Notice anything completely dishonest about AGW reporting today?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Here are two side by side weather map from the same date

They are over 3 decades apart

Notice anything about them?

june 20 1988 heat map.jpg

June 20 2024 heat map.jpg

"The PRISM Climate Group gathers climate observations from a wide range of monitoring networks, applies sophisticated quality control measures, and develops spatial climate datasets to reveal short- and long-term climate patterns. The resulting datasets incorporate a variety of modeling techniques and are available at multiple spatial/temporal resolutions, covering the period from 1895 to the present. Whenever possible, we offer these datasets to the public, either free of charge or for a fee (depending on dataset size/complexity and funding available for the activity)."

PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State University

"The Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) is a NOAA National Centers For Environmental Prediction (NCEP) high-spatial and temporal resolution analysis/assimilation system for near-surf ace weather conditions. Its main component is the NCEP/EMC Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) system applied in two-dimensional variational mode to assimilate conventional and satellite-derived observations."

NOAA Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) / Unrestricted Mesoscale Analysis (URMA) - Registry of Open Data on AWS
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In the top map, the high pressure system is centered over the Dakotas ... whereas the bottom map shows that high over the Deep South ...

Both are arch-typical of June 20th ... despite being complete different, they are both as normal as normal can be ... compare this to June 20th, 1476 BC, and again we would see the same thing ... normal as normal can be ...

The Ideal Gas Law isn't usually considered dishonest ... except maybe by dishonest people ... or perhaps in this case just clueless:

PV=nR'T ... pressure volume, particles and temperature are all related ... the only thing to remember is R' (= the gas constant of air) isn't constant as it would be in for an Ideal Gas ... the proportionality of pressure and temperature still exists ...
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Here are two side up side weather map from the same date

They are over 3 decades apart

Notice anything about them?

View attachment 966273

View attachment 966274
yes, the earth is experiencing a warming trend. the point is that humans are not causing it, cannot stop it and cannot reverse it. The variations in the suns radiation, changing ocean currents and slights wobbles in earth's axis are causing it, not human activity.

Humans are polluting the air and water, I will never understand why you libs have to use a debunked AGW theory rather than take on the real problem of pollution. Could it be that the biggent polluter, China, owns many of our politicians?
Where did you get the term "side up side"?

I notice that the newer one displays air temperature over the oceans. Was there something else you wanted us to notice?

Side by side...fixed and ty

Is North America now an "ocean"
In the top map, the high pressure system is centered over the Dakotas ... whereas the bottom map shows that high over the Deep South ...

Both are arch-typical of June 20th ... despite being complete different, they are both as normal as normal can be ... compare this to June 20th, 1476 BC, and again we would see the same thing ... normal as normal can be ...
I think this is another attempt to refute AGW by presenting irrelevant weather data. Here is the global difference between now and 1988


The difference looks to be about 0.7C. That that should not be readily discernible in a graphic of one day's average temperature for 1.87% of the Earth's surface should not surprise anyone and should embarrass the poster involved for such an ignorant attempt at deception.
In the top map, the high pressure system is centered over the Dakotas ... whereas the bottom map shows that high over the Deep South ...

Both are arch-typical of June 20th ... despite being complete different, they are both as normal as normal can be ... compare this to June 20th, 1476 BC, and again we would see the same thing ... normal as normal can be ...

The Ideal Gas Law isn't usually considered dishonest ... except maybe by dishonest people ... or perhaps in this case just clueless:

PV=nR'T ... pressure volume, particles and temperature are all related ... the only thing to remember is R' (= the gas constant of air) isn't constant as it would be in for an Ideal Gas ... the proportionality of pressure and temperature still exists ...

The 1988 average was 92F, in 2024 it collapsed down to 81F. Surely a sign of an impending ice age. At this rate, in 150 years, the average high will be below freezing in the USA
I think this is another attempt to refute AGW by presenting irrelevant weather data. Here is the global difference between now and 1988

View attachment 966286

The difference looks to be about 0.7C. That that should not be readily discernible in a graphic of one day's average temperature for 1.87% of the Earth's surface should not surprise anyone and should embarrass the poster involved for such an ignorant attempt at deception.
where is that thermometer located? was it in a forest in 1850 and now on an concrete parking lot? figures don't lie but liars figure.
The 1988 average was 92F, in 2024 it collapsed down to 81F. Surely a sign of an impending ice age. At this rate, in 150 years, the average high will be below freezing in the USA
For Christ's sake, I cannot believe that after all your years here you still seem to have absolutely no grasp of the difference between climate and weather.
... slights wobbles in earth's axis are causing it ...

Horsefeathers ... the Earth carries rotational inertia ... the Sun wobbles because of Jupiter's orbit, but that's every 11 years, well within any climatological time frame ...

But here's a test ... does the North Star wobble? ... [giggle] ...

Why don't you believe in the Urban Heat Island Effect or Deforestation? ... there's an enormous amount of empirical data demonstrating these parts of AGW Theory ... humans can and do effect climate locally ... BTW it cost $50 to get into the Tree Museum last I checked ...

where is that thermometer located? was it in a forest in 1850 and now on an concrete parking lot? figures don't lie but liars figure.
They are discussing the average global temperature which is based on data from thousands of thermometers around the planet.
Horsefeathers ... the Earth carries rotational inertia ... the Sun wobbles because of Jupiter's orbit, but that's every 11 years, well within any climatological time frame ...

But here's a test ... does the North Star wobble? ... [giggle] ...

Why don't you believe in the Urban Heat Island Effect or Deforestation? ... there's an enormous amount of empirical data demonstrating these parts of AGW Theory ... humans can and do effect climate locally ... BTW it cost $50 to get into the Tree Museum last I checked ...

yes, a concrete parking lot is hotter than a forest, duh, thanks for that pearl of wisdom
I think this is another attempt to refute AGW by presenting irrelevant weather data. Here is the global difference between now and 1988

View attachment 966286

The difference looks to be about 0.7C. That that should not be readily discernible in a graphic of one day's average temperature for 1.87% of the Earth's surface should not surprise anyone and should embarrass the poster involved for such an ignorant attempt at deception.

NOAA's data gives 1ºC over 20th Century average ... from folks who know how to read a thermometer ... stupid ...
They are discussing the average global temperature which is based on data from thousands of thermometers around the planet.
how many and where are they? were there the same number in the same locations in 1850? if not, you chart means nothing and is nothing but lying propaganda to fleece money from the citizens of the world.
The 1988 average was 92F, in 2024 it collapsed down to 81F. Surely a sign of an impending ice age. At this rate, in 150 years, the average high will be below freezing in the USA

Are you suggesting the Dakotas should be experiencing permanent high pressure ... and that this permanent high pressure moved to the Deep South? ...

I'm sorry you don't know how to read a surface analysis ... but yes, we have catastrophic cooling in the Dakotas, by December there will be snow on the ground there ... best folks there move to Texas ...

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