Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

The 'Gun Control' Farce: Part II
Enabling zealots to feel good about themselves at the cost of other people's lives.
October 16, 2015
Thomas Sowell

The grand illusion of zealots for laws preventing ordinary, law-abiding people from having guns is that "gun control" laws actually control guns. In a country with many millions of guns, not all of them registered, this is a fantasy and a farce.

Guns do not vanish into thin air because there are gun control laws. Guns — whether legal or illegal — can last for centuries. Passing laws against guns may enable zealots to feel good about themselves, but at the cost of other people's lives.

Why anyone would think that criminals who disobey other laws, including laws against murder, would obey gun control laws is a mystery. A disarmed population makes crime a safer occupation and street violence a safer sport.

The "knockout game" of suddenly throwing a punch to the head of some unsuspecting passer-by would not be nearly so much fun for street hoodlums, if there was a serious risk that the passer-by was carrying a concealed firearm.

Being knocked out in a boxing ring means landing on the canvas. But being knocked out on a street usually means landing on concrete. Victims of the knockout game have ended up in the hospital or in the morgue.

If, instead, just a few of those who play this sick "game" ended up being shot, that would take a lot of the fun out of it for others who are tempted to play the same "game."


Beginning in 1911, New York had stronger restrictions on gun ownership than London had — and New York still had murder rates that were a multiple of murder rates in London. It was not the laws that made the difference in murder rates. It was the people. That is also true within the United States.

But are gun control zealots interested in truth or in political victory? Or perhaps just moral preening?

The 'Gun Control' Farce: Part II
More pre schoolers are gunned down than cops on duty. Only heartless scum wouldn't want to do something about that.
Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

December 25, 2012
by David L. Goetsch


Why are liberals so determined to avoid dealing with the hard truths about gun violence in America? It’s because they can’t handle the truth. The first and most important truth that must be faced about gun-violence in America is that liberals who are so vocal about passing gun-control laws are hypocrites—they are not interested in reducing gun violence in the first place. They are simply pandering to naïve Americans and those poor grieving families of shooting victims to make it appear that they care and are doing something.

Commenting on the gun-control debate, my business partner and friend, Sean Aland, likes to say: “In America, we have a heart problem, not a gun problem.” Another way to say the same thing is this: Push God aside and you will have Godlessness. Consequently, for liberal pundits and politicians to wring their hands and wonder aloud what is happening to America is nothing but theater. What is happening to America is that we are reaping the harvest of what liberals have been sowing for more than 40 years, a truth liberals can’t handle.


Read more: Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth – Patriot Update

Want some truth?

If the 2nd Amendment absolutists had their way, our country would be awash in fully automatic weapons in the name of 'self-defense.' And do you know what we would have as a result? We would have a national bloodbath that would make today's shootings pale in comparison. We'd have loopy gun nuts pulling out their M-16s (no AR-15 nonsense) and AK-47s and mowing down crowds of people. America would be a terrorist paradise.

Know what we'd get next? Calls for even HEAVIER weapons to be made legal so people could 'defend' themselves. Hell, people wouldn't feel safe anymore just carrying a revolver or even a semi-automatic pistol. No, they'd want all the firepower they could have. It would make the Chicago of the 1930s look like Thoreau's bucolic days at Walden Pond.
More pre schoolers are gunned down than cops on duty. Only heartless scum wouldn't want to do something about that.
Thank you for proving once again that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
More pre schoolers are gunned down than cops on duty. Only heartless scum wouldn't want to do something about that.

You should really list what anti gun extremist group you got that from…they are lying to you….here are the actual numbers from the Centers For Disease Control….Child murder by gun and then by other means………

CDC final death statistics table 10…..

Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12

age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703

Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69

Again...stop reading that crap from the anti gunners...they are lying to you ....
Last edited:
Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

December 25, 2012
by David L. Goetsch


Why are liberals so determined to avoid dealing with the hard truths about gun violence in America? It’s because they can’t handle the truth. The first and most important truth that must be faced about gun-violence in America is that liberals who are so vocal about passing gun-control laws are hypocrites—they are not interested in reducing gun violence in the first place. They are simply pandering to naïve Americans and those poor grieving families of shooting victims to make it appear that they care and are doing something.

Commenting on the gun-control debate, my business partner and friend, Sean Aland, likes to say: “In America, we have a heart problem, not a gun problem.” Another way to say the same thing is this: Push God aside and you will have Godlessness. Consequently, for liberal pundits and politicians to wring their hands and wonder aloud what is happening to America is nothing but theater. What is happening to America is that we are reaping the harvest of what liberals have been sowing for more than 40 years, a truth liberals can’t handle.


Read more: Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth – Patriot Update

Want some truth?

If the 2nd Amendment absolutists had their way, our country would be awash in fully automatic weapons in the name of 'self-defense.' And do you know what we would have as a result? We would have a national bloodbath that would make today's shootings pale in comparison. We'd have loopy gun nuts pulling out their M-16s (no AR-15 nonsense) and AK-47s and mowing down crowds of people. America would be a terrorist paradise.

Know what we'd get next? Calls for even HEAVIER weapons to be made legal so people could 'defend' themselves. Hell, people wouldn't feel safe anymore just carrying a revolver or even a semi-automatic pistol. No, they'd want all the firepower they could have. It would make the Chicago of the 1930s look like Thoreau's bucolic days at Walden Pond.

You guys said that when each state was voting on concealed carry…and it didn't happen…….anywhere….

IN fact, more people own guns now than ever before, and over 13 million people carry guns for self defense…and our gun murder rate is going down, not up…..

And these guys can already buy these weapons….and they aren't using them…..

Semi Auto Rifles kill fewer people each year than knives, clubs and bare hands…….

YOu are just completely wrong……

AR-15s right now can be had for about 800 dollars………and they aren't used by our criminals…

The Criminals in Europe…with their confiscations and extreme gun control laws….they use fully automatic military rifles by choice…….look that up sometime…...
More pre schoolers are gunned down than cops on duty. Only heartless scum wouldn't want to do something about that.

You should really list what anti gun extremist group you got that from…they are lying to you….here are the actual numbers from the Centers For Disease Control….Child murder by gun and then by other means………

CDC final death statistics table 10…..

Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12

age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703

Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69

Again...stop reading that crap from the anti gunners...they are lying to you ....

Read the chart dumb ass. It is preschoolers killed by guns. Not just the ones intentionally murdered.
Guns killed more preschoolers than cops - Business Insider
More pre schoolers are gunned down than cops on duty. Only heartless scum wouldn't want to do something about that.

You should really list what anti gun extremist group you got that from…they are lying to you….here are the actual numbers from the Centers For Disease Control….Child murder by gun and then by other means………

CDC final death statistics table 10…..

Kids murdered by guns....

under 1: 12

age 1-4: 39

age 5-14: 142

total gun murder of children.....193

Kids murdered by other means...

under 1: 270
age 1-4: 298
age 5-14: 135

murder of children by other means.....703

Now, if even if you include gun accidents into the total.....

you are still wrong....

Accidental death by gun for children....

under 1: 3
age 1-4: 27
age 5-14: 39

Total accidental gun death for kids 2013....69

Again...stop reading that crap from the anti gunners...they are lying to you ....

Read the chart dumb ass. It is preschoolers killed by guns. Not just the ones intentionally murdered.
Guns killed more preschoolers than cops - Business Insider
Thank you for proving once again that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Yeah if they do every year they are a dealer.
Nope, that is wrong.
No it's not.
You are simply factually wrong. Go check the definition of "dealer" and get back to me before wasting everyone else's time again.
Translation: I looked it up and you were right.
As always.
The fact you took the time to look it up shows you actually want to have a dialogue. Props to you.
I just want to know what number is acceptable?

How many kids have to die before something is done.. Look at what was done for the Benghazi for 4 dead americans... Why no 9 investigations for Sandy Hook?

Look at the effort taken with Hillary's Emails and next to nothing done for mass shooting.

That is the truly embarrassing thing for America.
I just want to know what number is acceptable?

How many kids have to die before something is done.. Look at what was done for the Benghazi for 4 dead americans... Why no 9 investigations for Sandy Hook?

Look at the effort taken with Hillary's Emails and next to nothing done for mass shooting.

That is the truly embarrassing thing for America.
1. That is all that has to die in order for something useful and effective to be done.

Unfortunately the political infighting and your 'discussion' on the topic centered around methods that have been proven to be 100 percent ineffective, are unconstitutional and have no basis in fact or hard data.

I want to know how many kids have to die before you stop using their warm corpses for your political agenda in passing law that has zero effect in helping defeat the cause of those deaths and start actually trying to come up with actual solutions.
I just want to know what number is acceptable?

How many kids have to die before something is done.. Look at what was done for the Benghazi for 4 dead americans... Why no 9 investigations for Sandy Hook?

Look at the effort taken with Hillary's Emails and next to nothing done for mass shooting.

That is the truly embarrassing thing for America.
1. That is all that has to die in order for something useful and effective to be done.

Unfortunately the political infighting and your 'discussion' on the topic centered around methods that have been proven to be 100 percent ineffective, are unconstitutional and have no basis in fact or hard data.

I want to know how many kids have to die before you stop using their warm corpses for your political agenda in passing law that has zero effect in helping defeat the cause of those deaths and start actually trying to come up with actual solutions.

Why has congress stopped R &D on gun violence?

Where is the gun advocates solution?
More Guns (how does that work on basic country by country comparison?)

One guy has a failed attempt to light his shoe on a plane and now everyone takes off their shoes going on to a plane. 78 people die due to guns a day and there is no background checks.

I suggested a solution which is simple. Want to own a gun, get insurance. Gun violence costs the US taxpayer $229bn a year, there are estimated 300m guns... Do the maths...
Compulsory Gun Insurance just like for Motor Cars...

Personally I very little issue with responsible gun ownership, it is irresponsible gun ownership that is the problem. Insurance companies will insist on gun safes and training courses to lower your premium.
Let the market decide.
Where is the gun advocates solution?
Aggressive enforcement of existing laws.
78 people die due to guns a day and there is no background checks.
This is, of course, a lie.

78 number could be considered low...

When I said no background check. I meant that the background checks aren't universal. Sorry missed a word there on that one.

Without universal checks, it is like have scanners at the airport with a aisle with no security at all...
Where is the gun advocates solution?
Aggressive enforcement of existing laws.
78 people die due to guns a day and there is no background checks.
This is, of course, a lie.
When I said no background check. I meant that the background checks aren't universal. Sorry missed a word there on that one.
Universal background checks are unenforceable and therefore useless.

You have a gun, therefore you had to pass a background check... Simple.

Name please and I check the computer...
Where is the gun advocates solution?
Aggressive enforcement of existing laws.
78 people die due to guns a day and there is no background checks.
This is, of course, a lie.
When I said no background check. I meant that the background checks aren't universal. Sorry missed a word there on that one.
Universal background checks are unenforceable and therefore useless.

I am more mandatory insurance anyway... Have a gun, insure it...

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