Roger Self, 62, has been charged with two counts of murder over the alleged incident in which his daughter, Katelyn, and another person sitting at the table were killed, the Gaston County Sheriff's Office said.

Katelyn Self was a deputy with the Gaston County Sheriff's Office. She was off-duty at the time of the crash."

Why isn't anyone blaming the car?

If we only had common sense speed control, limiting cars to no more than 20 mph, this stuff ends, right?
We have common sense laws for automobiles. There are speed limits, licensing requirements, competency tests, insurance requirements and age restrictions.

Maybe that's why scenarios such as the one you outlined here are relatively rare.

Perhaps we should use these same common sense regulations on guns in order to make mass shootings rarer.

And wow, those common sense laws prevented this from happening!

Good thing we had common sense car laws, or he might have really hurt someone.

Yo, lefty.... the point is, yeah we do have those laws, and it didn't stop anything.

The solution isn't more laws. The solution is enforcement of the laws we have. If people are not afraid of getting put to death for murder... breaking a few car laws... or breaking a few gun laws... isn't going to stop them.

Just like this guy wasn't thinking "oh I better not run my family over, because that would violate a automobile law"..... similarly no one willing to shoot people is going to think "oh I better not go on a killing spree because that would violate a gun law".
Maybe you have realized that laws are not enacted to prevent anything. Laws are enacted to punish crimes.

By your logic, laws are useless and should be abolished.

By the way, the kid in Texas was a law abiding citizen right up to the point he began pulling a trigger.

You idiots allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

The ridiculous laws are the ones that take away the protection of the law abiding weak and encourages the evil strong.

That's likely why the rape statistics in England and Australia are skyrocketing.
Let's work on the safety of American school kids before we wring our hands about England and Australia.

In the meantime, please explain how not having an AR-15 deprives you of your right to defend yourself? Are there no other weapons to serve that purpose?

My choice of weapon, to defend self, or family is none of your concern. Why do you think I should rely on anyone else's opinion as to the best weapon than my own. It would be me that would grieve should the government approved weapon fail, not you.

So, let me ask you this:

Your daughter is being raped in a park by a group of large Men. A stranger passing by hears her screams for help and uses a gun to save her. Why would you care what kind of gun the stranger used?
Wait, it obviously doesn't work with cars. The death rate by trained, licensed and regulated cars are higher than those that own a gun.

Wrong - I can actually only find one mass murder by motor vehicle in the US - 2017 in NYC.
New York City terror attack: What we know so far

Can't find ANY mass killings at US schools by this method.

But 22 school shootings already this year - one a week:
2018 school shootings: A list of incidents that resulted in casualties - CNN

So which is the school murder weapon of choice?

But you are the one wanting speculation.

Do you have ANY evidence that these school shooters, lacking the ability to acquire a gun, would not have just used a car to run down a large group of children waiting at a bus stop, or dozens of other locations they gather before or after school.


Didn't think so.
We have common sense laws for automobiles. There are speed limits, licensing requirements, competency tests, insurance requirements and age restrictions.

Maybe that's why scenarios such as the one you outlined here are relatively rare.

Perhaps we should use these same common sense regulations on guns in order to make mass shootings rarer.

And wow, those common sense laws prevented this from happening!

Good thing we had common sense car laws, or he might have really hurt someone.

Yo, lefty.... the point is, yeah we do have those laws, and it didn't stop anything.

The solution isn't more laws. The solution is enforcement of the laws we have. If people are not afraid of getting put to death for murder... breaking a few car laws... or breaking a few gun laws... isn't going to stop them.

Just like this guy wasn't thinking "oh I better not run my family over, because that would violate a automobile law"..... similarly no one willing to shoot people is going to think "oh I better not go on a killing spree because that would violate a gun law".
Maybe you have realized that laws are not enacted to prevent anything. Laws are enacted to punish crimes.

By your logic, laws are useless and should be abolished.

By the way, the kid in Texas was a law abiding citizen right up to the point he began pulling a trigger.

You idiots allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

The ridiculous laws are the ones that take away the protection of the law abiding weak and encourages the evil strong.

That's likely why the rape statistics in England and Australia are skyrocketing.
Let's work on the safety of American school kids before we wring our hands about England and Australia.

In the meantime, please explain how not having an AR-15 deprives you of your right to defend yourself? Are there no other weapons to serve that purpose?

Let's have them prove their gun laws make crime go away first, before we start citing gun laws in England and Australia as a model to follow.

In the mean time...... The right of the people to bare arms.... SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

What part of that, do you not understand? Which of those super long difficult words, do you need me to post links to for?

The right is to bare arms. Period. Doesn't matter what other weapon serves any purpose. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Not hard words here.
Your rights are infringed. They are not absolute.

You do not enjoy the right to say whatever you wish. No shouting "FIRE" in a theater. You do not enjoy an absolute right to not incriminate yourself. Your company can drug test you.

And you do not have the right to bear any arms you desire. Where's your rocket propelled grenade launcher? How easy is it for you to get an automatic machine gun? A mortar? A .50 caliber machine gun? A thermonuclear warhead?

Why are those weapons restricted? Could it be that responsible people realized that such weapons create more havoc than society can bear?

During Prohibition, we saw Thompson sub-machine ne guns riddling Street with bullets. Gee! What a reaction! Didn't those responsible people know they were infringing on your rights?
But you are the one wanting speculation.

Do you have ANY evidence that these school shooters, lacking the ability to acquire a gun, would not have just used a car to run down a large group of children waiting at a bus stop, or dozens of other locations they gather before or after school.


Didn't think so.

And yet - It hasn't happened. Fancy that!
Still doesn't matter. If you ban the weapon, they'll just get the weapon illegally. In fact, most guns committed in crimes are not acquired through legal channels already.

You want to stop shootings? Let people defend themselves.

Oh - So now you advocate arming school children?

GREAT idea :rolleyes:
We have common sense laws for automobiles. There are speed limits, licensing requirements, competency tests, insurance requirements and age restrictions.

Maybe that's why scenarios such as the one you outlined here are relatively rare.

Perhaps we should use these same common sense regulations on guns in order to make mass shootings rarer.

And wow, those common sense laws prevented this from happening!

Good thing we had common sense car laws, or he might have really hurt someone.

Yo, lefty.... the point is, yeah we do have those laws, and it didn't stop anything.

The solution isn't more laws. The solution is enforcement of the laws we have. If people are not afraid of getting put to death for murder... breaking a few car laws... or breaking a few gun laws... isn't going to stop them.

Just like this guy wasn't thinking "oh I better not run my family over, because that would violate a automobile law"..... similarly no one willing to shoot people is going to think "oh I better not go on a killing spree because that would violate a gun law".
Maybe you have realized that laws are not enacted to prevent anything. Laws are enacted to punish crimes.

By your logic, laws are useless and should be abolished.

By the way, the kid in Texas was a law abiding citizen right up to the point he began pulling a trigger.

You idiots allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

The ridiculous laws are the ones that take away the protection of the law abiding weak and encourages the evil strong.

That's likely why the rape statistics in England and Australia are skyrocketing.
Let's work on the safety of American school kids before we wring our hands about England and Australia.

In the meantime, please explain how not having an AR-15 deprives you of your right to defend yourself? Are there no other weapons to serve that purpose?

My choice of weapon, to defend self, or family is none of your concern. Why do you think I should rely on anyone else's opinion as to the best weapon than my own. It would be me that would grieve should the government approved weapon fail, not you.

So, let me ask you this:

Your daughter is being raped in a park by a group of large Men. A stranger passing by hears her screams for help and uses a gun to save her. Why would you care what kind of gun the stranger used?
In your hypothetical, may I assume a stranger is not walking around with an AR-15 slung over his shoulder?
And wow, those common sense laws prevented this from happening!

Good thing we had common sense car laws, or he might have really hurt someone.

Yo, lefty.... the point is, yeah we do have those laws, and it didn't stop anything.

The solution isn't more laws. The solution is enforcement of the laws we have. If people are not afraid of getting put to death for murder... breaking a few car laws... or breaking a few gun laws... isn't going to stop them.

Just like this guy wasn't thinking "oh I better not run my family over, because that would violate a automobile law"..... similarly no one willing to shoot people is going to think "oh I better not go on a killing spree because that would violate a gun law".
Maybe you have realized that laws are not enacted to prevent anything. Laws are enacted to punish crimes.

By your logic, laws are useless and should be abolished.

By the way, the kid in Texas was a law abiding citizen right up to the point he began pulling a trigger.

You idiots allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

The ridiculous laws are the ones that take away the protection of the law abiding weak and encourages the evil strong.

That's likely why the rape statistics in England and Australia are skyrocketing.
Let's work on the safety of American school kids before we wring our hands about England and Australia.

In the meantime, please explain how not having an AR-15 deprives you of your right to defend yourself? Are there no other weapons to serve that purpose?

My choice of weapon, to defend self, or family is none of your concern. Why do you think I should rely on anyone else's opinion as to the best weapon than my own. It would be me that would grieve should the government approved weapon fail, not you.

So, let me ask you this:

Your daughter is being raped in a park by a group of large Men. A stranger passing by hears her screams for help and uses a gun to save her. Why would you care what kind of gun the stranger used?
In your hypothetical, may I assume a stranger is not walking around with an AR-15 slung over his shoulder?

What if the AR-15 was in his car. Would you want him to retrieve it, and defend your daughter? Or would you rather she be raped to death?
Still doesn't matter. If you ban the weapon, they'll just get the weapon illegally. In fact, most guns committed in crimes are not acquired through legal channels already.

You want to stop shootings? Let people defend themselves.

Oh - So now you advocate arming school children?

GREAT idea :rolleyes:

Um....... you do know that for the first 100 years of this country, and in fact, not even 60 years ago, that was normal.

You really don't know this? Kids used to bring their guns on the school buss, and then hop off and go hunting after school.

In fact, there were school shooting clubs, and kids brought their guns to school.

You people really have no idea about the history of guns in this country?




High school rifle club for girls. 1941.

Guns in school were normal.... and it was almost unheard of that students shot each other.

The problem today is not guns. That's idiotic.

The problem today is, G-d is dead, and morality is relative, and there is no 'evil'. People have no absolute standard of right and wrong, and we justify bad behavior. That's the problem.
Father intentionally crashes into restaurant, killing daughter: Police

A father allegedly sat his family near the front door of a restaurant in North Carolina on Sunday, then promptly left, got in his car and plowed full speed into them on purpose, according to police and eyewitnesses. Two people were killed in the crash, police said.

Roger Self, 62, has been charged with two counts of murder over the alleged incident in which his daughter, Katelyn, and another person sitting at the table were killed, the Gaston County Sheriff's Office said.

Katelyn Self was a deputy with the Gaston County Sheriff's Office. She was off-duty at the time of the crash."

Why isn't anyone blaming the car?

If we only had common sense speed control, limiting cars to no more than 20 mph, this stuff ends, right?
Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid.

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