Not even a "Smidgeon" of corruption in the IRS

Famous words from the King. Now we find out that Washington DC (Senator Carl Levin) was coordinating with Cincinnati to target TEA party and other conservative groups. And it began in 2010 and goes on today.

Folks - we don't live in a democracy any longer - we live in a KINGDOM.

EMAILS: Democratic Senator Pressured IRS To Target Groups | The Daily Caller

So much for "not a smidgeon of corruption in the IRS"

Add Elijah Cummings To the List...

Cummings may face ethics probe over illegal investigation | The Daily Caller

he is a criminal just like the rest of them

I don't know, but I have a strange feeling that this thing is about to blow sky high. I just want the truth to be exposed and those responsible in jail. This CAN NOT be tolerated in a supposed "open society".

he is a criminal just like the rest of them

I don't know, but I have a strange feeling that this thing is about to blow sky high. I just want the truth to be exposed and those responsible in jail. This CAN NOT be tolerated in a supposed "open society".

you will know when it blows wide open

that is when CNN will be running flight 370 24/7 again
silly leftard

obama is a stupid weak pussy who THINKS he's a God-king

thank you slobbering fools for helping with that delusion

see that was easy wasnt it?
You stupid Republicans still think that I support Obama because I call you out for being worthless traitors, war criminals and liars? That's funny. It shows how stupid Republicans are. Good job, stupid Republicans. Tell us all about the WMD that we found in Iraq, stupid Republicans. Remind us how Ronald Reagan was so great for supporting al-Qaeda, stupid Republicans. Explain how poor people on food stamps are responsible for the lack of employment in America, stupid Republicans. Tell us about how Cliven Bundy is a hero, stupid Republicans.

I'm kidding, brilliant Republicans. You're really wonderful people and society is better because of your participation.

yes i think you're an o-bot leftard. why wouldnt i?


you seem to not be able to stop crying

reagan is dead. iraq is over. i served there; did you?

poor people arent responsible for there being no jobs; or for being poor

you did that; you made that happen
Yeah, I did that. It was all me. Because Progressives want everyone to be poor and unemployed except for the super-rich, because that's "progress", right?

Can you read this?:


It says, "Shut the hell up, Conservatives, and end the drug war so that Americans can go back to work making American products in American factories."

Liberals are the problem. It's always liberals like Obama, because Obama's not a Fascist like Bush at all, right? Obama's a liberal Progressive Democrat Kenyan Sharia Martian Communist who is going to take our guns any second now so that we'll be defenseless against the Chinese-Mexican hordes, or whatever the fuck you people believe.
You stupid Republicans still think that I support Obama because I call you out for being worthless traitors, war criminals and liars? That's funny. It shows how stupid Republicans are. Good job, stupid Republicans. Tell us all about the WMD that we found in Iraq, stupid Republicans. Remind us how Ronald Reagan was so great for supporting al-Qaeda, stupid Republicans. Explain how poor people on food stamps are responsible for the lack of employment in America, stupid Republicans. Tell us about how Cliven Bundy is a hero, stupid Republicans.

I'm kidding, brilliant Republicans. You're really wonderful people and society is better because of your participation.

yes i think you're an o-bot leftard. why wouldnt i?


you seem to not be able to stop crying

reagan is dead. iraq is over. i served there; did you?

poor people arent responsible for there being no jobs; or for being poor

you did that; you made that happen
Yeah, I did that. It was all me. Because Progressives want everyone to be poor and unemployed except for the super-rich, because that's "progress", right?

Can you read this?:


It says, "Shut the hell up, Conservatives, and end the drug war so that Americans can go back to work making American products in American factories."

Liberals are the problem. It's always liberals like Obama, because Obama's not a Fascist like Bush at all, right? Obama's a liberal Progressive Democrat Kenyan Sharia Martian Communist who is going to take our guns any second now so that we'll be defenseless against the Chinese-Mexican hordes, or whatever the fuck you people believe.

see/ i knew you were a loser o-bot!!

lol nice rant leftard; but you losers keep forgetting yo['re in charge with every whine about republicans...

and that Bush Derangement Syndrome; get help for that
yes i think you're an o-bot leftard. why wouldnt i?


you seem to not be able to stop crying

reagan is dead. iraq is over. i served there; did you?

poor people arent responsible for there being no jobs; or for being poor

you did that; you made that happen
Yeah, I did that. It was all me. Because Progressives want everyone to be poor and unemployed except for the super-rich, because that's "progress", right?

Can you read this?:


It says, "Shut the hell up, Conservatives, and end the drug war so that Americans can go back to work making American products in American factories."

Liberals are the problem. It's always liberals like Obama, because Obama's not a Fascist like Bush at all, right? Obama's a liberal Progressive Democrat Kenyan Sharia Martian Communist who is going to take our guns any second now so that we'll be defenseless against the Chinese-Mexican hordes, or whatever the fuck you people believe.

see/ i knew you were a loser o-bot!!

lol nice rant leftard; but you losers keep forgetting yo['re in charge with every whine about republicans...

and that Bush Derangement Syndrome; get help for that
Yeah, I'm an "o-bot" for saying something that Obama is expressly against. I can see how that works. No matter what I say, I'm an "o-bot" because I'm not a FOX-watching Republican Teabagger.

If you stupid Republicans would shut up about Benghazi, you'd know that you could easily charge Obama with the very serious crime of KILLING AN AMERICAN TEENAGER WITHOUT CHARGES OR TRIAL. Would Obama still be the Sharia Pussy Tyrant-in-Chief from a prison cell? No, he would not.

So go ahead, Republicans. Run with that. Take down Obama for the extrajudicial assassination of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. And then we'll get Bush's head on a pike for Iraq.

Fair and balanced justice.
Yeah, I did that. It was all me. Because Progressives want everyone to be poor and unemployed except for the super-rich, because that's "progress", right?

Can you read this?:


It says, "Shut the hell up, Conservatives, and end the drug war so that Americans can go back to work making American products in American factories."

Liberals are the problem. It's always liberals like Obama, because Obama's not a Fascist like Bush at all, right? Obama's a liberal Progressive Democrat Kenyan Sharia Martian Communist who is going to take our guns any second now so that we'll be defenseless against the Chinese-Mexican hordes, or whatever the fuck you people believe.

see/ i knew you were a loser o-bot!!

lol nice rant leftard; but you losers keep forgetting yo['re in charge with every whine about republicans...

and that Bush Derangement Syndrome; get help for that
Yeah, I'm an "o-bot" for saying something that Obama is expressly against. I can see how that works. No matter what I say, I'm an "o-bot" because I'm not a FOX-watching Republican Teabagger.

If you stupid Republicans would shut up about Benghazi, you'd know that you could easily charge Obama with the very serious crime of KILLING AN AMERICAN TEENAGER WITHOUT CHARGES OR TRIAL. Would Obama still be the Sharia Pussy Tyrant-in-Chief from a prison cell? No, he would not.

So go ahead, Republicans. Run with that. Take down Obama for the extrajudicial assassination of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. And then we'll get Bush's head on a pike for Iraq.

Fair and balanced justice.


dude; try de-caf
Or you could try focusing on something that matters. While you whine about the IRS targeting a couple of psycho right-wing American Taliban fringe groups, the NSA is spying on everyone as standard procedure in direct violation of the US Constitution and has been doing so for a good number of years now and everyone knows about it and still allows it to continue.
Or you could try focusing on something that matters. While you whine about the IRS targeting a couple of psycho right-wing American Taliban fringe groups, the NSA is spying on everyone as standard procedure in direct violation of the US Constitution and has been doing so for a good number of years now and everyone knows about it and still allows it to continue.

Why don't you chill out and take some hemlock?
Or you could try focusing on something that matters. While you whine about the IRS targeting a couple of psycho right-wing American Taliban fringe groups, the NSA is spying on everyone as standard procedure in direct violation of the US Constitution and has been doing so for a good number of years now and everyone knows about it and still allows it to continue.

Why don't you chill out and take some hemlock?
Why don't you go suck a dick like your flaming hero RuPaul? You god-damned Republicans are on this forum all day, every day, spouting the same idiotic drivel over and over and over and over and over like you're making any kind of difference in the world. You pat each other on the head for post after post of "I hate Obama. Do you hate Obama, too? Thanks for hating Obama. I'll pos rep you. Fucking derp."

You stupid talking monkeys were salivating for more big government before 2008. Why the change of heart? It wasn't because there's a black man in the White House, right? No, certainly not. It's because the big government suddenly became tyrannical in 2008 for some totally different reason completely unrelated to skin color. The big government lies and torture program during the Iraq war that was started by lies, and all of Bush and Cheney's lies, and all of the other LIES, weren't a problem until a Kenyan Muslim Marxist Boi-God-King was elected. THAT was when everything went to shit. Torture? Endless costly wars without victory or purpose? Not a problem for Republicans. Any leftard that said before 2008, "Hey, the USAPATRIOT Act is a serious violation of the US Constitution", you brilliant right-wing Republicans screamed them down as "terrorist sympathizers who are trying to weaken America" or some equally erroneous argument.
What do you expect from someone who doesn't have a smidgeon of competence :eusa_whistle:
Or you could try focusing on something that matters. While you whine about the IRS targeting a couple of psycho right-wing American Taliban fringe groups, the NSA is spying on everyone as standard procedure in direct violation of the US Constitution and has been doing so for a good number of years now and everyone knows about it and still allows it to continue.

Why don't you chill out and take some hemlock?
Why don't you go suck a dick like your flaming hero RuPaul? You god-damned Republicans are on this forum all day, every day, spouting the same idiotic drivel over and over and over and over and over like you're making any kind of difference in the world. You pat each other on the head for post after post of "I hate Obama. Do you hate Obama, too? Thanks for hating Obama. I'll pos rep you. Fucking derp."

You stupid talking monkeys were salivating for more big government before 2008. Why the change of heart? It wasn't because there's a black man in the White House, right? No, certainly not. It's because the big government suddenly became tyrannical in 2008 for some totally different reason completely unrelated to skin color. The big government lies and torture program during the Iraq war that was started by lies, and all of Bush and Cheney's lies, and all of the other LIES, weren't a problem until a Kenyan Muslim Marxist Boi-God-King was elected. THAT was when everything went to shit. Torture? Endless costly wars without victory or purpose? Not a problem for Republicans. Any leftard that said before 2008, "Hey, the USAPATRIOT Act is a serious violation of the US Constitution", you brilliant right-wing Republicans screamed them down as "terrorist sympathizers who are trying to weaken America" or some equally erroneous argument.


add him to the list of left-wing nutjobs tottering on the edge of a complete meltdown

like zeke
One minute Obama is a stupid, weak pussy with his head in the sand, the next minute he's a God-King who sees all and knows all. Which is it, Republicans? It literally and figuratively cannot be both.

Seriously? So someone cannot be intelligent, yet still do dumb things?
Or you could try focusing on something that matters. While you whine about the IRS targeting a couple of psycho right-wing American Taliban fringe groups, the NSA is spying on everyone as standard procedure in direct violation of the US Constitution and has been doing so for a good number of years now and everyone knows about it and still allows it to continue.

Why don't you chill out and take some hemlock?
Why don't you go suck a dick like your flaming hero RuPaul? You god-damned Republicans are on this forum all day, every day, spouting the same idiotic drivel over and over and over and over and over like you're making any kind of difference in the world. You pat each other on the head for post after post of "I hate Obama. Do you hate Obama, too? Thanks for hating Obama. I'll pos rep you. Fucking derp."

You stupid talking monkeys were salivating for more big government before 2008. Why the change of heart? It wasn't because there's a black man in the White House, right? No, certainly not. It's because the big government suddenly became tyrannical in 2008 for some totally different reason completely unrelated to skin color. The big government lies and torture program during the Iraq war that was started by lies, and all of Bush and Cheney's lies, and all of the other LIES, weren't a problem until a Kenyan Muslim Marxist Boi-God-King was elected. THAT was when everything went to shit. Torture? Endless costly wars without victory or purpose? Not a problem for Republicans. Any leftard that said before 2008, "Hey, the USAPATRIOT Act is a serious violation of the US Constitution", you brilliant right-wing Republicans screamed them down as "terrorist sympathizers who are trying to weaken America" or some equally erroneous argument.
Hey KNoB, I thought pot was supposed to mellow you out?
Here's the deal, guys and gals....

You people that think I'm full of hyperbole and guilty of being too loud in my complaints about dimocrap scum? Are you wising up yet>

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

NOTHING will be done about dimocraps using the power of the Federal Government against their political enemies. NOTHING.


1) the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will ignore this, like they do all dimocrap transgressions

2) dimocrap scum voters don't care. They really, really don't. I'm talking goose-stepping Nazis ready and willing to turn the valve that lets the gas into the chamber. That is who and what they are. None of this is possible without them. None of it

3) Eric Himmler will NOT investigate it and even if someone is found to guilty as sin, he WILL NOT prosecute them. Just ain't gonna happen. No way.

In fact, you've all heard of the VA scandal, right? You know, the system that dimocrap scum in here like to point to as the model for obamacare? The one I've been telling to avoid, the one I've been warning you about? The one that lets Veterans die rather than upset their flow-charts?

Yeah, that one.

Well guess who the Lying Cocksucker in Chief has appointed to look into the matter?

Obama aide tasked with VA review amid secret wait list allegations | TheHill

Anybody else as shocked as I am? :eek:

Is this like the State Dept investigating its own malfeasance and not even interviewing the **** in charge? Yup.

People, we've just got to sit back and suck on it unless and until we can get an American President in office that isn't a lying piece of shit like we have now.

One that will prosecute the dimocrap scum breaking the law and do so with a vengeance.

People, I've been saying this for forty years and it's time you listened to me....

the dimocrap party is NOT a political party, it is a criminal organization.

We do NOT need another Bush, another McRINO or a Mittens to run on our ticket ever again. We need somebody who will use the Executive Branch of the Federal Government to investigate, prosecute and imprison the worst criminal enterprise in American history -- the dimocrap party.

Until that happens, the OP is right. We live in a Kingdom, not a Republic.
Here's the deal, guys and gals....

You people that think I'm full of hyperbole and guilty of being too loud in my complaints about dimocrap scum? Are you wising up yet>

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

NOTHING will be done about dimocraps using the power of the Federal Government against their political enemies. NOTHING.


1) the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will ignore this, like they do all dimocrap transgressions

2) dimocrap scum voters don't care. They really, really don't. I'm talking goose-stepping Nazis ready and willing to turn the valve that lets the gas into the chamber. That is who and what they are. None of this is possible without them. None of it

3) Eric Himmler will NOT investigate it and even if someone is found to guilty as sin, he WILL NOT prosecute them. Just ain't gonna happen. No way.

In fact, you've all heard of the VA scandal, right? You know, the system that dimocrap scum in here like to point to as the model for obamacare? The one I've been telling to avoid, the one I've been warning you about? The one that lets Veterans die rather than upset their flow-charts?

Yeah, that one.

Well guess who the Lying Cocksucker in Chief has appointed to look into the matter?

Obama aide tasked with VA review amid secret wait list allegations | TheHill

Anybody else as shocked as I am? :eek:

Is this like the State Dept investigating its own malfeasance and not even interviewing the **** in charge? Yup.

People, we've just got to sit back and suck on it unless and until we can get an American President in office that isn't a lying piece of shit like we have now.

One that will prosecute the dimocrap scum breaking the law and do so with a vengeance.

People, I've been saying this for forty years and it's time you listened to me....

the dimocrap party is NOT a political party, it is a criminal organization.

We do NOT need another Bush, another McRINO or a Mittens to run on our ticket ever again. We need somebody who will use the Executive Branch of the Federal Government to investigate, prosecute and imprison the worst criminal enterprise in American history -- the dimocrap party.

Until that happens, the OP is right. We live in a Kingdom, not a Republic.
Unless the American people revolt and hold Democrats accountable for their corruption we will not fix this problem. It will get only worse.
Unless the American people revolt and hold Democrats accountable for their corruption we will not fix this problem. It will get only worse.

I promise you - it is going to get much worse. This is only the beginning.
Here's the deal, guys and gals....

You people that think I'm full of hyperbole and guilty of being too loud in my complaints about dimocrap scum? Are you wising up yet>

dimocraps are the scum of the earth. Period.

NOTHING will be done about dimocraps using the power of the Federal Government against their political enemies. NOTHING.


1) the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will ignore this, like they do all dimocrap transgressions

2) dimocrap scum voters don't care. They really, really don't. I'm talking goose-stepping Nazis ready and willing to turn the valve that lets the gas into the chamber. That is who and what they are. None of this is possible without them. None of it

3) Eric Himmler will NOT investigate it and even if someone is found to guilty as sin, he WILL NOT prosecute them. Just ain't gonna happen. No way.

In fact, you've all heard of the VA scandal, right? You know, the system that dimocrap scum in here like to point to as the model for obamacare? The one I've been telling to avoid, the one I've been warning you about? The one that lets Veterans die rather than upset their flow-charts?

Yeah, that one.

Well guess who the Lying Cocksucker in Chief has appointed to look into the matter?

Obama aide tasked with VA review amid secret wait list allegations | TheHill

Anybody else as shocked as I am? :eek:

Is this like the State Dept investigating its own malfeasance and not even interviewing the **** in charge? Yup.

People, we've just got to sit back and suck on it unless and until we can get an American President in office that isn't a lying piece of shit like we have now.

One that will prosecute the dimocrap scum breaking the law and do so with a vengeance.

People, I've been saying this for forty years and it's time you listened to me....

the dimocrap party is NOT a political party, it is a criminal organization.

We do NOT need another Bush, another McRINO or a Mittens to run on our ticket ever again. We need somebody who will use the Executive Branch of the Federal Government to investigate, prosecute and imprison the worst criminal enterprise in American history -- the dimocrap party.

Until that happens, the OP is right. We live in a Kingdom, not a Republic.

I have never been able to understand the basic premise of voting for someone (anyone) to send to Washington to "represent" us when, in reality, they suddenly make big money, are bombarded by multi-million dollar lobbyists, live like Kings and Queens and, within a year or two, forget who it is that they serve.

Rather than being "servants" of the people - they become "masters" of the people. The world, in reality, is no different than it was in the days of Kings and Queens and Lords and Ladies. No different whatsoever. We still have the "families" - the Clintons, the Bush's, the Kennedy's, and so on - who laud over us.

They don't do OUR bidding - we do THEIRS.
Famous words from the King. Now we find out that Washington DC (Senator Carl Levin) was coordinating with Cincinnati to target TEA party and other conservative groups. And it began in 2010 and goes on today.

Folks - we don't live in a democracy any longer - we live in a KINGDOM.

EMAILS: Democratic Senator Pressured IRS To Target Groups | The Daily Caller

So much for "not a smidgeon of corruption in the IRS"


actually we dont live in a republic any longer

the rule of law has been replaced with rules by a king
A-la Hugo Chavez. It is known that Obama admired his type. Obama was surrounded by Chavez types all his life. (See Frank Marshal Davis), who was an avid COMMUNIST.
Famous words from the King. Now we find out that Washington DC (Senator Carl Levin) was coordinating with Cincinnati to target TEA party and other conservative groups. And it began in 2010 and goes on today.

Folks - we don't live in a democracy any longer - we live in a KINGDOM.

EMAILS: Democratic Senator Pressured IRS To Target Groups | The Daily Caller

So much for "not a smidgeon of corruption in the IRS"

Add Elijah Cummings To the List...

Cummings may face ethics probe over illegal investigation | The Daily Caller

he is a criminal just like the rest of them
That's true. Ever wonder why he ranted toward Issa in that last hearing? And It was Cummings that origionally proclaimed Lerner to be innocent and the hearings were over.

He is in up to his neck in trouble. I'm sure if he's called on it he will scream racism like the rest of them always do.

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