Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Nothing generates unemployment like liberalism. It is illegal to hire an illegal alien and yet here are ignorant liberals fighting to keep this criminal activity which keeps Americans out of work. This is 11.3 million Americans who could be gainfully employed and off of public assistance. But don't kid yourself - Dumbocrats want everyone on the government plantation and dependent on government for their most basic needs because a person in that position is more likely to keep them in power.


Zuckerberg, Gates Launch Anti-Trump Website
Nothing generates unemployment like liberalism...
  • Nearly 1/3 of American workers needing to acquire an occupational license in order to work
  • The licenses require individuals to pay large sums of money and wait long periods of time just to obtain the government’s permission to work
  • The share of Americans participating in the labor market is now hovering near its lowest point in many decades—since 1977, in fact
  • These licensing requirements essentially “block out and exclude” poorer workers from contributing to society and earning their keep
  • On the back end, these expensive requirements raise the price of goods and services, hurting the consumer
30% of Workers Need ‘the Government’s Permission to Work’
GOD forbid your doctor is license! :asshole:
So 33% of American workers are physicians?!? :uhh:

You continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels...
Notice how when the Right have their foolishness exposed they create a Straw Man!!!
Notice how when a libtards desperate idiotic false narrative is exposed, they scream "straw man" and run away. You said physicians junior. I called you out on it and now you're running like hell because you can't defend your ignorant and desperate post.
I never said ALL licensed workers are doctors. That is your lying Straw Man because you know it is necessary to make sure certain professions (plural so you can't make yet another Straw Man) are QUALIFIED!!!!
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

If liberal policy generates the current unemployment rate of 4.9%,

what does conservative policy generate?
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

If liberal policy generates the current unemployment rate of 4.9%,

what does conservative policy generate?
Uh no....liberal policy does what it always does - it lies about the current unemployment rate. We have the highest number of people not participating in the labor force in U.S. history. And every time another one gives up, Obama dances a jig, lowers the unemployment rate, and proclaims how "well" his policies are working.

Incidentally, what little job growth that has occurred has been because the American people overwhelmingly turned over their states, counties, and local municipalities to conservatives. It really illustrates just how successful free-market economic policy is - to be able to create jobs in the face of Barack Obama's economy killing marxist policies at the federal level.
Nothing generates unemployment like liberalism...
  • Nearly 1/3 of American workers needing to acquire an occupational license in order to work
  • The licenses require individuals to pay large sums of money and wait long periods of time just to obtain the government’s permission to work
  • The share of Americans participating in the labor market is now hovering near its lowest point in many decades—since 1977, in fact
  • These licensing requirements essentially “block out and exclude” poorer workers from contributing to society and earning their keep
  • On the back end, these expensive requirements raise the price of goods and services, hurting the consumer
30% of Workers Need ‘the Government’s Permission to Work’
GOD forbid your doctor is license! :asshole:
So 33% of American workers are physicians?!? :uhh:

You continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels...
Notice how when the Right have their foolishness exposed they create a Straw Man!!!
Notice how when a libtards desperate idiotic false narrative is exposed, they scream "straw man" and run away. You said physicians junior. I called you out on it and now you're running like hell because you can't defend your ignorant and desperate post.
I never said ALL licensed workers are doctors. That is your lying Straw Man because you know it is necessary to make sure certain professions (plural so you can't make yet another Straw Man) are QUALIFIED!!!!
Your argument for nearly 30% of workers requiring licensing just to apply for a job was "God forbid your doctor is licensed". You cited no other profession. You're position was that 30% is justified because physicians require it. Which means you either believe that 30% of the population is made up of physicians or you were just being a disingenuous asshat trying to defend idiotic liberal policy. Which is it junior? You painted yourself into a corner. Nice going. :lol:
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

If liberal policy generates the current unemployment rate of 4.9%,

what does conservative policy generate?
Uh no....liberal policy does what it always does - it lies about the current unemployment rate. We have the highest number of people not participating in the labor force in U.S. history.
We also have the highest number of people participating in the labor force and the highest number of people employed.

But how is not including people who don't meet the definition of unemployed constitute "lying"? Those not in the labor force are those who are not doing anything at all about work, and most of them, 93%, don't want a job.

And every time another one gives up, Obama dances a jig, lowers the unemployment rate, and proclaims how "well" his policies are working.
Ok, let's add them back in. That's called the U-4 measure of underutilization: Unemployed plus discouraged workers as a percent of the labor force plus discouraged workers: Are things getting better, worse, or the same?
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

If liberal policy generates the current unemployment rate of 4.9%,

what does conservative policy generate?
Uh no....liberal policy does what it always does - it lies about the current unemployment rate. We have the highest number of people not participating in the labor force in U.S. history. And every time another one gives up, Obama dances a jig, lowers the unemployment rate, and proclaims how "well" his policies are working.

Incidentally, what little job growth that has occurred has been because the American people overwhelmingly turned over their states, counties, and local municipalities to conservatives. It really illustrates just how successful free-market economic policy is - to be able to create jobs in the face of Barack Obama's economy killing marxist policies at the federal level.

I'm lying? I'm using the same UE rate measure that's been used for 20 years.

And state county and local governments have cut almost a million jobs since the recession.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

If liberal policy generates the current unemployment rate of 4.9%,

what does conservative policy generate?
Uh no....liberal policy does what it always does - it lies about the current unemployment rate. We have the highest number of people not participating in the labor force in U.S. history. And every time another one gives up, Obama dances a jig, lowers the unemployment rate, and proclaims how "well" his policies are working.

Incidentally, what little job growth that has occurred has been because the American people overwhelmingly turned over their states, counties, and local municipalities to conservatives. It really illustrates just how successful free-market economic policy is - to be able to create jobs in the face of Barack Obama's economy killing marxist policies at the federal level.

I'm lying? I'm using the same UE rate measure that's been used for 20 years.

And state county and local governments have cut almost a million jobs since the recession.
Almost 50 years, not 20. For the 1994 changes, the only definitional change that could have affected the UE rate was the new requirement that those waiting to start a new job had to have looked for work in the last 4 weeks to be considered unemployed. All the other changes were computerization and improvement of sampling and collection.
GOD forbid your doctor is license! :asshole:
So 33% of American workers are physicians?!? :uhh:

You continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels...
Notice how when the Right have their foolishness exposed they create a Straw Man!!!
Notice how when a libtards desperate idiotic false narrative is exposed, they scream "straw man" and run away. You said physicians junior. I called you out on it and now you're running like hell because you can't defend your ignorant and desperate post.
I never said ALL licensed workers are doctors. That is your lying Straw Man because you know it is necessary to make sure certain professions (plural so you can't make yet another Straw Man) are QUALIFIED!!!!
Your argument for nearly 30% of workers requiring licensing just to apply for a job was "God forbid your doctor is licensed". You cited no other profession. You're position was that 30% is justified because physicians require it. Which means you either believe that 30% of the population is made up of physicians or you were just being a disingenuous asshat trying to defend idiotic liberal policy. Which is it junior? You painted yourself into a corner. Nice going. :lol:
No, as you well know, I was pointing out how stupid it was of you to argue that professional licensing was unnecessary, and an unlicensed doctor was the most obvious example of the necessity for licensing in certain professions. But someone like you who is too stupid to see the need for licensing doctors is obviously too stupid to get the obvious point.

Professions That Need US Licensure
The following professions require US licensure before you are legally allowed to practice it in the US:
These are not the only professions that require US licensure. However, they are well-known and sought-after professions.

Each licensed profession has an organization that monitors and represents the interests of the profession. While it is not mandatory for licensed professionals to join the national organizations, most will need to join the state organizations where they wish to practice.

It is important for foreign professionals to contact US licensure organizations to determine what they will need to do to become licensed in the US. Licensure can make all the difference when you are looking for a job in the US.
Nothing generates unemployment like liberalism...
  • Nearly 1/3 of American workers needing to acquire an occupational license in order to work
  • The licenses require individuals to pay large sums of money and wait long periods of time just to obtain the government’s permission to work
  • The share of Americans participating in the labor market is now hovering near its lowest point in many decades—since 1977, in fact
  • These licensing requirements essentially “block out and exclude” poorer workers from contributing to society and earning their keep
  • On the back end, these expensive requirements raise the price of goods and services, hurting the consumer
30% of Workers Need ‘the Government’s Permission to Work’
BTW, most of the licenses are required by STATES, not the Federal Government!
So much for the Right pretending to be Constitutionally for states rights!!!!!

102 of the occupations studied in your link are licensed in just 22 states—fewer than half. Only 15 occupations are licensed in 40 states or more.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

If liberal policy generates the current unemployment rate of 4.9%,

what does conservative policy generate?
Uh no....liberal policy does what it always does - it lies about the current unemployment rate. We have the highest number of people not participating in the labor force in U.S. history. And every time another one gives up, Obama dances a jig, lowers the unemployment rate, and proclaims how "well" his policies are working.

Incidentally, what little job growth that has occurred has been because the American people overwhelmingly turned over their states, counties, and local municipalities to conservatives. It really illustrates just how successful free-market economic policy is - to be able to create jobs in the face of Barack Obama's economy killing marxist policies at the federal level.

I'm lying? I'm using the same UE rate measure that's been used for 20 years.

And state county and local governments have cut almost a million jobs since the recession.
And have had millions and millions of jobs in the private sector.

And yes....anyone celebrating the unemployment rate when it is the direct result of an economy so bad that people have given up are absolutely lying about unemployment.
So 33% of American workers are physicians?!? :uhh:

You continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels...
Notice how when the Right have their foolishness exposed they create a Straw Man!!!
Notice how when a libtards desperate idiotic false narrative is exposed, they scream "straw man" and run away. You said physicians junior. I called you out on it and now you're running like hell because you can't defend your ignorant and desperate post.
I never said ALL licensed workers are doctors. That is your lying Straw Man because you know it is necessary to make sure certain professions (plural so you can't make yet another Straw Man) are QUALIFIED!!!!
Your argument for nearly 30% of workers requiring licensing just to apply for a job was "God forbid your doctor is licensed". You cited no other profession. You're position was that 30% is justified because physicians require it. Which means you either believe that 30% of the population is made up of physicians or you were just being a disingenuous asshat trying to defend idiotic liberal policy. Which is it junior? You painted yourself into a corner. Nice going. :lol:
No, as you well know, I was pointing out how stupid it was of you to argue that professional licensing was unnecessary, and an unlicensed doctor was the most obvious example of the necessity for licensing in certain professions. But someone like you who is too stupid to see the need for licensing doctors is obviously too stupid to get the obvious point.

Professions That Need US Licensure
The following professions require US licensure before you are legally allowed to practice it in the US:
These are not the only professions that require US licensure. However, they are well-known and sought-after professions.

Each licensed profession has an organization that monitors and represents the interests of the profession. While it is not mandatory for licensed professionals to join the national organizations, most will need to join the state organizations where they wish to practice.

It is important for foreign professionals to contact US licensure organizations to determine what they will need to do to become licensed in the US. Licensure can make all the difference when you are looking for a job in the US.
Yeah....and everyone you named doesn't even remotely apply to this situation. You really think physicians and lawyers have trouble coming up with the money for their licenses? You really think architects. engineers, and nurses are "poor"? Maybe you should read the article before commenting? Better yet....get an adult to read it to you.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

If liberal policy generates the current unemployment rate of 4.9%,

what does conservative policy generate?
Uh no....liberal policy does what it always does - it lies about the current unemployment rate. We have the highest number of people not participating in the labor force in U.S. history. And every time another one gives up, Obama dances a jig, lowers the unemployment rate, and proclaims how "well" his policies are working.

Incidentally, what little job growth that has occurred has been because the American people overwhelmingly turned over their states, counties, and local municipalities to conservatives. It really illustrates just how successful free-market economic policy is - to be able to create jobs in the face of Barack Obama's economy killing marxist policies at the federal level.

I'm lying? I'm using the same UE rate measure that's been used for 20 years.

And state county and local governments have cut almost a million jobs since the recession.
And have had millions and millions of jobs in the private sector.

And yes....anyone celebrating the unemployment rate when it is the direct result of an economy so bad that people have given up are absolutely lying about unemployment.

So you want to argue that cutting a million government jobs doesn't affect the UE rate?

Let's debate that.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

If liberal policy generates the current unemployment rate of 4.9%,

what does conservative policy generate?
Uh no....liberal policy does what it always does - it lies about the current unemployment rate. We have the highest number of people not participating in the labor force in U.S. history. And every time another one gives up, Obama dances a jig, lowers the unemployment rate, and proclaims how "well" his policies are working.

Incidentally, what little job growth that has occurred has been because the American people overwhelmingly turned over their states, counties, and local municipalities to conservatives. It really illustrates just how successful free-market economic policy is - to be able to create jobs in the face of Barack Obama's economy killing marxist policies at the federal level.

I'm lying? I'm using the same UE rate measure that's been used for 20 years.

And state county and local governments have cut almost a million jobs since the recession.
And have had millions and millions of jobs in the private sector.

And yes....anyone celebrating the unemployment rate when it is the direct result of an economy so bad that people have given up are absolutely lying about unemployment.

So you want to argue that cutting a million government jobs doesn't affect the UE rate?

Let's debate that.
Not when it generates a net gain thanks to the jobs it created in the private sector (where actual GDP growth occurs).

Debate away chief...
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike

If liberal policy generates the current unemployment rate of 4.9%,

what does conservative policy generate?
Uh no....liberal policy does what it always does - it lies about the current unemployment rate. We have the highest number of people not participating in the labor force in U.S. history. And every time another one gives up, Obama dances a jig, lowers the unemployment rate, and proclaims how "well" his policies are working.

Incidentally, what little job growth that has occurred has been because the American people overwhelmingly turned over their states, counties, and local municipalities to conservatives. It really illustrates just how successful free-market economic policy is - to be able to create jobs in the face of Barack Obama's economy killing marxist policies at the federal level.
Great, another flaming imbecile who doesn't know the difference between the labor force participation rate and the unemployment rate.

So 33% of American workers are physicians?!? :uhh:

You continue to take stupid to unprecedented levels...
Notice how when the Right have their foolishness exposed they create a Straw Man!!!
Notice how when a libtards desperate idiotic false narrative is exposed, they scream "straw man" and run away. You said physicians junior. I called you out on it and now you're running like hell because you can't defend your ignorant and desperate post.
I never said ALL licensed workers are doctors. That is your lying Straw Man because you know it is necessary to make sure certain professions (plural so you can't make yet another Straw Man) are QUALIFIED!!!!
Your argument for nearly 30% of workers requiring licensing just to apply for a job was "God forbid your doctor is licensed". You cited no other profession. You're position was that 30% is justified because physicians require it. Which means you either believe that 30% of the population is made up of physicians or you were just being a disingenuous asshat trying to defend idiotic liberal policy. Which is it junior? You painted yourself into a corner. Nice going. :lol:
No, as you well know, I was pointing out how stupid it was of you to argue that professional licensing was unnecessary, and an unlicensed doctor was the most obvious example of the necessity for licensing in certain professions. But someone like you who is too stupid to see the need for licensing doctors is obviously too stupid to get the obvious point.

Professions That Need US Licensure
The following professions require US licensure before you are legally allowed to practice it in the US:
These are not the only professions that require US licensure. However, they are well-known and sought-after professions.

Each licensed profession has an organization that monitors and represents the interests of the profession. While it is not mandatory for licensed professionals to join the national organizations, most will need to join the state organizations where they wish to practice.

It is important for foreign professionals to contact US licensure organizations to determine what they will need to do to become licensed in the US. Licensure can make all the difference when you are looking for a job in the US.

Actually, most licensing IS unnecessary. It is simply a protection racket, to make new people entering that profession as difficult as possible. Off the top of my head, some states require flower arr=angers to be licensed. Needing 1000+ hours of training to cut hair is nothing unusual. It's a racket.
Needing 1000+ hours of training to cut hair is nothing unusual. It's a racket.
Not hardly!
Hair cutters handle sharp tools and chemicals, to say the least. What kind of fool wants anyone off the street giving them a shave with a dirty infected straight razor or dye their hair????

The NIC written examination for barbering consists of the following areas of assessments:

  • Infection control and practice
  • Hair and scalp
  • Skin histology
  • Electricity and light
  • Tools, implements, and equipment
  • Chemistry
  • Facial and shaving services
  • Haircare services
  • Chemical services
Depending on state requirements, the practical NIC barber exam may assess candidates in the use of chemicals:

Standard NIC Barber Exam:

  • Set up and client protection
  • Shaving with a straight razor
  • Haircutting
  • Chemical waving
  • Hair lightening/coloring
  • Chemical relaxing
Standard NIC Barber Exam (no chemical)

  • Set up and client protection
  • Shaving with a straight razor
  • Haircutting
Depending on state requirements, candidates of either exam may also be assessed on the following areas:

  • Basic facial
  • Blow drying
  • Thermal curling

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