Not one pair of work boots has been stolen in MO looting. why is that?

People like to loot. they also like to rob stores and steal cigarettes. they also like to claim that thieves and robbers are their kids and send out condolences. But what I want to know is, how come not one pair of working boots was stolen with all the looting in Missouri?

I call on Obama, or who ever it is that pulls his strings to dismantle the welfare state and put people back to work. only I believe that my calls will fall on deaf ears and nothing will change until we have a real leader, and the real leader will never participate on political debates orchestrated by international bankers on the mass media which they control. a working man needs to stand up as a leader. Thank you for reading.

Yo find out who shot down da plain yet?
Britain, which is part of the axis of the good has the black box, but ever since the world community lost interest in the case or as to why Ukraine failed to release flight control data explaining why the plane was derailed to fly over a war zone as it was flying over US/EU backed Ukraine. So naturally I am convinced that it was the axis of nations indebted to international bankers that shot it down
People like to loot. they also like to rob stores and steal cigarettes. they also like to claim that thieves and robbers are their kids and send out condolences. But what I want to know is, how come not one pair of working boots was stolen with all the looting in Missouri?

I call on Obama, or who ever it is that pulls his strings to dismantle the welfare state and put people back to work. only I believe that my calls will fall on deaf ears and nothing will change until we have a real leader, and the real leader will never participate on political debates orchestrated by international bankers on the mass media which they control. a working man needs to stand up as a leader. Thank you for reading.

I actually agree

Let's put people back to work and then dismantle the welfare state. Even you would agree we can't dismantle the welfare state if there are no jobs in the area
Not a single tin of caviar was stolen either

They must have left it for the rich people
Who reported to you that not one pair of work boots was stolen? The easter bunny?

I remember the days here when one would be infracted for not posting a link to their assertions. :thup:
So how many infractions would that give to the mass media for blaming Putting for shooting down the passenger plane which was derailed while flying over Ukraine to fly off course over a war zone? or should they all be permanently banned?
People like to loot. they also like to rob stores and steal cigarettes. they also like to claim that thieves and robbers are their kids and send out condolences. But what I want to know is, how come not one pair of working boots was stolen with all the looting in Missouri?

I call on Obama, or who ever it is that pulls his strings to dismantle the welfare state and put people back to work. only I believe that my calls will fall on deaf ears and nothing will change until we have a real leader, and the real leader will never participate on political debates orchestrated by international bankers on the mass media which they control. a working man needs to stand up as a leader. Thank you for reading.

I actually agree

Let's put people back to work and then dismantle the welfare state. Even you would agree we can't dismantle the welfare state if there are no jobs in the area
Exactly. and not only that, but taxes must be cut - internet tax, telephone tax - all disguised as "services" - these should all be free in the modern world like paychecks for the military, because they were invented by the people funded by tax payers. I made a speech about that:

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Perhaps instead of destroying and looting, these select black folk should put their energy towards getting jobs, staying out of trouble, and being decent human beings in general. Maybe buy some respectable clothing, too.
Perhaps instead of destroying and looting, these select black folk should put their energy towards getting jobs, staying out of trouble, and being decent human beings in general. Maybe buy some respectable clothing, too.

Get a job.......the solution to the worlds problems

That, and cut taxes
Perhaps instead of destroying and looting, these select black folk should put their energy towards getting jobs, staying out of trouble, and being decent human beings in general. Maybe buy some respectable clothing, too.

Get a job.......the solution to the worlds problems

That, and cut taxes

“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” ― Barack Obama
People like to loot. they also like to rob stores and steal cigarettes. they also like to claim that thieves and robbers are their kids and send out condolences. But what I want to know is, how come not one pair of working boots was stolen with all the looting in Missouri?

I call on Obama, or who ever it is that pulls his strings to dismantle the welfare state and put people back to work. only I believe that my calls will fall on deaf ears and nothing will change until we have a real leader, and the real leader will never participate on political debates orchestrated by international bankers on the mass media which they control. a working man needs to stand up as a leader. Thank you for reading.

Yo find out who shot down da plain yet?
Britain, which is part of the axis of the good has the black box, but ever since the world community lost interest in the case or as to why Ukraine failed to release flight control data explaining why the plane was derailed to fly over a war zone as it was flying over US/EU backed Ukraine. So naturally I am convinced that it was the axis of nations indebted to international bankers that shot it down

Would you be distressed to find out that somewhere there exists the taped conversation of the rebels and their Russian assistant acquiring and targeting and firing on the plane?

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