Not that we need another reason to be repulsed by liberals.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

Just another day of liberal pieces of shit and their absolute intolerance for anyone who doesn't embrace their perversions and deviance.

Even the meat puppet faggot gets some attention with another example of what a complete piece of shit he is, taking an established company to court in order to steal their trademark. These are truly some of the most vile pieces of shit ever to exist on our soil.

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Mark Dice actually makes me like liberals in comparison to him. :dunno:

He can be annoying, but would you have ever heard of the slimy underhanded efforts the moonbat messiah was making to try and steal another company's trademark on CNN?

It did take me a while to take the guy serious after finding out he was into the 9/11 truffer bullshit, but he does have some informative content.

He can be annoying, but would you have ever heard of the slimy underhanded efforts the moonbat messiah was making to try and steal another company's trademark on CNN?.

I didn't make it that far. I bailed out when he started trashing Mario Lopez. Nobody talks shit on A.C. Slater, and and gets away with it. :mad:
How strange it is to see someone claim to be Christian calling his fellow man meat puppet faggots, complete pieces of shit, and the most vile pieces of shit.

What would Jesus do? Nobody wears those gum band bracelets any longer. I guess the sentiment went into the garbage along with the gum band.
Does Mark Dice have a production crew? Somebody should tell him that wearing a black shirt with a black background is a retarded idea.
Just another day of liberal pieces of shit and their absolute intolerance for anyone who doesn't embrace their perversions and deviance.
Even the meat puppet faggot gets some attention with another example of what a complete piece of shit he is, taking an established company to court in order to steal their trademark. These are truly some of the most vile pieces of shit ever to exist on our soil.

Remember when all they wanted was to not be discriminated against? Now they demand that you accept their perversion. I have always understood the militant faggot agenda. Next will be the ultimate attack on the biggest Church in the world, the Catholic Churh, which is one of the last BIG bulwarks against fags and allowing women to be priests and all that.

The Catholic Catechism states:

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

Catechism of the Catholic Church - The sixth commandment
How strange it is to see someone claim to be Christian calling his fellow man meat puppet faggots, complete pieces of shit, and the most vile pieces of shit.

What would Jesus do? Nobody wears those gum band bracelets any longer. I guess the sentiment went into the garbage along with the gum band.
What would Jesus do?
I suggest reading some Jesus quotes.
Jesus wasn’t subtle.
What does the Catechism say about adultery and divorce?

Adultery is a sin. All Christian Churches teach that.

The Catholic Church is the last Christian Church to still deny divorce. it is a non sequitur.

If you are trying to smear Trump, forget it. Christianity teaches repentance and forgiveness of sins. Any sin can be forgiven if you repent. The militant faggots do NOT repent of their sodomy therefore they are not forgiven.
What does the Catechism say about adultery and divorce?

Adultery is a sin. All Christian Churches teach that.

The Catholic Church is the last Christian Church to still deny divorce. it is a non sequitur.

If you are trying to smear Trump, forget it. Christianity teaches repentance and forgiveness of sins. Any sin can be forgiven if you repent. The militant faggots do NOT repent of their sodomy therefore they are not forgiven.
sounds more like even application of emotional outbursts so you don't look like the very people you're "bursting" at.
sounds more like even application of emotional outbursts so you don't look like the very people you're "bursting" at.

I don't "dislike" homosexuals. I also do not dislike people who suffer from kleptomania, or alcoholism. Its not their fault. But unlike others, I have the courage to tell them that they have a problem and need help. That makes me more loving than the assholes who enable their disorders.

If you had a good friend who was an alcoholic, would you enable him, or would you tell him he needs help even if he gets angry at you for it?
sounds more like even application of emotional outbursts so you don't look like the very people you're "bursting" at.

I don't "dislike" homosexuals. I also do not dislike people who suffer from kleptomania, or alcoholism. Its not their fault. But unlike others, I have the courage to tell them that they have a problem and need help. That makes me more loving than the assholes who enable their disorders.

If you had a good friend who was an alcoholic, would you enable him, or would you tell him he needs help even if he gets angry at you for it?
i'm a recovering alcoholic.

the last thing i give a shit about are people who think they can save me without knowing me first.
i'm a recovering alcoholic.
the last thing i give a shit about are people who think they can save me without knowing me first.

So, if you were still drinking, and someone came up to you and said, "You need help man. I can tell you where an AA meeting is," you probably would have pushed back and told them to mind their own business. Is that right?
i'm a recovering alcoholic.
the last thing i give a shit about are people who think they can save me without knowing me first.

So, if you were still drinking, and someone came up to you and said, "You need help man. I can tell you where an AA meeting is," you probably would have pushed back and told them to mind their own business. Is that right?
it's not as simple as you're trying to make it. and because you're trying to use someone elses issues / pain / problems as a way to show what a wonderful person you are - i'll revert back to my tried and true...

fuck off.
i'm a recovering alcoholic.
the last thing i give a shit about are people who think they can save me without knowing me first.

So, if you were still drinking, and someone came up to you and said, "You need help man. I can tell you where an AA meeting is," you probably would have pushed back and told them to mind their own business. Is that right?
it's not as simple as you're trying to make it. and because you're trying to use someone elses issues / pain / problems as a way to show what a wonderful person you are - i'll revert back to my tried and true...

I am making a simple point: It is no more hateful to tell a homosexual that they need help than it is to tell an alcoholic that they need help. Very simple. You are the one who is complicating it

fuck off.

Right back attcha' dickhead
What does the Catechism say about adultery and divorce?

Adultery is a sin. All Christian Churches teach that.

The Catholic Church is the last Christian Church to still deny divorce. it is a non sequitur.

If you are trying to smear Trump, forget it. Christianity teaches repentance and forgiveness of sins. Any sin can be forgiven if you repent. The militant faggots do NOT repent of their sodomy therefore they are not forgiven.
And first among Tump's virtues is his penitence!
i'm a recovering alcoholic.
the last thing i give a shit about are people who think they can save me without knowing me first.

So, if you were still drinking, and someone came up to you and said, "You need help man. I can tell you where an AA meeting is," you probably would have pushed back and told them to mind their own business. Is that right?
it's not as simple as you're trying to make it. and because you're trying to use someone elses issues / pain / problems as a way to show what a wonderful person you are - i'll revert back to my tried and true...

I am making a simple point: It is no more hateful to tell a homosexual that they need help than it is to tell an alcoholic that they need help. Very simple. You are the one who is complicating it

fuck off.

Right back attcha' dickhead
Alcoholism is a disease.
I am making a simple point: It is no more hateful to tell a homosexual that they need help than it is to tell an alcoholic that they need help. Very simple. You are the one who is complicating it.

There is nothing similar between an alcoholic and a homosexual. The former is an addiction that is damaging to the body and the latter is a lifestyle choice that does no harm to anyone.

You are such a hate filled bigot.
i'm a recovering alcoholic.
the last thing i give a shit about are people who think they can save me without knowing me first.

So, if you were still drinking, and someone came up to you and said, "You need help man. I can tell you where an AA meeting is," you probably would have pushed back and told them to mind their own business. Is that right?
it's not as simple as you're trying to make it. and because you're trying to use someone elses issues / pain / problems as a way to show what a wonderful person you are - i'll revert back to my tried and true...

I am making a simple point: It is no more hateful to tell a homosexual that they need help than it is to tell an alcoholic that they need help. Very simple. You are the one who is complicating it

fuck off.

Right back attcha' dickhead
Alcoholism is a disease.

These ignorant backwoods fucks think that homosexuality is also.

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