Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Clinton Reaffirms Support For Public Option Socialism In Bid For Sanders Supporters (with no plan to pay for it - per standard operating procedure of Dumbocrats)

Hillary Clinton reaffirmed her support on Saturday for creating a "public option" within Obamacare and allowing people to enroll in Medicare at age 55. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee also called for a substantial increase in funding in medical clinics that serve low-income Americans, fully embracing a proposal from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Clinton Reaffirms Support For Public Option In Bid For Sanders Supporters
No it doesn't. You're stupid. You rant as if that chart were upside down.
It's pretty simple - if that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people who have dropped out of the labor force.

If that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps.

Boom! Game over you blind partisan hack.
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Last week, did you work at least one hour for pay? If yes, then you're in the labor force.
If you did not work at least one hour last week then did you do anything at all in the last 4 weeks that could have gotten you a job? If yes then you're in the labor force.
We have record number of people on food stamps and record number of people out of the labor force. Both occurred under Barack Obama. No matter how hard you attempt to spin it, you can't hide from the truth.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

One of the most liberal areas of our nation is King County Washington state.

Which is where Seattle is. Seattle will have 15 dollar minimum wage next year. Right now it's above 11 dollars an hour.

The city of Seatac already has 15 dollar an hour minimum wage. Seatac is in King county.

The unemployment rate in King County is 4.4%. Which is below the national average.

When people have money they spend it. That puts money in the cash registers of all business in the area which in turn creates jobs.

If you look at the areas of the state with conservatives, you will see the unemployment rate is anywhere from 6% on up. They don't have the higher minimum wage so people in those areas don't have the extra money in their pockets to spend to support local businesses.

If you knew anything about how capitalism works you would know that the free flow of money is required for capitalism to work. When you concentrate most of the money in a few hands, capitalism stops working.

Capitalism needs people with money to be consumers to buy the products and services business offers.

For people in a party that screams that capitalism is the only economic system that really works, you people sure don't have a clue on how capitalism works.
How many multi-million dollar companies have you lead? Donald has 550.
Show Dishonest Donald's tax returns that prove that claim.
Show Obama's college transcripts first.
Show Dishonest Donald's college transcripts first.
You first with your Obamas.....
Still waiting for Dishonest Donald's "unbelievable" birfer report!
What he should provide a report on is how a poor boy from a broken home attended not one, but two exclusive Ivy League institutions while telling everyone he was (and I quote) "born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia". So either he wasn't a U.S. citizen or he fleeced the American tax payer by attending college as a foreign student receiving aid. Which story do you want to run with Eddy? I'm certain it will be which ever one you feel is less damning to your idol.
When people have money they spend it. That puts money in the cash registers of all business in the area which in turn creates jobs.
Yeah....and people need jobs to have money to spend. And liberal policy puts people out of jobs.

Yes, Some Companies Are Cutting Hours In Response To ‘Obamacare’

Companies Are Cutting Part-Time Workers' Hours. Blame Obamacare?

Employees working fewer hours due to Obamacare: survey

CBO: Of Course Raising the Minimum Wage Will Eliminate Jobs (Guess By How Much)

A $15 Minimum Wage Would Cost 6.6 Million Jobs. Yes, 6,600,000 Jobs

Oh look....right from your state of Washington!!! Gee...imagine that....

More jobs lost due to a $15 minimum wage

Here is the bottom line with you ignorant, immature, idealists. In the 1930's, conservatives warned you what would happen with Social Security (that it was unsustainable). You idiots wouldn't listen. History has proven us right. In the 1960's, conservatives warned you what would happen with Medicare and Medicaid (that it was unsustainable). You idiots wouldn't listen. History has proven us right. We told you exactly what would happen with Obamacare (loss of jobs and hours cut to avoid the requirements), and yet again we were right. We will absolutely be 100% right with a $15 minimum wage. It's ignorant, it's unsustainable, and anyone with an ounce of business acumen knows how it will end (with jobs going over seas or automation replacing people).

Just look at Venezuela. A liberal utopia which has completely collapsed in just a few short years (just as Cuba did with liberal policy, just as the super-power U.S.S.R. did under liberal policy, just as Cambodia did under liberal policy, etc.).
No it doesn't. You're stupid. You rant as if that chart were upside down.
It's pretty simple - if that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people who have dropped out of the labor force.

If that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps.

Boom! Game over you blind partisan hack.
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Last week, did you work at least one hour for pay? If yes, then you're in the labor force.
If you did not work at least one hour last week then did you do anything at all in the last 4 weeks that could have gotten you a job? If yes then you're in the labor force.
We have record number of people on food stamps and record number of people out of the labor force. Both occurred under Barack Obama. No matter how hard you attempt to spin it, you can't hide from the truth.
We also have a record number of people IN the labor force and a record number of people employed.

We have a record number of people.
No it doesn't. You're stupid. You rant as if that chart were upside down.
It's pretty simple - if that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people who have dropped out of the labor force.

If that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps.

Boom! Game over you blind partisan hack.
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Please explain in detail how starting a trade war which will dry up our export business and jack up the price of goods that we import going to create jobs and help you?
No it doesn't. You're stupid. You rant as if that chart were upside down.
It's pretty simple - if that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people who have dropped out of the labor force.

If that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps.

Boom! Game over you blind partisan hack.
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Please explain in detail how starting a trade war which will dry up our export business and jack up the price of goods that we import going to create jobs and help you?
Well for starters - we will win any fantasy "Trade Wars". Other nations need our business and products a hell of a lot more than we need theirs. How do you think Mexico will fair without the U.S. buying any of their products. China? Indonesia?
No it doesn't. You're stupid. You rant as if that chart were upside down.
It's pretty simple - if that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people who have dropped out of the labor force.

If that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps.

Boom! Game over you blind partisan hack.
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Please explain in detail how starting a trade war which will dry up our export business and jack up the price of goods that we import going to create jobs and help you?
Well for starters - we will win any fantasy "Trade Wars". Other nations need our business and products a hell of a lot more than we need theirs. How do you think Mexico will fair without the U.S. buying any of their products. China? Indonesia?
Win? There won't be any winners. It will sink the world economy. Donald Trump’s trade war could kill millions of U.S. jobs
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
So some restaurants in California are whining about it. The Department of Labor says differently:
No it doesn't. You're stupid. You rant as if that chart were upside down.
It's pretty simple - if that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people who have dropped out of the labor force.

If that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps.

Boom! Game over you blind partisan hack.
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Last week, did you work at least one hour for pay? If yes, then you're in the labor force.
If you did not work at least one hour last week then did you do anything at all in the last 4 weeks that could have gotten you a job? If yes then you're in the labor force.
I'm not employed by anyone. I'm looking for work. I'm to independent to work for Pizza hut. Too out of shape to do nothing and hold up a flag or a stop sign. Too experienced to work for McDonald's. Too outdated to be a COBOL programmer. Too old to be a striper. I even got turned down for Security Guard simply because I stated that 2 weeks was too long to do a background check of someone with no criminal background.
It doesn't matter a damn bit what other companies do or don't do. Trump didn't do anything illegal by filing bankruptcy. The man is a billionaire for a reason.
Where did I say "illegal"? Of course it's not illegal. It just shows his incompetence when it comes to business.
It shows just the opposite.'re trying to spin like a liberal. Bankrupting multiple companies does not show some masterful business acumen. It shoes incompetence.
Thomas Edison failed 85 times before successfully creating the light bulb. In your world he's a failure because he failed 85 times and was successful only once.

Trump bankrupt 3 companies and they weren't failures, they were strategies legally applied in US law. He successfully led 550 companies. Better odds than Thomas Edison.
Except that Thomas Edison was trying to create something that had never been created before. Businesses had been created for hundreds of years before Trump even started his first. Epic fail.

The guy is a life-long liberal, and ego maniac, a dictator, and he will obliterate the U.S. Constitution worse than Obama did (sadly, so will Hitlery Clinton).
It's either him or Hillary. Nobody else has a chance of winning.
How many multi-million dollar companies have you lead? Donald has 550.
Show Dishonest Donald's tax returns that prove that claim.
Show Obama's college transcripts first.
Fuck Obama's college transcripts. First you fuckers wanted his birth certificate. They had to bypass the law in Hawaii to do that. Now you want to see his transcripts from college???? Fuck it. He's almost out of office..

Let's see Trumps birth certificate and his tax returns. Things Obama showed everyone.
Things Obama showed nobody.
Nobody has seen his transcripts. We do have a pamphlet that says he was born in Kenya though.
Nobody has seen his original long form birth certificate. They only produced a cheap manufacture copy they could've produced for anyone on the planet if they wanted to. Thus not proof of birth in Hawaii.
No it doesn't. You're stupid. You rant as if that chart were upside down.
It's pretty simple - if that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people who have dropped out of the labor force.

If that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps.

Boom! Game over you blind partisan hack.
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Please explain in detail how starting a trade war which will dry up our export business and jack up the price of goods that we import going to create jobs and help you?
ok, we tariff tv's. The retail price for TV's goes up making tv's more expensive. People with money discover its cheaper to make those same tv's here with American workers then to import them and start up manufacturing businesses. The cost of those TV's are still higher than it was before but now those American workers can afford to buy food and pay rent. That's better then owning a tv.
No it doesn't. You're stupid. You rant as if that chart were upside down.
It's pretty simple - if that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people who have dropped out of the labor force.

If that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps.

Boom! Game over you blind partisan hack.
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Last week, did you work at least one hour for pay? If yes, then you're in the labor force.
If you did not work at least one hour last week then did you do anything at all in the last 4 weeks that could have gotten you a job? If yes then you're in the labor force.
I'm not employed by anyone. I'm looking for work.
Then you are in the labor force. The !abor force are people who are working or looking for work. And it's working at all (although selling on eBay doesn't count unless you make a business out of it.)
It's pretty simple - if that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people who have dropped out of the labor force.

If that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps.

Boom! Game over you blind partisan hack.
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Last week, did you work at least one hour for pay? If yes, then you're in the labor force.
If you did not work at least one hour last week then did you do anything at all in the last 4 weeks that could have gotten you a job? If yes then you're in the labor force.
I'm not employed by anyone. I'm looking for work.
Then you are in the labor force. The !abor force are people who are working or looking for work. And it's working at all (although selling on eBay doesn't count unless you make a business out of it.)
I'm looking for work but I'm not counted as someone looking for work in the statistics.
No it doesn't. You're stupid. You rant as if that chart were upside down.
It's pretty simple - if that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people who have dropped out of the labor force.

If that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps.

Boom! Game over you blind partisan hack.
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Please explain in detail how starting a trade war which will dry up our export business and jack up the price of goods that we import going to create jobs and help you?
ok, we tariff tv's. The retail price for TV's goes up making tv's more expensive. People with money discover its cheaper to make those same tv's here with American workers then to import them and start up manufacturing businesses. The cost of those TV's are still higher than it was before but now those American workers can afford to buy food and pay rent. That's better then owning a tv.
I don't suppose that you saw post 909? No one is going to start manufacturing anything here if people do not have jobs and money to spend on them
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Last week, did you work at least one hour for pay? If yes, then you're in the labor force.
If you did not work at least one hour last week then did you do anything at all in the last 4 weeks that could have gotten you a job? If yes then you're in the labor force.
I'm not employed by anyone. I'm looking for work.
Then you are in the labor force. The !abor force are people who are working or looking for work. And it's working at all (although selling on eBay doesn't count unless you make a business out of it.)
I'm looking for work but I'm not counted as someone looking for work in the statistics.
Why do you think that? If you submitted an application or resume, answered or placed an ad, bid on a contract, had an interview, asked friends or family if they knew of any jobs, that counts.
It's pretty simple - if that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people who have dropped out of the labor force.

If that chart meant anything - we wouldn't have a record number of people on food stamps.

Boom! Game over you blind partisan hack.
But we don't have a record number who have dropped out of the labor force......"Not in the labor force " does not mean "dropped out." The vast majority of those not in the labor force are by choice. Discouraged workers have been going down.
I'm not in the labor force, and it's not by choice. I Uber to pay the bills. I want a real job. I'm voting for Trump.
Please explain in detail how starting a trade war which will dry up our export business and jack up the price of goods that we import going to create jobs and help you?
Well for starters - we will win any fantasy "Trade Wars". Other nations need our business and products a hell of a lot more than we need theirs. How do you think Mexico will fair without the U.S. buying any of their products. China? Indonesia?
Win? There won't be any winners. It will sink the world economy. Donald Trump’s trade war could kill millions of U.S. jobs
Nah....destroying world economies is what the Dumbocrats do (The Great Depression under FDR, The Great Recession under Jimmy Carter, The Great Nightmare under Barack Obama). There will be a winner and it will be the United States. Trump's plan for trade is the one thing he does have right.
I don't suppose that you saw post 909? No one is going to start manufacturing anything here if people do not have jobs and money to spend on them
Nobody is going to start manufacturing here in the U.S. until it is a better deal to manufacture here than it is overseas. Companies shop for the best deal just as consumers do. It's a basic reality ignored by our idealistic friends on the left.

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