Not suitable for rw's

Wow...Leibowitz donned his knee pads for the DNC and Clintoon?!?!?

Only way to respond to shameless douchebag DNC fluffers, like Leibowitz and the mutts at HuffyPuffy: Mockery and derision.

Get used to it, hackopottamus.
Has the max percent overhead provision for insurance companys taken effect?
Jon Stewart Praises Bill Clinton's 'Amazing' DNC Math (VIDEO)

rw's will hate this because it is absolutely fact:

Clinton used actual numbers while Mittens just did his usual, 'we'll do something but we won't tell you what until after the election'.

Bill is such a great speaker that he can sometimes lull us into forgetting he's the president who led the country into the dot com bubble that wiped out much of America's retirement savings and gave us the recession of 2001 or that he's the president who repealed the Glass Steagall Act which many economists on the left believe was a major factor in giving us the financial crisis that has led us into the recent recession and our current non recovery. Yes sir, he can still sometimes seduce us into believing he's a guy who really does know what he's talking about and got everything right during his term in office other than playing hide the cigar with an intern in the Oval Office and committing perjury about it. He is a very talented speaker.

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