Not only as we are seeing the elections in the swing states were rigged, BUT the MSM exploited COVID!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
As we are finding out more and more everyday that the swing states like GA, AZ, PA,etc. had ineligible voters to the tune of
nearly 35,000 alone in GA where Biden's margin of victory was 12,800
In Georgia, there was both an audit and a statewide recount confirming Biden’s victory, but ignored in the process was evidence that nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally.
New evidence indicates that more than 10,300 illegal votes were cast in Georgia in the November 2020 general election — a number that will continue to rise over the next several months, potentially exceeding the 12,670 votes that separated Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

But in addition using COVID as an excuse these swing states manipulated JUNK MAIL voting... defined as where the state mails out to all registered voters, (whether they moved or not...) ballots, i.e. as in GA.
Using that excuse the anti-trumpers (including RINOs) worked the system by encouraging the MSM to report COVID deaths every day.
Well for every day since 2/7/20 I've tracked the world wide deaths from this web site:
And the interesting data that almost ALL of the MSM NEVER reported was this:
A) 2.16% of the 186,962,271 reported cases died. World wide.
B) Now in the USA where the care was much better than many other places COVID deaths as of:
7/10/21 deaths: 622,708 of the 332,507,536 in the USA or 0.187%!!!
How many people die and how many are born each year?
So why did the MSM everyday for nearly all of 2020 daily pound US population about the deaths!
Oh woe was the USA!
0.18% deaths!
Political position taken by the MSM that did the below in 2016 and since they didn't succeed in phony news about Trump and those of us truly honest people after putting 96% of their donations to Hillary they swore it wouldn't happen again in 2020!
And it didn't because of the COVID phony news day in and day out!
Think about 5,020,000,000 Google results for "COVID"...
In just the News...4,260,000,000 results!
This Is explanation enough of why the truly mass majority of Americans are getting truly tired of the biased MSM/Democrats and their combined efforts to destroy the USA?
Again folks I don't make any of this up! I have links to statements like this one...

Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study​

I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.
Any word on where the great Arizona "forensic audit" stands. It's been awfully quiet lately.

Also, any word on when Trump takes over again. August is supposedly the do or die month for the faithful since May didn't work out for them.
Actually there will be no "take-over" which is what the Anti-Trumpers conspiracy theory people promote.
Trump is building for 2022 congressional take over. Then those growing number of HONEST politicians will begin
all the investigations of the Bidens!
I think if Trump decides to resume in 2024 that may happen but there is a growing number of people like Trump who
are positioning themselves as ANYTHING better than the CRT/WOKE/Communist/ group.

Pennsylvania Prepares Arizona-Style Election Audit As Lawmaker Demands Counties Turn Over Voting Equipment​

Jul 7, 2021,

Arizona State Senate To Subpoena Election Routers, Passwords To Complete Audit

July 2, 2021/in Elections, Featured, News, Policy, Politics /by Pamela Geller

If the machines are not able to undergo a forensic audit to verify the presidential election results, then they never should have been approved to be used in an election in the first place.
Any word on where the great Arizona "forensic audit" stands. It's been awfully quiet lately.

Also, any word on when Trump takes over again. August is supposedly the do or die month for the faithful since May didn't work out for them.
I hadnt heard about May. Was that the replacement date for 4Mar?
Any word on where the great Arizona "forensic audit" stands. It's been awfully quiet lately.

Also, any word on when Trump takes over again. August is supposedly the do or die month for the faithful since May didn't work out for them.
Why ask? You know you'll join the howler monkey brigade in denying the results, well, unless they happen to prove your turnip in chief actually won.
The silly propaganda about Trump being "installed" is nothing but a Leftist gag reel. There could be absolute, undeniable evidence that he won and there still wouldn't be a legal mechanism to give him the office.

The more important question for us all is, IF he runs again and wins... what do you think the Left will do? What would YOU believe was justified as a reaction if he won in 2024? I mean, the assumption would be that the Left would absolutely refuse to either acknowledge his legitimacy OR to follow any orders he gave. Do you think America would survive that?
Why didn't the MSM report this???
March 27, 2021
Of the 526,028 deaths in the United States involving COVID-19, as officially reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 238 have been in children 17 and younger.
So then WHY were there school closures? So why are kids forced were masks?

Facemasks aside, I find it interesting that republicans demand that the children be allowed to return to school....YET....the schools are supposed to be the hotbeds of Marxist indoctrination. Perhaps they should be ensuring that their children be educated elsewhere.
healthmyths great post . Full of facts. Unfortunately democrats will soon be here to lie and deny with zero facts.
Oh for crying out loud..your Cheeto Jesus lost, get over it already.
Your party and its media 5th column went into full rebellion mode for 4 years after Trump won in 2016. You hardly have any credibility as anything but a whiny bitch.
Why didn't the MSM report this???
March 27, 2021
Of the 526,028 deaths in the United States involving COVID-19, as officially reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 238 have been in children 17 and younger.
So then WHY were there school closures? So why are kids forced were masks?

Facemasks aside, I find it interesting that republicans demand that the children be allowed to return to school....YET....the schools are supposed to be the hotbeds of Marxist indoctrination. Perhaps they should be ensuring that their children be educated elsewhere.
Yep, shoulda been a perfect time to strike down the state indoctrination centers and champion education
Why didn't the MSM report this???
March 27, 2021
Of the 526,028 deaths in the United States involving COVID-19, as officially reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 238 have been in children 17 and younger.
So then WHY were there school closures? So why are kids forced were masks?

Facemasks aside, I find it interesting that republicans demand that the children be allowed to return to school....YET....the schools are supposed to be the hotbeds of Marxist indoctrination. Perhaps they should be ensuring that their children be educated elsewhere.
They have no choice but to pay the taxes for the schools. They have EVERY RIGHT to protest ANY school teacher that attempts to deceive them about their lessons and their indoctrination. Their plans to brainwash children on a scale not seen since the Cultural Revolution in China, is being derailed all over the country. They've been hit so hard that the NEA got pissed and doubled down about forcing this anti-white garbage on our kids. Meanwhile, school boards across the nation are being contested by parents demanding change. Looks like the resistance is gaining ground.
healthmyths great post . Full of facts. Unfortunately democrats will soon be here to lie and deny with zero facts.
Still crying in your beer over the fact that Dotard had his ass beat by Biden, I see. Guess what? All your pissing & moaning, unhinged rants, lies, conspracy theories about bamboo, Italian space lasers, dead people voting, rigged Dominion machines, ballots from China & the rest of the bullshit won't changed the fact that Trump had his ass handed back to him by Biden.

Get a job, a life, laid, a hobby & get over it.
Why didn't the MSM report this???
March 27, 2021
Of the 526,028 deaths in the United States involving COVID-19, as officially reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 238 have been in children 17 and younger.
So then WHY were there school closures? So why are kids forced were masks?

Facemasks aside, I find it interesting that republicans demand that the children be allowed to return to school....YET....the schools are supposed to be the hotbeds of Marxist indoctrination. Perhaps they should be ensuring that their children be educated elsewhere.
Yep, shoulda been a perfect time to strike down the state indoctrination centers and champion education
Yea, let's do away with public education & turn it over to the private sector, right genius? Yea, let's go back to the the days before public education was instituted so that only the wealthy can be educated, right idiot?
healthmyths great post . Full of facts. Unfortunately democrats will soon be here to lie and deny with zero facts.
Oh for crying out loud..your Cheeto Jesus lost, get over it already.
Your party and its media 5th column went into full rebellion mode for 4 years after Trump won in 2016. You hardly have any credibility as anything but a whiny bitch.
LOL!!..waaa..waaa.waaa Our Chosen One lost because they cheated..waaaa

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