Not just the oceans and atmosphere

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
It seems our fresh water lakes are warming faster than either the oceans or atmosphere

Interesting that none of the denialists will address these findings. They are very critical to a lot of people that depend on the freshwater lakes around the world.
It seems our fresh water lakes are warming faster than either the oceans or atmosphere

The recent acknowledgment by almost every nation on Earth of the immediate threat of Global Warming means the tide has turned. Whether we are able to take ACTION quick enough is another story. The clock has been ticking very loud for more than a decade.

Warming fresh water lakes is another canary in the mine.
It seems our fresh water lakes are warming faster than either the oceans or atmosphere

Yeah.. This must be why the ENTIRE Great Lake system was icebound just a couple years back..

Seems like when lakes ice over -- there's no chance for heat to escape at the "normal" rates. So there will be a winter equilibrium of water temperature that's perhaps different than when icing doesn't occur.

I'm SURE that if the funding for this work DID NOT come out of the "Global Warming" pile of research bucks available -- that these brilliant geologists might have figured that out by now...
Algore is at least part owner of a Global Carbon Credit Trading scam organization.

All you Warmist Alarmists are gonna do is lower the standard of living worldwide, cause the deaths of millions due to malnutrition and transfer wealth to the Mega Rich.

You couldn't BE more stupid than that.
Well, I don
t know that they're getting warmer, but they don't seem to be getting colder.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... we's like a frog inna kettle...

... we all gonna die.":ack-1:
The denier cult. Made up of conservatives who are terrified of change and reality. Even when the entire world political body as well as the entire body of PH.D's are in uncontested agreement that Global Warming is real and poses a mortal threat to humanity the cons are too scared to face the reality.

Its too late cons, the tide has turned. Your window of deniability is steadily shrinking and soon you will have to pull your head out of your ass and face it. Scary yes. But adults face what is scary head on.

Conservatives pretend it will just go away.
Oh.....and the latest greatest from the religion this week: climate change and their venerable scientists now say it is causing a shift in the earths rotation!!!:up:

Great stuff.........cant say these guys don't keep it entertaining like ALL the time!!

Climate change is slowing down Earth's rotation, making days longer - Redorbit

Keep it coming s0ns..........maybe you can bring that % of people who rank climate change high in importance up to 4%!!


Have we heard anything about climate change having an effect on Santa's gig yet?:poke:
The denier cult. Made up of conservatives who are terrified of change and reality. Even when the entire world political body as well as the entire body of PH.D's are in uncontested agreement that Global Warming is real and poses a mortal threat to humanity the cons are too scared to face the reality.

Its too late cons, the tide has turned. Your window of deniability is steadily shrinking and soon you will have to pull your head out of your ass and face it. Scary yes. But adults face what is scary head on.

Conservatives pretend it will just go away.

s0n........we are loving the reality!!!

Nobody gives a fuck about global warming in 2015!!!:coffee:


Hey Billy.........where is that knobby cucumber??!!!!!!!!!:2up:
Oh I know, you scared deniers have your 'charts' and your 'polls' and all the rest of your vale of deniability to protect you from the scary world, but its all false. Not surprising that you post a chart of a 'poll' of only US citizens. Out of the 7 billion people on Earth we are 5% of the population, and out of that tiny minority of humanity the tiny minority like yourself that are members of the denier cult are irrelevant. The game is up Percy. The world has moved on but as usual, you cons are left behind to lament and grieve for years about the 1950s.

Whine away!!
Well, I don
t know that they're getting warmer, but they don't seem to be getting colder.

Think you could clearly see a 0.6degC change in the average at that vertical scale? Stay away from graphs...

But thanks for stopping yet another lemming herd panic suicide over rising lake temperatures..
Oh I know, you scared deniers have your 'charts' and your 'polls' and all the rest of your vale of deniability to protect you from the scary world, but its all false. Not surprising that you post a chart of a 'poll' of only US citizens. Out of the 7 billion people on Earth we are 5% of the population, and out of that tiny minority of humanity the tiny minority like yourself that are members of the denier cult are irrelevant. The game is up Percy. The world has moved on but as usual, you cons are left behind to lament and grieve for years about the 1950s.

Whine away!!

Funny thing about street preachers screaming about stuff they don't want to understand. And can't or won't discuss. They tend to fade into the background and nobody pays them any mind. Any comments ON THIS TOPIC -- preacher man? You noticed any warming in the Great Lake region recently???
He is correct, FCT, that it is deceptive to only look at the US population. AGW is far more widely accepted elsewhere

Here is a 2014 global survey. I'm sure you will find some fodder here, several of the questions asked are more than a little dubious, but go to the graphic at the bottom right and see where the US falls on "The climate change we are currently seeing is largely the result of human activity".

Global Trends Survey | Environment
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Oh I know, you scared deniers have your 'charts' and your 'polls' and all the rest of your vale of deniability to protect you from the scary world, but its all false. Not surprising that you post a chart of a 'poll' of only US citizens. Out of the 7 billion people on Earth we are 5% of the population, and out of that tiny minority of humanity the tiny minority like yourself that are members of the denier cult are irrelevant. The game is up Percy. The world has moved on but as usual, you cons are left behind to lament and grieve for years about the 1950s.

Whine away!!

Funny thing about street preachers screaming about stuff they don't want to understand. And can't or won't discuss. They tend to fade into the background and nobody pays them any mind. Any comments ON THIS TOPIC -- preacher man? You noticed any warming in the Great Lake region recently???

Great Lakes surface water temperatures today (left) are much warmer as a whole than this time last year (right)(NOAA/GLERL CoastWatch)
By Mark Torregrossa | [email protected]
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on July 06, 2015 at 7:37 PM, updated July 06, 2015 at 10:41 PM

The Great Lakes water temperatures are much warmer than this time last year.

It appears we are slowly climbing out of the cold water situation we had last year.

The graphic above shows a comparison of the surface water temperatures July 5, 2015, on the left to July 5, 2014, on the right.

If you scan the graphics, you can get somewhat of a feel that the lakes are warming up more than last year.

Here are the exact numbers, as given by the Great Lakes Environmental Research Center.

Lake Superior currently has a 48-degree average surface water temperature, compared to 44.5 degrees this date last year. The entire volume of water in Lake Superior is one-half degree warmer than last year. That may not sound like a lot, but Superior holds lots of water.

Lake Michigan is more than three degrees warmer on the surface than last year. Currently, Lake Michigan is 61.0 degrees versus 57.7 degrees last year. The entire lake volume is 0.7 degrees warmer than last year.

Lake Huron is averaging 61.5 degrees as opposed to 58.2 degrees at this time last year. It also is 0.7 degrees warmer through its entire volume.

Lake Erie is warmer than last year, but not by much. The average surface water temperature is 68.8 degrees compared to 68.4 degrees last year. The whole water volume is 0.2 degrees warmer this year.

Lake Ontario is almost two degrees warmer than last year. It's 62.0 degrees now and was 60.3 degrees last year. The whole body of water in Lake Ontario is the same temperature as last year, 43.4 degrees.

If we continue to inch above the average temperatures on land, the Great Lakes water temperatures will continue to warm to higher temperatures than last year. This warmer water temperature pattern will be one of the factors that may keep us out of another extremely cold winter.

Great Lakes water temperatures much warmer than last year

Here you go.
Well, I don
t know that they're getting warmer, but they don't seem to be getting colder.

Think you could clearly see a 0.6degC change in the average at that vertical scale? Stay away from graphs...

But thanks for stopping yet another lemming herd panic suicide over rising lake temperatures..
My, in a snotty mood this morning, eh. Well, the video is from scientists measuring large lake temperatures worldwide both from satellites and on site. Another loss for those that would claim there are few negative effects from the warming.
Well, I don
t know that they're getting warmer, but they don't seem to be getting colder.

Think you could clearly see a 0.6degC change in the average at that vertical scale? Stay away from graphs...

But thanks for stopping yet another lemming herd panic suicide over rising lake temperatures..

I see Old Rocks has come up with a far more definitive data set. I cede him the floor.
Oh I know, you scared deniers have your 'charts' and your 'polls' and all the rest of your vale of deniability to protect you from the scary world, but its all false. Not surprising that you post a chart of a 'poll' of only US citizens. Out of the 7 billion people on Earth we are 5% of the population, and out of that tiny minority of humanity the tiny minority like yourself that are members of the denier cult are irrelevant. The game is up Percy. The world has moved on but as usual, you cons are left behind to lament and grieve for years about the 1950s.

Whine away!!

Climate change opinion by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

70% of the folks in Afghanistan don't believe in the AGW cult

66% of the folks in Cambodia don't believe in the AGW cult

69% of the folks in Chad don't believe in the AGW cult

51% of the folks in Denmark don't believe in the AGW cult

46% of the folks in Egypt don't believe in the AGW cult

41% of the folks in Germany don't believe in the AGW cult

62% of the folks in Iceland don't believe in the AGW cult

62% of the folks in Iraq don't believe in the AGW cult

53% of the folks in Norway don't believe in the AGW cult

61% of the folks in Saudi Arabia don't believe in the AGW cult

71% of the folks in South Africa don't believe in the AGW cult

82% of the folks in Tanzania don't believe in the AGW cult

52% of the folks in the United Kingdom don't believe in the AGW cult

51% of the folks in Vietnam don't believe in the AGW cult

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