Not invited to my niece's wedding


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
Our family is really close and we always have been. I've been a huge part of my nieces and nephews lives since they were born. Well my youngest neice just got married and I was not invited to the wedding. Neither were her uncles from the other side of the family, but they weren't nearly as close to the kids as I was. In fact, when they were young they called me their favorite uncle. She said she wanted a "small" wedding but my parents were invited and said there were tons of people there, but no uncles or aunts.

I just find that really funny and I feel that if I ever get married I shouldn't invite my neice or her family to my wedding. You don't invite me, I don't invite you. I don't see that as wrong. I see that as fair. It just really surprised me and hit me wrong for some reason. I wasn't targeted as the ONLY person that wasn't invited I just don't understand why an extended family member that spent so much time with the kids when they were younger would be shunned at the wedding.

I guess what really surprised me is that my sister, who paid for the wedding, was perfectly fine with not inviting her own brother to her daughters wedding. That was a little weird to me. And my sisters birthday is in a few days, and I had to buy her a birthday gift. I almost skipped this year.
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are politics or vaccines involved in this in any way?

No, I doubt it. We are polar opposites on politics but we don't discuss politics when together as a family. We don't even turn the TV on unless its for a football game as we're all Saints fans.
Our family is really close and we always have been. I've been a huge part of my nieces and nephews lives since they were born. Well my youngest neice just got married and I was not invited to the wedding. Neither were her uncles from the other side of the family, but they weren't nearly as close to the kids as I was. In fact, when they were young they called me their favorite uncle. She said she wanted a "small" wedding but my parents were invited and said there were tons of people there, but no uncles or aunts.

I just find that really funny and I feel that if I ever get married I shouldn't invite my neice or her family to my wedding. You don't invite me, I don't invite you. I don't see that as wrong. I see that as fair. It just really surprised me and hit me wrong for some reason. I wasn't targeted as the ONLY person that wasn't invited I just don't understand why an extended family member that spent so much time with the kids when they were younger would be shunned at the wedding.

I guess what really surprised me is that my sister, who paid for the wedding, was perfectly fine with not inviting her own brother to her daughters wedding. That was a little weird to me. And my sisters birthday is in a few days, and I had to buy her a birthday gift. I almost skipped this year.
Did you ask your sister why you weren't invited? If you were that big a part of their lives, it's a valid question.
I have 9 nephews and 5 nieces . Only been invited to 3 of their weddings. Like you I am not sure why I wasn't invited to the others but it happens.
Our family is really close and we always have been. I've been a huge part of my nieces and nephews lives since they were born. Well my youngest neice just got married and I was not invited to the wedding. Neither were her uncles from the other side of the family, but they weren't nearly as close to the kids as I was. In fact, when they were young they called me their favorite uncle. She said she wanted a "small" wedding but my parents were invited and said there were tons of people there, but no uncles or aunts.

I just find that really funny and I feel that if I ever get married I shouldn't invite my neice or her family to my wedding. You don't invite me, I don't invite you. I don't see that as wrong. I see that as fair. It just really surprised me and hit me wrong for some reason. I wasn't targeted as the ONLY person that wasn't invited I just don't understand why an extended family member that spent so much time with the kids when they were younger would be shunned at the wedding.

I guess what really surprised me is that my sister, who paid for the wedding, was perfectly fine with not inviting her own brother to her daughters wedding. That was a little weird to me. And my sisters birthday is in a few days, and I had to buy her a birthday gift. I almost skipped this year.

Maybe being the favorite, she decided you were the designated survivor in case COVID burned through the ceremony ;)

My guess is that she just had a no aunts and uncles policy across the board to save money and not inviting you was easier than the politics of inviting some and not others. Just go extra big on the present of the next one you go to on that side of the family so she feels like she missed out by not inviting you.
Our family is really close and we always have been. I've been a huge part of my nieces and nephews lives since they were born. Well my youngest neice just got married and I was not invited to the wedding. Neither were her uncles from the other side of the family, but they weren't nearly as close to the kids as I was. In fact, when they were young they called me their favorite uncle. She said she wanted a "small" wedding but my parents were invited and said there were tons of people there, but no uncles or aunts.

I just find that really funny and I feel that if I ever get married I shouldn't invite my neice or her family to my wedding. You don't invite me, I don't invite you. I don't see that as wrong. I see that as fair. It just really surprised me and hit me wrong for some reason. I wasn't targeted as the ONLY person that wasn't invited I just don't understand why an extended family member that spent so much time with the kids when they were younger would be shunned at the wedding.

I guess what really surprised me is that my sister, who paid for the wedding, was perfectly fine with not inviting her own brother to her daughters wedding. That was a little weird to me. And my sisters birthday is in a few days, and I had to buy her a birthday gift. I almost skipped this year.
I’d happily disown ‘family’ for pulling that kind of bullshit...there’s really no valid reason or excuse
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Our family is really close and we always have been. I've been a huge part of my nieces and nephews lives since they were born. Well my youngest neice just got married and I was not invited to the wedding. Neither were her uncles from the other side of the family, but they weren't nearly as close to the kids as I was. In fact, when they were young they called me their favorite uncle. She said she wanted a "small" wedding but my parents were invited and said there were tons of people there, but no uncles or aunts.

I just find that really funny and I feel that if I ever get married I shouldn't invite my neice or her family to my wedding. You don't invite me, I don't invite you. I don't see that as wrong. I see that as fair. It just really surprised me and hit me wrong for some reason. I wasn't targeted as the ONLY person that wasn't invited I just don't understand why an extended family member that spent so much time with the kids when they were younger would be shunned at the wedding.

I guess what really surprised me is that my sister, who paid for the wedding, was perfectly fine with not inviting her own brother to her daughters wedding. That was a little weird to me. And my sisters birthday is in a few days, and I had to buy her a birthday gift. I almost skipped this year.

At the very least, you should tell them to fix their own gawdang airplane from now on.

I tell ya. Some people...

Can you at least go to the reception and get nice and fucked up?
Seriously, though, maybe it really was just that they wanted a small wedding.

I could see where this would sting your heart a bit, if you truly are a tight family.
Makes me glad I have no family but the one son. His wife has a huge family but I don't participate in their gatherings. I can't stand the lot of them.

Go to a movie, take yourself out to dinner with the money you would have spent on a present.
Our family is really close and we always have been. I've been a huge part of my nieces and nephews lives since they were born. Well my youngest neice just got married and I was not invited to the wedding. Neither were her uncles from the other side of the family, but they weren't nearly as close to the kids as I was. In fact, when they were young they called me their favorite uncle. She said she wanted a "small" wedding but my parents were invited and said there were tons of people there, but no uncles or aunts.

I just find that really funny and I feel that if I ever get married I shouldn't invite my neice or her family to my wedding. You don't invite me, I don't invite you. I don't see that as wrong. I see that as fair. It just really surprised me and hit me wrong for some reason. I wasn't targeted as the ONLY person that wasn't invited I just don't understand why an extended family member that spent so much time with the kids when they were younger would be shunned at the wedding.

I guess what really surprised me is that my sister, who paid for the wedding, was perfectly fine with not inviting her own brother to her daughters wedding. That was a little weird to me. And my sisters birthday is in a few days, and I had to buy her a birthday gift. I almost skipped this year.

Best of luck.

I hope you are able to stay close to as many who want to stay close.

If this was out-of-town, they may have made a decision not to ask people to attend.

If it is in town, you might be able to keep the relationships going....if they want to.

Either way, I hope you found joy in the time spent with family in the past.

All the best.
I hate weddings. I would be happy if all couples simply elope, or at least keep the time length of the wedding to 15 minutes max.
That sucks. I'd just bluntly ask and let the world explode around it.

If I wasn't so secretly pleased that I didn't have to go to a wedding. Shit. I didn't even want to show up at my own let alone go to someone else.
Best of luck.

I hope you are able to stay close to as many who want to stay close.

If this was out-of-town, they may have made a decision not to ask people to attend.

If it is in town, you might be able to keep the relationships going....if they want to.

Either way, I hope you found joy in the time spent with family in the past.

All the best.
My niece is getting married in October. I can of wish that I were not invited. Don't get me wrong, I love my niece, but I don't need to see her proclaim her love to her soon to be husband.

P. S. I'm more than happy to buy them a nice wedding present. I am willing to spend more if I don't have to go to the wedding.
Our family is really close and we always have been. I've been a huge part of my nieces and nephews lives since they were born. Well my youngest neice just got married and I was not invited to the wedding. Neither were her uncles from the other side of the family, but they weren't nearly as close to the kids as I was. In fact, when they were young they called me their favorite uncle. She said she wanted a "small" wedding but my parents were invited and said there were tons of people there, but no uncles or aunts.

I just find that really funny and I feel that if I ever get married I shouldn't invite my neice or her family to my wedding. You don't invite me, I don't invite you. I don't see that as wrong. I see that as fair. It just really surprised me and hit me wrong for some reason. I wasn't targeted as the ONLY person that wasn't invited I just don't understand why an extended family member that spent so much time with the kids when they were younger would be shunned at the wedding.

I guess what really surprised me is that my sister, who paid for the wedding, was perfectly fine with not inviting her own brother to her daughters wedding. That was a little weird to me. And my sisters birthday is in a few days, and I had to buy her a birthday gift. I almost skipped this year.
What do you mean you had to buy your sister a birthday gift? If no support for you came from her direction, if you had to get her anything, to me, it should be something that makes her come to you and ask, "Why did you buy me this?" Then you can tell her that she is lucky that she got anything from you after all that you did not get out of her.

God bless you always!!!


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