Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

No - because stuff that never happens doesn't occur to me. Jimmy Carter created the second worse economy in U.S. history. Ronald Reagan created the greatest economy in U.S. history that lasted over 20 years until Bill Clinton's ignorant "Community Re-Investment Act" causing the housing market to collapse.

By the way - who oversaw The Great Depression? Oh yeah....Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt. So the three worst economies in U.S. history were all under Dumbocrat leaders (FDR, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama).

Facts....they are a bitch.

Horse Shit!! I'm 82 years old and you can hang your goddam hat on this one. Coolidge and Herbert Hoover's administrations were in charge leading up to the market crash in 1929.
It's always the same with you people..."leading up to". Do you know what Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge oversaw? The roaring 20's. Do you know what FDR oversaw? The Great Depression.

And even radical left-wing UCLA admits that FDR's unconstitutional and idiotic liberal policies prolonged The Great Depression. Conservative policy would have had us out of that in less than two years (easy)...

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression

You're obviously a dumbass! My Daddy was working 12 hour days in a sawmill for $0.75 when Roosevelt took over.....when Roosevelt died he was an inspector in an Oak Ridge plant making $500 a month plus benefits, one of which was a pension which he drew to the day he died. Don't try your horse shit on family was there.
Sweetie...the facts say otherwise. Just because your dad was one of the lucky few (or, more likely being that he sounds like a liberal, engaged in unethical and illegal behavior to move up) doesn't change reality. When ever radical left-wing UCLA is admitting that FDR's idiotic liberal policies greatly extended The Great Depression, you're false narrative isn't going to hold up well.

Warren G. Harding (conservative) and Calvin Coolidge (conservative) oversaw the roaring 20's. FDR (liberal) oversaw The Great Depression. Jimmy Carter (liberal) oversaw The Great Recessions. And Ronald Reagan (conservative) oversaw one of (if not thee) greatest economies in U.S. history (after taking the reigns of the great recession from Jimmy Carter).

You appear to have left out the fact that the market crashed in 1929. When George W. Bush crashed the markets he handed them $780 billion to ease the pain. In the 20's crash all the banks closed their doors and the rich people set on their asses and lived off their savings while the poor people spent their days trying to get enough food to survive:

Yep....and it would have been restored in no time if not for FDR's unconstitutional mess. Incidentally - leave it to a selfish, greedy liberal to break the precedent set by the great George Washington and refuse to step down voluntarily after two terms.
No documentation? We have him on video and he stated in his own book "I sought out the marxist professors" :lmao:

Just like a Bill Clinton liberal "deny, deny, deny"
Ohhhh.....I get it! You're illiterate. You can't do any research on the internet for yourself. You need someone to spoon feed it to you like a child. My bad....I completely forgot that you are a liberal.
He is not even considered a Socialist by Socialist! Leave alone a Marxist....

“Top U.S. Socialist Says Barack Obama is Not One of Them” by PATRICIA MURPHY Capitol Hill Bureau Chief, is telling:

Frank Llewellyn, the National Director of the Democratic Socialists of America, the country's largest socialist organization, said Obama is most definitely not one of them. "He's not any kind of socialist at all. He called the president "a market guy," which is hardly a compliment coming from a man with serious reservations about market capitalism.

"He's not challenging the power of the corporations," Llewellyn added. "The banking reforms that have been suggested are not particularly far reaching. “Llewellyn offered his belief that Republicans have historically called opponents "socialists" in order to stop moderate reforms, and that the new stickiness of the Obama/socialist association is one part misinformation, one part ignorance. "The Republicans are doing the same thing they did when Roosevelt was president -- confusing somebody who is trying to save capitalism from itself with somebody who is trying to destroy it. (Obama) is not trying to destroy capitalism."

So how then can Obama be portrayed as a socialist? There is the affordable care act which does in fact involve additional taxes, and regulations on the health care industry. However, it hardly the government take over that its been called. The insurance companies and pharmaceuticals are alive and well. It is not a single-payer system and it is still very much for profit.

He does advocated the “redistribution of wealth” through tax policies and social safety net programs but so did many others before him and he has not advocated the “collective ownership of the means of production” nor has he seriously curtailed the accumulation and concentration of wealth.

And while, he took steps to regulate the financial industry, advocates protecting the environment, and supports labor unions, that should all sound pretty familiar-and mainstream after reviewing the records of some of his predecessors.

It is also worthy of note that during his administration, the top marginal tax rate of 35% is the lowest since the Reagan years. Between WWII until the Reagan Presidency, the rates ranged from 70% to 91 %. Likewise, the capital gains tax rate of 15% for individuals is at its lowest since 1941. And while the capital gains tax on corporations is historically high at 35%, that has been the rate since the Clinton administration and was only slightly lower at 34% from Reagan’s second term through much of Bush 41’s time in office. It should also be noted that this tax was raised from 28% under Reagan during his first term.

If Obama is, by some measure a Socialist, it is only in the long tradition of United States Presidents using government to level the playing field and improve the lives of people. There is no evidence whatsoever to support accusations that Obama is a Marxist and while not a pure Capitalist, he is no more of Socialist than many who came before him beginning with Teddy Roosevelt. In the case of Obama, the labels of “Socialist” and “Marxist “ stems from an ignorance these terms, as well as of history, distrust and fear of someone who is seen as different, and a measure of anti government hysteria and clinically diagnosable paranoia. The fear is simply not reality based.
Doh! I completely forgot....we should add the appointment of self-admitted communist Van Jones to the White House! Boy...tons of coincidences, uh? He was mentored by a communist, he sought out marxists professors in college, he is on video stating "...I think the way you do that is to spread the wealth" and he appointed a communist to the White House under his administration.

That guy has the worst luck I've ever seen. I've been alive a long time and have never met an actual communist. Seems Obama can't go anywhere without running into one or hiring one. :dunno:
Another moronic appeal to ignorance.
In other can't explain away the bizarre bad luck that a communist pops up where ever Obama appears so you'll just use snark and personal insults to avoid the issue. Got it!
America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Looks like it's not jobs we need, but educated workers to fill existing jobs.

That leaves out the GOP..
And that leaves out Dumbocrats who would rather live off of others than hold a job....
That would be me. I'm 69 and collecting social security, a fat state government pension and lifetime free health care . I did my time and paid my dues and living off the "gobbermint ". Deal with it
It doesn't matter a damn bit what other companies do or don't do. Trump didn't do anything illegal by filing bankruptcy. The man is a billionaire for a reason.
Where did I say "illegal"? Of course it's not illegal. It just shows his incompetence when it comes to business.
It shows just the opposite.'re trying to spin like a liberal. Bankrupting multiple companies does not show some masterful business acumen. It shoes incompetence.
Thomas Edison failed 85 times before successfully creating the light bulb. In your world he's a failure because he failed 85 times and was successful only once.

Trump bankrupt 3 companies and they weren't failures, they were strategies legally applied in US law. He successfully led 550 companies. Better odds than Thomas Edison.
By the're lying about Trump "only" filing bankruptcy 3 times. He's filed four times. Looks like his "odds" just dropped.

Lying is kinda harsh. Let's do it the Hillary way - misspoke.
Interesting how after 8 years of Barack Obama's own words being provided you have no recollection of it. Convenient as well...

"...I sought out the Marxist professors" - Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father
"....and I think the way you do that is to spread the wealth" - Barack Obama to Joe the Plumber

Oh....and lets not forget that Obama calls card carrying member #47544 of Communist Party U.S.A. his "mentor"!

Now start you're typical liberal nonsense of denying and/or minimizing. Go on...get into full on libtard damage control. Tell us how words don't mean anything. How that's not really what Obama "meant". How that doesn't "prove anything". You know....all of the tired and pitiful libtard excuses. Maybe you can even call me "racist"!
Still no documentation. "spreading the wealth" does not make one a Marxist. This country has used the government to "spread the wealth" -to improve lives and level the playing field since the progressive movement and Teddy Roosevelt in the very early 1900. It is what has made this country what it is , although we could be better. It appears that to you anyone who is not a lais·sez-faire capitalist and who favors any degree of regulation is a Marxist and that is just as stupid as stupid gets. Capitalists will not regulate themselves. They are out for themselves and themselves only and the rest of us and the good of the country be damned.
No documentation? We have him on video and he stated in his own book "I sought out the marxist professors" :lmao:

Just like a Bill Clinton liberal "deny, deny, deny"
Why would I - you've denied video and his book. You'll just deny the link as well. And lets not forget about a card carrying member of Communist Party U.S.A. being Obama's "mentor" according to Obama himself. I notice you're running like hell from that one (like all of the other one's)! :lol:
This is complete horseshit. The way it works is that if you are going to make allegations against someone, it is incumbent upon you to present the specifics with documentation. You can't just accuse someone of something - be it theft, murder, or being a Marxist, without some evidence, and say that the burden of proof to refute it is on them. You say that in his book, he stated that he " sought out Marxist professors" and maybe he did , but that is out of context and says nothing about his beliefs. Your approach to this is lazy, incompetent and dishonest.
Newsalert: Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'
Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'

We picked up a paperbound copy of Barack Obama's DREAMS FROM MY FATHER:A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE.The book was #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List.It's odd that it doesn't have an index.Anyway,Barack Obama talks of his time at Occidental College in California.Here's a quote from pages 100 and 101:To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.At night,in the dorms,we discussed neocolonialism,Franz Fanon,Eurocentrism,and patriarchy.When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake,we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints.We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure.We were alienated.
You, loyal liberal, didn't read Obama's book did you?
Still no documentation. "spreading the wealth" does not make one a Marxist. This country has used the government to "spread the wealth" -to improve lives and level the playing field since the progressive movement and Teddy Roosevelt in the very early 1900. It is what has made this country what it is , although we could be better. It appears that to you anyone who is not a lais·sez-faire capitalist and who favors any degree of regulation is a Marxist and that is just as stupid as stupid gets. Capitalists will not regulate themselves. They are out for themselves and themselves only and the rest of us and the good of the country be damned.
No documentation? We have him on video and he stated in his own book "I sought out the marxist professors" :lmao:

Just like a Bill Clinton liberal "deny, deny, deny"
Why would I - you've denied video and his book. You'll just deny the link as well. And lets not forget about a card carrying member of Communist Party U.S.A. being Obama's "mentor" according to Obama himself. I notice you're running like hell from that one (like all of the other one's)! :lol:
This is complete horseshit. The way it works is that if you are going to make allegations against someone, it is incumbent upon you to present the specifics with documentation. You can't just accuse someone of something - be it theft, murder, or being a Marxist, without some evidence, and say that the burden of proof to refute it is on them. You say that in his book, he stated that he " sought out Marxist professors" and maybe he did , but that is out of context and says nothing about his beliefs. Your approach to this is lazy, incompetent and dishonest.
Newsalert: Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'
Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'

We picked up a paperbound copy of Barack Obama's DREAMS FROM MY FATHER:A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE.The book was #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List.It's odd that it doesn't have an index.Anyway,Barack Obama talks of his time at Occidental College in California.Here's a quote from pages 100 and 101:To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.At night,in the dorms,we discussed neocolonialism,Franz Fanon,Eurocentrism,and patriarchy.When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake,we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints.We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure.We were alienated.
You, loyal liberal, didn't read Obama's book did you?
Well in his defense...he is a liberal. That means he doesn't read and is not interested in the facts. You have very unreasonable expectations for liberals!
Still no documentation. "spreading the wealth" does not make one a Marxist. This country has used the government to "spread the wealth" -to improve lives and level the playing field since the progressive movement and Teddy Roosevelt in the very early 1900. It is what has made this country what it is , although we could be better. It appears that to you anyone who is not a lais·sez-faire capitalist and who favors any degree of regulation is a Marxist and that is just as stupid as stupid gets. Capitalists will not regulate themselves. They are out for themselves and themselves only and the rest of us and the good of the country be damned.
No documentation? We have him on video and he stated in his own book "I sought out the marxist professors" :lmao:

Just like a Bill Clinton liberal "deny, deny, deny"
Why would I - you've denied video and his book. You'll just deny the link as well. And lets not forget about a card carrying member of Communist Party U.S.A. being Obama's "mentor" according to Obama himself. I notice you're running like hell from that one (like all of the other one's)! :lol:
This is complete horseshit. The way it works is that if you are going to make allegations against someone, it is incumbent upon you to present the specifics with documentation. You can't just accuse someone of something - be it theft, murder, or being a Marxist, without some evidence, and say that the burden of proof to refute it is on them. You say that in his book, he stated that he " sought out Marxist professors" and maybe he did , but that is out of context and says nothing about his beliefs. Your approach to this is lazy, incompetent and dishonest.
Newsalert: Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'
Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'

We picked up a paperbound copy of Barack Obama's DREAMS FROM MY FATHER:A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE.The book was #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List.It's odd that it doesn't have an index.Anyway,Barack Obama talks of his time at Occidental College in California.Here's a quote from pages 100 and 101:To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.At night,in the dorms,we discussed neocolonialism,Franz Fanon,Eurocentrism,and patriarchy.When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake,we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints.We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure.We were alienated.
You, loyal liberal, didn't read Obama's book did you?
So how does that make him a Marxist? In any case , people change. They learn, grow and mature. In the 60 I considered myself Marxist, but I'm anything but that now.
No documentation? We have him on video and he stated in his own book "I sought out the marxist professors" :lmao:

Just like a Bill Clinton liberal "deny, deny, deny"
Why would I - you've denied video and his book. You'll just deny the link as well. And lets not forget about a card carrying member of Communist Party U.S.A. being Obama's "mentor" according to Obama himself. I notice you're running like hell from that one (like all of the other one's)! :lol:
This is complete horseshit. The way it works is that if you are going to make allegations against someone, it is incumbent upon you to present the specifics with documentation. You can't just accuse someone of something - be it theft, murder, or being a Marxist, without some evidence, and say that the burden of proof to refute it is on them. You say that in his book, he stated that he " sought out Marxist professors" and maybe he did , but that is out of context and says nothing about his beliefs. Your approach to this is lazy, incompetent and dishonest.
Newsalert: Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'
Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'

We picked up a paperbound copy of Barack Obama's DREAMS FROM MY FATHER:A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE.The book was #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List.It's odd that it doesn't have an index.Anyway,Barack Obama talks of his time at Occidental College in California.Here's a quote from pages 100 and 101:To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.At night,in the dorms,we discussed neocolonialism,Franz Fanon,Eurocentrism,and patriarchy.When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake,we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints.We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure.We were alienated.
You, loyal liberal, didn't read Obama's book did you?
So how does that make him a Marxist? In any case , people change. They learn, grow and mature. In the 60 I considered myself Marxist, but I'm anything but that now.
Sure. And if Obama was supporting the U.S. Constitution and advocating for free market policies, I would absolutely agree with you that he's not a marxist. But when he appoints communists to the White House, insists on Obamacare, violates the U.S. Constitution, and demonizes wealth and businesses, then he clearly remains a marxist.
Why would I - you've denied video and his book. You'll just deny the link as well. And lets not forget about a card carrying member of Communist Party U.S.A. being Obama's "mentor" according to Obama himself. I notice you're running like hell from that one (like all of the other one's)! :lol:
This is complete horseshit. The way it works is that if you are going to make allegations against someone, it is incumbent upon you to present the specifics with documentation. You can't just accuse someone of something - be it theft, murder, or being a Marxist, without some evidence, and say that the burden of proof to refute it is on them. You say that in his book, he stated that he " sought out Marxist professors" and maybe he did , but that is out of context and says nothing about his beliefs. Your approach to this is lazy, incompetent and dishonest.
Newsalert: Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'
Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'

We picked up a paperbound copy of Barack Obama's DREAMS FROM MY FATHER:A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE.The book was #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List.It's odd that it doesn't have an index.Anyway,Barack Obama talks of his time at Occidental College in California.Here's a quote from pages 100 and 101:To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.At night,in the dorms,we discussed neocolonialism,Franz Fanon,Eurocentrism,and patriarchy.When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake,we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints.We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure.We were alienated.
You, loyal liberal, didn't read Obama's book did you?
So how does that make him a Marxist? In any case , people change. They learn, grow and mature. In the 60 I considered myself Marxist, but I'm anything but that now.
Sure. And if Obama was supporting the U.S. Constitution and advocating for free market policies, I would absolutely agree with you that he's not a marxist. But when he appoints communists to the White House, insists on Obamacare, violates the U.S. Constitution, and demonizes wealth and businesses, then he clearly remains a marxist.
I guess you ignored my post 951. He does in fact support free market policies, but free market does not mean free of any regulations to rein in the excesses and greed of capitalism. How many administrations supported giving corporations freedom to do what ever they damn well please. GWB did and with disastrous results

How does he not support the Constitution? That is just words that you can't back up'

Communists in the White House? More unsubstantiated bovine excrement

Obamacare? How the hell is that Marxism. It's not even medicine or even socialized insurance. The insurance companies and big pharm are still making $$$ hand over fist

Deaminize wealth? Asking the rich to pay their fair share and not screw the rest of us is not deaminizing wealth.

Surely you can do better than this? The again, maybe not.
Last edited:
Why would I - you've denied video and his book. You'll just deny the link as well. And lets not forget about a card carrying member of Communist Party U.S.A. being Obama's "mentor" according to Obama himself. I notice you're running like hell from that one (like all of the other one's)! :lol:
This is complete horseshit. The way it works is that if you are going to make allegations against someone, it is incumbent upon you to present the specifics with documentation. You can't just accuse someone of something - be it theft, murder, or being a Marxist, without some evidence, and say that the burden of proof to refute it is on them. You say that in his book, he stated that he " sought out Marxist professors" and maybe he did , but that is out of context and says nothing about his beliefs. Your approach to this is lazy, incompetent and dishonest.
Newsalert: Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'
Obama: 'I Chose My Friends Carefully... The Marxist Professors and Structural Feminists'

We picked up a paperbound copy of Barack Obama's DREAMS FROM MY FATHER:A STORY OF RACE AND INHERITANCE.The book was #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List.It's odd that it doesn't have an index.Anyway,Barack Obama talks of his time at Occidental College in California.Here's a quote from pages 100 and 101:To avoid being mistaken for a sellout,I chose my friends carefully.The more politically active black students.The foreign students.The Chicanos.The Marxist Professors and the structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets.At night,in the dorms,we discussed neocolonialism,Franz Fanon,Eurocentrism,and patriarchy.When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake,we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints.We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure.We were alienated.
You, loyal liberal, didn't read Obama's book did you?
So how does that make him a Marxist? In any case , people change. They learn, grow and mature. In the 60 I considered myself Marxist, but I'm anything but that now.
Sure. And if Obama was supporting the U.S. Constitution and advocating for free market policies, I would absolutely agree with you that he's not a marxist. But when he appoints communists to the White House, insists on Obamacare, violates the U.S. Constitution, and demonizes wealth and businesses, then he clearly remains a marxist.
I guess you ignored my post 951. He does in fact support free market policies, but free market does not mean free of any regulations to rein in the excesses and greed of capitalism. How many administrations supported giving corporations freedom to do what ever they damn well please. GWB did and with disastrous results

How does he not support the Constitution? That is just words that you can't back up'

Communists in the White House? More unsubstantiated bovine excrement

Obamacare? How the hell is that Marxism. It's not even medicine or even socialized insurance. The insurance companies and big pharm are still making $$$ hand over fist

Deaminize wealth? Asking the rich to pay their fair share and not screw the rest of us is not deaminizing wealth.

Surely you can do better than this? The again, maybe not.
documented communist in the White House.
Obama Not the Only Communist in the White House - Light from the Right
Valery Jarrett

Here's the whole list;
Ronald Reagan (conservative) oversaw one of (if not thee) greatest economies in U.S. history (after taking the reigns of the great recession from Jimmy Carter).
The Carter recession was one of the shortest in history, whereas the Great Reagan Recession was second only to the Great Depression of Herbert Hoover until the Great Bush Recession kicked Reagan into 3rd place.

Explaining the mystery of fast economic growth under Democratic presidents
Vote for Hillary then.
Sadly...she's even worse. A history of criminal behavior. An irrational, emotional train wreck who freaks out the moment she doesn't understand something or the moment someone challenges her. And she's desperate for power and control. Hitlery is literally the worst candidate in U.S. history. At least Barack Obama had composure.

You are an idiot and you just removed any doubts which might have been out. LEARN TO SAY, "Madame President!"
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.....Blah, Blah, libtards have been claiming for two decades now that Hitlery Clinton would be my next president. Then she got her ass handed to her by an unknown Senator from Illinois with a funny name. Sweetie...the problem is that your ignorant. You don't know the facts. Her own party hates her. Barack and Michelle Obama hate her. Hell, her own husband can't stand her.

Do you know that when Bill was president, the Secret Service would actually have to restrain her because she would go into a rage and throw things at the president that could have severely injured him? Is that they type of person you want in the Oval Office with their finger on the button? An irrational, emotional train wreck? Her response in France when she misinterpreted the question and responded with anger, snark, and emotion was humiliating to the U.S. and prime example of Hitlery Clinton at her finest. She's like a teenage girl on her period whose boyfriend just dumped her. Just a mess. Only she's like that 24x7 and desperate for power because she's an ego maniac.

LEARN TO SAY "I'm an uninformed idiot" are. But that is a typical liberal for you.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.....Blah, Blah, libtards have been claiming for two decades now that Hitlery Clinton would be my next president. Then she got her ass handed to her by an unknown Senator from Illinois with a funny name. Sweetie...the problem is that your ignorant. You don't know the facts. Her own party hates her. Barack and Michelle Obama hate her. Hell, her own husband can't stand her."

I know how to spell you're
Vote for Hillary then.
Sadly...she's even worse. A history of criminal behavior. An irrational, emotional train wreck who freaks out the moment she doesn't understand something or the moment someone challenges her. And she's desperate for power and control. Hitlery is literally the worst candidate in U.S. history. At least Barack Obama had composure.

You are an idiot and you just removed any doubts which might have been out. LEARN TO SAY, "Madame President!"
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.....Blah, Blah, libtards have been claiming for two decades now that Hitlery Clinton would be my next president. Then she got her ass handed to her by an unknown Senator from Illinois with a funny name. Sweetie...the problem is that your ignorant. You don't know the facts. Her own party hates her. Barack and Michelle Obama hate her. Hell, her own husband can't stand her.

Do you know that when Bill was president, the Secret Service would actually have to restrain her because she would go into a rage and throw things at the president that could have severely injured him? Is that they type of person you want in the Oval Office with their finger on the button? An irrational, emotional train wreck? Her response in France when she misinterpreted the question and responded with anger, snark, and emotion was humiliating to the U.S. and prime example of Hitlery Clinton at her finest. She's like a teenage girl on her period whose boyfriend just dumped her. Just a mess. Only she's like that 24x7 and desperate for power because she's an ego maniac.

LEARN TO SAY "I'm an uninformed idiot" are. But that is a typical liberal for you.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.....Blah, Blah, libtards have been claiming for two decades now that Hitlery Clinton would be my next president. Then she got her ass handed to her by an unknown Senator from Illinois with a funny name. Sweetie...the problem is that your ignorant. You don't know the facts. Her own party hates her. Barack and Michelle Obama hate her. Hell, her own husband can't stand her."

I know how to spell you're

The best way for somebody to stay out of poverty and to not have to go on welfare is to not vote for Liberals that screw up the economy with failed Left Wing economics that never work.

What is ironic is that these Moon Bats vote for Liberals that screw up the economy and then they complain about the system not being fair to them.

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