Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

Ronald Reagan policies which created an economic tidal wave.
Yeah, an economic tidal wave of debt, turning this once great nation into a second rate debtor nation. Proving CON$ervoFascism fails every time it is tried.
in any case, we can solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States; only the right wing seems to have a problem with it.
You're correct - we can solve it. By simply getting out of the way and allowing people to handle their own affairs. Only left-wing hatriots have a problem with it (because it doesn't redistribute wealth).
Typical CON$ervoFascist "half-truth whole lie." CRA mandated that banks make loans to people who were previously denied for RED LINING, not because of bad credit.
Typical left-wing hatriot fascist propaganda. A bank doesn't give a shit where black people intend to live. The only thing they care about is: can they afford to pay back the loan with interest. There was no giant banking industry conspiracy to stop black people from living in certain neighborhoods you nitwit. Take off the tinfoil hat.
Ronald Reagan policies which created an economic tidal wave.
Yeah, an economic tidal wave of debt, turning this once great nation into a second rate debtor nation. Proving CON$ervoFascism fails every time it is tried.
Barack Obama added 5x's to the national debt what Ronald Reagan added - and you cheered the entire time. You chanted "spend! spend! spend!" all 8 years. Now you're suddenly fiscally conservative?!? Bwahahahaha!
Proving CON$ervoFascism fails every time it is tried.
Yes - hatriot fascism does fail every time it is tried. We've already established that snowflake. That's why the American people kicked you hatriots to the curb in record numbers. That's why the Republican's own the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. And...that's why Donald Trump sits in the White House today. Thank you for finally admitting that your fascism fails every time it is tried. This thread is filled with news stories proving it. I wonder why it took you 147 pages to finally accept it?
in any case, we can solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States; only the right wing seems to have a problem with it.
You're correct - we can solve it. By simply getting out of the way and allowing people to handle their own affairs. Only left-wing hatriots have a problem with it (because it doesn't redistribute wealth).
we have laws regarding employment at will; edd must prove for-cause employment to deny or disparage unemployment benefits for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis.
Typical CON$ervoFascist "half-truth whole lie." CRA mandated that banks make loans to people who were previously denied for RED LINING, not because of bad credit.
Typical left-wing hatriot fascist propaganda. A bank doesn't give a shit where black people intend to live. The only thing they care about is: can they afford to pay back the loan with interest. There was no giant banking industry conspiracy to stop black people from living in certain neighborhoods you nitwit. Take off the tinfoil hat.
Ronald Reagan policies which created an economic tidal wave.
Yeah, an economic tidal wave of debt, turning this once great nation into a second rate debtor nation. Proving CON$ervoFascism fails every time it is tried.
Barack Obama added 5x's to the national debt what Ronald Reagan added - and you cheered the entire time. You chanted "spend! spend! spend!" all 8 years. Now you're suddenly fiscally conservative?!? Bwahahahaha!
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs


Remember this the next time a liberal says Obama created thousands of jobs.

Work force participation rate at the start of each year according to the bureau of labor statistics.

2007 - 66.4 %
2008 - 66.2 %
2009 - 65.7 %
2010 - 64.8 %
2011 - 64.2 %
2012 - 63.7 %
2013 - 63.6 %
2014 - 62.9 %
2015 - 62.9 %
2016 - 62.7 %
Typical CON$ervoFascist "half-truth whole lie." CRA mandated that banks make loans to people who were previously denied for RED LINING, not because of bad credit.
Typical left-wing hatriot fascist propaganda. A bank doesn't give a shit where black people intend to live. The only thing they care about is: can they afford to pay back the loan with interest. There was no giant banking industry conspiracy to stop black people from living in certain neighborhoods you nitwit. Take off the tinfoil hat.

Oh Gawwd!! Here's another one who doesn't know about CRA under President Clinton and tries to sell us this "red lining" crap. More like red herring than red lining.
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs


Remember this the next time a liberal says Obama created thousands of jobs.

Work force participation rate at the start of each year according to the bureau of labor statistics.

2007 - 66.4 %
2008 - 66.2 %
2009 - 65.7 %
2010 - 64.8 %
2011 - 64.2 %
2012 - 63.7 %
2013 - 63.6 %
2014 - 62.9 %
2015 - 62.9 %
2016 - 62.7 %
the right wing has no better solutions.
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs


Remember this the next time a liberal says Obama created thousands of jobs.

Work force participation rate at the start of each year according to the bureau of labor statistics.

2007 - 66.4 %
2008 - 66.2 %
2009 - 65.7 %
2010 - 64.8 %
2011 - 64.2 %
2012 - 63.7 %
2013 - 63.6 %
2014 - 62.9 %
2015 - 62.9 %
2016 - 62.7 %
And what do you think that means? That in no way counters the fact that jobs have increased every month since February 2010.
As for explanation of declining labor force, here is the percent of the population that does not want a job:
2007 - 31.6%
2008 - 31.7%
2009 - 31.9%
2010 - 32.7%
2011 - 33.1%
2012 - 33.7%
2013 - 33.7%
2014 - 34.5%
2015 - 34.6%
2016 - 34.9%
President Obamas liberal policies have generated ten million jobs


Remember this the next time a liberal says Obama created thousands of jobs.

Work force participation rate at the start of each year according to the bureau of labor statistics.

2007 - 66.4 %
2008 - 66.2 %
2009 - 65.7 %
2010 - 64.8 %
2011 - 64.2 %
2012 - 63.7 %
2013 - 63.6 %
2014 - 62.9 %
2015 - 62.9 %
2016 - 62.7 %
And what do you think that means? That in no way counters the fact that jobs have increased every month since February 2010.
As for explanation of declining labor force, here is the percent of the population that does not want a job:
2007 - 31.6%
2008 - 31.7%
2009 - 31.9%
2010 - 32.7%
2011 - 33.1%
2012 - 33.7%
2013 - 33.7%
2014 - 34.5%
2015 - 34.6%
2016 - 34.9%

What does that prove?

1) People who once made $80,000 a year can't afford a job with the income of a Walmart or a McDonalds.

2) Obama's job numbers also don't refelect family's who now must work multiple jobs to make up for the large salary they once had

3) Obama's job numbers don't consider individuals who must work more than two employers because the company they had chosen only had enough business to sustain their employment for four months.

This is the truth about the Obama economy many liberals don't want to come to when they boast monthly job reports, because HAD the economy done so well it would not have been a major concern for voters in going with a change to a Republican candidate. That 62% - 63% participation rate shows we were long from the growing economy delusion that liberal democrats want people to believe.
What does that prove?

1) People who once made $80,000 a year can't afford a job with the income of a Walmart or a McDonalds.

2) Obama's job numbers also don't refelect family's who now must work multiple jobs to make up for the large salary they once had

3) Obama's job numbers don't consider individuals who must work more than two employers because the company they had chosen only had enough business to sustain their employment for four months.

This is the truth about the Obama economy many liberals don't want to come to when they boast monthly job reports, because HAD the economy done so well it would not have been a major concern for voters in going with a change to a Republican candidate. That 62% - 63% participation rate shows we were long from the growing economy delusion that liberal democrats want people to believe.
This phenomenon goes back way farther than Obama.

What does that prove?

1) People who once made $80,000 a year can't afford a job with the income of a Walmart or a McDonalds.

2) Obama's job numbers also don't refelect family's who now must work multiple jobs to make up for the large salary they once had

3) Obama's job numbers don't consider individuals who must work more than two employers because the company they had chosen only had enough business to sustain their employment for four months.

This is the truth about the Obama economy many liberals don't want to come to when they boast monthly job reports, because HAD the economy done so well it would not have been a major concern for voters in going with a change to a Republican candidate. That 62% - 63% participation rate shows we were long from the growing economy delusion that liberal democrats want people to believe.
This phenomenon goes back way farther than Obama.

So you are accepting that those policies of the last eight years haven't worked in reestablishing the loss of income many families have felt?

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