Not Darwin's Law, it's God's Law.

Simply because almost every single aspect of evolution is a mathematical impossibility.

It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.
It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.
You're using the same phony "christian math" that has already been exposed as fraudulent.

The so-called "odds against" argument is one common to science loathing fundie Christians who understand nothing of the science that hope to vilify.

Lies Damned Lies Statistics and Probability ofAbiogenesis Calculations
Here's some math to compete with "christian math". If we sum the number of gawds /deities / supernatural agents proposed by mankind and divide by three, we can anticipate the probabilities of the christian gawds being "true".

For example, there are some 330 million deities existing in Hinduism. Let's do the math, shall we?

330,000,000 / 3 = 110,000,000.

Therefore, we see it is an impossibility that the polytheistic christian gawds could exist as the true gawds.
It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.

"My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist."

"Evolutionist" is now a "race". My goodness, what else are they teaching you at the Falwell madrassah?
Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.
You're using the same phony "christian math" that has already been exposed as fraudulent.

The so-called "odds against" argument is one common to science loathing fundie Christians who understand nothing of the science that hope to vilify.

Lies Damned Lies Statistics and Probability ofAbiogenesis Calculations

Hollie, you really do need to take your dementia meds. We all know how you get when you skip them. I worry about you. Please stay away from anything sharp now, it's for your own good. You are Michael Myers' sister you know. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.
You're using the same phony "christian math" that has already been exposed as fraudulent.

The so-called "odds against" argument is one common to science loathing fundie Christians who understand nothing of the science that hope to vilify.

Lies Damned Lies Statistics and Probability ofAbiogenesis Calculations

Hollie, you really do need to take your dementia meds. We all know how you get when you skip them. I worry about you. Please stay away from anything sharp now, it's for your own good. You are Michael Myers' sister you know.
I had no expectation that you would attempt to address the refutation to your nonsensical christian math.
Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.
You're using the same phony "christian math" that has already been exposed as fraudulent.

The so-called "odds against" argument is one common to science loathing fundie Christians who understand nothing of the science that hope to vilify.

Lies Damned Lies Statistics and Probability ofAbiogenesis Calculations

Hollie, you really do need to take your dementia meds. We all know how you get when you skip them. I worry about you. Please stay away from anything sharp now, it's for your own good. You are Michael Myers' sister you know.
I had no expectation that you would attempt to address the refutation to your nonsensical christian math.

I already told you that I don't know what "Christian math" is. I only know what math is. There is no such thing as Christian math. I looked it up nd it doesn't exist except in your mind.
Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.

"My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist."

"Evolutionist" is now a "race". My goodness, what else are they teaching you at the Falwell madrassah?

One day soon Hollie, you'll be pushing a worn out old shopping cart through your ghetto and rummaging through the garbage cans for bottles you can sell for deposit. You'll be talking to yourself and cursing God with every breath. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.

"My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist."

"Evolutionist" is now a "race". My goodness, what else are they teaching you at the Falwell madrassah?

One day soon Hollie, you'll be pushing a worn out old shopping cart through your ghetto and rummaging through the garbage cans for bottles you can sell for deposit. You'll be talking to yourself and cursing God with every breath.
And yet, all your stuttering and mumbling is a cheap ruse because you can't defend your fraudulent claims.
Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.
You're using the same phony "christian math" that has already been exposed as fraudulent.

The so-called "odds against" argument is one common to science loathing fundie Christians who understand nothing of the science that hope to vilify.

Lies Damned Lies Statistics and Probability ofAbiogenesis Calculations

Hollie, you really do need to take your dementia meds. We all know how you get when you skip them. I worry about you. Please stay away from anything sharp now, it's for your own good. You are Michael Myers' sister you know.
I had no expectation that you would attempt to address the refutation to your nonsensical christian math.

I already told you that I don't know what "Christian math" is. I only know what math is. There is no such thing as Christian math. I looked it up nd it doesn't exist except in your mind.

I already identified for you that christian math is the nonsensical statement of "chance" that is derived from phony calculations furthered by you christian fundies. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.

"My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist."

"Evolutionist" is now a "race". My goodness, what else are they teaching you at the Falwell madrassah?

One day soon Hollie, you'll be pushing a worn out old shopping cart through your ghetto and rummaging through the garbage cans for bottles you can sell for deposit. You'll be talking to yourself and cursing God with every breath.
Do you have a link to some authority that explains properly what you claim about the math and probabilities? I'd be interested to check that out since this is the first time that I'm hearing of your hypothesis.
Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?
Because there is no 'god' as perceived by theists; religion and 'god' are creations of man, separate and apart from the science that is evolution.

What's the matter? None of you left wing idiots can read? This thread asks Birchers in creation a question. The rest of you trolls can fuck off.

Fucking Phone! That is supposed to read "Creationists" not "Birchers in creation", wtf?
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.
Evolution will eventually make everyone a liberal. Thankfully, regressive conservatives are doomed over time.


Apparently a lack of education will make everyone a liberal. I say this because there isn't a single liberal on these boards that can read over maybe a 4th grade level.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.
To be fair, you should append the declarative, "because I say so", to the end of your rambling screed. If nothing else, this will assist you in making a first attempt at understanding mere opinion from fact.
It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.

You can't prove it's impossible with mathematics, you are simply making up the numbers. In addition, you are quoting me odds, given enough time, those odds can be overcome. That's all I'm going to say about that as I have already stated numerous times that the purpose of this thread wasn't to argue evolution's merit, but to ask Creationists if they could consider evolution to be the mechanism that God used to create life.
Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.
You're using the same phony "christian math" that has already been exposed as fraudulent.
snothing of the science that hope to vilify.

Lies Damned Lies Statistics and Probability ofAbiogenesis Calculations

Hollie, you really do need to take your dementia meds. We all know how you get when you skip them. I worry about you. Please stay away from anything sharp now, it's for your own good. You are Michael Myers' sister you know.
I had no expectation that you would attempt to address the refutation to your nonsensical christian math.

I don't usually bother to read any link you post but I did just to shut you up. Your link is total hogwash. The link makes the claim that a single cell of billions of years ago would be nothing like a modern day single cell. That is totally stupid. A single asexual cell as I used in my example would be the same cell at any time past, present, or future. Stop reading hogwash.
My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.
You're using the same phony "christian math" that has already been exposed as fraudulent.

The so-called "odds against" argument is one common to science loathing fundie Christians who understand nothing of the science that hope to vilify.

Lies Damned Lies Statistics and Probability ofAbiogenesis Calculations

Hollie, you really do need to take your dementia meds. We all know how you get when you skip them. I worry about you. Please stay away from anything sharp now, it's for your own good. You are Michael Myers' sister you know.
I had no expectation that you would attempt to address the refutation to your nonsensical christian math.

I already told you that I don't know what "Christian math" is. I only know what math is. There is no such thing as Christian math. I looked it up nd it doesn't exist except in your mind.

I already identified for you that christian math is the nonsensical statement of "chance" that is derived from phony calculations furthered by you christian fundies.

Too bad you don't have the mathematical background to actually address the mathematics.
Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.

You can't prove it's impossible with mathematics, you are simply making up the numbers. In addition, you are quoting me odds, given enough time, those odds can be overcome. That's all I'm going to say about that as I have already stated numerous times that the purpose of this thread wasn't to argue evolution's merit, but to ask Creationists if they could consider evolution to be the mechanism that God used to create life.

And I will repeat again for you, time has nothing at all to do with it. The math would still be the same were the time extended to infinity. Of course God could use anything at all he so desired. I fail to see the purpose though. In my own view, God's purpose was to populate the earth. This is why He created Adam and Even and every living thing at the most effective age for child birth and reproduction. I will accept microevolution as reality though.
Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.

"My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist."

"Evolutionist" is now a "race". My goodness, what else are they teaching you at the Falwell madrassah?

One day soon Hollie, you'll be pushing a worn out old shopping cart through your ghetto and rummaging through the garbage cans for bottles you can sell for deposit. You'll be talking to yourself and cursing God with every breath.
Do you have a link to some authority that explains properly what you claim about the math and probabilities? I'd be interested to check that out since this is the first time that I'm hearing of your hypothesis.

A link? Why not check with your local college? If you have a local college that teaches engineering or physics or any of the other sciences, they will have courses in probability mathematics.
Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?

My Friend, that is the race card of the evolutionist. "Billions of years", "So slow one can't see it happening". The mathematics of it doesn't have a thing to do with time. It would be just as impossible 100 billion years ago as it is today. Impossible means IMPOSSIBLE.

The beauty of mathematics is that mathematics has no champion. Mathematics is blind and deaf. 1 + 1 = 2 without regard as to whether one is a Christian or one is an atheist. The hard and cold truth of mathematics is that it doesn't care whether one is an evolutionist or a creationist, Black or White, a Democrat or Republican.

Here's some more for your consideration: The probability for chance formation of even the simplest form of living organism is 1 in 10 to the 140,000,000 power. By comparison, only 10 to the 20th power grains of sand can fit into a cubic mile.

I stated earlier that the odds of all life evolved from a single asexual cell was 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. That is an impossibility. Totally an impossibility. For the sake of argument though, let us pretend that it did happen. Now let us see the probability of that single asexual dividing and mutating through the process of natural selection into a 4 cell organism. The hard cold fact is that one could not write out the number of zeros in a day's time to put such a preposterous impossibility on paper.
You're using the same phony "christian math" that has already been exposed as fraudulent.
snothing of the science that hope to vilify.

Lies Damned Lies Statistics and Probability ofAbiogenesis Calculations

Hollie, you really do need to take your dementia meds. We all know how you get when you skip them. I worry about you. Please stay away from anything sharp now, it's for your own good. You are Michael Myers' sister you know.
I had no expectation that you would attempt to address the refutation to your nonsensical christian math.

I don't usually bother to read any link you post but I did just to shut you up. Your link is total hogwash. The link makes the claim that a single cell of billions of years ago would be nothing like a modern day single cell. That is totally stupid. A single asexual cell as I used in my example would be the same cell at any time past, present, or future. Stop reading hogwash.

Your lack of a science vocabulary makes it obvious that you're a poor candidate to critique a science journal.

You fail to understand that biological organisms actually do mutate and evolve. Thus, your attempt at "example", (stolen from creationist ministries), is comically, tragically inept.
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