Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

My stalker is following me, I must be famous!
No. Just a crybaby.
You ever notice that when someone pins down a hatriot and they are unable to defend their irrational, emotional position, they all cry about a "stalker"? It's their version of waving the white flag without having the humility to actually wave the white flag.
Yes, I have noticed that. It's all they have.
they may have just, "missed the memo".
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Hamlet Act 3, scene 2, 222-230
Ed, progressives are not known for thinking.
And you regressives are known for lying about progressives out of pure jealousy.
What is there to be jealous of? Your moral relativity? Your external locus of control? Your indiscriminate indiscriminateness? Your unrealistic expectation of utopia? Your belief in equality through uniformity and communal ownership? Your ability to incite and inflame others and inspire social movements? Your materialistic worldview? Your practice of cultural marxism critical theory? Your normalization of deviance?

No thanks. I'm not interested in any of that let alone jealous, lol.
Your lies prove your jealousy.
Thank you.
What lies would that be exactly?
When caught lying the Right play dumb.
The left is advocating ending our current regime of unequal protection of the law for the poor.
So you're advocating for the "current regime" to solve a problem that doesn't exist and never has? :uhh:

Snowflake - poor people enjoy every "equal protection" under the law that the wealthiest among us enjoys. The fact that you always make this stupid comment without attempting to cite even a single "equal protection" that they do not enjoy, speaks volumes.
Only the right wing is...the "do nothing (for the People) party".
That's probably because government does not exist to do for the people. The fact that you literally have no idea why government even exists is as tragic as it is comical.
Ed, progressives are not known for thinking.
And you regressives are known for lying about progressives out of pure jealousy.
What is there to be jealous of? Your moral relativity? Your external locus of control? Your indiscriminate indiscriminateness? Your unrealistic expectation of utopia? Your belief in equality through uniformity and communal ownership? Your ability to incite and inflame others and inspire social movements? Your materialistic worldview? Your practice of cultural marxism critical theory? Your normalization of deviance?

No thanks. I'm not interested in any of that let alone jealous, lol.
Your lies prove your jealousy.
Thank you.
What lies would that be exactly?
When caught lying the Right play dumb.
Dude, follow the thread of this conversation. You aren't making any sense.

Let's start over. What is there to be jealous of? Your moral relativity? Your external locus of control? Your indiscriminate indiscriminateness? Your unrealistic expectation of utopia? Your belief in equality through uniformity and communal ownership? Your ability to incite and inflame others and inspire social movements? Your materialistic worldview? Your practice of cultural marxism critical theory? Your normalization of deviance?

No thanks. I'm not interested in any of that let alone jealous, lol.
And you regressives are known for lying about progressives out of pure jealousy.
What is there to be jealous of? Your moral relativity? Your external locus of control? Your indiscriminate indiscriminateness? Your unrealistic expectation of utopia? Your belief in equality through uniformity and communal ownership? Your ability to incite and inflame others and inspire social movements? Your materialistic worldview? Your practice of cultural marxism critical theory? Your normalization of deviance?

No thanks. I'm not interested in any of that let alone jealous, lol.
Your lies prove your jealousy.
Thank you.
What lies would that be exactly?
When caught lying the Right play dumb.
Dude, follow the thread of this conversation. You aren't making any sense.
Let's start over. What is there to be jealous of? Your moral relativity? Your external locus of control? Your indiscriminate indiscriminateness? Your unrealistic expectation of utopia? Your belief in equality through uniformity and communal ownership? Your ability to incite and inflame others and inspire social movements? Your materialistic worldview? Your practice of cultural marxism critical theory? Your normalization of deviance?
No thanks. I'm not interested in any of that let alone jealous, lol.
You pretended to be too dumb to know what lies you told and then you repeat them exactly.
Thank you again.
What is there to be jealous of? Your moral relativity? Your external locus of control? Your indiscriminate indiscriminateness? Your unrealistic expectation of utopia? Your belief in equality through uniformity and communal ownership? Your ability to incite and inflame others and inspire social movements? Your materialistic worldview? Your practice of cultural marxism critical theory? Your normalization of deviance?

No thanks. I'm not interested in any of that let alone jealous, lol.
Your lies prove your jealousy.
Thank you.
What lies would that be exactly?
When caught lying the Right play dumb.
Dude, follow the thread of this conversation. You aren't making any sense.
Let's start over. What is there to be jealous of? Your moral relativity? Your external locus of control? Your indiscriminate indiscriminateness? Your unrealistic expectation of utopia? Your belief in equality through uniformity and communal ownership? Your ability to incite and inflame others and inspire social movements? Your materialistic worldview? Your practice of cultural marxism critical theory? Your normalization of deviance?
No thanks. I'm not interested in any of that let alone jealous, lol.
You pretended to be too dumb to know what lies you told and then you repeat them exactly.
Thank you again.
How are they lies? Show me.
Your lies prove your jealousy.
Thank you.
What lies would that be exactly?
When caught lying the Right play dumb.
Dude, follow the thread of this conversation. You aren't making any sense.
Let's start over. What is there to be jealous of? Your moral relativity? Your external locus of control? Your indiscriminate indiscriminateness? Your unrealistic expectation of utopia? Your belief in equality through uniformity and communal ownership? Your ability to incite and inflame others and inspire social movements? Your materialistic worldview? Your practice of cultural marxism critical theory? Your normalization of deviance?
No thanks. I'm not interested in any of that let alone jealous, lol.
You pretended to be too dumb to know what lies you told and then you repeat them exactly.
Thank you again.
How are they lies? Show me.
You don't know me from Adam, so they are just projections of yourself.
What lies would that be exactly?
When caught lying the Right play dumb.
Dude, follow the thread of this conversation. You aren't making any sense.
Let's start over. What is there to be jealous of? Your moral relativity? Your external locus of control? Your indiscriminate indiscriminateness? Your unrealistic expectation of utopia? Your belief in equality through uniformity and communal ownership? Your ability to incite and inflame others and inspire social movements? Your materialistic worldview? Your practice of cultural marxism critical theory? Your normalization of deviance?
No thanks. I'm not interested in any of that let alone jealous, lol.
You pretended to be too dumb to know what lies you told and then you repeat them exactly.
Thank you again.
How are they lies? Show me.
You don't know me from Adam, so they are just projections of yourself.
No. They are well documented behaviors of liberals, Ed. Each and everyone of them. Do you want me to prove it to you that these describe you? Shall we play a game?
The left is advocating ending our current regime of unequal protection of the law for the poor.
So you're advocating for the "current regime" to solve a problem that doesn't exist and never has? :uhh:

Snowflake - poor people enjoy every "equal protection" under the law that the wealthiest among us enjoys. The fact that you always make this stupid comment without attempting to cite even a single "equal protection" that they do not enjoy, speaks volumes.
dear, you simply don't know what you are talking about. i am referring to the concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States. edd should be required to prove, for-cause criteria for employment, to deny or disparage benefits in our at-will employment States.
The left is advocating ending our current regime of unequal protection of the law for the poor.
So you're advocating for the "current regime" to solve a problem that doesn't exist and never has? :uhh:

Snowflake - poor people enjoy every "equal protection" under the law that the wealthiest among us enjoys. The fact that you always make this stupid comment without attempting to cite even a single "equal protection" that they do not enjoy, speaks volumes.
dear, you simply don't know what you are talking about. i am referring to the concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States. edd should be required to prove, for-cause criteria for employment, to deny or disparage benefits in our at-will employment States.
Snowflake - despite your attempt to backpedal and move the goalposts, you still fail miserably at your false narrative. The wealthy is subjected to the exact same "at will" laws that the poor are subjected to in "at will" states.

Why do all of you hatriots resort to false narratives?
When caught lying the Right play dumb.
Dude, follow the thread of this conversation. You aren't making any sense.
Let's start over. What is there to be jealous of? Your moral relativity? Your external locus of control? Your indiscriminate indiscriminateness? Your unrealistic expectation of utopia? Your belief in equality through uniformity and communal ownership? Your ability to incite and inflame others and inspire social movements? Your materialistic worldview? Your practice of cultural marxism critical theory? Your normalization of deviance?
No thanks. I'm not interested in any of that let alone jealous, lol.
You pretended to be too dumb to know what lies you told and then you repeat them exactly.
Thank you again.
How are they lies? Show me.
You don't know me from Adam, so they are just projections of yourself.
No. They are well documented behaviors of liberals, Ed. Each and everyone of them. Do you want me to prove it to you that these describe you? Shall we play a game?
No, they are well documented Right-wing lies about Liberals that you mindlessly parrot.
Dude, follow the thread of this conversation. You aren't making any sense.
Let's start over. What is there to be jealous of? Your moral relativity? Your external locus of control? Your indiscriminate indiscriminateness? Your unrealistic expectation of utopia? Your belief in equality through uniformity and communal ownership? Your ability to incite and inflame others and inspire social movements? Your materialistic worldview? Your practice of cultural marxism critical theory? Your normalization of deviance?
No thanks. I'm not interested in any of that let alone jealous, lol.
You pretended to be too dumb to know what lies you told and then you repeat them exactly.
Thank you again.
How are they lies? Show me.
You don't know me from Adam, so they are just projections of yourself.
No. They are well documented behaviors of liberals, Ed. Each and everyone of them. Do you want me to prove it to you that these describe you? Shall we play a game?
No, they are well documented Right-wing lies about Liberals that you mindlessly parrot.
I didn't think you wanted any of that. Smart move, Ed.
The left is advocating ending our current regime of unequal protection of the law for the poor.
So you're advocating for the "current regime" to solve a problem that doesn't exist and never has? :uhh:

Snowflake - poor people enjoy every "equal protection" under the law that the wealthiest among us enjoys. The fact that you always make this stupid comment without attempting to cite even a single "equal protection" that they do not enjoy, speaks volumes.
dear, you simply don't know what you are talking about. i am referring to the concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States. edd should be required to prove, for-cause criteria for employment, to deny or disparage benefits in our at-will employment States.
Snowflake - despite your attempt to backpedal and move the goalposts, you still fail miserably at your false narrative. The wealthy is subjected to the exact same "at will" laws that the poor are subjected to in "at will" states.

Why do all of you hatriots resort to false narratives?
why should anybody, take the right wing seriously about economics or the law?

At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."

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