Noticed something.

Israel can kill a shitload of Palestinian and Hamas shitheads with that $3.1 billion.

I love it when my tax money goes to a good cause. :biggrin:

Yes but Israel is not an American State, you need that 3.1 billion for that wall to keep out Mexican bandits which is more important as that affects you DIRECTLY not what happens in some Shit Hole in the Middle East.

Waste of your tax money, Israel should be told to fund themselves or better still the WJC has enough money they shakedown more than 3 billion a year, they could give it to Israel.
Idiot wants the wall. Like that will stop people from going under it or over.
Like putting that money towards education wouldn't be something a deplorable would even consider.
Israel can kill a shitload of Palestinian and Hamas shitheads with that $3.1 billion.

I love it when my tax money goes to a good cause. :biggrin:

Yes but Israel is not an American State, you need that 3.1 billion for that wall to keep out Mexican bandits which is more important as that affects you DIRECTLY not what happens in some Shit Hole in the Middle East.

Waste of your tax money, Israel should be told to fund themselves or better still the WJC has enough money they shakedown more than 3 billion a year, they could give it to Israel.
I'm for using a portion of the money that would go for a border wall, to plant large numbers of land mines along the border. After they lose a few migrants trying to get across, they will return south...AND...then we don't have to spend all that money on an actual wall.
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Ok by me...under obama, the US was Iran's bottom bitch.
This is bipartisan...both sides have signed off on billions over the decades. You don't find it at least a bit odd that we are sending them billions to secure their future when we can't pay ourselves to secure our own?
Israel has the most powerful military in the region. I don't mind giving the some aid, but the amount they receive is ridiculous. Maybe after decades of aiding them they should learn to stand on their own two feet.

Well yes and they should use that military that AMERICAN TAXPAYERS have paid for and CONTINUE to pay for to assist America when the Neo-Conservatives get America into more wars in the Middle East where there are NO American National or is Israel now an American State and I had not noticed the announcement?

Why should American soldiers continue to die in Middle Eastern Wars, WHO and WHAT exactly are they dying for?

In 1996 Warmongers , Neocrazies and Likudnicks promised Israel that they would destroy Iraq and Syria:

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm


I think Israel has a right to defend itself like EVERY nation has a right to defend itself, but like the majority of nations do Israel should fund it's own defence, it's time they grew up or were forced to grow up by America stopping the Welfare to them, I mean if America stopped the Welfare what are Israel going to do have a tantrum? Threaten to bomb America or whatever?

Totally disagree.

The UK allowed the Zionists to migrate to Mandate Palestine in the mid 1920's to form a Zionist community. But through terrorism against the Palestinians and even against the Brits themselves they were able to steal a substantial amount of land.

In 1948 , Prez Truman STOLE Palestine from 1.5 Million Muslims in exchange for $2 million and the Zionist vote.

The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Oh, and at risk of being tossed out of a helicopter, let me share with you all a little secret. Some of the funding of foreign operations around the world are stated as one thing, but a portion of that funding often goes towards efforts by U.S intelligence in those countries. It's a way to covertly operate for a cause while also achieving another National Security objective with the funds in addition to the regular funding.

This isn't particularly in regards to money given to Israel, but for some of countries on the list, it's a great way to operate there under the guise of philanthropy.
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Israel can kill a shitload of Palestinian and Hamas shitheads with that $3.1 billion.

I love it when my tax money goes to a good cause. :biggrin:

Yes but Israel is not an American State, you need that 3.1 billion for that wall to keep out Mexican bandits which is more important as that affects you DIRECTLY not what happens in some Shit Hole in the Middle East.

Waste of your tax money, Israel should be told to fund themselves or better still the WJC has enough money they shakedown more than 3 billion a year, they could give it to Israel.
I prefer bullets to a wall.

Oh I thought you were for a Wall? Now you are not for a Wall you are just for bullets? Israel has a Wall, so why shouldn't you have a Wall? You COULD have a Wall perhaps if you stopped giving money to a FOREIGN NATION and PUT AMERICA FIRST!
With a wall, the only thing it provides is prevention. Illegals will try again and again. With bullets....there is no again.

Well you could have a Wall and bullets, you could have a Wall and also Manned Machine Gun Towers alongside the Wall.

How about we just elect a President who scares the living crap out of them, so they quit coming here?

Oh wait.....
REFUGEES NOT WELCOME says the clueless wonder.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

Israel can kill a shitload of Palestinian and Hamas shitheads with that $3.1 billion.

I love it when my tax money goes to a good cause. :biggrin:

Yes but Israel is not an American State, you need that 3.1 billion for that wall to keep out Mexican bandits which is more important as that affects you DIRECTLY not what happens in some Shit Hole in the Middle East.

Waste of your tax money, Israel should be told to fund themselves or better still the WJC has enough money they shakedown more than 3 billion a year, they could give it to Israel.
Idiot wants the wall. Like that will stop people from going under it or over.
Like putting that money towards education wouldn't be something a deplorable would even consider.
Idiots want condoms like they can't break and cause pregnancy and disease anyway...idiots want seat belts like they wont fail or trap a person in a burning vehicle...idiots want blood pressure medication as if that isn't full proof in the prevention of stroke....and on.
Israel can kill a shitload of Palestinian and Hamas shitheads with that $3.1 billion.

I love it when my tax money goes to a good cause. :biggrin:

Yes but Israel is not an American State, you need that 3.1 billion for that wall to keep out Mexican bandits which is more important as that affects you DIRECTLY not what happens in some Shit Hole in the Middle East.

Waste of your tax money, Israel should be told to fund themselves or better still the WJC has enough money they shakedown more than 3 billion a year, they could give it to Israel.
Idiot wants the wall. Like that will stop people from going under it or over.
Like putting that money towards education wouldn't be something a deplorable would even consider.

Why put it toward education? We've been doing that for decades and you liberals don't seem to be getting any smarter.

I'm just sayin'.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

What happened to putting America First? Oh I forgot it never was that, sorry it's putting Israel First :eusa_doh:
Yes it is...Trump did everything but felate a rabbi at the AIPAC conference. GROSS.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

So America gives Israel Welfare so Israel can use American Welfare money to purchase weapons so America gets the money back that it gave to Israel in the first place? Yes makes a lot of sense :rolleyes-41: I mean what is the problem doesn't Israel actually have it's OWN money like NORMAL nations do and they use their OWN money to purchase things from other nations, Israel doesn't have it's OWN money?

Re. Spying, you know of course that Israel also is spying on....America? No you probably refuse to accept they are, even though they are.

Israel also needs NO money to protect itself, they have a fully functioning Nuclear Programme including they have Nuclear Weapons and a Nuclear Bomb, so considering all of that they need no Welfare and they also can fully protect themselves by themselves.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.
Fucking horseshit. Israel is a wrecking ball of 'diplomacy'. They are our pimp, pure and simple. Ask yourself this, why does a country who is a world leader in the development of weapons technology and an economic first world nation require >3B/ AID?
Are we buying their friendship? This clearly looks like a pimp/whore deal we have going on here.
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"


No that would also be a bad idea.
Israel can kill a shitload of Palestinian and Hamas shitheads with that $3.1 billion.

I love it when my tax money goes to a good cause. :biggrin:

Yes but Israel is not an American State, you need that 3.1 billion for that wall to keep out Mexican bandits which is more important as that affects you DIRECTLY not what happens in some Shit Hole in the Middle East.

Waste of your tax money, Israel should be told to fund themselves or better still the WJC has enough money they shakedown more than 3 billion a year, they could give it to Israel.

mexico is paying for the wall.

the cheeto said so

There is going to be NO Wall, only the deluded think there is going to be a Wall, time to wake up and smell the coffee.

but isn't 90 miles the wall? lol lol
Israel can kill a shitload of Palestinian and Hamas shitheads with that $3.1 billion.

I love it when my tax money goes to a good cause. :biggrin:

Yes but Israel is not an American State, you need that 3.1 billion for that wall to keep out Mexican bandits which is more important as that affects you DIRECTLY not what happens in some Shit Hole in the Middle East.

Waste of your tax money, Israel should be told to fund themselves or better still the WJC has enough money they shakedown more than 3 billion a year, they could give it to Israel.

mexico is paying for the wall.

the cheeto said so

There is going to be NO Wall, only the deluded think there is going to be a Wall, time to wake up and smell the coffee.

but isn't 90 miles the wall? lol lol

I must have forgot :eusa_doh:
I guess the relevant question would be what the 3.1 B is being used for... anybody know?
The Omnibus Bill was signed yesterday and a couple of figures just popped out at me.
Israel Aid $3.1B
The Wall $1.6B
The US...Israel's bottom bitch.

As you were.

That money is a great investment quite frankly. Not only does it go towards a close ally dealing with the threats there and spying efforts on U.S greatest enemies in the region, but, Israel uses that money to purchase U.S military weapons and gear. So ultimately, most of it will be back in the U.S.

Totally disagree.

But let's give the Palestinians $3.1 B foreign aid which they will use "to purchase U.S military weapons and gear"

You want to give Palestinians who treat their women as 2nd class citizens, imprison gays and bomb their Christian politicians, $3.1 billion dollars.
Time for you to move to the West Bank and read your Koran.

Yo dingle berry

Israhell slaughters Palestinians, murder innocent Lebanese and Syrian women and Children.

Neither one should get foreign aid, but if Israhell gets it so should the Palestinians.

Now let me read my bible, Hustler Magazine, in peace..



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