Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

You can’t help but burst out laughing at the idiocy and predictable results...
“The challenge for Dudley Dough was to support itself,” Bing Broderick, Haley House executive director told the Globe. “The pizza shop attempted to put a social enterprise model into action.”
This is the idiotic equivalent of an NFL team saying “we need to allow people who aren’t world-class athletes to play for our team in the name of social fairness”. Of course they would get beat 114 to 0 every week. The left has absolutely no concept of economics or basic business.

Pizza shop that paid ‘fair wages’ closing 2 years after it opened — not enough money to stay in biz
Capital management always blames labor. Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not pizza maker wages, and made it work in a capital manner.
Henry Ford didn’t have the devastating anti-business Dumbocrat taxes and regulations. If you’d get rid of them like we’ve been telling you nitwits, we could pay people better.

As usual, left-wing policy creates unemployment.
More indictments on failed left-wing policy...
The paper found that just a $0.10 jump in the minimum wage “increased hygiene violation scores by 11.45%”
Left-wing policy ends in more poverty, more misery, and more unsanitary conditions for society. It stymies growth and innovation, punishes success, and rewards failure.

Higher Minimum Wage Laws Might Make You Sick
Just lousy management that was Only making it on, "the back of cheap labor".
Yep...lousy liberal government management. This is why the entire federal government (not to mention 33 of 50 states) is completely controlled by the Republicans.
Not our fault, y'all were trying to convince us it was one of y'alls, twice a day moments, by getting the rich guy to pander to y'all.
Just lousy management.
That’s literally your excuse in every single discussion. You’ve said that about the U.S., the U.S.S.R., Venezuela, Cuba, etc.

And you know what is fall down hilarious? It proves that government is a lousy “manager” of your life. Yet you insist on more and more government control. You contradict your own position.
Compensation should equal ability and skill under any form of Capitalism.

Mixed-market economies merely need, better market based metrics, to improve efficiency.
Promoting the general welfare is in our Constitution...
So is “Congress shall make no law”. So is it you’re position that Congress is constitutional restricted from making laws?

Dumb ass... :lmao:
Regarding Religion, dear. Sometimes, simply practicing tolerance can be quite a challenge for mere mortals in Nexus 6, with Zardoz and the incorrigibles.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Only the right wing, never gets it.

You can’t help but burst out laughing at the idiocy and predictable results...
“The challenge for Dudley Dough was to support itself,” Bing Broderick, Haley House executive director told the Globe. “The pizza shop attempted to put a social enterprise model into action.”
This is the idiotic equivalent of an NFL team saying “we need to allow people who aren’t world-class athletes to play for our team in the name of social fairness”. Of course they would get beat 114 to 0 every week. The left has absolutely no concept of economics or basic business.

Pizza shop that paid ‘fair wages’ closing 2 years after it opened — not enough money to stay in biz
Capital management always blames labor. Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not pizza maker wages, and made it work in a capital manner.
Henry Ford didn’t have the devastating anti-business Dumbocrat taxes and regulations. If you’d get rid of them like we’ve been telling you nitwits, we could pay people better.

As usual, left-wing policy creates unemployment.
dear, Henry Ford got capital results. He did not make capital excuses.

only lousy individual Capitalists believe it is an Institutional problem and their own, micro-economically Individual problem.
The left has driven all of our jobs overseas. It’s time to bring them home with business-friendly, common sense policies.
The U.S. corporate tax rate is the highest in the industrialized world, which makes it difficult for American businesses to compete with their foreign counterparts.
3 Ways the US Tax Code Is Killing Our Economy’s Potential
Let's simplify our tax regime.

I make a motion for a general tax for unemployment compensation, instead of our current regime.

It is simpler and more cost effective; and necessary and proper, ways and means, to improve Government while lowering the cost.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
More than half a million Californians have moved to other states since 2010. Every day since then, an average of 386 people moved from New York to other states.

And Illinois lost so many people in 2016 that it actually fell one spot in the population rankings, losing its place to Pennsylvania — which itself has watched more people leave than come.
This is what failed left-wing policy does. It ends in poverty and misery for everyone.

People Are Fleeing Blue Strongholds That Cost Too Much
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
More than half a million Californians have moved to other states since 2010. Every day since then, an average of 386 people moved from New York to other states.

And Illinois lost so many people in 2016 that it actually fell one spot in the population rankings, losing its place to Pennsylvania — which itself has watched more people leave than come.
This is what failed left-wing policy does. It ends in poverty and misery for everyone.

People Are Fleeing Blue Strongholds That Cost Too Much
Seems to me it's all about the weather and overpopulation in California's case.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
More than half a million Californians have moved to other states since 2010. Every day since then, an average of 386 people moved from New York to other states.

And Illinois lost so many people in 2016 that it actually fell one spot in the population rankings, losing its place to Pennsylvania — which itself has watched more people leave than come.
This is what failed left-wing policy does. It ends in poverty and misery for everyone.

People Are Fleeing Blue Strongholds That Cost Too Much
Seems to me it's all about the weather and overpopulation in California's case.
I don't like hot weather and I believe it causes idiocy LOL...
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
More than half a million Californians have moved to other states since 2010. Every day since then, an average of 386 people moved from New York to other states.

And Illinois lost so many people in 2016 that it actually fell one spot in the population rankings, losing its place to Pennsylvania — which itself has watched more people leave than come.
This is what failed left-wing policy does. It ends in poverty and misery for everyone.

People Are Fleeing Blue Strongholds That Cost Too Much
Seems to me it's all about the weather and overpopulation in California's case.
Thankfully people look at actual data and facts rather than what it “seems” to a radicalized, partisan hack who refuses to accept reality.
Nothing ends in catastrophic failure like left-wing policy...
More than half a million Californians have moved to other states since 2010. Every day since then, an average of 386 people moved from New York to other states.

And Illinois lost so many people in 2016 that it actually fell one spot in the population rankings, losing its place to Pennsylvania — which itself has watched more people leave than come.
This is what failed left-wing policy does. It ends in poverty and misery for everyone.

People Are Fleeing Blue Strongholds That Cost Too Much
Seems to me it's all about the weather and overpopulation in California's case.
I don't like hot weather and I believe it causes idiocy LOL...
Yeah...because Illinois and New York are sooooo “hot”. :eusa_doh:
I make a motion for left wing policy; to abolish low wage labor jobs that don't clear our minimum wage guidelines, currently fifteen dollars an hour; for cost of living purposes and to help motivate higher paid labor to fill these positions:

U.S. job openings hit record high, nearly 6.2 million
/----/ Banish the minimum wage. Let market forces and your skills determine wages

Then all you do is push more people onto welfare and effectively subsidize low wages with government payments.

Its corporate welfare. As people can't work jobs where they can't eat. And we won't let people who are working starve. Businesses know this, so they pay below a living wage expecting the government to make up the difference.

At Walmart, food stamp applications are part of your hiring kit.
I make a motion for left wing policy; to abolish low wage labor jobs that don't clear our minimum wage guidelines, currently fifteen dollars an hour; for cost of living purposes and to help motivate higher paid labor to fill these positions:

U.S. job openings hit record high, nearly 6.2 million
/----/ Banish the minimum wage. Let market forces and your skills determine wages
Only the right wing is that fantastical in the Age of Corporate Welfare that even lets CEOs keep their multimillion dollar bonuses.
I make a motion for left wing policy; to abolish low wage labor jobs that don't clear our minimum wage guidelines, currently fifteen dollars an hour; for cost of living purposes and to help motivate higher paid labor to fill these positions:

U.S. job openings hit record high, nearly 6.2 million
/----/ Banish the minimum wage. Let market forces and your skills determine wages
Only the right wing is that fantastical in the Age of Corporate Welfare that even lets CEOs keep their multimillion dollar bonuses.
/----/ Good point. Ban corporate welfare too. Let companies pay for their own new factories. That applies to taxpayer funded sports stadiums as well.

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