Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
So some restaurants in California are whining about it. The Department of Labor says differently:
With all due respect....the department of labor is currently run by a radical marxist. Excuse me if I don't value their word over actual people in the actual business world feeling actual effects of the marxist policy.
It's either him or Hillary. Nobody else has a chance of winning.

I know...I know. Don't remind me. I'm praying it's Trump but this is literally like praying for stomach cancer over brain cancer. It's a choice between awful and unimaginably awful. :crybaby:
Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy...

Urban areas form the backbone of the Canadian economy and are growing at a faster rate than Canada as a whole. However, the Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver metropolitan areas are pushing growth into distant exurbs.

That’s not because most Canadians prefer the exurban lifestyle. It’s because growth in urban cores and accessible suburbs has been choked off by regulation.

A Lesson in Affordable Living From Canada
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
So some restaurants in California are whining about it. The Department of Labor says differently:
With all due respect....the department of labor is currently run by a radical marxist. Excuse me if I don't value their word over actual people in the actual business world feeling actual effects of the marxist policy.
Radical Marxist? Dude, why do you guys go out of our way to destroy your own credibility? Do you even understand what Marxism is?
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
So some restaurants in California are whining about it. The Department of Labor says differently: New Data Show Faster Job Growth in States With Higher Minimum Wage
With all due respect....the department of labor is currently run by a radical marxist. Excuse me if I don't value their word over actual people in the actual business world feeling actual effects of the marxist policy.
Radical Marxist? Dude, why do you guys go out of our way to destroy your own credibility? Do you even understand what Marxism is?
I do. And Barack Obama himself admitted to being a marxist.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
So some restaurants in California are whining about it. The Department of Labor says differently: New Data Show Faster Job Growth in States With Higher Minimum Wage
With all due respect....the department of labor is currently run by a radical marxist. Excuse me if I don't value their word over actual people in the actual business world feeling actual effects of the marxist policy.
Radical Marxist? Dude, why do you guys go out of our way to destroy your own credibility? Do you even understand what Marxism is?
I do. And Barack Obama himself admitted to being a marxist.
Gee really.? I don't recall that. You wouldn't just be making crap up as you go?
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
So some restaurants in California are whining about it. The Department of Labor says differently: New Data Show Faster Job Growth in States With Higher Minimum Wage
With all due respect....the department of labor is currently run by a radical marxist. Excuse me if I don't value their word over actual people in the actual business world feeling actual effects of the marxist policy.
Radical Marxist? Dude, why do you guys go out of our way to destroy your own credibility? Do you even understand what Marxism is?
I do. And Barack Obama himself admitted to being a marxist.
Gee really.? I don't recall that. You wouldn't just be making crap up as you go?'s fall down hilarious the things you liberals are incapable of "recalling". Always seems to be extraordinarily convenient to coinciding with your left-wing ideology. Just coincidence I guess... :dunno:
Sources are the OMB (Office of Management & Budget) and the CBO (Congressional Budget Office). I point that out because libtards will inevitably scream "Pfff! Heritage" when the info comes from their own precious government itself...

So some restaurants in California are whining about it. The Department of Labor says differently: New Data Show Faster Job Growth in States With Higher Minimum Wage
With all due respect....the department of labor is currently run by a radical marxist. Excuse me if I don't value their word over actual people in the actual business world feeling actual effects of the marxist policy.
Radical Marxist? Dude, why do you guys go out of our way to destroy your own credibility? Do you even understand what Marxism is?
I do. And Barack Obama himself admitted to being a marxist.
Gee really.? I don't recall that. You wouldn't just be making crap up as you go?'s fall down hilarious the things you liberals are incapable of "recalling". Always seems to be extraordinarily convenient to coinciding with your left-wing ideology. Just coincidence I guess... :dunno:
Interesting how you fail to provide a source to support your bloviating.
Well for starters - we will win any fantasy "Trade Wars". Other nations need our business and products a hell of a lot more than we need theirs. How do you think Mexico will fair without the U.S. buying any of their products. China? Indonesia?
If that were true then we would be a net exporting country, not the net importing country Reagan turned us into.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

Horse Shit. Give me a Democratic administration anytime. Has it ever occurred to you that the economy and the stock market always do better during a Democrat administration? The stock market had dipped to about 8800 just before the end of Bush's two terms and the economy was bleeding 750,000 jobs a month. You people talk right out of the crack of your ass.
No - because stuff that never happens doesn't occur to me. Jimmy Carter created the second worse economy in U.S. history. Ronald Reagan created the greatest economy in U.S. history that lasted over 20 years until Bill Clinton's ignorant "Community Re-Investment Act" causing the housing market to collapse.

By the way - who oversaw The Great Depression? Oh yeah....Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt. So the three worst economies in U.S. history were all under Dumbocrat leaders (FDR, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama).

Facts....they are a bitch.

Horse Shit!! I'm 82 years old and you can hang your goddam hat on this one. Coolidge and Herbert Hoover's administrations were in charge leading up to the market crash in 1929.
With all due respect....the department of labor is currently run by a radical marxist. Excuse me if I don't value their word over actual people in the actual business world feeling actual effects of the marxist policy.
Radical Marxist? Dude, why do you guys go out of our way to destroy your own credibility? Do you even understand what Marxism is?
I do. And Barack Obama himself admitted to being a marxist.
Gee really.? I don't recall that. You wouldn't just be making crap up as you go?'s fall down hilarious the things you liberals are incapable of "recalling". Always seems to be extraordinarily convenient to coinciding with your left-wing ideology. Just coincidence I guess... :dunno:
Interesting how you fail to provide a source to support your bloviating.
Interesting how after 8 years of Barack Obama's own words being provided you have no recollection of it. Convenient as well...

"...I sought out the Marxist professors" - Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father
"....and I think the way you do that is to spread the wealth" - Barack Obama to Joe the Plumber

Oh....and lets not forget that Obama calls card carrying member #47544 of Communist Party U.S.A. his "mentor"!

Now start you're typical liberal nonsense of denying and/or minimizing. Go on...get into full on libtard damage control. Tell us how words don't mean anything. How that's not really what Obama "meant". How that doesn't "prove anything". You know....all of the tired and pitiful libtard excuses. Maybe you can even call me "racist"!
Well for starters - we will win any fantasy "Trade Wars". Other nations need our business and products a hell of a lot more than we need theirs. How do you think Mexico will fair without the U.S. buying any of their products. China? Indonesia?
If that were true then we would be a net exporting country, not the net importing country Reagan turned us into.
Liberals turned us into a net importing country when they made it exponentially cheaper to manufacture using labor in other nations. You know....stuff like the insane and idiotic $15 per hour minimum wage. That is what drives jobs overseas junior. It's an indisputable fact (no matter how many Keynesian lies you buy into).

Just like consumer, businesses shop for the best deal. Dumbocrats have guaranteed that they will get the best deal overseas. It's a combination of minimum wage, labor laws, regulations, and trade agreements.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

Horse Shit. Give me a Democratic administration anytime. Has it ever occurred to you that the economy and the stock market always do better during a Democrat administration? The stock market had dipped to about 8800 just before the end of Bush's two terms and the economy was bleeding 750,000 jobs a month. You people talk right out of the crack of your ass.
No - because stuff that never happens doesn't occur to me. Jimmy Carter created the second worse economy in U.S. history. Ronald Reagan created the greatest economy in U.S. history that lasted over 20 years until Bill Clinton's ignorant "Community Re-Investment Act" causing the housing market to collapse.

By the way - who oversaw The Great Depression? Oh yeah....Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt. So the three worst economies in U.S. history were all under Dumbocrat leaders (FDR, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama).

Facts....they are a bitch.

Horse Shit!! I'm 82 years old and you can hang your goddam hat on this one. Coolidge and Herbert Hoover's administrations were in charge leading up to the market crash in 1929.
It's always the same with you people..."leading up to". Do you know what Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge oversaw? The roaring 20's. Do you know what FDR oversaw? The Great Depression.

And even radical left-wing UCLA admits that FDR's unconstitutional and idiotic liberal policies prolonged The Great Depression. Conservative policy would have had us out of that in less than two years (easy)...

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression
Vote for Hillary then.
Sadly...she's even worse. A history of criminal behavior. An irrational, emotional train wreck who freaks out the moment she doesn't understand something or the moment someone challenges her. And she's desperate for power and control. Hitlery is literally the worst candidate in U.S. history. At least Barack Obama had composure.

You are an idiot and you just removed any doubts which might have been out. LEARN TO SAY, "Madame President!"
Radical Marxist? Dude, why do you guys go out of our way to destroy your own credibility? Do you even understand what Marxism is?
I do. And Barack Obama himself admitted to being a marxist.
Gee really.? I don't recall that. You wouldn't just be making crap up as you go?'s fall down hilarious the things you liberals are incapable of "recalling". Always seems to be extraordinarily convenient to coinciding with your left-wing ideology. Just coincidence I guess... :dunno:
Interesting how you fail to provide a source to support your bloviating.
Interesting how after 8 years of Barack Obama's own words being provided you have no recollection of it. Convenient as well...

"...I sought out the Marxist professors" - Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father
"....and I think the way you do that is to spread the wealth" - Barack Obama to Joe the Plumber

Oh....and lets not forget that Obama calls card carrying member #47544 of Communist Party U.S.A. his "mentor"!

Now start you're typical liberal nonsense of denying and/or minimizing. Go on...get into full on libtard damage control. Tell us how words don't mean anything. How that's not really what Obama "meant". How that doesn't "prove anything". You know....all of the tired and pitiful libtard excuses. Maybe you can even call me "racist"!
Still no documentation. "spreading the wealth" does not make one a Marxist. This country has used the government to "spread the wealth" -to improve lives and level the playing field since the progressive movement and Teddy Roosevelt in the very early 1900. It is what has made this country what it is , although we could be better. It appears that to you anyone who is not a lais·sez-faire capitalist and who favors any degree of regulation is a Marxist and that is just as stupid as stupid gets. Capitalists will not regulate themselves. They are out for themselves and themselves only and the rest of us and the good of the country be damned.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

Horse Shit. Give me a Democratic administration anytime. Has it ever occurred to you that the economy and the stock market always do better during a Democrat administration? The stock market had dipped to about 8800 just before the end of Bush's two terms and the economy was bleeding 750,000 jobs a month. You people talk right out of the crack of your ass.
No - because stuff that never happens doesn't occur to me. Jimmy Carter created the second worse economy in U.S. history. Ronald Reagan created the greatest economy in U.S. history that lasted over 20 years until Bill Clinton's ignorant "Community Re-Investment Act" causing the housing market to collapse.

By the way - who oversaw The Great Depression? Oh yeah....Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt. So the three worst economies in U.S. history were all under Dumbocrat leaders (FDR, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama).

Facts....they are a bitch.

Horse Shit!! I'm 82 years old and you can hang your goddam hat on this one. Coolidge and Herbert Hoover's administrations were in charge leading up to the market crash in 1929.
It's always the same with you people..."leading up to". Do you know what Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge oversaw? The roaring 20's. Do you know what FDR oversaw? The Great Depression.

And even radical left-wing UCLA admits that FDR's unconstitutional and idiotic liberal policies prolonged The Great Depression. Conservative policy would have had us out of that in less than two years (easy)...

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression

You're obviously a dumbass! My Daddy was working 12 hour days in a sawmill for $0.75 when Roosevelt took over.....when Roosevelt died he was an inspector in an Oak Ridge plant making $500 a month plus benefits, one of which was a pension which he drew to the day he died. Don't try your horse shit on family was there.
Vote for Hillary then.
Sadly...she's even worse. A history of criminal behavior. An irrational, emotional train wreck who freaks out the moment she doesn't understand something or the moment someone challenges her. And she's desperate for power and control. Hitlery is literally the worst candidate in U.S. history. At least Barack Obama had composure.

You are an idiot and you just removed any doubts which might have been out. LEARN TO SAY, "Madame President!"
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.....Blah, Blah, libtards have been claiming for two decades now that Hitlery Clinton would be my next president. Then she got her ass handed to her by an unknown Senator from Illinois with a funny name. Sweetie...the problem is that your ignorant. You don't know the facts. Her own party hates her. Barack and Michelle Obama hate her. Hell, her own husband can't stand her.

Do you know that when Bill was president, the Secret Service would actually have to restrain her because she would go into a rage and throw things at the president that could have severely injured him? Is that they type of person you want in the Oval Office with their finger on the button? An irrational, emotional train wreck? Her response in France when she misinterpreted the question and responded with anger, snark, and emotion was humiliating to the U.S. and prime example of Hitlery Clinton at her finest. She's like a teenage girl on her period whose boyfriend just dumped her. Just a mess. Only she's like that 24x7 and desperate for power because she's an ego maniac.

LEARN TO SAY "I'm an uninformed idiot" are. But that is a typical liberal for you.
I do. And Barack Obama himself admitted to being a marxist.
Gee really.? I don't recall that. You wouldn't just be making crap up as you go?'s fall down hilarious the things you liberals are incapable of "recalling". Always seems to be extraordinarily convenient to coinciding with your left-wing ideology. Just coincidence I guess... :dunno:
Interesting how you fail to provide a source to support your bloviating.
Interesting how after 8 years of Barack Obama's own words being provided you have no recollection of it. Convenient as well...

"...I sought out the Marxist professors" - Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father
"....and I think the way you do that is to spread the wealth" - Barack Obama to Joe the Plumber

Oh....and lets not forget that Obama calls card carrying member #47544 of Communist Party U.S.A. his "mentor"!

Now start you're typical liberal nonsense of denying and/or minimizing. Go on...get into full on libtard damage control. Tell us how words don't mean anything. How that's not really what Obama "meant". How that doesn't "prove anything". You know....all of the tired and pitiful libtard excuses. Maybe you can even call me "racist"!
Still no documentation. "spreading the wealth" does not make one a Marxist. This country has used the government to "spread the wealth" -to improve lives and level the playing field since the progressive movement and Teddy Roosevelt in the very early 1900. It is what has made this country what it is , although we could be better. It appears that to you anyone who is not a lais·sez-faire capitalist and who favors any degree of regulation is a Marxist and that is just as stupid as stupid gets. Capitalists will not regulate themselves. They are out for themselves and themselves only and the rest of us and the good of the country be damned.
No documentation? We have him on video and he stated in his own book "I sought out the marxist professors" :lmao:

Just like a Bill Clinton liberal "deny, deny, deny"

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