Not Darwin's Law, it's God's Law.

Simply because almost every single aspect of evolution is a mathematical impossibility.

It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?
Because there is no 'god' as perceived by theists; religion and 'god' are creations of man, separate and apart from the science that is evolution.
It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?
Because there is no 'god' as perceived by theists; religion and 'god' are creations of man, separate and apart from the science that is evolution.

What's the matter? None of you left wing idiots can read? This thread asks Birchers in creation a question. The rest of you trolls can fuck off.
could be......did I slap you a lot for not listening?......because its obvious you didn't.....
You got stuck when I asked you how marsupials got from Australia and back, and turned all red and blew up! :D
oh I were the halfwit who mistakenly thought he was precocious......
So did you ever figure out how Noah got marsupials from Oz and back?
Btw, that's really nice of you that you were a sunday school teacher who considered kids halfwits. Just like Jesus would. :clap2:
????...did you think that a deity, even in human form would not have been aware of your mental deficiencies?......and yes, I have explained to you why your constant repetition of a silly question is nothing more than passing wind, several times.......the fact you still ask is the reason that I, even though I am not a deity in human form, is also aware of your mental deficiencies......
I suppose your comment suggests you consider yourself a deity in some supernatural form.
of course you would suppose that.....its how fucking dumb you actually are....
could be......did I slap you a lot for not listening?......because its obvious you didn't.....
You got stuck when I asked you how marsupials got from Australia and back, and turned all red and blew up! :D
oh I were the halfwit who mistakenly thought he was precocious......
So did you ever figure out how Noah got marsupials from Oz and back?
Btw, that's really nice of you that you were a sunday school teacher who considered kids halfwits. Just like Jesus would. :clap2:
????...did you think that a deity, even in human form would not have been aware of your mental deficiencies?......and yes, I have explained to you why your constant repetition of a silly question is nothing more than passing wind, several times.......the fact you still ask is the reason that I, even though I am not a deity in human form, is also aware of your mental deficiencies......
Yet, YOU can't rationalize how Noah got marsupials there and back.
why bother to rationalize the irrelevant?......
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

Simply because almost every single aspect of evolution is a mathematical impossibility.

It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics.
1 - 1 = Hollie........
You got stuck when I asked you how marsupials got from Australia and back, and turned all red and blew up! :D
oh I were the halfwit who mistakenly thought he was precocious......
So did you ever figure out how Noah got marsupials from Oz and back?
Btw, that's really nice of you that you were a sunday school teacher who considered kids halfwits. Just like Jesus would. :clap2:
????...did you think that a deity, even in human form would not have been aware of your mental deficiencies?......and yes, I have explained to you why your constant repetition of a silly question is nothing more than passing wind, several times.......the fact you still ask is the reason that I, even though I am not a deity in human form, is also aware of your mental deficiencies......
I suppose your comment suggests you consider yourself a deity in some supernatural form.
of course you would suppose that.....its how fucking dumb you actually are....
Of course..... You and your various gawds...,. you're just hilarious with your invented supernatural realms.......
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

Simply because almost every single aspect of evolution is a mathematical impossibility.

It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics.
1 - 1 = Hollie........
It's that strange christian math again.
You got stuck when I asked you how marsupials got from Australia and back, and turned all red and blew up! :D
oh I were the halfwit who mistakenly thought he was precocious......
So did you ever figure out how Noah got marsupials from Oz and back?
Btw, that's really nice of you that you were a sunday school teacher who considered kids halfwits. Just like Jesus would. :clap2:
????...did you think that a deity, even in human form would not have been aware of your mental deficiencies?......and yes, I have explained to you why your constant repetition of a silly question is nothing more than passing wind, several times.......the fact you still ask is the reason that I, even though I am not a deity in human form, is also aware of your mental deficiencies......
Yet, YOU can't rationalize how Noah got marsupials there and back.
why bother to rationalize the irrelevant?......
So the fact that the bible is full of untrue stories is irrelevant? Not to people who actually believe in the bible.

So how do you get a degree in the bible if you don't even believe the stories are true? Is it one of those internet degrees?
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As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

Simply because almost every single aspect of evolution is a mathematical impossibility.

It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics.
Except your invisible friend.
So you're imagining a literal, world-wide flood? LOL!
People who believe in the bible do.

Apparently you believe that's what the Bible necessarily asserts.
For those who believe in it, it does.

Really? Those who believe in the Bible universally hold that scripture is necessarily describing a literal, geographically worldwide flood? Hmm.
You just don't believe in the bible, that's all.

Of course I do.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

Simply because almost every single aspect of evolution is a mathematical impossibility.

It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics.
Even supermagical gawds?

Absolutely! Mathematics is the language of God.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.

Simply because almost every single aspect of evolution is a mathematical impossibility.

It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics.
Even supermagical gawds?

Absolutely! Mathematics is the language of God.
People who believe in the bible do.

Apparently you believe that's what the Bible necessarily asserts.
For those who believe in it, it does.

Really? Those who believe in the Bible universally hold that scripture is necessarily describing a literal, geographically worldwide flood? Hmm.
You just don't believe in the bible, that's all.

Of course I do.
Do you believe in a worldwide flood? No? Then you don't believe the bible.
It's not math, it's biology. Explain yourself.

Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?
Because there is no 'god' as perceived by theists; religion and 'god' are creations of man, separate and apart from the science that is evolution.

How would you know? You hold that the primary axioms/tautologies of human cognition and secondary propositions (i.e., conceivable, albeit, inexplicable potentialities of human imagination) are equivalent . . . to the effect that we should proceed from absurdities in logic and science when, of course, we do no such thing. We proceed from articles of justified true belief/knowledge (JTB/K). In other words, you stupidly hold that informal logical fallacies apply to the axioms/tautologies of human cognition. Recall?

But, of course, you don't really believe that. You're just not nearly as bright as you think you are, and your ignorance regarding the conventional standards of science and logic (organic/classical logic and the various analytic forms of logic) is appalling.

You actually hold that all of the primary axioms/tautologies of JTB/K are valid except those regarding the problems of existence and origin, especially the theological axioms. When they arise, you suddenly and arbitrarily allege that they are . . . informal logical fallacies! That's weird because these imperatives are held to be valid, logically necessary premises in all forms of logic in academia, and the reductio ad absurdum of the irreducible mind and of the infinite regression of origin are held to be the standing imperatives of absolute objectivity in logic and science. They are of the very same nature as that of 2 + 2 = 4!
On the Absurdity of Charging that From Nothing, Nothing Comes is an Informal Fallacy of Argumentum ad Ignorantiam (Appeal to Ignorance or Argument from Ignorance)

Shut up! You're an ignoramus who has yet to explain how anyone can logically rule out what cannot be logically ruled out, especially in the face of the scientific fact of the theological axioms of human psychology: (1) it is not only impossible to logically rule out God's existence, but impossible to logically think/say, on the very face of it, that God the Creator does not exist; (2) organic logic necessarily holds that God is the very essence and the ground of the universal laws of thought.
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Almost any and everything can be reduced or explained by mathematics. about it?

Well, for instance try this: What are the odds that all life evolved from a single asexual cell? The odds would be 1 in 10 to the 2,680 power. Virtually impossible.

Not given millions of years it wouldn't. Single cells can split many times in the course of a day. All that DNA mutation and adaptation over millions of years? Not mathematically impossible at all in fact it would be highly unlikely that it didn't evolve.

But I don't really want to argue evolution vs creation, that's been done to death here. I assume you are a Christian, let me ask you this from my OP, why can't evolution be the way God chose to create life?
Because there is no 'god' as perceived by theists; religion and 'god' are creations of man, separate and apart from the science that is evolution.

How would you know? You hold that the primary axioms/tautologies of human cognition and secondary propositions (i.e., conceivable, albeit, inexplicable potentialities of human imagination) are equivalent . . . to the effect that we should proceed from absurdities in logic and science when, of course, we do no such thing. We proceed from articles of justified true belief/knowledge (JTB/K). In other words, you stupidly hold that informal logical fallacies apply to the axioms/tautologies of human cognition. Recall?

But, of course, you don't really believe that. You're just not nearly as bright as you think you are, and your ignorance regarding the conventional standards of science and logic (organic/classical logic and the various analytic forms of logic) is appalling.

You actually hold that all of the primary axioms/tautologies of JTB/K are valid except those regarding the problems of existence and origin, especially the theological axioms. When they arise, you suddenly and arbitrarily allege that they are . . . informal logical fallacies! That's weird because these imperatives are held to be valid, logically necessary premises in all forms of logic in academia, and the reductio ad absurdum of the irreducible mind and of the infinite regression of origin are held to be the standing imperatives of absolute objectivity in logic and science. They are of the very same nature as that of 2 + 2 = 4!

Shut up! You're an ignoramus who has yet to explain how anyone can logically rule out what cannot be logically ruled out, especially in the face of the scientific fact of the theological axioms of human psychology: (1) it is not only impossible to logically rule out God's existence, but impossible to logically think/say, on the very face of it, that God the Creator does not exist; (2) organic logic necessarily holds that God is the very essence and the ground of the universal laws of thought.

Good gawd, man. Not that pointless cut and paste again.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.
Evolution will eventually make everyone a liberal. Thankfully, regressive conservatives are doomed over time.

Apparently you believe that's what the Bible necessarily asserts.
For those who believe in it, it does.

Really? Those who believe in the Bible universally hold that scripture is necessarily describing a literal, geographically worldwide flood? Hmm.
You just don't believe in the bible, that's all.

Of course I do.
Do you believe in a worldwide flood? No? Then you don't believe the bible.

Hush, child. Your intellectually immature, prescientific hermeneutics and the word of God are not synonymous, and neither I nor the word of God is subject to the pronouncements of your mindless prattle.

Go bark at the moon.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.
Evolution will eventually make everyone a liberal. Thankfully, regressive conservatives are doomed over time.


Go bark at the moon, second rate.
As a conservative who has a love for science, it is a continual source of embarrassment the way that my fellow conservatives act with regards to evolution. We all know that the true idiots are on the left, and this one thing that we fight about drags us down.

My fellow conservatives, why is it so hard to accept that Evolution is how God created living things? What makes anyone think that evolution is an affront to God?

Charles Darwin discovered how God works woth respect to the living world. If you took the time to really look at the miracle of evolution, you would find God's hand there.

The evidence of evolution is there, there is no evidence for Creationism as it is currently defined. In my mind, evolution is how God created all living things. Evolution IS creation.
Evolution will eventually make everyone a liberal. Thankfully, regressive conservatives are doomed over time.


Go bark at the moon, second rate.
Sorry, only cons bark at the moon.
For those who believe in it, it does.

Really? Those who believe in the Bible universally hold that scripture is necessarily describing a literal, geographically worldwide flood? Hmm.
You just don't believe in the bible, that's all.

Of course I do.
Do you believe in a worldwide flood? No? Then you don't believe the bible.

Hush, child. Your intellectually immature, prescientific hermeneutics and the word of God are not synonymous, and neither I nor the word of God is subject to the pronouncements of your mindless prattle.

Go bark at the moon.
Not to worry, the god of the bible KNOWS you don't believe in the stories it contains. When I get to Hell, I ain't passing you the salt. :D

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