Not dead a day and The Obamanation intends to nominate successor for Scalia on Supreme Court: CNN

Notice how Obozo is now all concerned over our Constitution? All this by Obama is just to stir up more chaos in our lives. We have enough time we don't NEED HIM or want him picking another black robe activist for us. He needs to go back to golf
reading the responses here only confirms my suspicions that the vast majority here do not have a clue how our government is supposed to work.
can anyone tell me why the justices are not able to be fired by the president?
(actually there is a way for them to be removed but its pretty hard)
What is the purpose of the supreme court? is it to work with the other branches? is it to agree with the other branches or is it to protect the integrity of the constitution by ruling on cases that may or may not violate that same constitution.
If it is the last, then how can anyone agree that appointing a justice based on his/her personal view on various things, or by their affiliation to party can be a good thing. It cant. It wouldn't be good if the right did it, and its no good when the left does it either.

the integrity of the constitution is protected by the senate doing it's job and appointing the president's nominee so long as he or she is qualified. not because you are terrified that a judge will be put on the bench who isn't a theocrat.
"integrity of the constitution" and you support Obama ...LOL..What the hell did you learn in the leftist indoctrinating law School?:spinner:
She went to law school the same place as OnePercenter went to business school. In their minds.

I've looked into the law school she said she went to. A bunch of radical, leftist, nutjobs . So she could have went there

Near as I can recall, I have never said what law school i went to RWNJ. :cuckoo:

You told me
Quit crying like a baby, whiney ass. The country moves on. Soldiers are killed everyday in a battle. Does that stop them from bringing in replacements.
You teabaggers are the worst hypocrites that ever came along to this country. You are an embarrassment.
Even your own party talked about it 15 minutes after he died. the mitchy bitchy oconnell crybaby made a statement about the non-nominations
What joke you people are.

President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.
the integrity of the constitution is protected by the senate doing it's job and appointing the president's nominee so long as he or she is qualified. not because you are terrified that a judge will be put on the bench who isn't a theocrat.
"integrity of the constitution" and you support Obama ...LOL..What the hell did you learn in the leftist indoctrinating law School?:spinner:
She went to law school the same place as OnePercenter went to business school. In their minds.

I've looked into the law school she said she went to. A bunch of radical, leftist, nutjobs . So she could have went there

Near as I can recall, I have never said what law school i went to RWNJ. :cuckoo:

You told me

so you just said. i knew i didn't say it on the open board.
The republicans have just made a MOCKERY out of our Supreme court....where no one will ever believe again that SC makeS their decisions on merit and the COTUS.

All the Republicans had to do was keep their mouths shut, allow the president to nominate, then reject the nomination....

But instead they are so concerned with Trump becoming their nominee that they made this circus out of this so to help their establishment republican candidates....

What horrible, horrible, people they are....
Quit crying like a baby, whiney ass. The country moves on. Soldiers are killed everyday in a battle. Does that stop them from bringing in replacements.
You teabaggers are the worst hypocrites that ever came along to this country. You are an embarrassment.
Even your own party talked about it 15 minutes after he died. the mitchy bitchy oconnell crybaby made a statement about the non-nominations
What joke you people are.

President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.
Yup, the leader of the Republican Senate was the first to politicize the death of Scalia with a vow not to fulfil his duty as a Senator and Senate leader to replace him in the manner specified in the Constitution.
The OP and this thread is about the President responding to the irresponsible comments made by Republican leaders immediately upon learning to Justice Scalia's passing.

The President said he would fulfil his Constitutional responsibility and duty while the Republican leadership vowed not to fulfil theirs.
Quit crying like a baby, whiney ass. The country moves on. Soldiers are killed everyday in a battle. Does that stop them from bringing in replacements.
You teabaggers are the worst hypocrites that ever came along to this country. You are an embarrassment.
Even your own party talked about it 15 minutes after he died. the mitchy bitchy oconnell crybaby made a statement about the non-nominations
What joke you people are.

President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.
Yup, the leader of the Republican Senate was the first to politicize the death of Scalia with a vow not to fulfil his duty as a Senator and Senate leader to replace him in the manner specified in the Constitution.
The OP and this thread is about the President responding to the irresponsible comments made by Republican leaders immediately upon learning to Justice Scalia's passing.

The President said he would fulfil his Constitutional responsibility and duty while the Republican leadership vowed not to fulfil theirs.
The Senate has no duty to confirm and presidential nominee.
Ted Cruz's apocalyptic vision of what will happen if Obama got to appoint the next judge takes hysteria to a new level.
President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.

He was a pig, way outta shape and a chronic overeater.
Quit crying like a baby, whiney ass. The country moves on. Soldiers are killed everyday in a battle. Does that stop them from bringing in replacements.
You teabaggers are the worst hypocrites that ever came along to this country. You are an embarrassment.
Even your own party talked about it 15 minutes after he died. the mitchy bitchy oconnell crybaby made a statement about the non-nominations
What joke you people are.

President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.
Yup, the leader of the Republican Senate was the first to politicize the death of Scalia with a vow not to fulfil his duty as a Senator and Senate leader to replace him in the manner specified in the Constitution.
The OP and this thread is about the President responding to the irresponsible comments made by Republican leaders immediately upon learning to Justice Scalia's passing.

The President said he would fulfil his Constitutional responsibility and duty while the Republican leadership vowed not to fulfil theirs.
The Senate has no duty to confirm and presidential nominee.

Yes they do, if the nominee is qualified.
Quit crying like a baby, whiney ass. The country moves on. Soldiers are killed everyday in a battle. Does that stop them from bringing in replacements.
You teabaggers are the worst hypocrites that ever came along to this country. You are an embarrassment.
Even your own party talked about it 15 minutes after he died. the mitchy bitchy oconnell crybaby made a statement about the non-nominations
What joke you people are.

President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.
Yup, the leader of the Republican Senate was the first to politicize the death of Scalia with a vow not to fulfil his duty as a Senator and Senate leader to replace him in the manner specified in the Constitution.
The OP and this thread is about the President responding to the irresponsible comments made by Republican leaders immediately upon learning to Justice Scalia's passing.

The President said he would fulfil his Constitutional responsibility and duty while the Republican leadership vowed not to fulfil theirs.
The Senate has no duty to confirm and presidential nominee.
It has a duty to confirm or reject a nomination.
Quit crying like a baby, whiney ass. The country moves on. Soldiers are killed everyday in a battle. Does that stop them from bringing in replacements.
You teabaggers are the worst hypocrites that ever came along to this country. You are an embarrassment.
Even your own party talked about it 15 minutes after he died. the mitchy bitchy oconnell crybaby made a statement about the non-nominations
What joke you people are.

President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.
Yup, the leader of the Republican Senate was the first to politicize the death of Scalia with a vow not to fulfil his duty as a Senator and Senate leader to replace him in the manner specified in the Constitution.
The OP and this thread is about the President responding to the irresponsible comments made by Republican leaders immediately upon learning to Justice Scalia's passing.

The President said he would fulfil his Constitutional responsibility and duty while the Republican leadership vowed not to fulfil theirs.
The Senate has no duty to confirm and presidential nominee.

Yes they do, if the nominee is qualified.
Which part of the Constitution says that?
Quit crying like a baby, whiney ass. The country moves on. Soldiers are killed everyday in a battle. Does that stop them from bringing in replacements.
You teabaggers are the worst hypocrites that ever came along to this country. You are an embarrassment.
Even your own party talked about it 15 minutes after he died. the mitchy bitchy oconnell crybaby made a statement about the non-nominations
What joke you people are.

President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.
Yup, the leader of the Republican Senate was the first to politicize the death of Scalia with a vow not to fulfil his duty as a Senator and Senate leader to replace him in the manner specified in the Constitution.
The OP and this thread is about the President responding to the irresponsible comments made by Republican leaders immediately upon learning to Justice Scalia's passing.

The President said he would fulfil his Constitutional responsibility and duty while the Republican leadership vowed not to fulfil theirs.
The Senate has no duty to confirm and presidential nominee.

Yes they do, if the nominee is qualified.
Which part of the Constitution says that?
Article 2 requires a vote to confirm or reject. If the Senate refuses and tries to shirk their responsibility the Executive Branch would have cause for taking the case before the SCOTUS and seek a resolution such as treating the crisis as it would be resolved if the Senate were in recess. The Senate would be viewed as attempting to disrupt a third and coequal branch of government.
Quit crying like a baby, whiney ass. The country moves on. Soldiers are killed everyday in a battle. Does that stop them from bringing in replacements.
You teabaggers are the worst hypocrites that ever came along to this country. You are an embarrassment.
Even your own party talked about it 15 minutes after he died. the mitchy bitchy oconnell crybaby made a statement about the non-nominations
What joke you people are.
Yup, the leader of the Republican Senate was the first to politicize the death of Scalia with a vow not to fulfil his duty as a Senator and Senate leader to replace him in the manner specified in the Constitution.
The OP and this thread is about the President responding to the irresponsible comments made by Republican leaders immediately upon learning to Justice Scalia's passing.

The President said he would fulfil his Constitutional responsibility and duty while the Republican leadership vowed not to fulfil theirs.
The Senate has no duty to confirm and presidential nominee.

Yes they do, if the nominee is qualified.
Which part of the Constitution says that?
Article 2 requires a vote to confirm or reject. If the Senate refuses and tries to shirk their responsibility the Executive Branch would have cause for taking the case before the SCOTUS and seek a resolution such as treating the crisis as it would be resolved if the Senate were in recess. The Senate would be viewed as attempting to disrupt a third and coequal branch of government.
it doesn't require it on every nominee.
the other side of that is if every member of the court died or resigned tomorrow would the senate still be within their rights to block obama nominees from a vote, and why is it any different when their is just one justice opening?
Quit crying like a baby, whiney ass. The country moves on. Soldiers are killed everyday in a battle. Does that stop them from bringing in replacements.
You teabaggers are the worst hypocrites that ever came along to this country. You are an embarrassment.
Even your own party talked about it 15 minutes after he died. the mitchy bitchy oconnell crybaby made a statement about the non-nominations
What joke you people are.
Yup, the leader of the Republican Senate was the first to politicize the death of Scalia with a vow not to fulfil his duty as a Senator and Senate leader to replace him in the manner specified in the Constitution.
The OP and this thread is about the President responding to the irresponsible comments made by Republican leaders immediately upon learning to Justice Scalia's passing.

The President said he would fulfil his Constitutional responsibility and duty while the Republican leadership vowed not to fulfil theirs.
The Senate has no duty to confirm and presidential nominee.

Yes they do, if the nominee is qualified.
Which part of the Constitution says that?
Article 2 requires a vote to confirm or reject. If the Senate refuses and tries to shirk their responsibility the Executive Branch would have cause for taking the case before the SCOTUS and seek a resolution such as treating the crisis as it would be resolved if the Senate were in recess. The Senate would be viewed as attempting to disrupt a third and coequal branch of government.
It requires a vote to confirm. It does not require they hold a vote.
It does require a dead USSC Justice, though.

Anyone know of any controversial videos out right now that we should be made aware of?

Anyone know if Scalia was extremely allergic to pillows, especially like the one found covering his face / head?
Hey , half-wit. No one said he would be confirmed. See how damn embarrassing you people are.

Quit crying like a baby, whiney ass. The country moves on. Soldiers are killed everyday in a battle. Does that stop them from bringing in replacements.
You teabaggers are the worst hypocrites that ever came along to this country. You are an embarrassment.
Even your own party talked about it 15 minutes after he died. the mitchy bitchy oconnell crybaby made a statement about the non-nominations
What joke you people are.

President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.
Yup, the leader of the Republican Senate was the first to politicize the death of Scalia with a vow not to fulfil his duty as a Senator and Senate leader to replace him in the manner specified in the Constitution.
The OP and this thread is about the President responding to the irresponsible comments made by Republican leaders immediately upon learning to Justice Scalia's passing.

The President said he would fulfil his Constitutional responsibility and duty while the Republican leadership vowed not to fulfil theirs.
The Senate has no duty to confirm and presidential nominee.
It does require a dead USSC Justice, though.

Anyone know of any controversial videos out right now that we should be made aware of?

Anyone know if Scalia was extremely allergic to pillows, especially like the one found covering his face / head?
Are you flogging the "Scalia was murdered" thing? Because if you are I"m going to Ignore you right now.
Republicans are the obstructionists. Everyone knows that and holding up Obama's nomination will only serve to reinforce that perception going into the election.
You can whimper and play that card if it makes you feel any better, it's so very typical of the left when confronted with the contrary.
What are you talking about? You're the one bitching about Bork all the time. He was wrong. Get used to it. The reality of the matter is that the public has the Republicans' number when it comes to obstruction and threatening to shut things down and go home when they don't get their way. They need to man up for a change and do the job they're sent to Washington to do.

I've shown how Democrats have done their fair share of forming the same obstructionist pact against President Reagan's judicial nominees, even showing their strong objection within 45 minutes of Bork's nomination over what the liberals had deemed "extremist" views. The left then took it a step further in promoting public ads to push public opinion against the nomination. Yet you are going to come here and try and label the Republicans as obstructionists? At least I can count on you for some good laughs :lol:

So do us all a favor, save all your whining and rolling tears over this ... b-b-b-but republicans are the "party of no" crap. Simply spend the early part of your 2016 getting comfy with a few boxes of Kleenex. It's so obvious that liberal democrats don't like it when their own game of "party politics" comes back around to bite them in the ass.

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