Noticed something.

Keep it in context, we're going to War in the Middle East. They are preparing to attack Israel.
We're going to war in the ME because Russia has stymied the neocon plan to balkanize it. No one is preparing to attack Israel.

Tell yourself whatever you need to to get through the night. Iran, Syria, Russia are all camping on the Syria side of the Golan. Hezbollah is gearing up in Lebanon.

Bottom line is that you're wrong.
Well good for you...and if this is true I stand corrected. However, wouldn't you agree that money to a first world nation with one of the most advanced forces in the world as well as a weapons technology industry to match, is a bit of a waste?
One of the most advanced forces in the world. You mean like their F-15s, Apaches, UH-60s, and KC-130s? :lol:
You arm for your opponent. Name me one country who would attack Israel who is more technologically capable?
That's the whole point! Only a fool would MATCH their opponent.
Great name me someone who can match them which is a direct threat? Iran maybe? We can compare materiel if you would like.
Again, the whole point is to outmatch their opponents.

You must be very young. Israel was attacked by SEVERAL nations at once. From several directions.
What is your point? They stomped the shit out of them. They were obviously armed for their opponents. Do you have anything to contribute? If not...go away.
Do me a favor and tell me how many billion in direct aid we gave to GBR? How about Germany?

You don't know about post war reconstruction? It's STILL happening. Most of our military positioning is in former conflict areas. We're STILL SUBSIDIZING the Euro military for big bucks EVERY FUCKING day. Ever hear of NATO or our bases in Guam, Philippines?
Majority of Aid to Israel recently has been for the sharing of development on the Iron Dome missile defense system. It's good for us also. Because if you want to really test a missile defense system, there's no better place than Israel...

That's true. Israel has always been a good testing ground for our weapons systems. We sold them F-15s and they figured out that putting a simple rear-view mirror in them gave them more visibility.
A rear view mirror on the 15...that was worth a few billion right there....Jesus.

Lots of $10Mill toilets and "green fuel" programs in the military to run up the costs.
Keep it in context, we're going to War in the Middle East. They are preparing to attack Israel.
We're going to war in the ME because Russia has stymied the neocon plan to balkanize it. No one is preparing to attack Israel.

Tell yourself whatever you need to to get through the night. Iran, Syria, Russia are all camping on the Syria side of the Golan. Hezbollah is gearing up in Lebanon.

Bottom line is that you're wrong.
That's what you neocons would have us all believe. It's pure bullshit.
You don't know about post war reconstruction?
The Marshall Plan? Yes and it stopped after a four years (1952)...60 years and $235B later...still paying for Israel...

We're STILL SUBSIDIZING the Euro military for big bucks EVERY FUCKING day.
No we do not directly subsidize NATO militarys...taking the lead on NATO ops and direct aid are two very distinctly different things. Further, we do not directly fund NATO nation's forces. NATO operations come from a pool of funds. The US pays the lions share (73%) but there is no direct aid to NATO members or subsidization of their militarys.

Ever hear of NATO or our bases in Guam, Philippines?
Military operations in the Philippines are small to non existent. We closed Clark AB and Subic Bay Naval Station decades ago. There is some training and some coop with regard to anti-terror in the southern regions (SF) but we no longer have a significant footprint there. Guam is a protectorate and the Chamoran people are US citizens.

Definition of subsidy
plural subsidies
: a grant or gift of money: such as
a : a sum of money formerly granted by the British Parliament to the crown and raised by special taxation
b : money granted by one state to another
c : a grant by a government to a private person or company to assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public

Though...we DEFINITELY subsidize Israel...$3.1B
Majority of Aid to Israel recently has been for the sharing of development on the Iron Dome missile defense system. It's good for us also. Because if you want to really test a missile defense system, there's no better place than Israel...

That's true. Israel has always been a good testing ground for our weapons systems. We sold them F-15s and they figured out that putting a simple rear-view mirror in them gave them more visibility.
A rear view mirror on the 15...that was worth a few billion right there....Jesus.

Lots of $10Mill toilets and "green fuel" programs in the military to run up the costs.
No doubt...having worked mil air for 24 years I know my way around WebFlis. Airplanes are very expensive.
They're probably spending all that money on defense to keep Ropey from getting back in. Defund Israel!

I just got back from two months there. We're big on defending, and defunding, btw.

We're busy defunding King Hussein of Jordan er. uh. soon to be the new state of Palestine. This will defend Eretz Yisroel.

Now onto American news.

Remember that time when a homosexual and porn star discussed American morality?



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