Not dead a day and The Obamanation intends to nominate successor for Scalia on Supreme Court: CNN

Reagan nominated Kennedy in his first term, the appointment was confirmed in his second term. Unless you are going to allow Obama a third term...

... Yes, let's not go there. :)
"On Feb. 3, 1988, McConnell and literally every other GOP senator voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. This was during President Ronald Reagan's last year in the White House, and at a time when Democrats controlled the Senate. Kennedy was confirmed 97-0, with three Democrats -- Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Simon -- not voting at all because, presumably, they were busy running for president that year."
Mitch McConnell Voted To Confirm A Supreme Court Justice In Reagan's Final Year

By LINDA GREENHOUSE, Special to the New York Times
Published: November 12, 1987
President Reagan, stung by the failure of two nominations to the Supreme Court in the last three weeks, today nominated Judge Anthony M. Kennedy and expressed the hope that he could be confirmed quickly in a spirit of bipartisan cooperation"

Oh your right, that was the third person nominated after the Democrats stonewalled the first two for how long? You want us to do that huh?

Go right ahead. We'll see how it shakes out later this year. Maybe most of the voting public won't care, but then again, President Obama is still fairly popular, too.

So by all means, let the assholes you're rooting for in the Senate be assholes.

"saveliberty said:
Reagan nominated Kennedy in his first term, the appointment was confirmed in his second term. Unless you are going to allow Obama a third term...

... Yes, let's not go there. :)"

Yeah, you shouldn't cause you just made an even bigger fool of yourself.


Bork, denied by Congress, follow up nominee blocked, that caused Kennedy's nomination to go into the last year. All caused by...Democrats. You lose.
"saveliberty said:
Reagan nominated Kennedy in his first term, the appointment was confirmed in his second term. Unless you are going to allow Obama a third term...

... Yes, let's not go there. :)"

Yeah, you shouldn't cause you just made an even bigger fool of yourself.


Bork, denied by Congress, follow up nominee blocked, that caused Kennedy's nomination to go into the last year. All caused by...Democrats. You lose.
"On Feb. 3, 1988, McConnell and literally every other GOP senator voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. This was during President Ronald Reagan's last year in the White House, and at a time when Democrats controlled the Senate. Kennedy was confirmed 97-0, with three Democrats -- Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Simon -- not voting at all because, presumably, they were busy running for president that year."
Mitch McConnell Voted To Confirm A Supreme Court Justice In Reagan's Final Year

By LINDA GREENHOUSE, Special to the New York Times
Published: November 12, 1987
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11— President Reagan, stung by the failure of two nominations to the Supreme Court in the last three weeks, today nominated Judge Anthony M. Kennedy and expressed the hope that he could be confirmed quickly in a spirit of bipartisan cooperation"
"saveliberty said:
Reagan nominated Kennedy in his first term, the appointment was confirmed in his second term. Unless you are going to allow Obama a third term...

... Yes, let's not go there. :)"

Yeah, you shouldn't cause you just made an even bigger fool of yourself.


Bork, denied by Congress, follow up nominee blocked, that caused Kennedy's nomination to go into the last year. All caused by...Democrats. You lose.
"On Feb. 3, 1988, McConnell and literally every other GOP senator voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. This was during President Ronald Reagan's last year in the White House, and at a time when Democrats controlled the Senate. Kennedy was confirmed 97-0, with three Democrats -- Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Simon -- not voting at all because, presumably, they were busy running for president that year."
Mitch McConnell Voted To Confirm A Supreme Court Justice In Reagan's Final Year

By LINDA GREENHOUSE, Special to the New York Times
Published: November 12, 1987
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11— President Reagan, stung by the failure of two nominations to the Supreme Court in the last three weeks, today nominated Judge Anthony M. Kennedy and expressed the hope that he could be confirmed quickly in a spirit of bipartisan cooperation"

Presidents serve to what date? 2/3/88 minus three to four weeks...
"saveliberty said:
Reagan nominated Kennedy in his first term, the appointment was confirmed in his second term. Unless you are going to allow Obama a third term...

... Yes, let's not go there. :)"

Yeah, you shouldn't cause you just made an even bigger fool of yourself.


Bork, denied by Congress, follow up nominee blocked, that caused Kennedy's nomination to go into the last year. All caused by...Democrats. You lose.
Holy fuck -- are you ever stoopid.

You said: "Reagan nominated Kennedy in his first term, the appointment was confirmed in his second term."

Idiot furball thinks 1987 was Reagan's first term.
"saveliberty said:
Reagan nominated Kennedy in his first term, the appointment was confirmed in his second term. Unless you are going to allow Obama a third term...

... Yes, let's not go there. :)"

Yeah, you shouldn't cause you just made an even bigger fool of yourself.


Bork, denied by Congress, follow up nominee blocked, that caused Kennedy's nomination to go into the last year. All caused by...Democrats. You lose.
"On Feb. 3, 1988, McConnell and literally every other GOP senator voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. This was during President Ronald Reagan's last year in the White House, and at a time when Democrats controlled the Senate. Kennedy was confirmed 97-0, with three Democrats -- Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Simon -- not voting at all because, presumably, they were busy running for president that year."
Mitch McConnell Voted To Confirm A Supreme Court Justice In Reagan's Final Year

By LINDA GREENHOUSE, Special to the New York Times
Published: November 12, 1987
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11— President Reagan, stung by the failure of two nominations to the Supreme Court in the last three weeks, today nominated Judge Anthony M. Kennedy and expressed the hope that he could be confirmed quickly in a spirit of bipartisan cooperation"

Presidents serve to what date? 2/3/88 minus three to four weeks...
The inauguration of George H. W. Bush as the 41st President of the United States was held on January 20, 1989. The inauguration marked the commencement of the four-year term of George H. W. Bush as President and Dan Quayle as Vice President. Chief Justice William Rehnquist administered the Oath of office.[1]
Just a reminder the Cloture rules requiring 60 votes to end debate in the Senate still applies for SCOTUS nominees. Yes Harry Reid dropped the nuke for executive appointments but exempted SCOTUS nominees. If 40 GOPers stand strong the nightmare of Obama getting to replace Scalia shall not pass.

There is one major problem with the GOP trying to play hardball with a nomination: The Senate will go into recess in December. So the "best" they can hope for is that Obama nominates someone who ends up being there for at least a year.

Does not apply to SCOTUS and appointments are for life dimwit.
"saveliberty said:
Reagan nominated Kennedy in his first term, the appointment was confirmed in his second term. Unless you are going to allow Obama a third term...

... Yes, let's not go there. :)"

Yeah, you shouldn't cause you just made an even bigger fool of yourself.


Bork, denied by Congress, follow up nominee blocked, that caused Kennedy's nomination to go into the last year. All caused by...Democrats. You lose.
"On Feb. 3, 1988, McConnell and literally every other GOP senator voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. This was during President Ronald Reagan's last year in the White House, and at a time when Democrats controlled the Senate. Kennedy was confirmed 97-0, with three Democrats -- Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Simon -- not voting at all because, presumably, they were busy running for president that year."
Mitch McConnell Voted To Confirm A Supreme Court Justice In Reagan's Final Year

By LINDA GREENHOUSE, Special to the New York Times
Published: November 12, 1987
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11— President Reagan, stung by the failure of two nominations to the Supreme Court in the last three weeks, today nominated Judge Anthony M. Kennedy and expressed the hope that he could be confirmed quickly in a spirit of bipartisan cooperation"

Presidents serve to what date? 2/3/88 minus three to four weeks...
The inauguration of George H. W. Bush as the 41st President of the United States was held on January 20, 1989. The inauguration marked the commencement of the four-year term of George H. W. Bush as President and Dan Quayle as Vice President. Chief Justice William Rehnquist administered the Oath of office.[1]

You just confirmed my point, thanks.
"saveliberty said:
Reagan nominated Kennedy in his first term, the appointment was confirmed in his second term. Unless you are going to allow Obama a third term...

... Yes, let's not go there. :)"

Yeah, you shouldn't cause you just made an even bigger fool of yourself.


Bork, denied by Congress, follow up nominee blocked, that caused Kennedy's nomination to go into the last year. All caused by...Democrats. You lose.
Nothing has been shown to indicate a "tradition" or that any process has been used other than the one in the Constitution. The key component has always been the date of time the Justice passes away or resigns. There have never been any "Traditions" that were needed or were suggested except the one you are making. which of course is pretty much meaningless partisan talking point fodder.
Just a reminder the Cloture rules requiring 60 votes to end debate in the Senate still applies for SCOTUS nominees. Yes Harry Reid dropped the nuke for executive appointments but exempted SCOTUS nominees. If 40 GOPers stand strong the nightmare of Obama getting to replace Scalia shall not pass.

There is one major problem with the GOP trying to play hardball with a nomination: The Senate will go into recess in December. So the "best" they can hope for is that Obama nominates someone who ends up being there for at least a year.

Does not apply to SCOTUS and appointments are for life dimwit.
Annnnnnnnnndd...she fucks up again.

Obama can recess appoint a SCOTUS justice.

He likely won't. But at this moment, Congress is out of session till Feb 22, and he theoretically could do it right now.

Read your fucking constitution about the power to appoint someone when congress is out of session.

That appointee serves till the next term of Congress.

You're screwing up allll over the place.

You even thought 1987 was Reagan;s first term.

Nothing has been shown to indicate a "tradition" or that any process has been used other than the one in the Constitution. The key component has always been the date of time the Justice passes away or resigns. There have never been any "Traditions" that were needed or were suggested except the one you are making. which of course is pretty much meaningless partisan talking point fodder.

Sure it has, no president that could serve another term has nominated a Justice in the last year of office in the last eighty years. Eighty years is a tradition. Not a soul has rebutted my reason for doing it either.
Annnnnnnnnndd...she fucks up again.

Obama can recess appoint a SCOTUS justice.

He likely won't. But at this moment, Congress is out of session till Feb 22, and he theoretically could do it right now.

Read your fucking constitution about the power to appoint someone when congress is out of session.

That appointee serves till the next term of Congress.

You're screwing up allll over the place.

You even thought 1987 was Reagan;s first term.


SCOTUS appointments are not included in Reid's abomination of a rule.

Until now, 60 votes have been required to lift or avoid a filibuster. Under the new rules, a simple majority of 51 would suffice. The new measure would not apply to supreme court nominees. "It's an undeniable fact that the obstruction we've seen in recent years is altogether new," Reid said after the vote.

Senate approves change to filibuster rule after repeated Republican blocks

Then there is this:

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court dealt a blow to the powers of the presidency Thursday, ruling decisively that President Obama violated the Constitution by going around the Senate to name key labor relations watchdogs.

Resolving a long-standing battle between the two other branches of government, the justices declared invalid key "recess appointments" made by Obama in 2012 when the Senate was holding only pro-forma sessions every three days.

High court rules against Obama on recess appointments

Game set match.
President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.
Your title infers Obama is being insensitive, grabbing the political moment without a proper grieving period? It was MITCH MC CONNELL who stated first that the Republicans would REFUSE to entertain a nomination, well before the president announced he would nominate a successor to Scalia.
Scalia died in the way we all hope we could--peacefully in our sleep without any suffering and doing so while enjoyiing life.
The Republicans are losing a couple points with me for taking such an automatically uncooperative stance. It's not right. I've heard the arguments on Fox and from Cruz, but I'm not buying it.
Nothing has been shown to indicate a "tradition" or that any process has been used other than the one in the Constitution. The key component has always been the date of time the Justice passes away or resigns. There have never been any "Traditions" that were needed or were suggested except the one you are making. which of course is pretty much meaningless partisan talking point fodder.

Sure it has, no president that could serve another term has nominated a Justice in the last year of office in the last eighty years. Eighty years is a tradition. Not a soul has rebutted my reason for doing it either.

and this is why you should never listen to lying rightwing politicians.... per usual, rubio (who you got your rightwingnut talking point from) is wrong

"Rubio’s statement prompted several comments on Twitter from those who noted a specific exception to his claim: the nomination of Justice Anthony Kennedy.

The Senate confirmed Kennedy 97-0 on Feb. 4, 1988. That was about 28 years ago -- not 80.

Kennedy replaced Justice Lewis Powell, who retired, and was Reagan’s third nomination for the opening, after Robert Bork and Douglas Ginsburg. Powell announced his retirement in June 1987.

Reagan, who was in his second term, nominated Kennedy in November 1987. Kennedy was confirmed in February 1988. In November 1988, Reagan’s vice president George H.W. Bush won the presidency.

"The nomination actually wasn't in the election year, although the confirmation vote was," said Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet."

Rubio exaggerates in saying it's been 80 years since a 'lame duck' made a Supreme Court nomination

thanks for playing. we'll all have to let anthony kennedy know he wasn't really appointed by a second term president.

i love all you pretend constitutionalists . do tell us where a president can't nominate a justice to fill a vacancy in his second term.

Annnnnnnnnndd...she fucks up again.

Obama can recess appoint a SCOTUS justice.

He likely won't. But at this moment, Congress is out of session till Feb 22, and he theoretically could do it right now.

Read your fucking constitution about the power to appoint someone when congress is out of session.

That appointee serves till the next term of Congress.

You're screwing up allll over the place.

You even thought 1987 was Reagan;s first term.


SCOTUS appointments are not included in Reid's abomination of a rule.

Until now, 60 votes have been required to lift or avoid a filibuster. Under the new rules, a simple majority of 51 would suffice. The new measure would not apply to supreme court nominees. "It's an undeniable fact that the obstruction we've seen in recent years is altogether new," Reid said after the vote.

Senate approves change to filibuster rule after repeated Republican blocks

Then there is this:

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court dealt a blow to the powers of the presidency Thursday, ruling decisively that President Obama violated the Constitution by going around the Senate to name key labor relations watchdogs.

Resolving a long-standing battle between the two other branches of government, the justices declared invalid key "recess appointments" made by Obama in 2012 when the Senate was holding only pro-forma sessions every three days.

High court rules against Obama on recess appointments

Game set match.

abomination of a rule?


whining wingnuts.
Nothing has been shown to indicate a "tradition" or that any process has been used other than the one in the Constitution. The key component has always been the date of time the Justice passes away or resigns. There have never been any "Traditions" that were needed or were suggested except the one you are making. which of course is pretty much meaningless partisan talking point fodder.

Sure it has, no president that could serve another term has nominated a Justice in the last year of office in the last eighty years. Eighty years is a tradition. Not a soul has rebutted my reason for doing it either.

and this is why you should never listen to lying rightwing politicians.... per usual, rubio (who you got your rightwingnut talking point from) is wrong

"Rubio’s statement prompted several comments on Twitter from those who noted a specific exception to his claim: the nomination of Justice Anthony Kennedy.

The Senate confirmed Kennedy 97-0 on Feb. 4, 1988. That was about 28 years ago -- not 80.

Kennedy replaced Justice Lewis Powell, who retired, and was Reagan’s third nomination for the opening, after Robert Bork and Douglas Ginsburg. Powell announced his retirement in June 1987.

Reagan, who was in his second term, nominated Kennedy in November 1987. Kennedy was confirmed in February 1988. In November 1988, Reagan’s vice president George H.W. Bush won the presidency.

"The nomination actually wasn't in the election year, although the confirmation vote was," said Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet."

Rubio exaggerates in saying it's been 80 years since a 'lame duck' made a Supreme Court nomination

thanks for playing. we'll all have to let anthony kennedy know he wasn't really appointed by a second term president.

i love all you pretend constitutionalists . do tell us where a president can't nominate a justice to fill a vacancy in his second term.


already rebutted, thanks for playing.
The question is who are they going to find that's willing to be beat to a pulp?

There is no way they will get a confirmation of another liberal hack...
Nothing has been shown to indicate a "tradition" or that any process has been used other than the one in the Constitution. The key component has always been the date of time the Justice passes away or resigns. There have never been any "Traditions" that were needed or were suggested except the one you are making. which of course is pretty much meaningless partisan talking point fodder.

Sure it has, no president that could serve another term has nominated a Justice in the last year of office in the last eighty years. Eighty years is a tradition. Not a soul has rebutted my reason for doing it either.

and this is why you should never listen to lying rightwing politicians.... per usual, rubio (who you got your rightwingnut talking point from) is wrong

"Rubio’s statement prompted several comments on Twitter from those who noted a specific exception to his claim: the nomination of Justice Anthony Kennedy.

The Senate confirmed Kennedy 97-0 on Feb. 4, 1988. That was about 28 years ago -- not 80.

Kennedy replaced Justice Lewis Powell, who retired, and was Reagan’s third nomination for the opening, after Robert Bork and Douglas Ginsburg. Powell announced his retirement in June 1987.

Reagan, who was in his second term, nominated Kennedy in November 1987. Kennedy was confirmed in February 1988. In November 1988, Reagan’s vice president George H.W. Bush won the presidency.

"The nomination actually wasn't in the election year, although the confirmation vote was," said Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet."

Rubio exaggerates in saying it's been 80 years since a 'lame duck' made a Supreme Court nomination

thanks for playing. we'll all have to let anthony kennedy know he wasn't really appointed by a second term president.

i love all you pretend constitutionalists . do tell us where a president can't nominate a justice to fill a vacancy in his second term.

The seat to be filled became vacant long before the last year of the POTUS' tenure. Kennedy was nominated in Nov. 87, only after the first two nominations went kaput.

So, to clarify, it's been a looooooong time since a POTUS had to make a nomination within the last year of his office.

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