Notice the Real Trends in the Economy. Things are not improving.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
Notice the Real Trends in the Economy. Things are not improvingbut they are collapsing.

Construction Spending
Jan -0.6%
Dec -1.2%

Pending Home Sales
Jan -7.6%

JAN 2010 309 K
DEC 2009 348 K
NOV 2009 370 K
OCT 2009 430 K

JAN 2010 5.05 M
DEC 09 5.45 M
NOV 09 6.54 M

Durable Goods - Ex Transportation
Jan -0.6%

FHFA Housing Price Index
Dec -1.6%

Case-Shiller 20-city Index
Dec -3.08%

JAN 2010 621K
DEC 2009 653 K

UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CLAIMS (This is scary as Satan himself!)
3,100,000 in January 2010
2,500,000 in December 2009
2,300,000 in November 2009
2,200,000 in October 2009
2,000,000 in September 2009
2,000,000 in August 2009

JAN 2010…….3.80 M……. 4.40 M
DEC 2004…….5.90 M……. 8.70 M
DEC 2003…….5.80 M ……. 9.10 M
DEC 2002…….6.10 M ……. 8.70 M

RETAIL SALES Just flip flopping around like a fish out of water.
JAN 2010 +0.5%
DEC 2009 – 0.1%
NOV 2009 +1.3%
OCT 2009 +1.1%
SEP 2009 – 2.3 %
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The crooks in the administration keep on pointing to these numbers and saying, "Seeeeee, we have an economic rebound."

Where in the fug is this rebound? The economy is still collapsing.
But Obama says it's Getting Better and But It's Still Bush's Fault!
The crooks in the administration keep on pointing to these numbers and saying, "Seeeeee, we have an economic rebound."

Where in the fug is this rebound? The economy is still collapsing.

Baloney. I just stimulated the economy by $3000 (cash) today because I felt like shopping.
The crooks in the administration keep on pointing to these numbers and saying, "Seeeeee, we have an economic rebound."

Where in the fug is this rebound? The economy is still collapsing.

Baloney. I just stimulated the economy by $3000 (cash) today because I felt like shopping.
You are to be applauded for your efforts to single handedly pull up the economy. Now, if you could get the 33 Million Americans who are unemployed to do the same, we will see an honest rebound in the economy.
But we are not getting worse as fast as we were so that is a gain?

Anyway, Just get used to having less.
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But Obama says it's Getting Better and But It's Still Bush's Fault!

There is blame on this issue that can go back thirty and more years. Nobody wants to reign in the Big Banks who have caused all this horrific damage to the economy. "Banks" like Goldman Sachs have been manipulating the stock market to their advantage and paying billions to the crooks who are doing so. They have no morality or ethics and yet are still allowed to fleece the public of their savings. We will see them do it again in a few more days. Bush could have stopped Goldman Sachs but he didn't. Obama immediately got into bed with them as soon as he took the oath of office. He is presently talking about reforming the banking industry, but I have not seen any reform. In Washington, talk is cheap.
I just spent $88,000 remodeling two houses between August to November 2009. Paid cash. That had to have helped the economy a little bit.
But we are not getting worse as fast as we were so that is a gain?

Anyway, Just get used to having less.
Look at the Unemployment Insurance Claims numbers for the past six months. Seventy percent of the economy is service sector. There is no substantive way to gauge the service sector collapse other than to look at UI claims as they come in from the states. When they are rapidly rising on a quarterly basis (as I have told Pinko over and over and over and over again) that is a sure fire indication that the economy is collapsing.

You might wonder, "Why don't we have a gauge to measure the service sector?"

Supposedly we do. There are several reports that come out and they are all tainted by Washington money. They recently claimed that the service sector was expanding.

So I ask you, if all of these businesses that are surveyed by the DOL are only cutting 20,000 jobs a month and the service sector is expanding and farms are fairly steady state over the winter season, where are all of the millions of UI claimants coming from? Of course, we know that all of the government numbers are totally bogus! The so called survey of businesses denies the job losses that are really there to be seen if they were doing an honest survey. The service sector is collapsing but the government is continually trying to cover it up. Even farms are letting land go idle because the government is forcing that on to them with grossly stupid bureaucratic policies that are forcing thousands into bankruptcy. What we are seeing is government at its worst.
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But we are not getting worse as fast as we were so that is a gain?

Anyway, Just get used to having less.
Look at the Unemployment Insurance Claims numbers for the past six months. Seventy percent of the economy is service sector. There is no substantive way to gauge the service sector collapse other than to look at UI claims as they come in from the states. When they are rapidly rising on a quarterly basis (as I have told Pinko over and over and over and over again) that is a sure fire indication that the economy is collapsing.

You might wonder, "Why don't we have a gauge to measure the service sector?"

Supposedly we do. There are several reports that come out and they are all tainted by Washington money. They recently claimed that the service sector was expanding.

So I ask you, if all of these businesses that are surveyed by the DOL are only cutting 20,000 jobs a month and the service sector is expanding and farms are fairly steady state over the winter season, where are all of the millions of UI claimants coming from? Of course, we know that all of the government numbers are totally bogus! The so called survey of businesses denies the job losses that are really there to be seen if they were doing an honest survey. The service sector is collapsing but the government is continually trying to cover it up. Even farms are letting land go idle because the government is forcing that on to them with grossly stupid bureaucratic policies that are forcing thousands into bankruptcy. What we are seeing is government at its worst.

I have and live on a farm. None of the farmers I know personally are doing this and I haven't heard of any farmers in my area doing this. I think this might be bullshit.
But we are not getting worse as fast as we were so that is a gain?

Anyway, Just get used to having less.
The service sector is collapsing but the government is continually trying to cover it up. Even farms are letting land go idle because the government is forcing that on to them with grossly stupid bureaucratic policies that are forcing thousands into bankruptcy. What we are seeing is government at its worst.

I have and live on a farm. None of the farmers I know personally are doing this and I haven't heard of any farmers in my area doing this. I think this might be bullshit.

I live in California. The southern half of the Central Valley (the most productive farmland in the world) has been devastated because of federal policies that mandate to the state of California that water be cut back to the farmers. Just drive up Interstate highway 5 and look at all of the protest signs, "This Dust Bowl Era is brought to you by the US government." In towns in the Central Valley that used to have full employment the current unemployment rate is over fifty percent. If you have any friends in the area, ask them what is happening in California. They will tell you if for some reason you have been out of the loop. Sixty Minutes did a fantastic show on the total devastation that Federal Policy and other Federal Policies have done to this great farming country to make this Depression even worst than we could imagine. All the while, Obama is saying, "Depression, What Depression?"
Notice the Real Trends in the Economy. Things are not improvingbut they are collapsing.

Construction Spending
Jan -0.6%
Dec -1.2%

Pending Home Sales
Jan -7.6%

JAN 2010 309 K
DEC 2009 348 K
NOV 2009 370 K
OCT 2009 430 K

JAN 2010 5.05 M
DEC 09 5.45 M
NOV 09 6.54 M

Durable Goods - Ex Transportation
Jan -0.6%

FHFA Housing Price Index
Dec -1.6%

Case-Shiller 20-city Index
Dec -3.08%

JAN 2010 621K
DEC 2009 653 K

UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CLAIMS (This is scary as Satan himself!)
3,100,000 in January 2010
2,500,000 in December 2009
2,300,000 in November 2009
2,200,000 in October 2009
2,000,000 in September 2009
2,000,000 in August 2009

JAN 2010…….3.80 M……. 4.40 M
DEC 2004…….5.90 M……. 8.70 M
DEC 2003…….5.80 M ……. 9.10 M
DEC 2002…….6.10 M ……. 8.70 M

RETAIL SALES Just flip flopping around like a fish out of water.
JAN 2010 +0.5%
DEC 2009 – 0.1%
NOV 2009 +1.3%
OCT 2009 +1.1%
SEP 2009 – 2.3 %

Thank God 10 feet of snow over the most prosperous part of the US has had nothing to do with those numbers, right?
Notice the Real Trends in the Economy. Things are not improvingbut they are collapsing.

Construction Spending
Jan -0.6%
Dec -1.2%

Pending Home Sales
Jan -7.6%

JAN 2010 309 K
DEC 2009 348 K
NOV 2009 370 K
OCT 2009 430 K

JAN 2010 5.05 M
DEC 09 5.45 M
NOV 09 6.54 M

Durable Goods - Ex Transportation
Jan -0.6%

FHFA Housing Price Index
Dec -1.6%

Case-Shiller 20-city Index
Dec -3.08%

JAN 2010 621K
DEC 2009 653 K

UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CLAIMS (This is scary as Satan himself!)
3,100,000 in January 2010
2,500,000 in December 2009
2,300,000 in November 2009
2,200,000 in October 2009
2,000,000 in September 2009
2,000,000 in August 2009

JAN 2010…….3.80 M……. 4.40 M
DEC 2004…….5.90 M……. 8.70 M
DEC 2003…….5.80 M ……. 9.10 M
DEC 2002…….6.10 M ……. 8.70 M

RETAIL SALES Just flip flopping around like a fish out of water.
JAN 2010 +0.5%
DEC 2009 – 0.1%
NOV 2009 +1.3%
OCT 2009 +1.1%
SEP 2009 – 2.3 %

Neubarth engages in constant fear mongering - what I've referred to as the Henny Penny Polka.
The sky is not falling Neubarth, and many of us remember the words of Mark Twain: "There are liars, damn liars and statistics".
What is your agenda? Do you sell stocks short? Are you a member of AQ and believe the way to victory is to destroy our economy? What do you hope to accomplish if not to exacerbate the situation?
But we are not getting worse as fast as we were so that is a gain?

Anyway, Just get used to having less.

It can't continue at the same downward trajectory. The country is big enough that the perseverance of the private sector will ensure some baseline of economic vitality. The problem is that we are not growing.

In order for employment levels to recover when adjusted for population growth, we need to add 415,000 jobs per month. That is hyper growth, which we are not going to see with the business dampening policies of this administration. The opportunity cost of all this idle capacity is unmeasurable, but enormous.
Notice the Real Trends in the Economy. Things are not improvingbut they are collapsing.

Construction Spending
Jan -0.6%
Dec -1.2%

Pending Home Sales
Jan -7.6%

JAN 2010 309 K
DEC 2009 348 K
NOV 2009 370 K
OCT 2009 430 K

JAN 2010 5.05 M
DEC 09 5.45 M
NOV 09 6.54 M

Durable Goods - Ex Transportation
Jan -0.6%

FHFA Housing Price Index
Dec -1.6%

Case-Shiller 20-city Index
Dec -3.08%

JAN 2010 621K
DEC 2009 653 K

UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CLAIMS (This is scary as Satan himself!)
3,100,000 in January 2010
2,500,000 in December 2009
2,300,000 in November 2009
2,200,000 in October 2009
2,000,000 in September 2009
2,000,000 in August 2009

JAN 2010…….3.80 M……. 4.40 M
DEC 2004…….5.90 M……. 8.70 M
DEC 2003…….5.80 M ……. 9.10 M
DEC 2002…….6.10 M ……. 8.70 M

RETAIL SALES Just flip flopping around like a fish out of water.
JAN 2010 +0.5%
DEC 2009 – 0.1%
NOV 2009 +1.3%
OCT 2009 +1.1%
SEP 2009 – 2.3 %

Neubarth engages in constant fear mongering - what I've referred to as the Henny Penny Polka.
The sky is not falling Neubarth, and many of us remember the words of Mark Twain: "There are liars, damn liars and statistics".
What is your agenda? Do you sell stocks short? Are you a member of AQ and believe the way to victory is to destroy our economy? What do you hope to accomplish if not to exacerbate the situation?

You are obviously insane. I can not exacerbate the situation posting on a small message board, but I can point out the truth to people who have been hearing nothing but outrageous lies from the present criminal administration.

I just point out what is actually happening. Obama and his crooks have a large part of the population bamboozled into believing that rapidly increasing unemployment, dropping millions and millions of people off of the work force to make it look like unemployment is steady state, Millions and millions of new people monthly filing new initial unemployment insurance claims, crashing house sales, crashing building permit numbers, crashing commercial real estate sales, newly vacant business buildings all across the nation, failing banks from coast to coast, Rising foreclosures and personal bankruptcies, crashing durable goods orders, ARE ALL A REALITY. You can pretend that it is not really happening, but I see in with my own eyes as I speak at various functions around the nation.

People are getting fed up with all of the lies and dishonesty being bandied forth by the Obama administration. Right now we are starting to see sporadic outbreaks and attacks against the symbols of the country. People flying airplanes into Federal Buildings and people committing suicide by cop at the Pentagon. More and more of these individuals who are "Fed up to here and just can't take it any more!" kill their selves and others as a way of demonstrating how fed up they are.

There IS NO IMPROVEMENT in the economy when "all the above" are happening, no matter how dumb and uneducated you are, you know it to be true. Obama can lie about it all he wants, the economy is still tanking.

As far as my being a member of Al Quaeda, I am a former military officer who made it my job to kill those crazy Radical Islamic sons of bitches. The only good member of Al Quaeda is a dead member.
Crooked politicians or corrupt capitalists...who's to blame?

My first reflex is to blame rich capitalists.
Others on this thread blame government first.
What if we're all correct?

It's hard for me to find a credible explanation for our current crisis that doesn't involve talking about 1% of 1% of our total population.

Consider the first full year of this crisis when workers lost an average of 25% off their 401k.
The richest 400 Americans increased their wealth by $30 billion during the same time period.
This increased their combined wealth to $1.57 trillion which is more than the combined wealth of 50% of the US population.

400 Americans now have more wealth than 155 million Americans combined.

We won't solve this problem by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat next November 2nd.
Both parties have been bought and paid for many times over.
Government regulators have been captured by the corporations they are supposed to monitor.

Even if you don't like his "politics" at least listen to Noam Chomsky:

"The war against working people should be understood to be a real war...Specifically in the US which happens to have a highly class-conscious business class...And they have long seen themselves as fighting a bitter class war, except they don't want anyone else to know about it."

See: Amped Status>Part II: The Rise of the Economic Elite (February 17, 2010)
The service sector is collapsing but the government is continually trying to cover it up. Even farms are letting land go idle because the government is forcing that on to them with grossly stupid bureaucratic policies that are forcing thousands into bankruptcy. What we are seeing is government at its worst.

I have and live on a farm. None of the farmers I know personally are doing this and I haven't heard of any farmers in my area doing this. I think this might be bullshit.

I live in California. The southern half of the Central Valley (the most productive farmland in the world) has been devastated because of federal policies that mandate to the state of California that water be cut back to the farmers. Just drive up Interstate highway 5 and look at all of the protest signs, "This Dust Bowl Era is brought to you by the US government." In towns in the Central Valley that used to have full employment the current unemployment rate is over fifty percent. If you have any friends in the area, ask them what is happening in California. They will tell you if for some reason you have been out of the loop. Sixty Minutes did a fantastic show on the total devastation that Federal Policy and other Federal Policies have done to this great farming country to make this Depression even worst than we could imagine. All the while, Obama is saying, "Depression, What Depression?"

Obama is causing droughts and water shortages now?
Too many people are doing that.
Not the drought , but the warer shortage.
Fewer people/farms and there would be plenty of water.
That's not what is happening. The Feds have been preventing water from being used for farms. The Central Valley is being "thirsted" to death.
That's not what is happening. The Feds have been preventing water from being used for farms. The Central Valley is being "thirsted" to death.

And that is because there is not enough water to go around.

Or are they just doing it out of spite?
That's not what is happening. The Feds have been preventing water from being used for farms. The Central Valley is being "thirsted" to death.

And that is because there is not enough water to go around.

Or are they just doing it out of spite?

That's not true. Farmers have contracts for water that the Fed is not honoring - while it lets the water flow out towards the ocean in order to protect fish species that are of questionable value.

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