Not even one GOP senator is Jewish , but there are several Democratic

for the record-----the English word "JEW" does apply to Moses ---the Hebrew is yehudi. The reason is that Jacob
(aka Israel) named his fourth son JUDAH as heir ---to the rulership over "the family" ----which means all 12 tribes.
Moses was of the tribe of LEVI ---Jacob's (aka Israel) third
son------that makes Moses part of the KINGDOM OF JUDAH.
It would be correct to say that the issue regarding Abraham ---did not exist in HIS lifetime
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

It's not easy to grasp the deep hatred of people like Penelope, Jake, or MaryAnne.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

DAMN ---and only ONE-----count them ONE --Buddhist
senator------and there are lots and lots more BUDDHISTS
in the world than there are JOOOOOS

It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

It's not easy to grasp the deep hatred of people like Penelope, Jake, or MaryAnne.

I have a fear of DOGS----since childhood. -------so I see
lots of dogs. If there is a dog around, I ALWAYS
NOTICE IT. People like Penny, Jakie and Maryannie---- SEE JOOOOO EVERYWHERE
1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)
1. My support of Israel is not based on a tit for tat relationship. There is no doubt that we benefit far less from our alliance then they do.

2. They are a Western Style democracy surrounded by a Sea of Islamic barbarism. I find that sympathetic.

3. EVERYTHING about the Palestinians is NOT sympathetic. From their tactics, to their long running alliance with the Soviet Union, to them starting wars, losing and whining about it, ect.

4. I do not support Genocide.

5. I also do not think that successful genocide would improve the already shitty Arab/Muslim world, I think it would make them WORST.

6. and do not ignore the wider context of the West vs Islam. I've asked you how many Muslims that Poland is taking in. If I understand correctly that number is zero. You are right to do so, and the reasons you refuse to take them in, is reasons to not be sympathetic to the Palestinians.

7. I know plenty of American jews. THey are my neighbors and fellow Americans, and I find their connection and support of Israel understandable and sympathetic. (yes, I do view double citizenship as a mistake.that is going too far)

1.) >>> Israel is more of an enemy.

Circular reasoning on your part.

2.)>>> Democracy, and Liberalism, the Muslim World is properly Right-Wing.

The right left comparison between Christian and Muslim nations, does not work, and is only done by people trying to confuse the issue.

3.)>>> Not a whole lot of Palestinian Commies, but Salomon Morel is a Jewish Communist Israel took in, and mocked Poland another properly Right-Wing country.

3a my point about their long alliance with the Soviet Union stands. THey are not our friend, and will never be our friend.

3b. THe problem of communists in Western LIberal society is a problem, that we share with Israel. Pointing out that they have vile evil morons in their society like we do, is not much of a strike against them.

4.)>>>> If you don't support Genocide, you should stop supporting Zionism, Zionists like W Bush, and H.W Bush committed genocide in Iraq, they also helped bring on White Genocide by bringing in millions of Mexicans, and some Muslims to the U.S.A.

Deflections from my point on the intend of the Palestinians.

5.)>>>> So, it's not Israel with Nukes running to the U.S.A with more Nukes that's the threat, it's Iran, and Palestine with no Nukes, eh?

Correct. We are not prefect, but we are not the bad guys.

And you know it. See the lack of Muslim immigration into Poland.

6.) >>>>Yet, Zionists pressure Poland for money, and for Polish anti-defamation laws, I care more for Muslims than Jews.

I hope your nation stays strong. But as I said, the reasons you do not take in muslim "Refugees" are all reasons to be sympathetic to a western nation surrounded by them.

7.)>>>>> That's funny most American Jews I've met have been stuck up, Liberal snots, who fight against Christian values, but support Israel.

But that is a flaw of my nation, one that shows how much they are a part of US, not one that shows they are not.

Israel is not our friend, the Lavon Affair, U.S.S Liberty Bombing, and Jonathan Pollard among others prove it

Israel has if anything helped create Islamic refugees, they are one of many parties whom are bombing Syria, so more Syrians can flee to the West.

THe US liberty was in 1967. If you have to go back that far, your case is weak.

Do you want me to start bragging about how my father's generation saved Europe from the Nazi's? Cause I can. With pictures.

If Europe lets in Muslims, that is on them and their stupidity.

There is a simple answer. One your nation was smart enough to come up with, independently.


Yeah Muslims in Europe. I WONDER who is behind that!?


Plenty of stupid, suicidal liberals in the West, focusing on the jewish ones,

gives the other assholes a pass.

Which is morally wrong.

They should all be held accountable for the pain and suffering and death caused by their moronic, and suicidal policies.
1.) >>> Israel is more of an enemy.

Circular reasoning on your part.

2.)>>> Democracy, and Liberalism, the Muslim World is properly Right-Wing.

The right left comparison between Christian and Muslim nations, does not work, and is only done by people trying to confuse the issue.

3.)>>> Not a whole lot of Palestinian Commies, but Salomon Morel is a Jewish Communist Israel took in, and mocked Poland another properly Right-Wing country.

3a my point about their long alliance with the Soviet Union stands. THey are not our friend, and will never be our friend.

3b. THe problem of communists in Western LIberal society is a problem, that we share with Israel. Pointing out that they have vile evil morons in their society like we do, is not much of a strike against them.

4.)>>>> If you don't support Genocide, you should stop supporting Zionism, Zionists like W Bush, and H.W Bush committed genocide in Iraq, they also helped bring on White Genocide by bringing in millions of Mexicans, and some Muslims to the U.S.A.

Deflections from my point on the intend of the Palestinians.

5.)>>>> So, it's not Israel with Nukes running to the U.S.A with more Nukes that's the threat, it's Iran, and Palestine with no Nukes, eh?

Correct. We are not prefect, but we are not the bad guys.

And you know it. See the lack of Muslim immigration into Poland.

6.) >>>>Yet, Zionists pressure Poland for money, and for Polish anti-defamation laws, I care more for Muslims than Jews.

I hope your nation stays strong. But as I said, the reasons you do not take in muslim "Refugees" are all reasons to be sympathetic to a western nation surrounded by them.

7.)>>>>> That's funny most American Jews I've met have been stuck up, Liberal snots, who fight against Christian values, but support Israel.

But that is a flaw of my nation, one that shows how much they are a part of US, not one that shows they are not.

Israel is not our friend, the Lavon Affair, U.S.S Liberty Bombing, and Jonathan Pollard among others prove it

Israel has if anything helped create Islamic refugees, they are one of many parties whom are bombing Syria, so more Syrians can flee to the West.

THe US liberty was in 1967. If you have to go back that far, your case is weak.

Do you want me to start bragging about how my father's generation saved Europe from the Nazi's? Cause I can. With pictures.

If Europe lets in Muslims, that is on them and their stupidity.

There is a simple answer. One your nation was smart enough to come up with, independently.


Yeah Muslims in Europe. I WONDER who is behind that!?


They want Syria and southern Lebanon , well all of the area.

Cra Cra talk.
You almost gotta laugh. The crazy left seems to think it's hypocritical for republicans of the Christian faith to support Israel while democrats kicked Joe Lieberman, a Jew and a vocal supporter of Israel, out of the freaking party.

??? citation? Joe Lieberman was "kicked" out of
being a democrat? that can happen? I am a registered democrat? Have I been kicked out too?

Naaa, they Primaried him. He then ran as an I and won re-election.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.

No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.

No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.
Each Party caters to the audience that supports them.
They are all self serving scum.
Oh be quiet, you fraud.

Jews think nothing of the sort. They believe he was a small town rabbi and revolutionary, and that his character was blown up out of shape and reason by the Crazee Christians.

So you really AREN'T a "Christian", you're out of the closet.

You do not lie every day to the world and still pretend you are a good Christian! Sarah Sanders does just that.

Sure she does, but the post was about Jake, oh yes, you're not a "Christian" either.
Yes, Sarah lies daily, and Doc1 tries to emulate her daily. That is not Christian behavior.

Poor Jake, such a liar and a pretend internet character.
^^^^ poor, poor Doc1 ^^^^ pitiful

irosie, I have no problem with the Jews or the Jewish state, which I support its right to exist.
You almost gotta laugh. The crazy left seems to think it's hypocritical for republicans of the Christian faith to support Israel while democrats kicked Joe Lieberman, a Jew and a vocal supporter of Israel, out of the freaking party.

??? citation? Joe Lieberman was "kicked" out of
being a democrat? that can happen? I am a registered democrat? Have I been kicked out too?

Naaa, they Primaried him. He then ran as an I and won re-election.

No, he voted for McCain, makes him a I.
Every time Doc1 does make it personal, he admits that he is losing.

Traditional Christians understand that the Jews did not kill Christ (the Romans did), the Jews did not drink Christian blood, and the Jews did not eat the flesh of sacrificed Christian babies.

Why Doc1 hates Jews is beyond me, but that is characteristic of the religious Alt Right. The religious Christian right generally loves Jews and the Jewish state.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.

No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.

You need new meds. ObabbleCare is there for you.
You almost gotta laugh. The crazy left seems to think it's hypocritical for republicans of the Christian faith to support Israel while democrats kicked Joe Lieberman, a Jew and a vocal supporter of Israel, out of the freaking party.

??? citation? Joe Lieberman was "kicked" out of
being a democrat? that can happen? I am a registered democrat? Have I been kicked out too?

During his last several elections, the Democrats nominated someone else for his seat and he ran and won as an independent. You need to answer some of your own questions.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.

No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.

Who killed RFK? It wasn't an evangelical, now was it?
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.

No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.

You need new meds. ObabbleCare is there for you.

identity politics is what the GOP and Evangelicals practice. I don't need meds nor ACA, but you might if you are so blind to see what the facts are.

Case in point, Did you just make fun of Obama by calling it ObabbleCare. I think so. I guess that makes you what?
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.

No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.

Who killed RFK? It wasn't an evangelical, now was it?

the john birch society.

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