Not Monolithic


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2012
----there are many standard islamo retorts ----one more meaningless than the other------One of them is "ISLAM IS NOT MONOLITHIC"--------I have read that statement emanating from apologists for depravity HUNDREDS OF TIMES
The motivation for this meaningless statement is the dispelling of any
concept that islam is a threat----to the world. The idea is that islam is SO
that it is nothing more than a shapeless friendly blob of people just like
"you and me and Kermit the frog" Of course "not monolithic" in
CONTRAST ----to the obscenely organized massive force of the
POPE LED CATHOLIC CHURCH and nowhere as horrific as

nope------I have known lots of muslims from dozens of different lands---
from opposite ends of the earth. I have also known jews ---from lots of
different places------A STATEMENT>>>> JUDAISM AND ISLAM are
equally monolithic-----both are in important areas----MONOLITHIC

Today-----in Pakistan---muslims did what muslims do-----they attacked
a school, held children hostage and killed more than 100 children-----so far. The Taliban did it---
the school is one for the children of Pakistani military people and the
Taliban have a thing against the Pakistani Military. Groups doing what
groups do-----is an aspect of being "MONOLITHIC"------tonight the
jewish MONOLITH-----will---in the homes of jews from all parts of the
world do the ZIONIST THING------light up a candle for the MACCABEE
ZIONIST CAUSE ----another example of MONOLITHIC behavior.
Yesterday-----an Iranian muslim acted in accordance with the Islamic
MONOLITH------attacked a café----held coffee drinkers hostage and killed a few. Remember the Russian school that the Chechniyans held and in which they murdered for the glory of allah? Once is an accident and not a monolith----twice is a coincidence---not yet a monolith
three times is MONOLITHIC----a few hundred times is very monolithic
The children in that school were also muslim. Who did they attack?

what point are you trying to make?------the issue in that case is a group of muslims in opposition to another group. Muslims in
opposition to EACH other use the Islamic monolithic method
of warfare. I will help you to understand something that I learned in 1971. At that time WEST PAKISTAN was in
conflict with EAST PAKISTAN ---both muslim countries----
actually at that time ONE muslim country but existing on two
somewhat separate land masses----with the northern part of
India separating them. It was West Pakistan that kinda attacked East Pakistan-----a kinda complex situation----
there were economic ties ---etc----and east Pakistan kinda
rebelled. Other reasons were actually cultural----East Pakistani are BENGALI by culture------they do not even speak the same language spoken in West Pakistan (mostly
Urdu---a kind of Hindustani mixed with Persian elements and
some Arabic expressions)----their cuisines are slightly different. -----but both sides mostly SUNNI MUSLIM.
Whom did they attack? ------Muslims cannot attack
other muslims-------but for every dilemma there is an
answer. West Pakistan declared the east Bengali muslims of east Pakistan NOT MUSLIMS ----by virtue of an edict
of TAKFIR-------then commenced raping and killing them. ----
The ENEMY OF A MUSLIM ----is never a muslim---whether he likes it or not
The children in that school were also muslim. Who did they attack?

what point are you trying to make?------the issue in that case is a group of muslims in opposition to another group. Muslims in
opposition to EACH other use the Islamic monolithic method
of warfare. I will help you to understand something that I learned in 1971. At that time WEST PAKISTAN was in
conflict with EAST PAKISTAN ---both muslim countries----
actually at that time ONE muslim country but existing on two
somewhat separate land masses----with the northern part of
India separating them. It was West Pakistan that kinda attacked East Pakistan-----a kinda complex situation----
there were economic ties ---etc----and east Pakistan kinda
rebelled. Other reasons were actually cultural----East Pakistani are BENGALI by culture------they do not even speak the same language spoken in West Pakistan (mostly
Urdu---a kind of Hindustani mixed with Persian elements and
some Arabic expressions)----their cuisines are slightly different. -----but both sides mostly SUNNI MUSLIM.
Whom did they attack? ------Muslims cannot attack
other muslims-------but for every dilemma there is an
answer. West Pakistan declared the east Bengali muslims of east Pakistan NOT MUSLIMS ----by virtue of an edict
of TAKFIR-------then commenced raping and killing them. ----
The ENEMY OF A MUSLIM ----is never a muslim---whether he likes it or not

Never mind. I violated my own rule and you just reminded me why I have it. I'll leave you to your merry stone throwing.
It is horrible of course. This has been going on so long. They say the Taliban's in Afghanistan are the same as the Pakistan Talibans they are both Pashtum people,

what do you think of this?

Anthropology and oral traditions
See also: Theory of Pashtun descent from Israelites and Dasht-e Yahudi
Early Pashtun photograph depicting AmirSher Ali Khan with Prince Abdullah (seated), Ghaznavid Khan Nasher (standing with turban) and other Pashtun Khans in 1869.
Some anthropologists lend credence to the oral traditions of the Pashtun tribes themselves. For example, according to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the theory of Pashtun descent from Israelites is traced to Maghzan-e-Afghani who compiled a history for Khan-e-Jehan Lodhi in the reign of Mughal Emperor Jehangir in the 17th century.[55] Another book that corresponds with Pashtun historical records, Taaqati-Nasiri, states that in the 7th century BC a people called the Bani Israel settled in the Ghor region of Afghanistan and from there began migrating southeast. These references to Bani Israel agree with the commonly held view by Pashtuns that when the twelve tribes of Israel were dispersed (see Israel and Judah), the tribe of Joseph, among other Hebrew tribes, settled in the Afghanistan region.[68] This oral tradition is widespread among the Pashtun tribes. There have been many legends over the centuries of descent from the Ten Lost Tribes after groups converted to Christianity and Islam. Hence the tribal name Yusufzai in Pashto translates to the "son of Joseph". A similar story is told by many historians, including the 14th century Ibn Battuta and 16th century Ferishta.[17]
One conflicting issue in the belief that the Pashtuns descend from the Israelites is that the Ten Lost Tribes were exiled by the ruler of Assyria, while Maghzan-e-Afghani says they were permitted by the ruler to go east to Afghanistan. This inconsistency can be explained by the fact that Persia acquired the lands of the ancient Assyrian Empire when it conquered the Empire of the Medes and Chaldean Babylonia, which had conquered Assyria decades earlier. But no ancient author mentions such a transfer of Israelites further east, or no ancient extra-Biblical texts refer to the Ten Lost Tribes at all.
Pashtun people - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Or it could be a much more obvious cause. If Peru decided people they didn't like were hiding in your home town and dropped a few bombs to kill them, killing members of your family in the process - how do you think you might feel about Peru? How do you think you might feel about your own government if they supported what Peru was doing? Do you think it's just possible you might become radicalized?

Perhaps rather than blame a religion, we might just want to put ourselves in the place of these people and honestly ask ourselves how we would react. Of course, that would require we also honestly accept the responsibility for our part in this issue. So I guess not.
the Taliban are west Pakistanis-----unrelated to the Afghanis.
I have known many people who proudly have Taliban relatives
and friends . The jews of Afghanistan have a real history----
not the imaginary crap that the islamo Nazi pigs conjure----
there are none left in Afghanistan today. Afghani jews are LITERATE----unlike the islamo Nazi pigs who declare that they
are related to todays muslims.

Literate people do not DEVOLVE into illiteracy. In fact the
Afghanis were-----some 1600 years ago----quite a force in
Talmudic Studies----some of their scholars are still quoted. There certainly were a few afghani jews-----but they all left.
There is no evidence whatsoever that the Pashtun people of
today------have any link to jews. LINQUISTICALLY
they are related to Iranians----no link at all to Hebrew. The proposal that the Taliban are PASHTUN people and not
Pakistanis -----is actually hilarious It seems like something
that the islamo Nazi pigs develope having never known people from whom the Taliban are drawn. Nazi shit remains Nazi shit. Jews never stop using the Hebrew language at least a bit. Somehow the tiny remnant of
Afghani jews never did-----even after many centuries of
complete separation from other jews. ----for the record---
a very famous rabbi Talmudist of, I believe,, the second century AD------was from a yeshiva in KABUL-----Rabbi
Ishmael. I was intrigued when I saw the name-----today
jews no longer use the name "Ishmael"'

PS---the rapist pig of Arabia was not related to jews either

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