"""Nothing But The Truth"""


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, I think we know now, why Obama ordered the killing of Bin Laden? Obama was Jealous of Bin Laden, the power he had over the Muslims, Obama couldn`t have that, because he wanted that Power!!! """WOW""" Who saw this coming? :dunno:

Political Correctness Will Doom This Country!

Cruz Hearing Exposes the Obama Admin’s History of Purging References to Islamic Terror:dev3:

Cortney O'Brien
Posted: Jun 29, 2016 9:15 AM


When Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) suggested we are still trying to “make sense” of the Orlando terror attack at Tuesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Islamic terrorism, he all but proved Chairman Ted Cruz’s point – political correctness is jeopardizing our national security. One is only still trying to “make sense” of Orlando if one ignores the killer’s pledge to ISIS terrorism, the Texas senator insisted.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

“We cannot combat and defeat radical Islamic terrorism without acknowledging it exists and directing our resources to stopping it,” Cruz said in his opening remarks. “And an Orwellian double think that seeks to excerpt any reference to it, as the Administration did to the president of France, or erase pledges of allegiance to ISIS, as the administration did with the Orlando terrorist, is counterproductive to keeping this country safe.” :clap2::clap2::clap2:

The White House’s decision to redact the Orlando 911 transcript so there was no mention of ISIS was an action that would especially “make George Orwell proud,” he said at the hearing. :disbelief:

In another example of the administration's ability to make key words disappear, a 2013 Judicial Watch report revealed that the FBI scrubbed its law enforcement training material of any language that might be deemed "offensive" to Muslims. Per those guidelines, hundreds of references to "Muslim," "Islam" or "jihad" were removed from the 2004 9/11 commission report.:dev3:

Why Cruz Thinks the Obama Admin's Anti-terrorism Policies Would Make George Orwell Proud

Obama Bin Laden

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