Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

More indictments on failed left-wing policy...
The paper found that just a $0.10 jump in the minimum wage “increased hygiene violation scores by 11.45%”
Left-wing policy ends in more poverty, more misery, and more unsanitary conditions for society. It stymies growth and innovation, punishes success, and rewards failure.

Higher Minimum Wage Laws Might Make You Sick
Just lousy management that was Only making it on, "the back of cheap labor".
Recourse to an income regardless of employment status can solve simple poverty.

The right wing doesn't like it, Because the poor may benefit.
More indictments on failed left-wing policy...
The paper found that just a $0.10 jump in the minimum wage “increased hygiene violation scores by 11.45%”
Left-wing policy ends in more poverty, more misery, and more unsanitary conditions for society. It stymies growth and innovation, punishes success, and rewards failure.

Higher Minimum Wage Laws Might Make You Sick
Just lousy management that was Only making it on, "the back of cheap labor".
Yep...lousy liberal government management. This is why the entire federal government (not to mention 33 of 50 states) is completely controlled by the Republicans.
America's greatest economic depression occurred under the Republican party.
We’ve had three major economic meltdowns. All three occurred under the Dumbocrats (Great Depression/FDR, Great Recession/Jimmy Carter, Great Suppression/Barack Obama).

Conversely, the greatest economic turnaround in world history occurred under Ronald Reagan. Thanks for playing, snowflake.
More indictments on failed left-wing policy...
The paper found that just a $0.10 jump in the minimum wage “increased hygiene violation scores by 11.45%”
Left-wing policy ends in more poverty, more misery, and more unsanitary conditions for society. It stymies growth and innovation, punishes success, and rewards failure.

Higher Minimum Wage Laws Might Make You Sick
Just lousy management that was Only making it on, "the back of cheap labor".
Yep...lousy liberal government management. This is why the entire federal government (not to mention 33 of 50 states) is completely controlled by the Republicans.
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, anyway.
Promoting the general welfare promotes a positive multiplier effect upon our economy.

Promoting the common offense and general warfare, does not.
America's greatest economic depression occurred under the Republican party.
We’ve had three major economic meltdowns. All three occurred under the Dumbocrats (Great Depression/FDR, Great Recession/Jimmy Carter, Great Suppression/Barack Obama).

Conversely, the greatest economic turnaround in world history occurred under Ronald Reagan. Thanks for playing, snowflake.
I agree to disagree. We could have competed with the former Soviet Union in some other manner and fashion.

What we got, was massive Debt.
America's greatest economic depression occurred under the Republican party.
We’ve had three major economic meltdowns. All three occurred under the Dumbocrats (Great Depression/FDR, Great Recession/Jimmy Carter, Great Suppression/Barack Obama).

Conversely, the greatest economic turnaround in world history occurred under Ronald Reagan. Thanks for playing, snowflake.
I agree to disagree. We could have competed with the former Soviet Union in some other manner and fashion. What we got, was massive Debt.
We weren’t “competing”, snowflake. We were defeating the former U.S.S.R. (the greatest threat to the planet at that time). Defeating threats...something the left is completely incapable of doing.
You can’t help but burst out laughing at the idiocy and predictable results...
“The challenge for Dudley Dough was to support itself,” Bing Broderick, Haley House executive director told the Globe. “The pizza shop attempted to put a social enterprise model into action.”
This is the idiotic equivalent of an NFL team saying “we need to allow people who aren’t world-class athletes to play for our team in the name of social fairness”. Of course they would get beat 114 to 0 every week. The left has absolutely no concept of economics or basic business.

Pizza shop that paid ‘fair wages’ closing 2 years after it opened — not enough money to stay in biz
America's greatest economic depression occurred under the Republican party.
We’ve had three major economic meltdowns. All three occurred under the Dumbocrats (Great Depression/FDR, Great Recession/Jimmy Carter, Great Suppression/Barack Obama).

Conversely, the greatest economic turnaround in world history occurred under Ronald Reagan. Thanks for playing, snowflake.
Amazing all those history and economic books just plain wrong.

Just wondering, who was president when we won WWII" Or was there a WWII?
America's greatest economic depression occurred under the Republican party.
We’ve had three major economic meltdowns. All three occurred under the Dumbocrats (Great Depression/FDR, Great Recession/Jimmy Carter, Great Suppression/Barack Obama).

Conversely, the greatest economic turnaround in world history occurred under Ronald Reagan. Thanks for playing, snowflake.
I agree to disagree. We could have competed with the former Soviet Union in some other manner and fashion. What we got, was massive Debt.
We weren’t “competing”, snowflake. We were defeating the former U.S.S.R. (the greatest threat to the planet at that time). Defeating threats...something the left is completely incapable of doing.

And when did Russia aka the Soviet Union STOP being a threat?
America's greatest economic depression occurred under the Republican party.
We’ve had three major economic meltdowns. All three occurred under the Dumbocrats (Great Depression/FDR, Great Recession/Jimmy Carter, Great Suppression/Barack Obama).

Conversely, the greatest economic turnaround in world history occurred under Ronald Reagan. Thanks for playing, snowflake.
I agree to disagree. We could have competed with the former Soviet Union in some other manner and fashion. What we got, was massive Debt.
We weren’t “competing”, snowflake. We were defeating the former U.S.S.R. (the greatest threat to the planet at that time). Defeating threats...something the left is completely incapable of doing.
Just lousy management. We could have used an Industrial Automation race instead of an Arms Race; not enough, "diversity to go around", right wingers?
Promoting the general welfare promotes a positive multiplier effect upon our economy.
Is illegal
Promoting the common offense and general warfare, does not.
Every economist the history of the world disagrees... :lmao:
Did you know, nobody on the left should ever take anybody on the right, seriously regarding the law, economics, or politics and morals?

Promoting the general welfare is in our Constitution, promoting the common Offense or general Warfare is not.
You can’t help but burst out laughing at the idiocy and predictable results...
“The challenge for Dudley Dough was to support itself,” Bing Broderick, Haley House executive director told the Globe. “The pizza shop attempted to put a social enterprise model into action.”
This is the idiotic equivalent of an NFL team saying “we need to allow people who aren’t world-class athletes to play for our team in the name of social fairness”. Of course they would get beat 114 to 0 every week. The left has absolutely no concept of economics or basic business.

Pizza shop that paid ‘fair wages’ closing 2 years after it opened — not enough money to stay in biz
Capital management always blames labor. Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not pizza maker wages, and made it work in a capital manner.
Just lousy management.
That’s literally your excuse in every single discussion. You’ve said that about the U.S., the U.S.S.R., Venezuela, Cuba, etc.

And you know what is fall down hilarious? It proves that government is a lousy “manager” of your life. Yet you insist on more and more government control. You contradict your own position.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
Republican think a high end job is being a bus boy. To them, it's the opposite ends of the spectrum. There are no in betweens. You either own or you are owned. And the owners are Gods who will create jobs if we grovel and some how shovel them enough money. Oh, and don't ask for too much. Like healthcare and a livable wage.

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