Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

You pretended to be too dumb to know what lies you told and then you repeat them exactly.
Thank you again.
How are they lies? Show me.
You don't know me from Adam, so they are just projections of yourself.
No. They are well documented behaviors of liberals, Ed. Each and everyone of them. Do you want me to prove it to you that these describe you? Shall we play a game?
No, they are well documented Right-wing lies about Liberals that you mindlessly parrot.
I didn't think you wanted any of that. Smart move, Ed.
You got nothing but lies.
At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."
No shit sherlock. And guess what? The wealthy are subjected to that exact same "at will" law as the poor. What part of that don't you understand? A wealthy attorney hired by a law firm can have their employment terminated for absolutely no reason just as the minimum wage person behind the counter of a Starbucks.

So once again - you have been caught in a lie. The poor have "equal protection" under the law. Every law the poor is forced to abide by, the wealthy is as well.
How are they lies? Show me.
You don't know me from Adam, so they are just projections of yourself.
No. They are well documented behaviors of liberals, Ed. Each and everyone of them. Do you want me to prove it to you that these describe you? Shall we play a game?
No, they are well documented Right-wing lies about Liberals that you mindlessly parrot.
I didn't think you wanted any of that. Smart move, Ed.
You got nothing but lies.

I got your number, Ed. That is something. Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe.
At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."
No shit sherlock. And guess what? The wealthy are subjected to that exact same "at will" law as the poor. What part of that don't you understand? A wealthy attorney hired by a law firm can have their employment terminated for absolutely no reason just as the minimum wage person behind the counter of a Starbucks.

So once again - you have been caught in a lie. The poor have "equal protection" under the law. Every law the poor is forced to abide by, the wealthy is as well.
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about the law, or economics?

It is about unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."
No shit sherlock. And guess what? The wealthy are subjected to that exact same "at will" law as the poor. What part of that don't you understand? A wealthy attorney hired by a law firm can have their employment terminated for absolutely no reason just as the minimum wage person behind the counter of a Starbucks.

So once again - you have been caught in a lie. The poor have "equal protection" under the law. Every law the poor is forced to abide by, the wealthy is as well.
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about the law, or economics?

It is about unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
And once again you continue to move the bar after humiliating yourself. This could not be any more clear snowflake: both the wealthy and the poor are subject to all laws (including labor laws). You created a false narrative (as hatriots always do) and I called you out on it. Rather than admitting you created a false narrative, you continue to move the goalposts and then run.

The laws apply equally across the board and the poor are just as protected by them as the wealthy. Period.
You don't know me from Adam, so they are just projections of yourself.
No. They are well documented behaviors of liberals, Ed. Each and everyone of them. Do you want me to prove it to you that these describe you? Shall we play a game?
No, they are well documented Right-wing lies about Liberals that you mindlessly parrot.
I didn't think you wanted any of that. Smart move, Ed.
You got nothing but lies.

I got your number, Ed. That is something. Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe.
It has been an honor and a privilege watching you obliterate the false narrative of Ed, ding.

Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about the law, or economics?
Because we do not fail at either of them like you left-wing hatriots do. That's why.
Silly little cocksuck, you certainly did fail at all of them. 2008 was the culmination of you economic policies. And the recovery that President Obama oversaw was the proof that the liberal economics have far better real world results than the nonsense of the right. Now the orange clown was handed an economy with a 20,000 Dow, and an unemployment rate of 4.7%.

Now we will see what the orange clown can do with a start like that. See you at the end of 2019. Of course, the President at that time could well be Pence or Ryan.
Because we do not fail at either of them like you left-wing hatriots do. That's why.
Silly little cocksuck, you certainly did fail at all of them. 2008 was the culmination of you economic policies. And the recovery that President Obama oversaw was the proof that the liberal economics have far better real world results than the nonsense of the right. Now the orange clown was handed an economy with a 20,000 Dow, and an unemployment rate of 4.7%.

Now we will see what the orange clown can do with a start like that. See you at the end of 2019. Of course, the President at that time could well be Pence or Ryan.
There was no "economic recovery" under Barack Obama. There was only economic collapse under Barack Obama. There is a reason that he took one of the worst political beatings in U.S. history during the 2010 midterm elections and it sure as hell wasn't because the American people where overjoyed with his "booming" economy.

Once nearly every state, county, and city in America was under control of true conservatives (ie the Tea Party), they implemented the successful policies which started turning around the economy. What Scott Walker did in Wisconsin was nothing short of miraculous. Likewise with Ted Kasich in Ohio.

Despite their best efforts - Obama's damaging policies still left President Trump quite a mess. A record 94 million people out of the labor force. A record $20 trillion in debt. A record number of people on food stamps. But as we always do, we'll bail the American people out of the mess the Dumbocrats created.
2008 was the culmination of you economic policies.
Ignoring the atrocious grammar for the moment here - the problem with the 2008 economy was the housing collapse. And what caused that? Oh yeah - Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't afford them.

That's what happens with idiot left-wing economic policy. Failure. Poverty. Collapse.
At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."
No shit sherlock. And guess what? The wealthy are subjected to that exact same "at will" law as the poor. What part of that don't you understand? A wealthy attorney hired by a law firm can have their employment terminated for absolutely no reason just as the minimum wage person behind the counter of a Starbucks.

So once again - you have been caught in a lie. The poor have "equal protection" under the law. Every law the poor is forced to abide by, the wealthy is as well.
Why should anyone take the right wing seriously about the law, or economics?

It is about unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
And once again you continue to move the bar after humiliating yourself. This could not be any more clear snowflake: both the wealthy and the poor are subject to all laws (including labor laws). You created a false narrative (as hatriots always do) and I called you out on it. Rather than admitting you created a false narrative, you continue to move the goalposts and then run.

The laws apply equally across the board and the poor are just as protected by them as the wealthy. Period.
Labor should be able to quit or cease work on an at-will basis, and collect unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States. Period.
You don't know me from Adam, so they are just projections of yourself.
No. They are well documented behaviors of liberals, Ed. Each and everyone of them. Do you want me to prove it to you that these describe you? Shall we play a game?
No, they are well documented Right-wing lies about Liberals that you mindlessly parrot.
I didn't think you wanted any of that. Smart move, Ed.
You got nothing but lies.

I got your number, Ed. That is something. Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe.
Typical CON$ervoFascist drivel. ConservoFascism is a hate religion. Thank you for proving it.
No. They are well documented behaviors of liberals, Ed. Each and everyone of them. Do you want me to prove it to you that these describe you? Shall we play a game?
No, they are well documented Right-wing lies about Liberals that you mindlessly parrot.
I didn't think you wanted any of that. Smart move, Ed.
You got nothing but lies.

I got your number, Ed. That is something. Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe.
It has been an honor and a privilege watching you obliterate the false narrative of Ed, ding.

Another practitioner of the mindless hate religion of CON$ervoFascism.
Ignoring the atrocious grammar for the moment here - the problem with the 2008 economy was the housing collapse. And what caused that? Oh yeah - Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't afford them.
A typical CON$ervoFascist lie. The CRA only made loans to QUALIFIED buyers. The CRA banned the banking practice of "RED LINING" only, which was used to prevent minorities from getting loans for homes in white neighborhoods. To the racist CON$ervoFascist Right, no minority is ever "qualified" for a loan in a white neighborhood.

It was Bush's Dec 2003 American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) that changed the rules to allow no downpayment loans for more than the house was worth to people with bad credit who could not keep up with the payments and who were at least 20% below the standard of living for the neighborhood they were buying into.

The ADDI was passed in Dec 2003 and everything in housing started to go bad in 2004. Even your MessiahRushie admits 2004 was the turning point for the Bush Housing Crash.

July 7,2010

RUSH: To illustrate my point even further: "Subprime mortgages accounted for 9 percent of all mortgage originations from 1996 through 2004." But that 9% became 21% from 2004 to 2006, 21% of all mortgages were subprime. Twenty-one percent of all mortgages were essentially money given away to people because they were loans made to people that everybody knew going in would never pay them back. And that 21% of the mortgage market being subprime equaled about $600,000 billion in 2006, which was at the time one-fifth of the US home loan market.
No. They are well documented behaviors of liberals, Ed. Each and everyone of them. Do you want me to prove it to you that these describe you? Shall we play a game?
No, they are well documented Right-wing lies about Liberals that you mindlessly parrot.
I didn't think you wanted any of that. Smart move, Ed.
You got nothing but lies.

I got your number, Ed. That is something. Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe.
Typical CON$ervoFascist drivel. ConservoFascism is a hate religion. Thank you for proving it.
So you believe morals are absolute, Ed?
Labor should be able to quit or cease work on an at-will basis, and collect unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States. Period.
And for the sixth time in this thread, danielpalos moves the goalposts after being proved a liar. Your opinion about how labor laws should work does not change the fact that you made the outrageous lie that the poor were not protected under the law like the wealthy.

Now - as far as your opinion of how you think it should work - that is laughable and idiotic. People would quit their jobs 24x7. Unemployment is an insurance to protect people against something beyond your control. Quitting is within your control. You statement is as stupid and as asinine as saying that insurance people should pay out life insurance claims for people who commit suicide.

Nobody should receive funds for something they do intentionally to themselves.
Ignoring the atrocious grammar for the moment here - the problem with the 2008 economy was the housing collapse. And what caused that? Oh yeah - Bill Clinton's 1997 Community Re-Investment Act which forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't afford them.
A typical CON$ervoFascist lie. The CRA only made loans to QUALIFIED buyers. The CRA banned the banking practice of "RED LINING" only, which was used to prevent minorities from getting loans for homes in white neighborhoods. To the racist CON$ervoFascist Right, no minority is ever "qualified" for a loan in a white neighborhood.
Dumb ass - the CRA mandated that banks make loans to people they previously denied. And then it incentivized them to make those bad loans by promising to back them with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Without any risk to the banks, they were incentivized to make as many loans as possible. And that's what they did thanks to government interference in the free market. It caused the entire collapse of the housing market when people couldn't pay their mortgages and the banks were eventually forced to foreclose on the homes.

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