Not one pair of work boots has been stolen in MO looting. why is that?


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
People like to loot. they also like to rob stores and steal cigarettes. they also like to claim that thieves and robbers are their kids and send out condolences. But what I want to know is, how come not one pair of working boots was stolen with all the looting in Missouri?

I call on Obama, or who ever it is that pulls his strings to dismantle the welfare state and put people back to work. only I believe that my calls will fall on deaf ears and nothing will change until we have a real leader, and the real leader will never participate on political debates orchestrated by international bankers on the mass media which they control. a working man needs to stand up as a leader. Thank you for reading.
It's because everyone working owns a pair and the ones who don't own a pair, never want to own a pair. Plus, work boots aren't much of a fashion statement.
Not one pair of work boots has been stolen in MO looting. why is that?

Really going for that Lazy ******* dig eh? Okay...
What kinda redneck area do you live in if they sell workboots at the convenience store?

"C'mon, Mabel! Let's go mud wrastle and catfish noodle before gettin' my workboots at the Circle K!"

Regards from Rosie
What kinda redneck area do you live in if they sell workboots at the convenience store?

"C'mon, Mabel! Let's go mud wrastle and catfish noodle before gettin' my workboots at the Circle K!"

Regards from Rosie
The OP doesn't ask about the looting of a convenience store. It asks about the looting in MO.

So why haven't we heard reports of work boots being pilfered? Because stealing is a job that requires sneakers.
Probably havent heard about every little pixie stick or toilet tissue that was stolen, either.

Is this a failure in reporting, or a case of who gives a flying fuck? I report, you just died.
What kinda redneck area do you live in if they sell workboots at the convenience store?

"C'mon, Mabel! Let's go mud wrastle and catfish noodle before gettin' my workboots at the Circle K!"

Regards from Rosie
The OP doesn't ask about the looting of a convenience store. It asks about the looting in MO.

So why haven't we heard reports of work boots being pilfered? Because stealing is a job that requires sneakers.

The area where the rioting occured did not have Macy's and Bloomingdale's, son. They rioted in their OWN area. Not even fresh fruit in any of the foodstores, you betcha.

That said, I married into a redneck family and Hubby just informed me that the Circle K at the southern tip of Lake Okeechobee (South Bay) does sell Dickies work pants and workboots.

So, nevermind.

Regards from Rosie
I don't believe . I'm sure some were stolen to sell to whites and Mexicans at flea markets.
What kinda redneck area do you live in if they sell workboots at the convenience store?

"C'mon, Mabel! Let's go mud wrastle and catfish noodle before gettin' my workboots at the Circle K!"

Regards from Rosie
The OP doesn't ask about the looting of a convenience store. It asks about the looting in MO.

So why haven't we heard reports of work boots being pilfered? Because stealing is a job that requires sneakers.

I saw something about some people stealing rims, and there have been comments about alcohol being stolen.

What else?? I know work boots were singled out, but what else was stolen that they mentioned by name??
What kinda redneck area do you live in if they sell workboots at the convenience store?

"C'mon, Mabel! Let's go mud wrastle and catfish noodle before gettin' my workboots at the Circle K!"

Regards from Rosie
The OP doesn't ask about the looting of a convenience store. It asks about the looting in MO.

So why haven't we heard reports of work boots being pilfered? Because stealing is a job that requires sneakers.

I saw something about some people stealing rims, and there have been comments about alcohol being stolen.

What else?? I know work boots were singled out, but what else was stolen that they mentioned by name??
Not one oven or range has been stolen in all the looting in Missouri!! Because those blacks don't cook!

Not one tube of Clearasil has been stolen in all the looting in Missouri!! Because those black don't get zits.

Not one calculator has been stolen in all the looting in Missouri!! Because those blacks pay someone to do their taxes.
The OP doesn't ask about the looting of a convenience store. It asks about the looting in MO.

So why haven't we heard reports of work boots being pilfered? Because stealing is a job that requires sneakers.

I saw something about some people stealing rims, and there have been comments about alcohol being stolen.

What else?? I know work boots were singled out, but what else was stolen that they mentioned by name??

So no word of anyone stealing recliners, lawn furniture, file cabinets, aquariums, dining room furniture, light bulbs, screwdrivers, jigsaw puzzles, or boxes of cheerios?

Good to know.

Ferguson Protesters Guard Stores From Looters

Honorable blacks protecting their community.
You have a master list of what has been stolen? I haven't seen one. I haven't even seen a confirmed report that anything has been stolen.

people like stealing? Really? Is there data on this?

if there is looting going on, it has nothing to do with jobs and everything to do with people taking advantage of a volatile situation
You have a master list of what has been stolen? I haven't seen one. I haven't even seen a confirmed report that anything has been stolen.

people like stealing? Really? Is there data on this?

if there is looting going on, it has nothing to do with jobs and everything to do with people taking advantage of a volatile situation

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