Not just the oceans and atmosphere

Well, yes, I can readily see our 'Conservatives' level of education and intellect is on the par with the people in Afghanistan.
Well, yes, I can readily see our 'Conservatives' level of education and intellect is on the par with the people in Afghanistan.

Showing your true liberal colors and the snob you are?

Oh yea, "They don't know what's good for them, we know what's good for them"
It seems our fresh water lakes are warming faster than either the oceans or atmosphere

And you've posted the lab work that shows how eliminated all the variables except for a .01% change in the composition of the atmosphere over the last 150 years?

What? No?
Last edited:
It seems our fresh water lakes are warming faster than either the oceans or atmosphere


When it's frozen it's climate change, when it's clear it global that how you do your "Science"?




AGW Cult scientists strike up the band and play the "DENIER!!!" tune
Oh I know, you scared deniers have your 'charts' and your 'polls' and all the rest of your vale of deniability to protect you from the scary world, but its all false. Not surprising that you post a chart of a 'poll' of only US citizens. Out of the 7 billion people on Earth we are 5% of the population, and out of that tiny minority of humanity the tiny minority like yourself that are members of the denier cult are irrelevant. The game is up Percy. The world has moved on but as usual, you cons are left behind to lament and grieve for years about the 1950s.

Whine away!!

Except when you spend your whole life watching cheerleading on MSNBC, you're getting only the Disney view.......ghey.

China’s Growing Coal Use Is World’s Growing Problem


Solar is having a great year, except on Wall Street

Coal To Surpass Oil As Top Global Fuel

U.S. forecasts natural gas boom through 2040

Electric Vehicle sales are sucking!!! | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


Who's not winning???:boobies::boobies::boobies::spinner:

Demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is growing around the world fairly rapidly, according to new analysis from the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research — with more than 320,000 new EV registrations in 2014, bringing the total global market up to 740,000 vehicles.

Electric Car Demand Growing, Global Market Hits 740,000 Units

Leaf range over 100 miles now. As the batteries continue to improve, the number of people buying EV's will grow.
The AGW their world, there is no such concept as "Reality is 95% perception".:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Why is Cap and Trade dead as a doornail for 5 years now? Why has their been zero significant climate legislation for 7 years now? Why are electric car sales still a joke?

Because obviously, the climate religion still hasn't made its case!!!! That's why!!!:fu::funnyface::funnyface:

So again I ask in me one link where we can see the science is mattering in the real world??:party:
The denialists are not winning. Paris Treaty, and the President got what he asked for to implement our part. The denialists got told to pound sand.

Demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is growing around the world fairly rapidly, according to new analysis from the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research — with more than 320,000 new EV registrations in 2014, bringing the total global market up to 740,000 vehicles.

Electric Car Demand Growing, Global Market Hits 740,000 Units

Leaf range over 100 miles now. As the batteries continue to improve, the number of people buying EV's will grow.

It will grow.......but the only important ? is, by how much COMPARED TO conventional vehicles. That's when the sales numbers become a total joke..........not debatable for a nano-second.

Last year in America, about 85,000 EV's were sold. Well over 1 million PICKUP TRUCKS alone were sold.

Anybody can post up stats that look impressive but its when they are compared to other categories or markets tells us the real story!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Oncor’s path forward
For now, Oncor is worrying more about actually deploying storage and using it to improve reliability than it is about changing market structures, according to Clevenger.

“Where our focus now is at is batteries are operationally ready and now we’re trying to find the places where they’re economically best today,” Clevenger said. “The next legislative session is a ways off, but right now we’re working with our operations team to figure out where we can put them today to improve the system.”

When Utility Dive first spoke to Clevenger back in June, he said that Oncor already has five “little bitty 25 kW batteries” on its system. While some had not been on the system more than 6 months at the time, they already had saved more than 900 minutes of outages for customers.

“You start talking about multiplying that across the system and you see how much you can save,” he said.

Oncor’s end game is to get storage as close to the home or business as possible, according to Clevenger.

“We would love to put [a battery] on the side of every home and business but that’s a ways off,” he said. “One of my long-term visions is that hopefully we find someone who will build us a transformer and a battery all in one … Then you start talking about people not ever losing power but in those three-day ice storms.”

Whatever happened to Oncor's big energy storage plans?

If you read the rest of the article, you will see how present Texas regulations have prevented Oncor from saving their customers money with the installation of the batteries. On a personal note, I fully understand how such a battery would save a company a lot of money. Every time we get a power bump at the unit of the steel mill where I work, we lose from one half hour to five hours as our PLC's lose their little minds. We are looking at the cost-benefit ratio of a battery between us and the grid right now.
Oh I know, you scared deniers have your 'charts' and your 'polls' and all the rest of your vale of deniability to protect you from the scary world, but its all false. Not surprising that you post a chart of a 'poll' of only US citizens. Out of the 7 billion people on Earth we are 5% of the population, and out of that tiny minority of humanity the tiny minority like yourself that are members of the denier cult are irrelevant. The game is up Percy. The world has moved on but as usual, you cons are left behind to lament and grieve for years about the 1950s.

Whine away!!

Funny thing about street preachers screaming about stuff they don't want to understand. And can't or won't discuss. They tend to fade into the background and nobody pays them any mind. Any comments ON THIS TOPIC -- preacher man? You noticed any warming in the Great Lake region recently???

Great Lakes surface water temperatures today (left) are much warmer as a whole than this time last year (right)(NOAA/GLERL CoastWatch)
By Mark Torregrossa | [email protected]
Follow on Twitter
on July 06, 2015 at 7:37 PM, updated July 06, 2015 at 10:41 PM

The Great Lakes water temperatures are much warmer than this time last year.

It appears we are slowly climbing out of the cold water situation we had last year.

The graphic above shows a comparison of the surface water temperatures July 5, 2015, on the left to July 5, 2014, on the right.

If you scan the graphics, you can get somewhat of a feel that the lakes are warming up more than last year.

Here are the exact numbers, as given by the Great Lakes Environmental Research Center.

Lake Superior currently has a 48-degree average surface water temperature, compared to 44.5 degrees this date last year. The entire volume of water in Lake Superior is one-half degree warmer than last year. That may not sound like a lot, but Superior holds lots of water.

Lake Michigan is more than three degrees warmer on the surface than last year. Currently, Lake Michigan is 61.0 degrees versus 57.7 degrees last year. The entire lake volume is 0.7 degrees warmer than last year.

Lake Huron is averaging 61.5 degrees as opposed to 58.2 degrees at this time last year. It also is 0.7 degrees warmer through its entire volume.

Lake Erie is warmer than last year, but not by much. The average surface water temperature is 68.8 degrees compared to 68.4 degrees last year. The whole water volume is 0.2 degrees warmer this year.

Lake Ontario is almost two degrees warmer than last year. It's 62.0 degrees now and was 60.3 degrees last year. The whole body of water in Lake Ontario is the same temperature as last year, 43.4 degrees.

If we continue to inch above the average temperatures on land, the Great Lakes water temperatures will continue to warm to higher temperatures than last year. This warmer water temperature pattern will be one of the factors that may keep us out of another extremely cold winter.

Great Lakes water temperatures much warmer than last year

Here you go.

Well great.. Because had trend CONTINUED -- there'd be glaciers moving on shore in Chicago this winter..
Oncor’s path forward
For now, Oncor is worrying more about actually deploying storage and using it to improve reliability than it is about changing market structures, according to Clevenger.

“Where our focus now is at is batteries are operationally ready and now we’re trying to find the places where they’re economically best today,” Clevenger said. “The next legislative session is a ways off, but right now we’re working with our operations team to figure out where we can put them today to improve the system.”

When Utility Dive first spoke to Clevenger back in June, he said that Oncor already has five “little bitty 25 kW batteries” on its system. While some had not been on the system more than 6 months at the time, they already had saved more than 900 minutes of outages for customers.

“You start talking about multiplying that across the system and you see how much you can save,” he said.

Oncor’s end game is to get storage as close to the home or business as possible, according to Clevenger.

“We would love to put [a battery] on the side of every home and business but that’s a ways off,” he said. “One of my long-term visions is that hopefully we find someone who will build us a transformer and a battery all in one … Then you start talking about people not ever losing power but in those three-day ice storms.”

Whatever happened to Oncor's big energy storage plans?

If you read the rest of the article, you will see how present Texas regulations have prevented Oncor from saving their customers money with the installation of the batteries. On a personal note, I fully understand how such a battery would save a company a lot of money. Every time we get a power bump at the unit of the steel mill where I work, we lose from one half hour to five hours as our PLC's lose their little minds. We are looking at the cost-benefit ratio of a battery between us and the grid right now.

You in the wrong thread again???
Oh I know, you scared deniers have your 'charts' and your 'polls' and all the rest of your vale of deniability to protect you from the scary world, but its all false. Not surprising that you post a chart of a 'poll' of only US citizens. Out of the 7 billion people on Earth we are 5% of the population, and out of that tiny minority of humanity the tiny minority like yourself that are members of the denier cult are irrelevant. The game is up Percy. The world has moved on but as usual, you cons are left behind to lament and grieve for years about the 1950s.

Whine away!!

Funny thing about street preachers screaming about stuff they don't want to understand. And can't or won't discuss. They tend to fade into the background and nobody pays them any mind. Any comments ON THIS TOPIC -- preacher man? You noticed any warming in the Great Lake region recently???

Great Lakes surface water temperatures today (left) are much warmer as a whole than this time last year (right)(NOAA/GLERL CoastWatch)
By Mark Torregrossa | [email protected]
Follow on Twitter
on July 06, 2015 at 7:37 PM, updated July 06, 2015 at 10:41 PM

The Great Lakes water temperatures are much warmer than this time last year.

It appears we are slowly climbing out of the cold water situation we had last year.

The graphic above shows a comparison of the surface water temperatures July 5, 2015, on the left to July 5, 2014, on the right.

If you scan the graphics, you can get somewhat of a feel that the lakes are warming up more than last year.

Here are the exact numbers, as given by the Great Lakes Environmental Research Center.

Lake Superior currently has a 48-degree average surface water temperature, compared to 44.5 degrees this date last year. The entire volume of water in Lake Superior is one-half degree warmer than last year. That may not sound like a lot, but Superior holds lots of water.

Lake Michigan is more than three degrees warmer on the surface than last year. Currently, Lake Michigan is 61.0 degrees versus 57.7 degrees last year. The entire lake volume is 0.7 degrees warmer than last year.

Lake Huron is averaging 61.5 degrees as opposed to 58.2 degrees at this time last year. It also is 0.7 degrees warmer through its entire volume.

Lake Erie is warmer than last year, but not by much. The average surface water temperature is 68.8 degrees compared to 68.4 degrees last year. The whole water volume is 0.2 degrees warmer this year.

Lake Ontario is almost two degrees warmer than last year. It's 62.0 degrees now and was 60.3 degrees last year. The whole body of water in Lake Ontario is the same temperature as last year, 43.4 degrees.

If we continue to inch above the average temperatures on land, the Great Lakes water temperatures will continue to warm to higher temperatures than last year. This warmer water temperature pattern will be one of the factors that may keep us out of another extremely cold winter.

Great Lakes water temperatures much warmer than last year

Here you go.

Well great.. Because had trend CONTINUED -- there'd be glaciers moving on shore in Chicago this winter..
Not a trend, that was a result of the deepening of the loops in the jet stream. A predicted occurance. I have posted the prediction several time. It was made by Dr. Francis of Rutgers.
Oh I know, you scared deniers have your 'charts' and your 'polls' and all the rest of your vale of deniability to protect you from the scary world, but its all false. Not surprising that you post a chart of a 'poll' of only US citizens. Out of the 7 billion people on Earth we are 5% of the population, and out of that tiny minority of humanity the tiny minority like yourself that are members of the denier cult are irrelevant. The game is up Percy. The world has moved on but as usual, you cons are left behind to lament and grieve for years about the 1950s.

Whine away!!

Funny thing about street preachers screaming about stuff they don't want to understand. And can't or won't discuss. They tend to fade into the background and nobody pays them any mind. Any comments ON THIS TOPIC -- preacher man? You noticed any warming in the Great Lake region recently???

Great Lakes surface water temperatures today (left) are much warmer as a whole than this time last year (right)(NOAA/GLERL CoastWatch)
By Mark Torregrossa | [email protected]
Follow on Twitter
on July 06, 2015 at 7:37 PM, updated July 06, 2015 at 10:41 PM

The Great Lakes water temperatures are much warmer than this time last year.

It appears we are slowly climbing out of the cold water situation we had last year.

The graphic above shows a comparison of the surface water temperatures July 5, 2015, on the left to July 5, 2014, on the right.

If you scan the graphics, you can get somewhat of a feel that the lakes are warming up more than last year.

Here are the exact numbers, as given by the Great Lakes Environmental Research Center.

Lake Superior currently has a 48-degree average surface water temperature, compared to 44.5 degrees this date last year. The entire volume of water in Lake Superior is one-half degree warmer than last year. That may not sound like a lot, but Superior holds lots of water.

Lake Michigan is more than three degrees warmer on the surface than last year. Currently, Lake Michigan is 61.0 degrees versus 57.7 degrees last year. The entire lake volume is 0.7 degrees warmer than last year.

Lake Huron is averaging 61.5 degrees as opposed to 58.2 degrees at this time last year. It also is 0.7 degrees warmer through its entire volume.

Lake Erie is warmer than last year, but not by much. The average surface water temperature is 68.8 degrees compared to 68.4 degrees last year. The whole water volume is 0.2 degrees warmer this year.

Lake Ontario is almost two degrees warmer than last year. It's 62.0 degrees now and was 60.3 degrees last year. The whole body of water in Lake Ontario is the same temperature as last year, 43.4 degrees.

If we continue to inch above the average temperatures on land, the Great Lakes water temperatures will continue to warm to higher temperatures than last year. This warmer water temperature pattern will be one of the factors that may keep us out of another extremely cold winter.

Great Lakes water temperatures much warmer than last year

Here you go.

Well great.. Because had trend CONTINUED -- there'd be glaciers moving on shore in Chicago this winter..
Not a trend, that was a result of the deepening of the loops in the jet stream. A predicted occurance. I have posted the prediction several time. It was made by Dr. Francis of Rutgers.

Yeah.. The Dr. Francis that was bloviating about impending doom when her ACTUAL MEASUREMENTS showed only about 0.1deg change in Lattitude in southern extent of Rossby waves per decade. AND it showed that major changes were in the NORTHERN deviations of the jet stream -- not the southern extents that affect our weather. See this old link for a recap of what you missed..

"Deniers" in the news!!! | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Another study of basic UNKNOWNS in climate science. With shrill declarations of doom based on less than 50 years of data..

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