Not even a ticket, they broke up a family.

I actually skimmed through google trying to see what you were talking about, gay marriage and 10 commandments?

I didn't read you link but thanks for pointing it .

That's not a violation of the 1st ...we are a Christian nation.

Noted. Bear asks for link and then refuses to read it. It's a violation.

A violation?

Lol, I told you I researched it myself while you were copying and pasting wiki ..which I hate reading and never trust.

You did no research. know when you get drunk and then attempt to play that game? The one where you play help me understand I'm just a stupid male game? might want to stick to that.

Of course I did research after I asked you, I am a fast damn reader and all it was ...about moore refusing gay marriage and removing the 10 commandments..big deal once again we are a Christian nation and that has nothing to do with the 1st ammendment.

It does have everything to do with first amendment. The Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause go hand in hand.........and protect Christians.
Helloooooo? NOT EVEN A TICKET! Just..drugs. :rofl: while the silence deafens us all.
Have any anti-immigration advocates suggested tearing down the Statue of Liberty? Or at least grinding off that repulsive poem:
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

They could re-carve it with something like: (in all caps, of course) PISS OFF!!!

Although he applied for cancellation of removal, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) determined that he is ineligible for this relief because his state drug conviction for the attempted possession of marihuana with the intent to deliver the drug constitutes an “aggravated felony” under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The BIA ruled that his state conviction is an aggravated felony because it corresponds to a felony drug crime under federal law.

Seems our little innocent 10 year old that never tried to correct his illegal status when he came of age and wound up being deported much to the sadness of liberals was not so innocent after all.

I knew it! Something brought him before the judge in 2009 where he was ordered deported. He supplemented his landscaping business by dealing drugs. He was ordered deported ten years ago and decided to ignore that. He arrogantly put himself above the law and that didn't work.

Finally, justice be done. Deport his sorry drug dealing ass.
Notice MSM never uttered a word and you KNOW they were digging but kept quiet. Good thing other people dig, too, that are not msm. :D
meanwhile....for libs crying over this guy.......



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