Not How Elections Work

You might be surprised what happens. Y ou continuing gloating like a spoiled child and I will keep you informed.:rock:
They're not going to hold another election because of whiny crybabies like yourself. You won't have to keep us informed; we all know you're a loser.
And that judge has nothing to back his ass up but the word of the people on the other side of the argument. He does not have the right to believe anyone until it is properly investigated and that never fucking happens. I wonder why?
The judge nor the court is responsible for investigating. That is the plaintiff's requirement, BEFORE they bring suit in a court.
This is turning out like one more American institution ruined, gone sour. Everyone knows the system is broken and corrupt, but the corrupt courts and the corrupt investigating organizations 'didn't find any fraud' so ho-hum, just keep on going, pretending we actually have a nation.

We don't.

What we have is a banana republic. Most everyone understands this. We're just deciding what to do about it.
Their job is to ensure elections have integrity.

Their job is to insure the elections in their county, their area of responsibility, is conducted with integrity and the accurate results are reported to the State. That is what the law says.
The judge nor the court is responsible for investigating. That is the plaintiff's requirement, BEFORE they bring suit in a court.
The judge cannot make an informed decision until there is an investigation and evidence presented. None of that happened. An opinion is not law and will never be.
Their job is to insure the elections in their county, their area of responsibility, is conducted with integrity and the accurate results are reported to the State. That is what the law says.
I see, and the state authorities has to threaten them with jail to make sure that happens.
I see, and the state authorities has to threaten them with jail to make sure that happens.

Again this is the law.

The law says what it says. It isn’t new. It isn’t something the Left created in the last couple days. It is something that was passed long ago to insure that County Officials did not engage in misconduct. That’s all.

It is a premise of this nation that no one is above the law. There is no legal authority for those County Officials to refuse to do their duty. If they choose to do so, and they are free to do as they want, they face consequences.

It is easy to be courageous when nothing is on the line. It is much harder when you have skin in the game.

Ask yourself this. Why won’t these election officials risk it? If they believe so completely they feel they must act why does a threat of legal consequences get them to fold their hand immediately.

Why not take the risk and stand before the Jury and say they could not in good conscience participate in a theft.

They could quote St. Augustine who taught that an unjust law was no law. They could count on Jury Nullification. If Lake is Sworn in they could be looking at a full Pardon.

But they get a phone call and immediately surrender. For two year’s maximum penalty.

These guys are not heroes. And they don’t believe they are right. They are acting up to try and placate the more militant idiots who see conspiracies everywhere. People like you. If they truly believed they would take their chances.

History is not made by those who risk nothing. It is made by those who risk everything.

Charles Lindbergh risked his life to fly across the Atlantic. Astronauts risked everything to fly in space. Soldiers risk their lives to do their duty. These heroes won’t risk a trial to do what you think is right. What they claim is right.

What does that tell you?
Again this is the law.

The law says what it says. It isn’t new. It isn’t something the Left created in the last couple days. It is something that was passed long ago to insure that County Officials did not engage in misconduct. That’s all.

It is a premise of this nation that no one is above the law. There is no legal authority for those County Officials to refuse to do their duty. If they choose to do so, and they are free to do as they want, they face consequences.

It is easy to be courageous when nothing is on the line. It is much harder when you have skin in the game.

Ask yourself this. Why won’t these election officials risk it? If they believe so completely they feel they must act why does a threat of legal consequences get them to fold their hand immediately.

Why not take the risk and stand before the Jury and say they could not in good conscience participate in a theft.

They could quote St. Augustine who taught that an unjust law was no law. They could count on Jury Nullification. If Lake is Sworn in they could be looking at a full Pardon.

But they get a phone call and immediately surrender. For two year’s maximum penalty.

These guys are not heroes. And they don’t believe they are right. They are acting up to try and placate the more militant idiots who see conspiracies everywhere. People like you. If they truly believed they would take their chances.

History is not made by those who risk nothing. It is made by those who risk everything.

Charles Lindbergh risked his life to fly across the Atlantic. Astronauts risked everything to fly in space. Soldiers risk their lives to do their duty. These heroes won’t risk a trial to do what you think is right. What they claim is right.

What does that tell you?
What it tells me is you do not want integrity in our elections. That is all you long post says. Period.
Again this is the law.

The law says what it says. It isn’t new. It isn’t something the Left created in the last couple days. It is something that was passed long ago to insure that County Officials did not engage in misconduct. That’s all.

It is a premise of this nation that no one is above the law. There is no legal authority for those County Officials to refuse to do their duty. If they choose to do so, and they are free to do as they want, they face consequences.

It is easy to be courageous when nothing is on the line. It is much harder when you have skin in the game.

Ask yourself this. Why won’t these election officials risk it? If they believe so completely they feel they must act why does a threat of legal consequences get them to fold their hand immediately.

Why not take the risk and stand before the Jury and say they could not in good conscience participate in a theft.

They could quote St. Augustine who taught that an unjust law was no law. They could count on Jury Nullification. If Lake is Sworn in they could be looking at a full Pardon.

But they get a phone call and immediately surrender. For two year’s maximum penalty.

These guys are not heroes. And they don’t believe they are right. They are acting up to try and placate the more militant idiots who see conspiracies everywhere. People like you. If they truly believed they would take their chances.

History is not made by those who risk nothing. It is made by those who risk everything.

Charles Lindbergh risked his life to fly across the Atlantic. Astronauts risked everything to fly in space. Soldiers risk their lives to do their duty. These heroes won’t risk a trial to do what you think is right. What they claim is right.

What does that tell you?

..... ..... Bear with me a moment...

..... ..... ..... ..... Or...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... If they believed the election was rigged...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... And couldn't sign off on the canvass...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... They could have resigned instead of following the law.

Just say'n.

That is just it, it is not evidence until it is proven in court. That goes for the people in government too. If they claim it is evidence they have to prove it is. See how it should work? Why it is not means criminals are in charge.
Evidence, as fact little boi is presented in court. Court ain't a phishing ground for conspiracy fuckups.
What it tells me is you do not want integrity in our elections. That is all you long post says. Period.
We already have intergrity in our elections.

My proof is, that you fuckups don't bitch and whine about ones that you win.
What it tells me is you do not want integrity in our elections. That is all you long post says. Period.

Integrity means following the law. Obeying the rules. Or if those rules are wrong, risking yourself.

As the other reply to this said. They could have resigned. Why didn’t they?

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