Noted global warmist alarmist in 1978

Do these deniers really think if they can convince us of something that isn't true (that the world of science thought an ice age was coming back in the 70's) that somehow that will convince us that there is nothing going on with the climate now?

Apparently they do.

Do they NOT understand that many here were adults in the 70s and we therefore KNOW that the world's scientists did NOT think the world was headed into an ice age?

Talk about your BIG LIE technique!

They're not just trying to rewrite history, they're trying to convince those of us who were THERE, that we don't remember what happened.

What hubris!

I was THERE is the 70s, and there was hysteria over global cooling that would destroy all life on earth as clouds of pollution blocked out the sun. Not only that, but the hole in the ozone layer was going to expand until we all got cancer.

Those were the hysterias of the 70s.

I loved the 1970s.
Strange, I thought no reputable scientist believed there was going to be an ice age.

Once again you thought wrong. The problem comes with the use of absolutes. The real answer is a few did. The question you SHOULD be asking is, why have so many changed their minds? The aerosols which block sunlight have been largely eliminated in the first world and places like China are getting a taste of what it's like if they don't do the same. What hasn't been addressed fully are CO2 and other GHG emissions, hence the overwhelming scientific belief today that we're headed into a period of warming.

The real answer was that pollution was a major concern, alnd all the available atmospheric models predicted that, even if we eliminated all emmisions, the pollution would persist for decades. This was not a fringe position, despite your attempts to rewrite history.

You seem to be missing the point. We've done things about aerosols(cooling agents), it's the CO2 and other GHGs(warming agents) that are the concern. It's amazing that deniers keep bringing this up because it should pose the question, why have so many scientists changed their minds on this point? It's obvious the aerosols aren't the concern anymore, it's the GHGs and resulting AGW, thereby undercutting the deniers' arguments!!!

Actually, you are missing the point. All the extreme predictions based on observation and atmospheric models were wrong about the aerosols, using the same models to make predictions about the effect of greenhouse gasses is likely to be just as accurate.

Thanks for making my point for me though.
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One species pollutant is another species food. :cool:

CO2 levels below 200 ppm completely halts all plant growth. CO2 levels of 1,500 ppm increases plant growth rate and the flowering rate of growth by anywhere from +20% to +100%. CO2 is a necessary component in photosynthesis, without which none of us would be here. Virtually all complex life forms require the waste gas the process of photosynthesis produces. Yet no one takes into consideration that reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere ultimately means reducing the oxygen content in the atmosphere.

The Taiga (boreal) forests refresh our atmosphere with 33% of all the oxygen, the Amazon rainforests add another 28% to our oxygen levels. By attempting to reduce CO2 levels we are, in effect, cutting off our nose to spite our face. What we should be doing is increasing CO2 levels as much as possible without it adversely affecting the other life forms that require oxygen. However, too much oxygen is just as bad (for us) as too much CO2. While it is true that we can breathe 100% oxygen, when levels of oxygen get above around 30%, forest fires will be virtually impossible to put out.

What the Global Fear Mongers fail to tell people or lie about is their self reinforcing runaway global warming model is pure bullshit & US citizens are not causing the warming. The higher CO2 levels get the faster plants sequester CO2 back into the earth. Higher CO2 also increases clouds that reflect sunlight cooling the earth below. Clouds trap heat at night & reflect heat during the day. The USA has drastically cut CO2 emissions over the past 6 years, yet China & other countries keep increasing theirs. Taxing US citizens will do nothing to solve global warming. Other sources of CO2 emissions are greater than man made CO2 emissions.
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