Not surprised about the drop in number of people on unemployment

And yet, the number of people coming to the community suppers, coming to the foodbank, coming to eh church for free lunches is going up and up and up.
The % of citizens in the workforce is lower than it has been in the modern era... no matter how they calculate it otherwise to exclude people because of whatever reason for the unemployment % number that is published
And yet, the number of people coming to the community suppers, coming to the foodbank, coming to eh church for free lunches is going up and up and up.

Are you surprised at the drop?
The % of citizens in the workforce is lower than it has been in the modern era... no matter how they calculate it otherwise to exclude people because of whatever reason for the unemployment % number that is published

True but are you surprised?
Number of people on welfare = Up
Number of people receiving food stamps = UP
Number of people living in poverty = UP
Unemployment number is down.

Who out there cannot put this together?
A few months ago I said as we get closer to the election the number of people on unemployment will drop. Guess what I was right. obama's labor department must be working overtime to cook those numbers to not look suspicious.

How? Run us through the process and tell us when and how the numbers can be manipulated. If you actually look at it, you'd see it's pretty much impossible to do. BLS is an independent statistical organization, has never had anyone appointed by Obama in charge, so no one there would have any motive, and they would face oversight and would be spotted by Census or BEA or Congress, or academics doing research.

But please, if you think you know how they're doing it share. And contact your Congressman for an investigation.
True...most likely it's because people are being dropped from unemployment because of the length of time they've been on it...they're not counted anymore. Now they have to depend on food stamps and welfare to survive. Most people should realize this, things are no better!
True...most likely it's because people are being dropped from unemployment because of the length of time they've been on it...they're not counted anymore. Now they have to depend on food stamps and welfare to survive. Most people should realize this, things are no better!

How many boomers are retiring every day?

Oh, and you're wrong about people being dropped because of the length of time being unemployed. They're counted if they're actively seeking work.
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True...most likely it's because people are being dropped from unemployment because of the length of time they've been on it...they're not counted anymore.

Except the Unemployment rate is not and has never been based on people collecting unemployment benefits. It plays no part of the calculations. A 16 year old looking for his first job is classified as Unemployed.
True...most likely it's because people are being dropped from unemployment because of the length of time they've been on it...they're not counted anymore. Now they have to depend on food stamps and welfare to survive. Most people should realize this, things are no better!

How many boomers are retiring every day?

Oh, and you're wrong about people being dropped because of the length of time being unemployed. They're counted if they're actively seeking work.

How many boomers are retiring every day?
Why do you ask a question that has been answered already?
Not surprising at all. obama's labor department is working over time to cook those numbers

Jobs Report August 2012: US economy adds 96K jobs, rate falls to 8.1 pct. |

Reb the government has changed how it figures unemployment twice in my lifetime.....

The intent each time was to manipulate the numbers downward.

Details please? With links to BLS or Census detailing these changes, of course...not some blogger.

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